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North Eastern Railway Memorial, York
James Pasby and Tony Harding have supplied the following information.

The North Eastern Railway Memorial for 1914-18 at York contains the names of the following connected with Newcastle upon Tyne. The details are in columns headed - Name - Nature of civil employment - Place - Rank & Regiment or Ship:

North Eastern Railway
N.E.R. men who have laid down
their lives for King and Country

Allison, R.S. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - 2nd Lieut., Denbigh Hus.

Bainbridge, J. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Barker, G.A. - Police Constable - Newcastle - Gunner, R.F.A.
Barnes, W. - Vanman - Newcastle - Pte., West Yorks.
Bestford, R. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Corpl., Durham L.I.
Blackburn, W. - Chain Horse Lad - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Bonner, C. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte. K.O.Y.L.I.
Bruce, G. - Carriage Cleaner - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Bryers, R.B. - Clerk, Oper. - Newcastle - Corpl., K.R.R.
Burnip, E.R. - Carriage Cleaner - Newcastle - Gunner, R.N.D.
Bywell, J.R.M. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Corpl., Durham L.I.

Cavanagh, J. - Carriage Cleaner - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Charlton, T. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.
Clark, A. - Clerk, Goods. - Newcastle - Bombdr., R.G.A.
Clement, A.H. - Clerk, Passr. - Newcastle - Pte., Royal Fusiliers.
Coates, O.M. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., East Yorks.
Coates, W.C. - Rulleyman - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.
Coghill, J.T. - Clerk., Passr. - Newcastle - Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.
Cotterill, G.E. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - Signaller, Nrthd. Fus.
Craigie, C.W. - Store Porter,Goods - New Bridge Street - Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.

Dale, F.J. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., K.O.S.B.
Davidson, A. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Sergt., Nrthd. Fus.
Davies, H.S.P. - Porter, Parcels - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Davison, G. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Grenadier Guards.
Dewar, J. - Asst. Toll Collector – Newcastle - Signaller, Royal Scots
Dobson, R. - Numbertaker - Newcastle - Pte., East Lancs.
Dodds, J.R. - Clerk, Account - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Donkin, W. - Chain Horse Lad - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Dunglinson, D. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.

Elliott, F. - Numbertaker - Newcastle - A.B., H.M.S. "Calliope."
Elliott, W. - Gas Lighter - Newcastle - Pte., London
Ellison, J.S. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Elsdon, E.F. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Errington, G. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., Lancashire Fusiliers.

Fairlamb, E. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Sergt., Nrthd. Fus.
Fairless, R.L. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Feather, G.W. - Porter, Parcels - Newcastle - Pte., West Yorks.
Fenwick, A.C. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - Pte., Royal Iniskillin Fus.
Fitzgerald, E. - Rulleyman - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., R.E.
Fletcher, J.N. - Draughtsman, Engr. – Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Ford, R. - Carriage Cleaner - Newcastle - Stoker, H.M.S. "Queen Mary."
Ford, W. - Labourer, Loco. - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Frame, J.J. - Clerk, Passenger - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Fulham, A. - Horse Shunter - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.

Gibbon, F. - Clerk, Estate - Newcastle - 2nd Lieut., Nrthd. Fus.
Gibson, A. - Signal Lad - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Golightly, A. - Labourer, Engr. - Newcastle - Sergt. Nrthd. Fus.
Golphin, J.R. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Gray, J.W. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Sergt., R.A.M.C.
Greene, D. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Sergt., Nrthd. Fus.
Greener, J. - Holder-on - Newcastle - Seaman, R.N. Brigade.

Hall, J. - Rulleyman - Newcastle - Pte., Coldstream Guards.
Harkness, G. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Harrison, S. - Platelayer - Newcastle - Gunner, Royal Marines.
Hetherington, W. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Bombdr., R.F.A.
Hindmarsh, J.J. - Parcels Porter - Newcastle - Pte., York and Lancs.
Hoad, H.E. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., York and Lancs.
Holmes, A. - Vanman - Newcastle - Pte., K.O.Y.L.I.
Hornsby, R.M. - Parcel's Deliverer – Newcastle - Pte., Notts. and Derby.
Horsman, W.J. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Howett, R. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Sergt., Nrthd. Fus.
Howey, A.E. - Underman - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Howourth, W. - Labourer, Loco. - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., K.O.Y.L.I.
Huntley, J.F. - Draughtsman, Engrs. – Newcastle - Lieut., Nrthd. Fus.

Jack, S. - Gangman - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Jamieson, J. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Seaforth Highlanders.
Jeffrey, W.A. - Freight Guard - Newcastle - Sergt., Nrthd. Fus.
Johnson, J. - Carriage Oiler - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Johnson, J.T.E. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.
Johnstone, J.W. - Clerk, Passenger - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.

Kidson, T.P. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.

Lamb, R.R. - Oiler, Loco. - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Lawson, A. - Clerk, Engr. - Newcastle - 2nd Lieut., Durham L.I.
Lee, W. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Flight Lieut., R.A.F.
Legge, T.A. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Leyland, J.T.S. - Clerk, Passenger - Newcastle - Signaller, R.F.A.
Light, W.E. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - L.-Corpl. Dorset.
Livingstone, J. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Logan, W.A. - Porter, Parcels - Newcastle - Pte., Royal Scots.
Lucas, C.W. - Loader - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.

Manser, W. - Loader - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.
March, G.H. - Shunter - Newcastle - A.B., Nelson Battalion.
Marshall, J.S. - Gangboy - Newcastle - Pte., Royal Fusiliers.
Mason, J.W. - Asst. Toll Cltr. Goods – Newcastle - Seaman, H.M.S. "Vanguard."
Mason, N. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - 2nd Lieut., R.A.F.
McCall, G. - Passenger Shunter - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus. att. Australians
Milburn, H.E. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Seaforth Highlanders.
Moffat, A. - Rulley Checker - Newcastle - A.B., R.N.D.
Moore, T. - Loader - Newcastle - Pte., West Yorks.
Morley, H. - Motor Driver - Newcastle - A.S.C.
Mowbray, W. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.
Myers, W.H. - Clerk, Passenger - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.

Nugent, G.J. - Porter, Goods - New Bridge Street - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.

Oliver, T.R. - Clerk, Pension Soc. – Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.
Overfield, L. - Clerk, Passr. - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.

Parkinson, D. - Freight Shunter - Newcastle - C.S.M., Durham L.I.
Pawson, W.E. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Driver, R.F.A.
Pearson, J.G. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - Gunner, R.G.A.

Ranson, G.W.S. - Labourer, Loco. - Newcastle - Pte., North Staffs.
Reid, A. - Porter, Parcels - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Reid, C.S. - Carriage Cleaner - Newcastle - Corpl., Durham L.I.
Reid, W. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., York and Lancs.
Richardson, J. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Robinson, A. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., A. and S. Highlanders.
Robinson, S. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Robinson, W.H. - Clerk, Passenger - Newcastle - Rifleman, K.R.R.
Robson, F.W. - Clerk, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Rose, J.A. - Clerk, Oper. - Newcastle - Gunner, Mountain Artillery.
Rush, H.S. - Porter, Parcels - Newcastle - Pte., H.S.E. Co., Labour.
Rutherford, W.C. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - 2nd Lieut., Nrthd. Fus.

Sanderson, J.A. Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Nrthd. Fus.
Scott, A. - Porter, Oper. - New Bridge Street - Pte., Grenadier Guards.
Scott, H.W.G. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Gunner, R.F.A.
Scott, J.T. - Telegraphist - Newcastle - Pioneer, R.E.
Selby, M.A. - Clerk, Oper. - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.
Self, S.C. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte. Durham L.I.
Shields, T. - Clerk, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Gordon Highlands.
Shippin, W. - Relief Clerk, Pass. – Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Simpson, H.R. - Passenger Shunter - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Singyard, W.A. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., York and Lancs.
Smith, J.H. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - L.-Sergt., East Surrey.
Statters, H. - Clerk, Acct. - Newcastle - R.N.D.
Summers, W. - Guard, Passenger - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.

Taplin, A. - Carriage Washer - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Tavener, P.A. - Police Constable - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Coldstream Guards.
Taylor, J. - Freight Shunter - New Bridge Street - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Thompson, C.R. - Stableman - Newcastle - Pte., Duke of Wellington's.
Tully, T.K.C. - Passr. Guard - Newcastle - Pte., A.S.C.
Turnbull, M.T. - Porter, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., K.R.R.
Turner, L.D. - Clerk, Oper. - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.

Waller, R.E. - Clerk, Goods - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Walton, H. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - 2nd Lieut., Nrthd. Fus.
Waters, J. - Gangman - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.
Watson, E. - Porter, Hotels - Newcastle - Pte., Durham L.I.
Watson, M.R. - Porter, Hotels - Newcastle - Nrthd. Fus.
Waugh, W.T. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd. Fus.
Wearmouth, J.W. - Passr., Clerk - Newcastle - L.-Corpl., Durham L.I.
Whyte, W.T. - Clerk, Passr. - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.
Wilkinson,J.W.N. - Clerk, Accts. - Newcastle - Pte., West Yorks.
Williamson, E. - Canvasser, Passr. - Newcastle - Reg. Q.M.S., Nrthd. Fus.
Wood, G. - Draughtsman, Engrs. - Newcastle - Pte., Nrthd., Fus.

Young, F.S. - Storage Porter - Newcastle - Sapper, R.E.


The Seaham Weekly News 28/04/1922 contains the following letter:

N.E.R. War Memorial
Dear Sir, - The North Eastern Railway Company are about to erect at York a memorial to commemorates the members of their staff who fell in the Great War. It is proposed to inscribe on the memorial the names of all the Company’s staff who lost their lives in the war, with any military decorations or distinctions which they gained. A full list of names has been compiled for this purpose, and we are anxious to do everything possible to ensure that all the particulars shown are correct. In order that the relatives and friends of the men whose names are included may have an opportunity of consulting the list and informing us of any additions or corrections which should be made, a copy of the list has been placed at each of the principal passenger stations on the system, and can be examined there at any time up to the end of April.
You will realize that the checking of the list is of great interest to a considerable number of your readers, and I should very much appreciate the publication of this letter drawing attention to the arrangements we are making.
Yours faithfully,
(Signed) R.L. Wedgwood.

District Notes

Newcastle Districts Notes