Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Garden





Map ref

NZ 133669

Original Location

Village, at junction of B6528 and B6318 roads. It stands in the Knott Memorial Garden, see H35.02

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 11th November 1922 by Sir Loftus Bates

Memorial Description

Cross of Celtic type 11 feet 6 inches (4 m) high decorated with a Crusader’s sword carved in half relief. It rests on a pedestal of rough stone with rounded corners. The front face of this has been smoothed out to carry the dedication, which is made of letters attached to the monument, using sans serif capitals throughout. The names from 1914-18 are listed in two columns. The names from 1939-45 are on the riser of the top step, listed in three columns, the lettering made in the same way.
The whole rests on a four-stepped base 260 x 233 cm.

Materials used

Cornish granite


a. To the glory of God / and in loving memory of / those from this parish / who laid down their lives / for their country during the Great War / 1914-1918 "So they passed over, and all the trumpets / sounded for them on the other side".
b. Also to the memory of those of this parish who fell / in the Second Great War 1939-1945


Who commissioned

War Memorial Committee.



How money was raised

Public subscription. Sir James Knott gave a donation and the site. Concrete foundation given by Throckley Coal Co.

Present condition

Good, although some of the letters have disappeared.


1. At Christmas 2005 the top of the cross was decorated with holly in the form of a cross.

2. The site was Heddon Pond which originally was a Roman fosse, built by Roman military engineers in vulnerable places of the Roman Wall. This filled up over the centuries and became a shallow pond which was filled in by Sir James Knott.

3. From the Heddon district, including Heddon Colliery, over 200 men served, of whom 15 were killed.

4. In October 1922, a month before the unveiling, a car was completely wrecked after it crashed into the foundations of the memorial. Four men were remanded at North Shields.

5. James Leadbitter Knott –see Every Name a Story

Henry Basil Knott see Every Name a Story

Thomas Garbutt Knott see Every Name a Story

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown; P. Thirkell; Christmas decoration: Tony Harding

Illustrated Chronicle 04/08/1922 and 03/08/1922 report proposed memorial; 10/10/1922 reports car crash; 13/11/1922 reports unveiling with photos.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 18/11/1922 reports unveiling.

Source of quotation
“So they passed over . . .” Pilgrim’s Progress John Bunyan

External web link

Research acknowledgements

P. Thirkell; G. and J. Brown; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Garden (H35.01)

HEDDON ON THE WALL, in Memorial Garden.

   To the glory of God 
   and in loving memory of 
   those from this parish 
   who laid down their lives  
   for their country during the Great War
   Robert Armatage      Henry Murray
   Gilbert T. Barron    Thomas O'Neil
   William E. Eddy      William A.H. Scarlett
   George J. Gibson     Ralph Eustace-Smith
   Thomas Gibson        John R. Watson
   James L. Knott       Harold Whitton
   H. Basil Knott       Albert Wolland
   John Laws            John Wright
   "So they passed over, and all the trumpets 
   sounded for them on the other side".
   Also to the memory of those of this parish who fell 
   in the Second Great War 1939-1945 
   William C. Hall   Ronald C. Sinclair   John T. Burns
   Evan E. Morgan    David C. Barrett     Maurice Jewitt

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story