Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Roll of Honour 1939-45 St. John





Map ref


Original Location

In the Lady Chapel of St.John’s Church.

Which war


Memorial Description

Roll of Honour behind glass in a moulded frame. The names are printed in four columns according the sphere of service using sans serif lettering.

Materials used

Paper behind glass.


In Grateful remembrance of those from the town of Seaham who made the supreme / sacrifice in the Second World War / 1939-1945.


Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Dorothy Hall

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Roll of Honour 1939-45 St. John (S117.35)

SEAHAM	 St. John’s Church, Lady Chapel.


In Grateful remembrance of those from the town of Seaham who made the supreme
sacrifice in the Second World War


   I. Baron         T.W. Dobinson    T. Smith         S. Richarson
   W.I. Blackwell   A. Dobson        F. Soulsby       W.O. Shelley
   J.B. Brown       J. Donaldson     C. Spark         A. Sill
   J. Bulmore       A.W. Edwards     T.H. Steel       S. Smith
   A.B. Burton      F.W. Edwards     A. Stonier       W.A. Taylor
   W. Clinton       W.T. Forster     T. Swift         A.D. Westmorland
   H.M. Doxford     J.G. Gatenby     G. Taylor        A. Williamson
   T. Gibson        W. Geary         W. Tempest       J.D. Wrght
   F. Green         F.G. Gilbert     J.G. Terrance    G.W. Yare
   R. Grieves       W.W. Haigs       R.W. Thompson    J. McGauchie
   F. Hemmings      R. Hampton       D. Turner
   E. Hughes        G. Hansford      E. Turns         WOMAN
   J. Jennings      R. Head          R. Watson
   W. Johnson       J.A. Henderson   S.C. Watson      A.N. Redman  
   A.B. Kay         E. Herron        T. Watson
   J.L. Milford     I. Hillam        F. Weatherall    MERCHANT NAVY
   J.H. Miller      J.W. Hope        A.B.H. Wyman
   J. Nelthorpe     M.W.T. Hoy       W.C. Wharton     T. Banborough
   W. Price         J. Hunter        R. Willis        T. Cook
   T. Ramshaw       R. Jeffress      J. Wilson        J. Dixon
   A.T. Reed        J.S. Johnson     T. Wilson        R.D. Dobson
   W. Robinson      R. Johnson       W.H. Wiltshire   E. Edwards
   J.H. Shipley     J.J.K. Johnstone J. Winter        H.M. Everist
   S.H. Tasker      F. Keegan        G. Wood          M.E. Frost
   J. Thompson      J. Kennedy       H.M. Wood        J. Gippert
   G. Watson        R. Kenney        T. Wood          R.A. Golding
   H.J.D. Williams  G. Lamb          G.W. Ware        C.M. Hall
                    G.F. Little                       T. Hanlon
   THE ARMY         R. Malkin        ROYAL AIR FORCE  E. Harlow
                    J.S. Marwood                      S. Howe
   J. Aitchison     J. McCourt       T.S. Akenhead    R. Hudson
   J. Ashett        E. McLardy       C. Allen         G. Liddle
   H. Atkinson      P. McLoram       W.L. Ather       W.E. Magee
   H. Balmer        W. Miller        J. Barritt       E.C. Martin
   G.W. Batey       A. Michell       J. Connn         R. McDonald
   H. Baxter        A. Newton        T. Cook          J. Meade
   John Bell        R. Newton        R.C. Cooper      R. Morrison
   Jack Bell        A. Oates         G.H. Coulton     H. Munro
   W. Bell          R. Oglesby       J.W. Dixon       R. Murrish
   J. Burgin        J. Ord           C.W. Forster     G.M. Nelson
   J. Bland         T.H. Pattison    J.W. Gowans      A.J. Rowe
   C.H. Bolton      R. Peel          J.R.L. Hillam    A. Smith
   W. Brewster      J. Richardson    A. Hoy           Walton Smith
   W.H. Brown       J. Richie        R.H. Little      W. Smith
   T.S. Carling     H. Robinson      F. McGrrath      F. Watson
   T. Clough        J. Robinson      T. Maitland      J. Wigham
   I. Cole          R.D. Robinson    T. Moreland
   R.K. Conlon      J.W. Rochester   A.E. Moss
   W.W. Conlon      E.M. Rooney      R.H. Nelson
   T. Cook          H.S. Scott       G. Nixon
   J.A. Dickinson   A.B. Shaw        J. Potts


   From the Lady Chaple of Saint Johns Church Seaham Harbour.

	 This has been copied exactly.  
	 There is a possibility of one or two typographical errors:
	 “Richarson” instead of “Richardson”
	 “McGrrath” instead of “McGrath”
	 “Chaple” instead of “Chapel”.  
	 “W.I. Blackwell” should be “W.E. Blackwell”.
	 “J.D. Wrght” instead of “J.D. Wright”

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story