Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Colin Summerson


Statue 1914-18 1939-45 Road Junction





Map ref

NZ 236298

Original Location

Triangular site at Shop Hill Bank at the junction of Church Street and Wharton Street.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 25th September 1921 by Col. F. Walton, M.C., who stood in for Col. Vaux.

Memorial Description

Soldier statue of 1914-18 Infantryman, total height 4.41m (14 feet 6 inches) including the statue of a soldier on the top of a base 9 feet square.
The whole enclosed by railings, with bushes and trees. The dedication is carried on the left hand side, above the dedication is a wreath carved in half relief. The names are on three sides, in three columns on each side, the lettering incised using mainly sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Yorkshire freestone


To the Glory of God / and / in thankful remembrance / of the men / of this township / who made the supreme sacrifice / during the European War / 1914-1918 / and the World War / 1939-1945. /
Their name liveth for evermore.


Who commissioned

War Memorial Fund. Chairman Mr. George Richardson.


The 2007 restoration of the statue and landscaping cost £50,000.

How money was raised

Public subscription. Messrs. Bolchow, Vaughan & Co. gave £70.

Present condition

Restored and statue replaced and rededicated 11th November 2007

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed and made by Allison and Sons of Bishop Auckland. Railings made by Wilson & Sons of Blue Row


1. Col. Vaux had suffered a family bereavement and was unable to attend the unveiling ceremony.

2. The original monument had been 4.41m (14 feet 6 inches) high. The statue had been removed in the 1960s after being damaged following vandalism. It was deemed to be unsafe and never replaced. It was considered too costly to repair and stood for years in Allison’s stonemason’s yard.

3. The restoration of the statue was carried out by a group comprised of the “Save Our Soldier” Campaign headed by Mr. Brownbridge, Wear Valley District Council and Groundwork West Durham and Darlington.

4. Repairs to railings and shrubbery clearance was done by John Hellens Contracts.

5. Schoolchildren were involved in planting shrubs and herbs in the garden.

6. Additional names were added when the restoration took place, though it is not always clear to which war they relate.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; Photos of new statue under construction: Derek Brownbridge; photos of new statue in situ: John and Mavis Dixon; Dorothy Hall; old postcard: George Nairn

Northern Echo 26/09/1921 reports unveiling; 11/11/2006 reports proposals to restore the statue; 29/10/2007 reports restoration progress;

Auckland and County Chronicle 15/07/1920; 15/04/1920 reports amount raised; 19/08/1920 shows picture of proposed memorial; 13/01/1921 reports fund raising; 28/07/1921 reports proposed unveiling; 29/09/1921 reports unveiling.

Durham County Advertiser 28/07/2005 reports efforts to replace the statue; 30/09/1921 reports unveiling.

Darlington and Stockton Times 01/10/1921 reports unveiling.

Evening Despatch 26/09/1921 reports unveiling.

Durham County Record Office File C Mil (P) has cutting with photograph, possibly dated 15/01/1969, of the soldier statue (copy on file)

Source of quotation
“Their name liveth for evermore” Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 44

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders, John & Mavis Dixon; Derek Brownbridge; George Nairn; Colin Summerson; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Statue 1914-18 1939-45 Road Junction (C117.01)

COUNDON  Junction of Church Street and Wharton Street.
   To the Glory of God 
   in thankful remembrance 
   of the men 
   of this township 
   who made the supreme sacrifice 
   during the European War 
   and the World War 
    “Their name liveth for evermore.”
   In remembrance of
   Fallen soldiers from all conflicts
   Since the Second World War.
Right side (1914-18)
   Alderson, J.     Chapman, C.      Cussans, D. 
   Allison, W.      Cherry, R.       Davidson, T. 
   Angle, J.        Clark, J.        Davison, C. 
   Arnison, A.      Clish, J.        Davison, J.R. 
   Atkinson, A.     Christian, C.    Dent, W.M. 
   Atkinson, S.     Cleminson, I.    Denton, J. 
   Blenkinship, R.  Clunie, A.       Denton, J.H.
   Blenkinsopp, W.  Coates, A.W.     Denton, T. 
   Brabbon, E.      Coates, G.P.     Dobson, J.
   Brown, P.        Collingwood, T.  Dobson, W.
   Callaghan, M.    Conlin, B.       Dodgson, T.
   Callaghan, T.    Conlin, Jas.     Dinsley, H
   Cannavan, J.     Conlin, J.       Eales, R.
   Cant, J.         Cooke, T.        Elgie, R.
   Carlton, G.E.    Cowie, J.        Emery, J.
   Cartner, R.      Craven, L.       Emmerson, A.
   Catchpole, R.    Crawford, R.T.   Fallows, R
   Catchpole, S.    Curran, J.       Featherstone, M.  
Lower pedestal, right side (1939-45)
   Banks, G.        Clarkson, J.J.   Craig, E.
   Beal, T.         Clarkson, T.W.   Crooks, L.
   Brown, J.G.      Coe, C.          Crossley, E.
   Campbell, J.E.A. Cook, A.         Duffy, P.J.   
Top panel, rear(1914-18)
   Brown, W.        Emmerson, J.      Rowlandson, S.
   Carlton, W.S.    Hodgson, R.      Sutton, A.
   Docherty, W.     Hall, H.         Thompson, G.
   Davidson, R.     Peacock, B.      Thomson, J.
Main panel, rear (1914-18)
   Firbank, J.      Holliday, G.     Longstaff, E.
   Firbank, T.E.    Holliday, R.     Lowe, J.
   Firbank, T.W.    Hopps, J.        Maggs, W.H.
   Forest, W.       Hughes, G.       Manners, G.
   Fowler, R.       Hughes, P.       Manners, R.
   Fox, H.          Hunter, E.       Mason, J.
   Fullalove, J.    Jefferies, E.    May, F.
   Gardner, R.K.    Jefferies, G.    Metcalfe, J.W.
   Garnett, J.      Johnson, T.      Metcalfe, T. 
   Gibbon, A.J.     Jones, H.        McCrickard, W. 
   Goundry, R.      Jordan, S.       Musgrave, J.R. 
   Hancock, J.R.    Kellett, J.      Musgrave, H. 
   Harrison, W.     Kerry, G.        Moore, F. 
   Hetherington, A. Kitch, J.        Newby, J. 
   Hilker, A.       Land, A.         Newton, J. 
   Hilton, A.       Lax, W.          Newton, R.W. 
   Hodgson, A       Liddle, A        Nicholson, R.
   Hodgson, J.J     Liddle, J.P      Notley, W 
Lower pedestal, rear (1939-45)
   Hall, S.         Kerry, W.        Macdonald, T. 
   Hewitt, J.W.     Kipling, T.H.    Moore, M.W.
   Hudspeth, S.     Lee, J.W.        O'Neill, J. 
   Jackson, T.H.    Lonsdale, T.     Pearson, F. 
                    Lawler, D.
Left side (1914-18)
   Palmer, A.       Steele, J.D.     Vasey, G.H. 
   Palmer, H.       Stobbs, T.       Waller, G. 
   Race, J.         Stonehouse, G.   Wallhead, A.E.
   Ranson, J.       Storey, J.W.     Wales, C. 
   Reay, J.         Tallentire, J.R. Wearmouth, R.
   Reed, H.         Taylor, H.       Wearmouth, R.
   Richardson, J.T. Taylor, H.       Wharton, G. 
   Robson, E.       Temple, A.       Wheatley, T. 
   Robson, J.       Thomas, J.H.     Wills, H.
   Rowntree, J.     Thompson, Jas.   Williams, R.
   Sains, J.C.      Thompson, J.     Wilkinson, T.
   Sains, T.W.      Thompson, W.     Wharton, J. 
   Shaw, J.         Thompson, T.     Woolard, J. 
   Smith, F.E.      Thomson, J.M.    Woolard, T. 
   Spence, T.       Thwaites, G.     Young, E. 
   Sproates, T.     Thwaites, J.     Young, J.
   Staley, A.       Todhunter, E.    Scott, T.
   Staley, W.       Toole, J.        Morrow, E. 
Lower pedestal, left side (1914-18)
   Portlock, T.W.   Soulsby, B.      Tutin, J.W. 
   Robinson, S.     Staveley, J.R.   Wade, A.W.
   Robson, J.R.     Thompson, G.E.   Welburn, N. 
   Rose, A.         Thompson, L.V.   Wood, W.R.  
                                     Weldon, D.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story