Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Plaque 1914-18 St. Peter





Map ref

NZ 309667

Original Location

St. Peter's Church, Church Bank / North Terrace.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled March 19th, 1922 by Mr. Summers Hunter, C.B.E., Chairman and Managing Director of North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. ; dedicated by Archdeacon Blackett Ord.

Memorial Description

Plaque with raised centre top and two wings, total width 6 feet 8 inches surmounted by carved tracery, and a small cross centre top. Below this, running up both sides and following the shape of the top, is a wide band of vine leaves and grapes carved in half relief.
The plaque is divided into three sections, the middle one 2 feet 6 inches wide, the outer ones each 2 feet 1 inch wide.
The dedication is in the raised portion at the top, in raised and gilded sans serif capitals. The names are listed in seven columns, two columns in each outer panel, and three in the centre panel, the lettering is in Roman capitals with red initials.

Materials used



The windows on either side of this tablet / are erected to the glory of God and in memory / of those who gave their lives in the Great War / 1914-1918


Present condition

Restored recently

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

C.S. Errington of Newcastle


1. Angela Conroy says: "One of the lady workers at the Church told me a story about the Church going to be demolished in the 1990s. She said a schoolgirl had written to the Queen about this and apparently the Queen had got in touch with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Their was a public outcry and a huge amount of money was brought forth from some organisation (I can't remember which one now) and the building was able to be stabilised and saved."

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Ralph Gould; Tony Harding

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty No.742, 07/04/1921

Shields Daily News 20/02/1922 reports notice of the unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 20/03/1922 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 18/03/1922 reports proposed unveiling; 25/03/1922 reports unveiling.

South Shields Gazette 23/03/1922 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 20/03/1922 reports unveiling.

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; Sally Bird; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall; Michael Mulhern

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 St. Peter (W7.04)

WALLSEND, St. Peter's Church.


The windows on either side of this tablet 
are erected to the glory of God and in memory  
of those who gave their lives in the Great War 
First panel             Second panel            Third panel        Fourth panel

  John B. Airey          Robert S. Cowper        Albert E. Cook     Isabella G. Johnson        
  John T. Armstrong      Alexr. B. Cowper        George Gibson      Samuel H. Lawson           
  Thomas A. Armstrong    John Crawford           Robert Hardy       Andrew Lisle                  
  Robert Armstrong       Ernest Cutler           Eli Hirst          Albert Lonsdale            
  John T.T. Appleby      Robert E. Craggs        Robert J. Hyslop   Harold S. Mowle            
  Thomas Atkinson        Jack Cable              James W. Hogg      Thomas McPhee              
  Crossland Barraclough  John Christie           Thomas J. Hunter   M.C. McQuarrie             
  Robert E. Bell         Daniel Doran            James Hooks        George E.L. Martin         
  Henry P.C. Burton      Robert W. Dent          John W. Howe       George D. MacDonald   
  John W. Bell           Thomas H. Dixon         John Hogland       Anthony R. Mole            
  D. Brannon             John Downes             John High          Emmanuel T. Middlehurst    
  Robert Brown           Ernest Dawson           William Henderson  R. McDonald                
  John H. Briggs         Thomas W. Dixon         J. Harrihill       William L. Mitchell        
  Frank Brown            George M. Dixon         John G. Hills      Theodore Moye              
  Gill Brown             Robert P. Ellison       William A. Howes   Ernest Nanson                 
  Stanley Bilclough      William Egerton         J. Ions            Joseph W. Nanson           
  William Burns          Thomas Fawcett          Andrew Jackson     John E. Nicholls              
  William Boyle          John Fairweather        William Johnson    Andrew Neil                   
  Thomas Blaney          Joseph Gelleburn        Arthur Johnson     John E. Nicholson          
  John Cooke             George Guthrie          Robert Keers       George J. Nicholls         
  James W. Craigie       William G. Graham       Humphrey S. King   William Napier             
  Albert E. Corsbie      William Gibbons         William Lindsay    William Ormston            
  John Churchill         William Gibson          Robert Laws        John O'Donnell             
  Thomas Clenell         Lewis Y. Black          Thomas Lowdon      R. Park                       
                                                 Alan G.H. Livesey  Gordon Dagleigh            
Fifth panel            Sixth panel             Seventh Panel

  James Oxberry          William Seales          Thomas Thomson
  James Pattison         Robert Shipley          Robert P. Thornton
  Ernest Plumb           James S. Swain          Norman Tiesdell
  Charles Plumb          Alfred Shreeve          John Taylor
  Frances Pickering      John W. Swan            James Turnbull
  William R. Peters      Archie Scott            Philip Tully
  William B. Pattison    James Shilling          W.J. Thompson
  John E.E. Parker       James Shiel             John L. Todd
  Thomas Quinn           M. Sylvia J. Stephenson Robert Telford
  George Rowlands        Robert B. Stephenson    John Wallis
  William Rowbottom      Albert V. Stockill      William Wallace
  Christopher Rowland    W.D. Scott              Thomas Watson
  J.A. Riccalton         Thomas W. Smith         John F. Wallis
  Percival Reed          Daniel Smith            Joseph W. Wilson
  Thomas Rivers          William Thompson        Robert O. Webb
  Harvey Y. Robertson    Robert Thompson         Thomas B. Watson
  John T. Rynn           Robert C. Teasdale      John Wright
  James E. Roscamp       James Turnbull          Sidney H. Wilson
  David Robison          Robert Turnbull         Jack Waugh
  John Richardson        Laurence B. Turnbull    Robert Younger
  Alexr. B. Storey       Alfred Tiesdell         Richard Young
  Ernest W. Sword        Richard Taylor          Joseph Young
  John Stafford          George Thompson         Robert Young
  John Scott             George H. Cartwright    Henry Richardson
  Eli Stackhouse           

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story