Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Booklet 1914-18 Bowesfield





Original Location


Which war


Memorial Description

Booklet, linen bound, soft back, 5 ½ ins high 8 ¾ ins wide. It contains a Roll of Honour of six columns which covers two pages.
Another page carries an “In Memoriam” page listing the names in four columns.
Other pages carry photos of staff, Ben Collins who won the D.F.M.; the award of the Military Medal to Sgt. Bertram Henderson, KRRC.; Officers and NCOs of Bowesfield Volunteers; “In Memoriam” for C.S.M. Glover, M.M.; two men serving - Pte. T. Parkes, M.M. and “Dolly” Harper, In the Royal Navy; Sgt. Jas Wilkes, D.L.I.; “In Memoriam” for Lt.Corpl. A. Davis; Bowesfield Attachment D.C.V.R.; Munitionettes;


Bowesfield War Fund / Souvenir Programme / and / Photographic Album / of War Heroes / and War Workers / in connection with our Third Annual / Works’ Sports and Athletic Meeting.


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Printed by Brittain and Wright, Phoenix Press, Stockton on Tees.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Dorothy Hall

Source of quotations
“These men all remind us” (should be “Lives of great men all remind us”);
“In the world’s mad strife and battle” (should be “In the world’s broad field of battle”); both adaptations from A Psalm of Life, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1838
“And should I fall . . . .” The Spartan Mother and her Son. Felicia Dorothea Browne, Liverpool.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Booklet 1914-18 Bowesfield (S138.39)

Front cover
      Bowesfield War Fund 
      Souvenir Programme 
      Photographic Album
      of War Heroes 
      and War Workers
      in connection with our Third Annual
      Works’ Sports and Athletic Meeting.
Left hand page
Column 1             Column 2         Column 3    
     Aitken, F.        Bailey, F.         Britton, W.          
     Anderson, F.      Bradshaw, R.       Brown, R.          
     Armstrong, W.     Butler, Jim        Buckton, T.        
     Arthur, H.        Brewster, R.       Blackburn, A.      
     Anderson, T.      Barker, W.         Bayless, W.        
     Anderson, J.      Bolte, Carle       Barley, J.         
     Arran, R.         Bailey, T.         Birks, W.H.        
     Alderson, E.      Briscoe, G.        Bullock, H.        
     Addy, M.  M.M.    Bryan, D.          Bainbridge, E.     
     Addy, H.J.        Barley, Reuben     Butler, S.         
     Addy, W.          Bullock, B.        Briggs, W.         
     Ayms, A.          Bullock, C.                          
     Ames, A.          Blakelock, T.      Collins, B.        
     Ames, E.          Butler, L.         Cawley, M., Jun.   
     Adams, W.         Beattie, J.        Calcott, H., Jun.  
     Adams, A.         Beattie, Jas.      Cressall, G.E.     
     Anderson, A.      Britton, J.        Cutler, D.         
     Armstrong, J.     Blakey, J.         Cook, C.           
     Allison, S.       Blythe, W.         Cutler, T.         
     Armstrong, T.     Brown, C.          Coxon, G.          
     Anderson, S.      Blakey, W.         Comyns, J.         
     Allen, J.         Baker, T.          Cressall, G.,Jun.  
     Anderson, -.      Blowman, W.        Cornfield, W.      
                       Banning, G.        Colclough, W.R.    
     Barker, T.        Beards, F.         Charlton, G.       
     Brown, N.         Broddle, J.        Cook, T.           
     Brown, T.         Burn, O.           Cockin, R.         
     Brierley (Sapper) Burns, J.          Cowburn, F.        
     Burdon, O.        Burns, T.          Cair, J.           
     Bailey, Joe       Burns, G.          Coxon, W.          
     Bailey, W.        Butler, E.         Commins, J.        
     Butler, R.        Butler, J.         Crighton, J.       
     Brinsdon, F.      Buckle, S.         Carver, R.         
     Buckton, R.       Briarwood, H.      Clough, B.         
     Bowen, T.         Bowes, R.                            
                                          Danby, C. 
Column 4             Column 5         Column 6   
     Deakin, J.        Foster, Jas.       Hardy, C.
     Dickinson, W.     Foster, E.         Higgins, M.  
     Davies, H.        Fletcher, T.       Hadley, S.  
     Davies, S.        Firth, C.          Hadley, M.  
     Davies, A.        Fallars, G.        Hamer, R.  
     Davies, A.        Fawcett, J.G.      Handrahan, C.
     Davidson, S.      Fawcett, A.        Hammersley, W.  
     Dodd, J.          Fellows, J.        Hayward, J.  
     Dodd, W.          Furphy, J.         Houldy, R.  
     Darlington, B.    Fowler, N.         Hickman, A.  
     Dawson, T.P.      Fowler, E.S.       Hickman, G.  
     Dodsworth, H.     Fowler, T.         Hickman, F.  
     Dobson, J.                           Hickman, G.  
     Darlington, R.    Graham, J.W.       Hayden, W.  
     Darlington, H.    Graham, J.         Horne, H.  
     Darlington, J.    Griffiths, R.      Howie, E.  
     Dickenson, T.     Gibbon, T.         Holdsworth, J.  
     Darlington, T.    Gibbon, W.         Hudson, G.  
     Davis, Alf.       Gibbon, J.         Howes, P.  
     Dobson, Syd.      Gibbon, W.         Herrington, R.G.  
                       Gilbert, A.        Herrington, A.  
     Elliot, T.        Gilbert, S.        Hancock, J.  
     Elliman, W.       Glover, H.         Hancock, G.  
     Elliman, -.       Gutteridge, E.     Heslop, W.  
     Ellis, H.         Gardener, T.       Heslop, T.  
     Ellis, W.         Gardener, R.       Henderson, B.  
     Ellis, F.         Groke, M.          Henderson, L.  
     Emers, J.         Gallagher, J.      Henry, J.  
     Elkington, L.     Guilfoyle, J.      Hardy, F.  
     Easley, E.        Goldsborough, B.   Hill, W.  
                       Goring, G.         Hassall, C.  
     Foley, D.                            Holroyd, E.  
     Finlan, J.        Harper, C.         Hodgson, J.  
     Foster, P.        Head, D.           Hughes, H.
     Foster, J.        Heppleton, G.      Hughes, Jos.
     Foster, Peter     Hughes, J.
Right hand page
Column 7            Column 8         Column 9    
     Instone, W.       Lloyd, A.          Mullaney, E.       
                       Laws, A.           McLoed, J. (sic)   
     Johnson, G.       Laws, R.           McLean, G.         
     Johnson, S.       Laws, J.           McCall, V.         
     Jones, H.         Laws, -            McGarrick, J., M.M. 
     Jones, S.         Law, T.            Moore, J.W.        
     Jones, Lem.       Linfoot, G.        McMillan, C.       
     Jones, D.         Leonard, A.        Magson, G.         
     Jones, Alf.       Lee, A.            Miller, T.         
     Jones, S.         Legge, W.          Mullaney, C.       
     Jones, L.         Latham, A.                           
     Jones, P.         La-Roche, G.       Newbold, J.        
     Jevons, W.        Longmore, J.       Newbold, A.        
     Jeffries, J.                         Newbold, W.        
     Jackson, F.                          Nichols, J.        
     Jackson, J.       Marshall, W.(1)                      
     Jackson, G.       Marshall, W.(2)    O’Connel, G.
     Jackson, W.       Martin, J.         O’Connell, M.       
     Jackson, J.A.     Macdonald, R.      O’Connell, J.       
     Jennings, J.      McMillan, W.H.     Oliver, H.          
     Jenning, W.       Miller, R          Opie, G.T., M.M.                               
     Jeavons, Wm.      Mills, H.        
     Johnstone, T.     Middleton, J.      Porteous, W.        
     Jordinson, H. MM  Millington, T.     Passmore, J.        
     Jarrett, C.       Millington, S.     Pattison, R.        
                       Moreton, J.        Phillips, J.        
     Kelso, H.         Morgan, J.         Phillips, H.        
     Kelso, A.         Moore, W.          Peacock, F.         
     King, J.          Mason, F.          Pickering, W.       
     King, G.          Mitchell, J.       Pickering, T.       
     Kemp, A.          Moran, F.          Perks, W.           
     Kemp, H.          Middleton, R.H.M.  Purcifer, J.        
     Kemp, J.          Millburn, G.       Parkes, F.          
                       Moulder, A.        Parkes, T.          
     London, B.        Maxwell, H.        Perks, T.           
     London, H.        Merryweather, F.   Potts, D.           
     London, C.                           Purslow, G.  
Column 10            Column 11         Column 12    
     Pope, J.          Skerrit, A.        Weare, W.J.  
     Pope, R.          Stevens, J.        Wilkinson, R.  
     Phoenix, F.       Smith, E.          Wilkinson, -.  
     Powell, J.        Smith, Elias       Wilkinson, M.    
     Proudman, T.      Smith, W.          Wilkinson, J., M.M.  
     Prest, W.         Smith, M.          Williams, J.  
                       Smith, G.          Williams, N.  
     Ripley, H.        Scott, A.          Walters, H.  
     Ross, J.          Stephens, A.       Warren, G.  
     Revell, W.        Stephens, J.       Warren, J.   
     Rodger, H.        Seaton, J.         Warren, Syd.  
     Raybould, A.      Skinner, W., M.M.  Waring, Syd.  
     Rowney, A.        Soppet, W.         Walsh, M.  
     Revell, H.        Sullivar, T.       Watts, J.  
     Richard, A.E.     Stanley, J.        Walker, W.  
     Ross, F.W.        Stanley, F.        Walker, T.H.  
     Ross, T.L.        Sidaway, C.        Ward, F.  
     Ross, Alex.                          Ward, J.  
     Ralph, J.         Thompson, J.       Ward, Jno.  
     Robbins, J.       Thompson, R.       Whitehouse, R.  
     Richards, A.      Thompson, Law.     Whitehouse, J.  
     Richards, R.      Thompson, L.B.     Whitehouse, W.  
     Richardson, J.    Thompson, W., Jun. Wharton, J.  
     Riley, Joe.       Trotter, G.        While, T.  
     Riley, J.         Thornburn, R.      White, T.  
     Raybould, T.      Turner, E.         White, W.  
     Rogan, J.         Turner, G.         Whittam, T.   
                                          Welsh, M.  
     Speight, W.       Underwood, H.      Wilkes, J.  
     Spedding, J.      Ugent, J.          Wood, J.  
     Stobbart, J.                         Wilbraham, A.  
     Stirling, C.      Wilson, W.         Wilbraham, J.  
     Stirling, J.C.    Wilson, G.         Wright, Harold  
     Stirling, Alb.    Wilson, F.
     Sudlow, A.        Wilson, H.
     Swift, F.         Whitfield, L.      Yardley, A.
   In Memoriam
   These men all remind its, 
   We can make our lives sublime, 
   And departing leave behind us 
   Footprints in the sands of time.
Column 1          Column 2
   J. Anderson       Harry Cox
   T. Bailey         C. Danby
   W. Bayliss        H. Darlington
   H. Blackwell      S. Davies 
   W. Blowman        A. Davies
   W. Blyth          K. Davis 
   C. Bolte          Alf. Davis
   Sapper Brierley   C. Dobson 
   F. Brinston       J. Dodd
   O. Brinsdon       Sergt. Elliot 
   O. Brisden        G. R. Fallis
   J.H. Broddle      T. Gardener
   F. Broddle        D. Garrat 
   R. Buckton        C.S.M. H. Glover, M.M.
   E. Butterwick     S. Hadley 
   C. Bullock        M. Hadley
   H. Calcott        C. Hassel
   R.N. Carver       A. Herrington 
   A. Chantril       R. Houldey 
Column 3          Column 4
   J. Houldsworth    T. Pickering
   C.F. Hudson       R.L. Pope
   E. Jones          T. Powell
   A. Kelso          W. Prest
   J. King           J.W. Price
   G. Laroche        G. Purslow
   G. Latham         J. Redican
   F. Law            A.W. Richards
   G.E. Law          R. Richards
   S. Marshall       J. Thompson
   G. Millburn       R. Thompson
   J. Miller         G. Turner
   M.J. McKeirman    W. Waller
   S. Millington     G. Ward
   H. Mills          S. Warren
   J.H. Morton       J. Watts
   P. Nicholls       J. Whitehouse
   H. Oliver         S. Wilkinson
   J. Pears          F. Wilson

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Every Name A Story