Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 Korea Town centre





Map ref

NZ 165356

Original Location

In the centre of an open garden area to the west of St. Catherine’s Church in the middle of the town.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45
c. Korea 1950-53

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. 11th November 1927. Unveiled by Col. Stobart, C.B.E., D.S.O. of Harperly Hall. Dedicated by Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of Jarrow, DD.
b & c. Unveiled 13th September 1959 by Major General the Lord Thurlow, GOC of the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry

Memorial Description

Cenotaph, 18 feet high, slim with graduated two-stepped pedestal standing on a base, all set on a square site covered with chippings and enclosed by a dwarf post and chain fence. The Crook coat of arms is raised in half relief in a laurel wreath on the main face. The dates for 1914-1918 are raised in relief below the laurel wreath. The laurel wreath and coat of arms and the dates are repeated on the back face.
The dedication is in a sunken panel on the front. The names for 1914-18 are listed in sunken panels in two columns on the back and single column on the sides. The names for 1939-45 are on the lower courses, in three columns on the front and intwo columns on the sides.
Lettering is in sans serif capitals throughout.

Materials used

White Granite


a. 1914-1918. In honour / of the men of Crook / who loyally served in / The Great War / and in proud and / grateful remembrance / of those named hereon / who gave their lives / for their country.
This monument is erected / by their fellow townsmen. If I should die think only this of me, / That there is some corner of a foreign field / That is for ever England. / There shall be in that rich earth a richer dust concealed.
b. In honour / also of those who gave / their lives in the war / 1939-1945. /
c. Korean War 1950-1955


Who commissioned

Crook War Memorial Committee



How money was raised

Public subscription.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

S. Welsby, Liverpool.
The memorial is from the Allerton Monumental Works Garston


1. The name of L.Sgt. Joseph Stones was added in 1997. He was executed in 1917. See his Every Name A Story entry.

2. We were told that the name of Sister Alice May was being researched by the Crook Historical Society. She was, it seems, 83 when she died of old age in 1919. She had been a Nightingale nurse. There is speculation - awaiting confirmation – that she was one of the 38 nurses who went with Florence Nightingale to Scutari in the 1850s. She lived with her brother in Railway Avenue, Crook. However see "Every Name A Story" page.

3. The original plan for the memorial was for a temporary hospital. A hut would be provided by the Etherley hospital and located in either West Road or in Whitwell Terrace. An alternative proposal to convert a property in New Road was abandoned. Various churches and clubs agreed to levy one penny per week from members towards the support of the hospital, but many had not replied, and some would not support the scheme. Bowden Lodge suggested that local traders should support the hospital. A committee was set up to look at positive ways of raising money which would improve roads, moving the hut from Etherley and other major costs. The idea was finally abandoned in favour of the cenotaph.

4. The Earl of Durham was to have unveiled the memorial but in his absence through illness the memorial was unveiled by Col. Stobbart. A detachment of the 6th D.L.I. formed a guard of honour. Buglers from the regiment sounded the Last Post and Reveille. The singing was accompanied by Peases West Silver band.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: John and Mavis Dixon; Simon Raine; Dorothy Hall; old postcards: George Nairn; John Grainger

Auckland and County Chronicle 01/01/1920 reports proposal for hospital; 26/02/1920 reports public meeting and debate; 08/04/1920; 02/12/1920 reports further meetings and discussions; 11/08/1921 reports the acceptance of a granite memorial costing £1,000 of which £420 had been raised.

Durham Chronicle 18/11/1927 reports unveiling. (Available on The British Newspaper Archive)

Guide to Crook. Durham County Council ref 505/3/2/22

"A Brief Look at Crook of Yesteryear" Peggy Manuel, Crook and District Local History Society, printed by Linton’s of Crook, carries a mention of the unveiling.

Daily Mail21/06/1997 reports proposed addition of L.Sgt. Stone’s name.

Northern Echo 14/9/1959 reports dedication of 1939-45 and Korean names; 13/06/1997 reports proposed addition of L.Sgt. Stone’s name; 23/03/2006 carries an article on Sister Alice May and others.

Crook at Work, Play and War, 2002, Michael Manuel, published by the author.

Source of quotation
”If I should die, think only this of me . . .” The Soldier Rupert Brooke.

External web link

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; John and Mavis Dixon; Durham County Council; Revd. Vince Fenton, St. Catherine's Church; George Nairn; Dorothy Hall; John A.H. Porteus; Tony Harding; Yorkshire Regiment Remembrance

Research In Progress

The names on this memorial are being researched by Aaron Cowen

also WW1 names Tony Young

Cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 Korea Town centre (C121.04)

CROOK Town centre 
   In honour 
   of the men of Crook 
   who loyally served in 
   The Great War 
   and in proud and 
   grateful remembrance 
   of those named hereon 
   who gave their lives 
   for their country
   this monument is erected 
   by their fellow townsmen.
   In honour 
   also of those who gave 
   their lives in the war 
On top pedestal

   If I should die think only this of me, 
   That there is some corner of a foreign field 
   That is for ever England. 
   There shall be in that rich earth a richer dust concealed.
Rear panel    1914-1918

   Adams G.S.          Hutchinson J. 
   Adamson A.          Hutchinson R.
   Agar J.R.           Hutchinson W.
   Alderson J.         Jackson C.D.
   Anderson W.         Johnson B.
   Armstrong A.        Kemp A.
   Atkinson F.         Kemp J.
   Auton W.            Kyle G.
   Bainbridge A.R.     Lambert J.   
   Best P.             Lauder E.        
   Blakey C.           Lauder R.   
   Butterfield C.      Longstaff T.R. 
   Calvert C.A.        Luck S.H.   
   Calvert W.          Mason J.  
   Clarke J.           McAdams T.
   Clark R.            Middlemas T. 
   Cousins J.          Moore J.G. 
   Cousins M.          Moses J.
   Crossling E.        Mutimer B.  
   Conely T.A.         Parkin J.H.  
   Cosgrave J.         Pears J.W.  
   Cummins T.          Richardson G.  
   Dalton W.G.         Rider F.H.  
   Ditchburn J.W.      Robinson R.R. 
   Dowson T.           Ryan W.  
   Dowson T.C.         Scales T.
   Etherington J.W.    Scott W.  
   Evans F.            Short G. 
   Fairer J.           Short T.  
   Fawell H.B.         Simpson R. 
   Fawell T.E.         Smith F.G.  
   Francis E.          Smith F.S. 
   Francis W.          Smith J.H. 
   Franklin R.W.       Stamper R.W. 
   Gent S.             Tarn J. 
   Gibson G.           Taylor B.   
   Gibson W.E.         Taylor T.W. 
   Gray G.             Taylor W. 
   Grey H.             Teasdale T.W.
   Haley J.            Thompson J.F.  
   Hare J.M.           Turnbull C.   
   Hauxwell E.W.       Vasey A.
   Heslop W.           Wilkinson R. 
   Homshaw R.W         Wilsher A.  
   Ryan T.    Young G.W.   Stones J.W.   
Lower course
   1939 - 1945
   Gill R.             Hudspeth R.          Makepeace J.  
   Hackett L.          Hutchinson V.        Marsden W.
   Hall W.E.           Irwin W.R.           Marshall A.L.  
   Harker F.           Jackson H.           Marshall L.K. 
   Hedley C.           Jackson W.           Page A.  
   Henderson W.J.B.    Jenkinson S.W.       Peart J. 
   Hopps W.            Jewitt N.            Phillips G.J.  
Bottom course
   Bell J.             Hodgson W.           Robinson J.W.  
   Boughey F.          Jaye T.              Smith A.K.  
   Davidson F.         Nicoll W.            Stevens N. 
   Gowing R.           Ramage T.            Waddington N.        
                       Johnson F.

Lower pedestal
   KOREAN WAR 1950 - 1953 
   Naisbitt J.                
Side panel      
   Sister Alice May
   Bills W. 
   Bridges A.
   Davison V.
   Turnbull G.  
   Wilkinson J.R.
   Seymour T.W.
   Smith J.
   Brett T.
   Chatt G.A.   
   Cockburn W.C.K.
   Humes J.E. 
   Kelsey C.
   Parkin R.W.  
   Proudfoot E.
   Redshaw W. 
   Wilkinson C.T. 
   Armstrong R.W.
   Fellows C. 
   Hunter R.
   Kemp H.J.
   Siddle R.
   Snowball H.S.
   Turner J.
   Foster C.H.  
   Braithwaite F.
   Hudspeth J.H.
   Rider J.E.
   Smith J.E. 
   Hall E.
   Hood F.W.  
   Pickering F.H.
   Rowell F.T.  
   Whitfield F.L.  
   Marr J. 
Lower course
   1939 - 1945  
   Airey R.            Chipchase T.
   Askew H.            Crossling L.R.
   Aspinall E.W.       Davison C.  
   Bayles T.R.         Dawson A. 
   Best A.             Featherstone H. 
   Bulman F.G.         Gardiner H.W. 
   Burgess J.J.        Gibson J. 
   Cairns J.  
Bottom course
   Barry A.E.          Spence G. 
   Butterfield R.W.    Tulip W. 
   Crooks J.           Wright T.   
   Moses F.V. 
Side panel

   Adamthwaite F.
   Danbrook P.  
   English J.H.
   Hutchinson E.  
   Liddell H.W.
   Pattison W.   
   Pybus G.W.
   Robinson R.H.    
   Seymour F.
   Smith F.G. 
   Waiting D.
   Williams R.T.  
   Cunningham J.A.  
   Hagedon G.
   Lister H.   
   Moses H.T.D.
   Norman L.   
   Spence J.R.
   Wilkinson G.T.   
   Dowson G.R.
   Short A.  
   Challenger R.
   Cooke J.W.  
   Farthing E.
   Moses W.P. 
Matthew J.W.H.
   McDonald C.H.
   Walton W.H. (M.T.)
   Wilson C.
   Wilson G.E.
   Smith H.H.
   Wilson T.G.
   Royal Innis Fus
   Ellis J.T.
   Richardson R.W.  
Lower course
   1939 - 1945   
   Reed F.W.       Tarn R.W.   
   Reynolds F.     Tinkler F.H.   
   Roberts J.R.    Walton H.F.  
   Robson A.E.     Wilson J.K. 
   Stouph W.F.     Wilson J.W.W. 
   McDarby D.      Carr T.  
                   Harrison W.  
Bottom course
   Dempsey J.      Hodgson F.     Reed F.  
   Evelyn Davies 
The Unveiling Programme gives the list as follows:

   List of names of Fallen Soldiers in Crook Area.

   Sister Alice May        Royal Engineers     Northumberland F.
                           Brett, T.           Fellows, C.
   Royal Field Artillery   Cockburn, W.C.K.    Hunter, R.
   Bills, W.               Chatt, G.A.         Siddle, R.
   Davison, V.             Humes, J.E.         Snowball, H.S.
   Turnbull, C.            Kelsey, C.          Turner, J.
   Bridges, A.             Parkin, R.W.        Armstrong, R.W.
   Wilkinson, J.R.         Proudfoot, E.       Kemp, H.J.
   Handsome, A.E.          Wilkinson, C.T.     
                           Redshaw, W.         Royal Fusiliers
   Royal G.A.                                  Foster, C.H.
   Seymour T.W.            Durham Light Inf.   Mutimer, B.
   Smith, J.               Adams, G.S.         Middlemas, T.
                           Adamson, A.         Moses, J.
   West York. Reg.         Agar, J.R.          McAdam, T.
   Smith J.E.              Alderson, J.        Parkin, J.H.
   Braithwaite, F.         Anderson, W.        Pears, J.W.
   Rider, J.E.             Armstrong, A.       Richarson, G.   
   Hudspeth, J.H.          Atkinson, F.        Richardson, R.
                           Auton, W.           Rider, F.H.
   East Yorks Reg.         Bainbridge, A.R.    Robinson, R.R.
   Hutchinson, E.          Best, P.            Ryan, W.
   Liddell, H.W.           Blakey, C.          Short G.
   Pattison, W.            Butterfield, C.     Short, T.
   Pybus, G.W.             Calvert, W.         Scales, T.
   Robinson, R.H.          Clark, R.           Scott, W.
   Seymour, F.             Clarke, J.          Simpson, R.
   Smith, F.               Cousins, J.         Smith, J.H.
   Waiting, D.             Cousins, M.         Stamper, R.W.
   William, R.T.           Crossling, E.       Tarn, J.
   Adamthwaite, F.         Conley, T.A.        Taylor, B.
   English, J.H.           Cosgrave, J.        Taylor, T.W.
   Danbrook, P.            Dalton, W.G.        Taylor, W.
                           Ditchburn, J.W.     Teasdale, T.W.
   Leicester Reg.          Dowson, T.          Thompson, J.F.
   Cunningham, J.A.        Dowson, T.C.        Turnbull, G.
                           Etherington, J.W.   Lambert, J.
   Yorkshire Reg.          Evans, F.           Vasey, A.
   Moses, H.T.D.           Fairer, J.          Wilkinson, R.
   Norman, L.              Francis, W.         Wilsher, A.
   Spence, J.R.            Fawell, T.E.        Young, G.W.
   Lister, H.              Fawell, H.B.        Cummins, T.
   Wilkinson, G.T.         Francis, E.
                           Franklin, R.W.      Machine Gun C.
   Royal Welsh Fus.        Gent, S.            Challenger, R.
   Pickering, F.H.         Gibson, W.E.        Cooke, J.W.
                           Gibson, G.          Farthing, E.
   South Wales B.          Gray, G.            Moses, W.P.
   Hall, E.                Grey, H.
                           Haley, J.           Royal Army Ser.Cor.
   Welsh Regt.             Hare, J.M.          Matthew, J.W.H.
   Hood, F.W.              Hauxwell, E.W.      McDonald, C.H.
   Rowell, F.T.            Heslop, W.          Walton, W.H.
                           Hutchinson, R.      Wilson, C.
   K.O. Yorkshire L.I.     Hutchinson, W.      Wilson, G.E.
   Hagedon, G.             Hutchinson, J.      
                           Hornshaw, R.W.      R.A.M.C. Corp.
   King’s Royal Rifles     Jackson, C.D.       Smith, H.H.
   Dowson, G.R.            Johnson, B.         Wilson, T.G.
   Short, A.               Kemp, J.
                           Kemp, A.            Royal Innis. Fuls.
   Yorks & Lancs. Regt.    Kyle, G.            Ellis, J.T.
   Whitefield, F.L.        Lauder, R.          Marr, J. A.M.R., N.Z.
                           Lauder, E.
                           Luck, S.H.
                           Longstaff, T.R.   
                           Mason, J.  
                           Moore, J.G.


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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story