Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Village Green





Map ref

NZ 031717

Original Location

Village Green.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 1st May 1920 by Lt. Col. Sir Percy Wilkinson, KCB. Dedicated by Rev. H. Doudney, Vicar of Matfen.

Memorial Description

Cross of Celtic type, 16 feet high, of ring head type. There are three steps at base, with a larger square pedestal on top of this, on which the inscriptions are carved. Upon this is a narrow pedestal, on which is set the tall, slender cross. The first line of the dedication is carried on the riser at the top of the pedestal. The lettering is in Gothic for the dedication and quotation, and sans serif capitals for the names.
The whole is set on a green encircled by short stone posts holding a chain on two sides and low stone wall on the other two.

Materials used

Yorkshire freestone


a. To the Glory of God, / and in grateful remembrance / of the men of this parish who gave their / lives for King and Country in the Great War.
b. Greater love hath no man / than this, that a man lay down / his life for his friends 1939-45.


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

William Cresswell of Hexham.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: P. Thirkell; old postcard: Tony Harding

Newcastle Central Library Photo c1920;

Hexham Courant 22/11/1919 prints a list of names for approval by the public; 03/05/1920 reports unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 03/05/1920 reports unveiling with photos.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 08/05/1920 reports unveiling.

Hexham Weekly News 07/05/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 03/05/1920 reports unveiling.

Source of quotation
“Greater love hath no man . . .” St. John 15 v 13.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Mr. and Mrs. K. Southern; Janet Brown; P. Thirkell; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall; Alan Wallace

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Village Green (M2.01)

MATFEN, Village green.
On the south face :                        

   To the Glory of God                        
   and in grateful remembrance of the men     
   of this parish who gave their lives for    
   King and Country in the Great War          
   Arthur C. Akenhead             
   William Armstrong              
   Frederic G. Beattie
   Thomas Brown

On the east face :       On the west face :     

   Frederick Charlton       Thomas I. Robson   
   William H. Chattaway     William J. Robson  
   Thomas F. Graham         William Rochester  
   George Graham            George Russell,    M.M.
   Andrew R. Hall           Thomas M.M. Scott, “ “
   William C. Howe          James W. Shaw        
   Frederick T. Leathard    Richard T. Strong    
   John L. Longstaff        John W. Thompson
   John Robson              John Wilkinson
On the north face :
   Greater love hath no man than this
   that a man lay down his life
   for his friends.
   John R. Cowan   George Ross
   Roland N. Mills

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story