Memorial Details

Photo: John Dixon
NEWMP Memorial Image


Pillars 1939 and later Victory Square





Map ref


Original Location

Victory Square. On the approach to the obelisk, two on each side.

Which war

1939 and after.

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled at a ceremony with the service conducted by Rev. Tony Whipp of St. Aidan’s Church, Father David Coxon of St. Joseph’s R.C. Church and Ken Cornford representing Seafarers.

Memorial Description

Four pillars each 7 feet 4 inches high x 6 feet 3 inches square with a tree between each. They have been built to conform with the design of the obelisk and accompanying plaques.
On each face of each pillar is a bronze plaque each 4 feet 6 inches high x 4 feet wide bearing names in three columns on each in raised Roman capitals throughout.

Materials used

Pillars of white granite blocks with bronze panels.






How money was raised

Hartlepool Borough Council and Trustees of Victory Square.


1. The Hartlepool Mail 15/12/1998 which bears a sketch of the proposed scheme reads:
"This is the first illustration of proposed improvements at a war memorial to honour forgotten heroes.
Sixteen bronze plaques will be placed on enlarged columns on the four corners of the existing monument in Hartlepool’s Victory square.
The scheme was today expected to get the backing of Hartlepool Borough Council but must still earn the blessing of war memorial guardians English Heritage.
It is also expected to push up the anticipated £60,000 plus cost of inscribing the 1,800 missing names of post First World War military and civilian casualties. A report to today’s meeting of the council’s environment committee notes that the trustees: "Would prefer to wait until funds are available for this scheme rather than pursue one of the less costly schemed which they believe to be inappropriate to the memory of their lost colleagues."
Trustee Brian Hopkins, a former bombardier in the Royal Horse Artillery, said: "This memorial is second to none and we would not alter the basic design at all".
Around £4,500 has been raised towards the appeal and cheques can be made out to the Victory Square Appeal Fund and sent to the Yorkshire Bank, 118-120 York Road, Hartlepool, TS25 9DE.”

2. The list of names was compiled by Eddie Bell, an ex-Army Officer.

3. It appears that a casualty from the First World War was included within the names on the Pillars from World War Two. All that is shown is the surname "Martin" followed by a date of death of 26th October 1917. Research in the archives of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and on the "Soldiers Died in the Great War" CD, suggests that this may well be Lance Corporal William Martin, regimental number S/5606 of the 2nd Battalion, Gordon Highlanders, who was killed in action on 26th October 1917, has no known grave, and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Panels 135/6. L/Cpl Martin was born in Durham, but enlisted in Hartlepool. No other family information is available within the sources checked, so the identification cannot be 100% certain.

4. There is a Christopher Timlin repeated on this Memorial, there was only one C.G. Timlin.
However, because he enlisted into the Home Guard before he joined up, the assumption was made that there were two G. Timlins. See his Every Name A story entry.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; John and Mavis Dixon

Hartlepool Mail 15/12/1998 carries information quoted in Note 1 above; 12/01/2000 reports progress; 31/06/2000 reports progress

Northern Echo 01/06/2001 reports proposals.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

C. Sanders, John & Mavis Dixon; James Pasby; Jean Atkinson

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Pillars 1939 and later Victory Square (W111.055)

HARTLEPOOL   Victory Square.  

Panel 1
   Abbey Edwin Stanley      Appleton Albert           Baird Arthur Denis
      Burnup                Appleyard DFM Robert      Baker E.
   Abott Richard Henry      Archer Thomas             Baker G.E.
   Abigail Herbert George   Archer Tom Eric           Banks Charles Edward
   Ablett Ronald George     Archer Walter             Banks George
   Adam Charles             Archer DFM Frank          Banks H.
   Adams William            Armstrong Frederick       Banks Percival Thomas
   Adamson Robert William      James                  Banning George
   Addison W.R              Armstrong Albert          Bannister A.
   Agar J.R.                   Stanley                Barber Thomas
   Agar Stanley             Armstrong John            Barker John Eric
   Agar B.                     Dickson                Barker Richard
   Ainsley Shep             Armstrong Thomas          Barker Charles Joseph
   Aird Percy                  Pounder                Barker Robert Coulson
   Airey Arthur William     Armstrong William         Barker Robert
   Allamby                  Armstrong Joseph          Barker Benjamin Robson
   Aisbit George Weekly        Laurence               Barker Leonard
      Desmond               Arnison Christopher       Barnard Thomas
   Allan Robert Alfred         John                      Edward (Tony)
   Allen John Callister     Arnold Hannah             Barnfield Alfred
   Allen John               Ash Joseph                Barrett J.
   Allen John               Ashworth James Taylor     Barrett William G.
   Allison John Henry       Ashworth Ernest           Bartholomew Edward
   Allison Charles             William                   George
      Hodgson               Astbury Albert Ernest     Bartholomew John
   Allison Francis          Atkinson James               Layfield
   Allison Richard          Atkinson Roseanna         Bartholomew John
   Allison F.R.             Atkinson Kenneth          Bartlett Joshua
   Allison DFC William      Atkinson John Kennith     Bartram Harold
      Ezekiel               Atkinson Austin           Baser Henry Charles
   Alsford W.               Austrin Beart Beaumont       Ryder
   Alton J.                 Auton R.J.                Bates I.
   Ambrose Frederick Osbon  Ayers M.W.                Bates Joseph
   Anderson H.H.            Ayre A.                   Bates Andrew
   Anderson J.G.            Ayre Albert               Bates Alfred
   Anderson Raymond         Ayre R.                   Bates William
   Andrews R.               Ayre Edward               Battesby William Fosdike
   Andrews C.E.             Ayre Thomas William       Baxter Jack
   Annandale Alexander      Baba E.                   Baxter Albert
      Henry Ralph           Bacon H.                  Beane Harold
   Ansbridge Frederick      Bacon Edward              Beardsmore Thomas James
   Anton Arthur                Sivewright             Beattie William Forcer
   Applegarth Thomas        Baggett Alfred Richard    Beavis Robert
      Dickson               Baines A.C.               
Panel 2
   Beavis Wilfred           Boosefield Joseph         Broughton Walter
   Beck A                   Booth Ernest              Brown John Tiplady
   Beckett G.B.             Booth John Henry          Brown J.W.H.
   Beckwith John G.         Borrett, W.               Brown Robert
   Bee Frank Dexter         Borrows John Robert       Brown Walter Samuel
   Beedle F.W.              Borthwick Thomas          Brown Harold
   Belcher Claude L.        Borthwick Albert          Brown George
   Bell, Charles Henry      Edward                    Brown Albert Oswald
   Bell John Beaumont       Boult Thomas              Brown Oswald Flint
   Bell Fred                Boulter John              Brown Adam
   Bell John                Bowe Norman (Dixie)       Brown Charles Herbert
   Bell Dereck              Bower William Henry       Brown James Nelson
   Bell Henry Stephen       Bowes William Edward      Brown William Charles
   Bell Jack                Bowes Frank               Brownlee George
   Bell William             Bowes David               Bruce J.
   Belsey Francis William   Bowes R.                  Bruce Alfred Ernest
   Benn Edward              Bowett Alexander          Brunton Richard
   Bennett Frederick        Bowman Frederick          Brunton Thomas James
   Bennett Stephen             Charles                Buchanan John Graham
      Crampton              Bowman John               Buckton Albert
   Bennett Wilfred Lawson   Boynton Thomas            Burch Charles
   Beresford Alfred            William                Burgon Robert
   Bergman Ernest Gustave   Boynton T.                Burke James Edmund
   Berry Albert Thompson    Boynton John Henry        Burkill John
   Berry Frank              Brackston George          Burley Shadrack
   Bidgood Eric George      Brackstone Archibald      Burnett John Dennis
   Billington J.            Bradley Henry             Burns Thomas
   Binning Edward           Bradley Alfred            Burns John
   Binns Samuel             Bradley Ernest            Burrell John William
   Birback John             Bradshaw Henry Easton     Burton F.
   Birbeck Joseph Wilfred   Brady Thomas              Butcher Charles Henry
   Bird C.F.                Brain John J.             Butcher, J.W.
   Bird Charles A.          Brennan Margaret          Butler T.
   Bissell Edward Frank     Brennan John James        Butterfield Edward
   Blackett F.              Breward Walter            Buttery Archibald
   Blakey J.W.S.            Britton Thomas Lucien        Hunter
   Blincoe William Lawson   Brock Thomas Frederick    Calvert Fred
   Boagey G.W.              Bromby DSM Harry          Campbell Herbert A.
   Boland Joseph Patrick    Brookbanks Charles        Candler William John
   Bolton James Lewis          Abraham                Cannon James Patrick
   Bolton Harry             Broom William             Cannon Robert
   Bolton Henry Albert      Broom Nelson Kitchener    Capeling Robert
   Bond A.C.                Broomfield John Henry     Cappleman Arthur
   Bone Rose Eleanor        Broomfield Albert Edward  Carabine Ambrose
Panel 3
   Carberry John            Clarke Thomas Lewis       Cook George Alfred
   Carey Samuel William     Clarke F.                 Cook Henry Warner
   Carnaby James            Clarke Thomas Alfred      Cook W.R.
   Carr Herbert             Claude Alfred Camille B   Coomer Walter
   Carrigan A.              Clements Percy Gibson     Cooney Michael
   Carrington H.            Clements Donald           Cooper Thomas
   Carroll Thomas           Clements R.               Cooper Edward
   Carroll BEM Sydney       Clementson Geoffrey       Cooper K.
   Carson David             Clennett John (Jack)      Cooper Thomas Kenneth
   Carter Harry M.          Coates William J.         Cooper Joseph
   Carter J.                Coates Thomas William     Cooper George Arthur
   Carter Thomas R.         Coates Francis William    Copeland Cyril
   Carter Robert            Coates J.                 Copeland Alan Russell
   Cartwright James         Coates Richard            Cork J.
   Casebourne Roland J.     Cockburn Albert           Corner Bridgett
   Cass R.J.                Cole Ralph                Corner William
   Cassie George            Cole Richard Derrick      Corner Benjamin
   Cave William Anthony     Coleman Herbert              Forrest
   Caws Dorothy                Edward                 Cornforth Daniel
   Cawton S.A.              Coleman MM Norman         Cosgrove Joseph Patrick
   Chaffey Frederick Munro  Coles George Francis      Couchman Charles
   Chaffey Samuel Arthur    Colledge Cyril               Ernest
   Champley Albert Norman   Colledge Norman           Coulson Thomas W.
      Winston                  Septimus               Coulson Leonard
   Chapman J.               Collier Henry             Coultas William
   Chapple William          Collins W.R.              Coverdale H.
   Chapple Robert Lincoln   Collins H.                Coverdale Arthur
   Chapple John             Collinson Joseph          Cowan S. A.
   Cheesebrough John R.     Collinson George Robert   Cowan David P.
   Cherry John Robert       Collinson George          Coward Joseph
      Henry                 Collinson DFC Kenneth     Cowley William
   Chillingworth Victor S.     Lloyd                  Cowley Harold
   Chipchase Thomas         Coltman Dr Thomas         Cowton Alfred Samuel
   Chitty Dorothy              William                Cox John Thomas
   Chitty Norah             Colwell Frederick         Cox Robert H.
   Chitty Ronald            Connell Charles           Cox S.C.
   Chitty Thomas            Connolly John Oliver      Coyce Francis
   Chitty Richard           Connon Stanley            Craggs Joseph
   Christison James Edwin   Cook John W.              Craggs F.M.
   Churcher William         Cook William              Crawford E.
      Herbert               Cook Frederick            Creaves J.
   Clark J.H.               Cook Harold               Creevy W.J.
   Clark William Herbert    Cook Robert Wilfred       Cressey Albert Edwin
   Clarke Charles Stephen   Cook Harold               Cretsor J. Robert
Panel 4
   Cretsor MM Ernest        Dawson Lily               Doxford Kathleen
   Crombie DFM George       Dawson Joseph Hughill     Doxford Winifred
   Cropley Harold Ernest    Dawson Roy                Doxford Ethel
   Crossthwaite George F.   Dawson John George        Doxford Stanley
   Crowe William Smith      Dawson Walter             Draper Ernest Edward
   Crowe Norman William     Day Victor Wallace        Dring George
   Crowe Arthur             Dear Walter James         Dring DFC Thomas
   Cubey J.B.               Dear Walter               Drinkwater T.B.
   Cummings E.C.            Dennison Thomas           Dryburg Philip
   Cunningham T.L.          Derry C.J.                Duffy F.
   Curry Raymond            Dickinson Richard         Duffy A.G.
   Cussons G.               Dickinson John J.         Dunn Laurence
   Cusworth Frederick       Disdon Ralph F.           Dunn Harold
   Daggartt Richard         Ditchburn John Thomas     Dunn John James
   Dale J.T.                   James                  Dunning J.G.
   Dale A.                  Dixon J.D.                Durham J.
   Dale James Ronald        Dixon Joseph Malham       Dutton Norman Harrison
   Dalkin R.                Dixon Alan Norris         Easey H.W.
   Danby C.D.               Dixon Walter              Eastwood George
   Daniels Gilbert (Gipsy)  Dixon Wilfred             Edmunds Martin
   Darby William            Dobbie Fred               Edmundson Emily
   Darbyshire Cyril         Dobson John Maxwell       Edwards Ernest Neptune
   Darling MC Robert        Dobson George             Edwards Vivian Llewellyn
   Davidson Charles         Dobson Albert             Edwards Edward
      William               Docherty William          Edwards William Keyes
   Davidson T.O.            Dodding David             Egglestone Fred. E.
   Davidson Douglas         Dodds James Keith         Egglestone Robert Trevor
   Davies William           Dodds J.W.                Egglestone Edward
   Davies Thomas G.         Dodsworth George Raven    Egglestone John George
   Davies Gordon Ewart      Dodsworth Stanley         Elliot John O.
   Davies John Richard      Dolan John                Elliot Charles William
   Davies Harry Hardy       Donaghy Wilfred           Elliott Matthew Hunter
   Davis William            Donaldson Joseph          Ellison Albert
   Davison Albert           Donnison William             Christopher
   Davison Edward           Dormond Arthur            Ellison Raymond
   Davison Robert           Dotman John W.            Ellyatt John
   Davison R.               Dovaston R.               Elsdon John James
   Davison C.G.             Dovenor Wilfred           Elvidge J.
   Davison Norman           Dovenor James William     Emerson Alfred T.
   Davison OBE James        Dowd Anthony              Ennis George
   Dawkins John             Dowdle Henry              Evans Leslie
   Dawkins Henry Sidney     Dowsing William           Evans John
   Dawkins Henry            Dowson Roy                Evenden James William
   Dawson Walter L.         Dowson William Gilbert    Evens E.   
Panel 5
   Everett M.               Foster Margaret           Gate Kenneth
   Eves W.                  Foster George             Gavillet C.F.
   Eves W.                  Foster Doris              Gayford Arthur Henry
   Ewan William Brown       Foster Francis Bertie     Geenty Owen
   Exelby William Ernest    Foster Walter             Gibbin Joseph
   Faid John William        Foster Stanley            Gibbin William
   Fairfoot M.B.            Foster William H.         Gibbs Philip
   Faul John Andrew         Fothergill Stanley        Gibson Fred Innes
   Faul A.J.                Fowler Norman Jos.        Gibson P.
   Fearn H. Stanley         Fowler Ernest J.          Gibson S.T.
   Feltham C.P.             Fowler A.                 Gibson Arnold
   Fenny John W.            Fowler Gordon             Gibson James W.C.
   Fenwick C.               Fox George A.             Gibson Larry
   Fergus Ralph             Fox John Pearson          Gibson Joseph William
   Ferguson Thomas          Frain William             Gibson Alan Walker
      Richardson            Frank OBE Tom             Gifford W.
   Fernie D.                   Valentine              Gilfoyle John
   Ferris T.                Frankland R.E.            Gilfoyle Herbert
   Fethon C.P.              Frankland Catherine       Gill R.
   Fieldhouse Thomas        Frankland Alfred          Gilmore William
   Filby John Henry            Benjamin               Gleddon J.L.
   Filby B.                 Frankland Thomas          Goldsbrough John E.
   Finch A.W.               Franklin George W.        Gooding William Walter
   Fishburn Robert          Fraser Robert             Goodwin John
   Fisher Lewis Harry       Fretwell MM William       Gordon Stanley
   Fisher J.G.              Fulham James              Goulding DSO Harold
   Fisher J.                Fullagar J.W.                Wilkinson
   Flanders Jack            Furguson Thomas           Gouldsbrough Joseph C.
   Fleet Samuel                Richard                   (Sonny)
   Fleet John O.            Furness John              Gowland William Robert
   Fleming W.R.             Furness Edward John       Gowler W.H.
   Fletcher Albert          Galley DFM John George    Gowler Frederick C.
   Fletcher James           Gandy H.                  Grady Thomas
   Flounders Harold (Henry) Garbutt John              Graham Geoffrey
   Flounders Alexander      Garbutt George William    Grainger J.J.
   Flute Robert             Garbutt C.F.              Grantham James Eric
   Forcer Richard           Garbutt Isobel Kathleen   Gray Charles William
   Ford Charles Henry       Garbutt Herbert              Horsley
   Forster Herbert          Gardner William T.        Gray Robert Henry
   Forster John             Gardner John T.           Green Thomas Hepple
   Forster Joseph Kenneth   Gardner Leonard R.        Greener Thomas
   Fortune William Carr     Garland John              Greenwell Cecil T.
   Foster Peter             Garthwaite John           Greenwood Alan
   Foster Kenneth           Garvey Terence            Greig Joseph
Panel 6
   Grey J.                  Hanson Ronald Stanley     Hebson George Henry
   Griffin William          Hanton Joseph             Hegarty R.
   Grocott F.               Hanwell MM Thomason       Hegarty Thomas
   Groves John H.           Hardy A.K.                Hegarty Daniel Joseph
   Groves MC Thomas J.      Hardy G.H.                Hemy Herbert William
   Grylls Edgar             Hardy W.                  Henderson Francis H.
   Gummersall Margaret      Hardy Thomas Wears        Henderson George
      Hannah                Harker William            Henderson Walter
   Guy Geo.                 Harker Charles            Henderson Joseph
   Hadfield Andrew Ernest   Harland William           Henderson A. McDonald
   Hadfield Henry           Harland Ian William       Henderson George
   Hadfield William Jnr.    Harland OBE William       Henderson William
   Hainsworth Harold           Herbert                   Frederick
   Haley J.                 Harlow Maden              Henighan Margaret
   Hall James               Harnby George William     Henry H.W.
   Hall John William        Harper Les                Henson Leslie
   Hall Derrick             Harper Ernest Arthur      Henzell J.
   Hall Clara               Harrington James          Heppenstall P.
   Hall James               Harris R.H.J.             Herbert Wilf.
   Hall Robert              Harrison Mary Ann         Herbert John
   Hall Ronald              Harrison Frederick        Heron Emmerson
   Hall Thomas William         George                 Heron John
   Hall Kenneth             Hart George               Heron William
   Hall Richard             Hart William              Heron James
   Hall Roy Lambert         Hartland Joseph           Herring Jack (Kip) R.
   Hall Frederick Wm.       Hartley Norman            Herring David
      Cubitt                Harvey Grace Wesslink     Heselton John
   Hall Thomas Edward       Hastings F.               Hesletine John
      Jon                   Hastings Douglas          Heslop Thomas
   Hamilton Charles         Hatch Leslie              Heward Joseph K.
   Hamilton James           Hauxwell S.               Hicks Ernest
   Hanby George             Hawes Edward              Higham Thomas
   Hancock Alfred           Hawks John Burdess        Highfield Edward
   Hancock E.               Hawksby John Victor       Hill James William
   Hand J.                  Hawthorne John            Hillier Samuel
   Hand John Alexander      Hawthorne James H.        Hindmarch Robert
   Hand Frederick Alwyn     Haycock John              Hird James
   Handisides Kenneth       Hayes Ronald W.           Hockborn William
   Handisides Bert          Haylock Herbert           Hodder N.
   Hannah Henry Hood        Haylock H.                Hodgeson R.C.  
   Hannon Thomas            Healey William            Hodgson Robert
   Hanover Joseph           Heaton Walter             Hodgson Sarah
   Hansford Henry           Heaton Frank              Hodgson William
   Hanson John Robert       Hedley Robert Teal        Hodgson John Cooper
Panel 7
   Hodgson Andrew E.        Hume Eric                 Johnson Frank
   Hodgson John Frederick   Hunter Henry Cecil        Johnson Sidney
   Hoey Maddison John       Hunter John Hunter        Johnson J.
   Hogan W.                 Hunter Joseph             Johnson Ernest
   Hogarth Robert           Hunter Samuel Hall        Johnson Amy Jnr.
   Hogg John Henry          Hunter Margaret Ann       Johnson Lily
   Hogg Ralph Vincent       Hunter Matthew            Johnson William Snr.
   Holden Vivian Harold     Hunter Reg.C.             Johnson Amy Snr.
   Holland John William     Hunter T.                 Johnson William Jnr.
   Hollis T.                Hunter Frederick Raymond  Johnson Stanley
   Holmes J.                Hunter Norman             Johnson Sydney
   Holmes Samuel            Huntley John Joseph       Johnson H.C.
   Holmes Robert Henry      Huntley Charles (Sonny)   Johnson Robert Emmerson
   Holmes Frederick Raymond Hurrell Albert            Johnson Harold
   Holmes Raymond           Hurrell Thomas            Johnson Leslie
   Holroyd J.               Hurworth Frank            Johnson Robert
   Holroyd Norman           Hutchinson Harry          Johnson Samuel
   Hood C.W.                Hutchinson George         Johnson Thomas William
   Hoole G.A.                  William                Jones John George
   Hooper C.F.A.A           Ibbetson Frank            Jones Roy
   Hooper K.E.A.            Ingle Elizabeth           Jones Walker (Sam)
   Hopkins James Henry      Ingledew George           Jones Edward R.
   Hopkins William George   Ingram Richard (Tiny)     Jones Edward
   Horner Joseph            Ingram William James      Jordison Norman
   Hornigold George Herbert Ipsley D.                 Judge Richard
   Horsley R.J.             Irvin George              Kaid Ali
   Horsley John Edward      Jackson A.W.              Kay Ronald
   House R.D.               Jackson Edith             Keenan James Henry
   Houston William Stephen  Jackson Lionel Bernard    Keeys Richard
   Howard William           Jackson W.                Kelly James M.
   Howard Alan Duncan       Jackson Sidney            Kelly Thomas Francis
   Howard Arthur Edmund     Jackson E.                Kelly Albert
   Howe Edward              Jacobs Joseph             Kelly Peter
   Howlett Edward Thomas    Jacques William T.        Kelsey William
   Hudson Harold            James G.                  Kemp Edward
   Hudson William           Jeal T.C.                 Kendlan Michael
   Hudson Cyril             Jefferey Thomas           Kennedy J.
   Hudson B.J.              Jenison F.M.              Kennedy William
   Hudson Ralph             Jesson George Henry       Kenny Malcolm
   Hughes John              Jobling Hannah            Kent W.J.
   Hughes Samuel            Jobling Sarah             Kidson John Thomas
   Hughes Albert John       Johnson O.                Kidson George
   Hughes John              Johnson F.                Killen John Peter
   Hugill Henry             Johnson F.                Kimber George Rushworth
Panel 8
   Kindlan William          Leighton W.               Lynch F.
   King Ernest              Lemarchand V.L.           Lynett James
   Kinnersley John Webster  Leonard Francis           Lyon George
   Kirk J.                  Lewis John                Lyth J.
   Kirkup M.                Lewis William Douglas     MacDonald John
   Kitchin Henry            Liddell Thomas Amos          Donaldson Ferguson
   Kitching Hutton          Liddle George Henry       MacDonald Michael
   Kitching Charles Reg.    Liddle Frederick          MacFarlane MC William
   Kitching Tom Appleton    Liddle Eric               MacGill Ian Ainsley
   Kitson Thomas William    Lightfoot Alfred Henry    Mackenzie Reuben
   Kjelgaard Frederick      Lightfoot James           Macklan Charles Norman
      Aggebec               Lilley Thomas             Maclean T.
   Kjelgaard John F.        Lindh Einar               Maddison Thomas William
   Knaggs George            Lindsley John George      Magee Thomas
   Knight Sydney            Linell Lewis Wilfred      Maidens Thomas Frederick
   Knowles J.W.                Royle                  Makepeace George
   Knox Rowland             Lines C.L.                Malcolm Leonard Etikx
   Laheney Laura            Linighan Thomas           Male Charles Frederick
   Laheney Thomas           Lion George William       Mallam William
   Laheney Roy Anthony      Littlefair Eric           Mallam Godfrey
   Laheney Peter            Littlefair Maud           Mankin W.
   Lahrey J.L.              Littlefair Doris Mary     Mann Albert Oswald
   Lake Herbert             Littlefair Frank Ridley   Manners John Alexander
   Lamb George              Littlefair Mary Eleanor   Manners Frederick William
   Lamb Robert              Llewellyn William Andrew  Mansen C.
   Lambert C.               Lofthouse William Arthur  Manson John
   Lambert W.H.             Lofthouse Benjamin        Marine John
   Lancaster Harry          Long Samuel               Markwell George Edward
   Langton J.J.             Longstaff Stanley         Marsh Charles
   Larkin J.                Longworth Tom             Marsh W.
   Laverick Anthony         Longworth Frederick       Marsh Walter
   Laverick G.H.            Lowdon Alfred H.          Marsh William
   Laverick Alan            Lowery John               Marshall George
   Laverick Kenneth William Lownie John               Marshall John Thomas
   Lawrence Ruby            Lowther Herbert           Marshall T.
   Lawrence Kelvin          Lucas Harold              Marshall Alexander Jack
   Lawson J.C.              Lumsden Arthur Robson     Marshall William
   Leach Albert             Lund Francis              Marshall Alfred Kitchener
   Leaven James L.          Lunn George               Martin (d.26/10/1917)
   Lee Harold Gordon        Lupton S.G.               Martin Edward
   Leech Wilfred            Lupton Cyril Peter        Martin J.
   Legg Norman              Lupton Thomas Goodwin     Martin Thomas William
   Legg Oswald              Lutz Frederick            Martin William Colin
   Legge Jack               Lyall James Morrison      Martin James Harland
Panel 9
   Marwood Frank            McKay Denis               Montgomery Henry
   Marwood John T.          McKay Robert (Jock)       Moon Julia
   Mason Frank Eric         McKay Joseph              Moore G.H.
   Mason Henry Short        McKendry John             Moore George W.
   Mason John               McKie George Daniel       Moore George Shepherd
   Massam George            McKie Francis             Moore Thomas William
   Massey Michael           McLaughlin J.S.           Moore William
   Mathie George MacAdam    McLean Richard            Moore James
   Mattews D.               McLean Tom                Moore Christina
   Matthews E.E.            McLean Wilfred James      Moore Ronald
   Matthews J.              McLelland O.              Moore John Bruce
   Matthews William         McLoughlin Terence        Moore Alan
      Henry                 McLure Harold             Moorehead Louis
   Mawson Joseph            McMann T.                 Moran J.
   McAllister Edward        McNally Daniel            Morgan A.
   McAndrew Patrick         McNeil Amelia             Morgan William Evan
   McArthy William          McNeil Doris              Morgensen Jean
      Stephen               McNeil Robert             Morley J.H.
   McAvoy R.                McNeil Colin              Morrell Harold
   McBeath James Burns      McNeill Hugh              Morris James Edward
   McCabe M.                McPartland Michael        Morrison William
   McCabe William Walter    McPartlin Miles           Morton Leslie
   McCarthy William         McPartlin John Henry      Mossom Thomas
      Stephen               McVay N.                  Mott Albert
   McCarthy Thomas          Mearns Alfred             Mottram George Henry
      Francis               Melvin William            Moulipied Charles de
   McCormack Robert         Mendum Charles            Moyle Robert
   McCrory M.               Merifield John E. (Jack)  Mudd G.L.B.
   McCullock James          Merrick Vincent           Muldoon William Argyle
      William               Metcalf Alfred            Mulligan J.              
   McDonald H.              Middlemass J.G.           Mullinger Joseph Edward
   McDonald M.              Middleton John            Mulvey S.
   McDonald John D.         Midgley M.                Murphy Alfred
      Fergusson             Miles Fred.               Murray Thomas Moore
   McDonald Stanley         Miller H.                 Murrel McBeath Brian
   McGill Ian Ainsley       Miller W.                 Murrey Thomas Moore
   McGrath Joseph Leslie    Miller Harvey             Murrey R.
   McGuire John             Mills Arthur Derek        Musgrave R.
   McHugh N.                Milner Jos. Wm.           Musgrave Maurice
   McIntosh Robert          Mitchell Kenneth          Musgrove Peter Henry
   McIntosh Alexander B.    Mitchell Allen B.         Myers Robert
   McIntyre William         Mitchell John Peter       Myers James
   McIver Daniel            Mitchell Ernest           Myers George Leslie
   McKaine John Alan        Moffat S.T.               Naylor Frederick
Panel 10
   Necy Peter               Owston Arthur S.          Phillips Edgar Richard
   Necy Eleanor             Oxley J.                  Phillips Thomas
   Needham Maurice          Palmer John               Phillips Henry James
   Neesam Frederick William Papple Fred               Pickard A.G.
   Nail J.                  Park H.                   Pickering Arthur
   Nelson Roy James         Park William              Pickering Margaret W.
   Newbiggin Gilbert        Parker Arthur Thomas      Pickering Doreen
   Newsham R.H.             Parker James              Pilgrim T.A.
   Newsome O.A.             Parkes Isaac James        Place Edward
   Newstead T.              Parkinson Robert          Place L.
   Nicholls J.E.            Parkinson Herbert         Plumbton James C.
   Nichols Harold           Parnaby G.                Poll James
   Nicholson G.A.           Parish William Henry      Pollitt Robert
   Nicholson John Robert    Paterson F.               Poole Raymond
   Nicholson William        Pattison William R.       Porritt T.E.
   Nicholson J. Harry       Patton James              Porter George Edward
   Nicholson Kenneth        Patton James W.           Potts Frank Snowden
   Nicol Thomas Reah        Pay Leonard Lawrence      Pounder William
   Nixon Harry              Pay James Leonard         Pounder Robert
   Nixon Leslie Ronald      Pay E.W.                  Pounder Bowman John H.
   Nixon Edward             Paylor William            Pounder Frederick
   Nixon Martin Richard     Payne Noel Glennie        Powell Sydney
   Noble Robert             Peacock William H.        Powell Robert William
   Noddings Eric Edward     Peacock John Thomas       Powell Lewis Stanley
   Norman Robert Henry      Peacock Arthur            Powton James
   Norman David             Peacock William Albert    Pratt Benny
   Norton J.G.              Peacock Dennis Charles    Prentice G.F.
   Nugent J.                Pearce A.E.               Preston G.H.
   Nugent Richard           Pearson A.E.              Prettyman Edward Guy
   O’Donovan P.             Pearson Cyril Bowes       Pringle Robert Henry
   O’Morgenson J.V.         Pearson Harry             Pritchard W.R.
   Odgers Leslie Bramwell   Pearson James             Proctor John Henry
   Oliver J.G.              Pearson Stephen           Proctor Ronald
   Oliver Henry Cherry      Pearson Henry D.          Prodham Henry
   Oliver Edward Carr       Pearson F.L.              Prosch Joseph
   Oliver George William    Pearson Jack              Pullen C.W.
   Oliver Thomas Vardy      Peart Charles             Punton John
   Olsson Alexander         Peart William             Purnell Tom
      Johnstone             Peart Robert              Pyman MC Alan
   Ord Alan                 Pederson Oscar               Cresswell H.
   Orley W.T.               Pemberton Thomas          Pyman George
   Osborne Edward           Peppart Robert            Quigley Owen
   Owen Mary Ellen          Petch Thomas              Quinlan Daniel
   Owen Rose                Peters Herbert            Quinn Thomas
Panel 11
   Race Robert              Richardson Roy            Rodwell Harold Raymond
   Rafferty Randall         Richardson William Boyd   Rogan John George
   Raine C.                 Richardson Albert         Rogers Henry
   Raine Maurice            Richardson Clifford       Rogers J.F.
   Ralton James             Richmond Frederick James  Rogers William Henry
   Ramsay Charles           Richmond Curry            Rooney Daniel
      Leonard C.            Richmond William Burns    Rooney John Edward
   Ramsay T.W.              Richmond William          Rose George
   Ranson Joseph E.         Riding Amon               Rosser Robert William
   Raw Richard Gordon       Ridley Robert             Rowan Arthur Wilson
   Raw Roderick M.          Ridley Harrison Richard   Rowbotham Douglas   
   Raw Robert               Ridpath Andrew            Rowbotham John William
   Raworth Sydney William   Ringwood Eric Alfred      Rowe John Leonard
   Ray Ernest Walter        Ritchie James S.          Rowe Nicholas
   Rayment John             Roache John               Rowell John
   Rayment John Robert      Robb Albert               Rowley Alfred
   Readman Nadine           Roberts R.                Rowley George Ernest
   Readman William          Roberts Frank Howard      Rowntree Henderson
   Readman Jeanette         Roberts Stanley           Roxborough Ronald
   Readman John Henry       Robertson Thomas          Rudman J.R.
   Redfern William          Robertson Robert          Rumble Joseph
   Reed Robert              Robinson Henry            Rumble James Henry
   Reed W.                  Robinson W.               Rump Louisa
   Reed Jack                Robinson Thomas James     Russell U.
   Reed James Hawthorn      Robinson William George   Rutherford John
   Rees John Ivor           Robinson John Landreth    Ryan R.
   Reeves R.                Robinson J.               Ryan James
   Reid Edward Anderson     Robinson Arthur J.        Ryan James
   Reid W. McG.             Robinson Robert           Ryder William Dennis
   Relton Albert            Robinson T.B.             Salt Bert Frederick
   Relton Robert Richmond   Robinson Frederick        Sanders Frederick Cecil
   Renny Charles Frederick  Robinson William James    Sanderson John A.
   Rennie Thomas            Robinson John             Sanderson Alfred
   Rennie Robert            Robson Thomas William     Sandifer John
   Reybould Hannah          Robson William            Sargeant Winifred T.
   Rice Robert              Robson George Henry       Sarginson William
   Rice Felix A.            Robson Herbert William    Scarborough Gladys Lily
   Richards E.              Robson Dorothy            Scarborough Elizabeth
   Richards R.W.            Robson Frank              Scarr Thomasina
   Richardson W.H.          Robson John               Scorer Thomas
   Richardson Herbert       Robson A.T.               Scott John
   Richardson Harnet        Robson Richard William    Scott J.H.
      Richard               Rochester Arthur          Scott Alan
   Richardson George        Rodney Daniel Thomas      Scott Christopher   
Panel 12
   Scott David              Sivewright George Philip  Spalding Alfred William
   Scott Frederick Harry    Skelton James             Sparke W.
   Scott Sidney             Skelton William           Sparrow James
   Scott Arnold             Skelton Matthew           Spence John W.
   Sculley Joseph           Skelton Joseph H.         Spence John
   Sedgwick Allison John    Skidmore W.D.             Spence Robert
   Sewell Christopher       Skidmore Stanley          Spencelay H. William
   Sewell George            Skinner John Kenneth         McMurdo
   Shadforth James          Skirving Walter           Spencer Frederick
   Sharp Margaret A.        Skirving William Foster      William
   Shaul W.T.               Skirving Matthew          Spikings Robert
   Shave John Rankin        Skirving William Henry    Spindloe T.H.
   Shaw Charles Thomas      Slack J.                  Spowart Jasper B.
   Shaw Richard E.          Smith Bertram Clarence    Sprintall Samuel
   Shaw Eric Jeffrey        Smith H.A.                Sprintall William Samuel
   Shaw Ronald Alvis        Smith Edmund T.           Stabler Ralph Huggup
   Shaw Steve               Smith Arthur              Stafford Richard
   Shaw Harold (Henry)      Smith Edward              Staincliffe Gordon
   Sheader George Edwin     Smith Thomas William      Stainsby Albert Edward
   Sheader W.               Smith Albert J.           Stamper Sydney
   Shears Francis           Smith Ernest Thomas       Stamper J.R.
   Shelhorn James           Smith John Vincent        Stanners James
   Shenton Thomas P.        Smith Lawrence            Staunch John
   Shepard Thomas William   Smith Alexander Gill      Steele Alfred
   Shepherd T.              Smith John                Steele Joseph Alfred
   Shepherd Thomas William  Smith George Sprintall    Stein John Fountain
   Shipley Joseph James     Smith Thomas Richard      Stephenson James
   Shipley Raymond          Smith Richard             Stevens Robert
   Shipley Ted              Smith Fred.               Stevenson Jack
   Short Francis            Smith John Robert         Stewart Alan
      Cunningham            Smith Leslie              Stewart William
   Short James              Smith David                  Chambers
   Short Elliott            Smith Laurence            Stockburn A.
   Short John Boult(Bowitt) Smith T. Mark             Stockton James W.
   Shutt John Frederick     Smithson William Allan    Stockton Leslie
   Siddell John Edward      Smurthwaite John          Stoddard Harry
   Simmons Stanley          Snaith George                Montgomery
   Simpson Harry            Snaith Ernest             Stoddart Sidney
   Simpson Robert           Snowden John              Stoddart Joseph
   Simpson S.               Snowdon John William      Stoker Jane.
   Simpson T.L.             Snowdon John              Storey Taylor
   Simpson Alexander        Snowdon Thomas (Harry)    Story George Carlton
   Simpson George Hornby    Sollory G.                Stothard Samuel Smith
   Sivewright William John  Sowerby Thomas            Stothers Hugh
Panel 13
   Stout C.W.               Teal Albert Ernest        Thompson Harold
   Street Howard Collard    Telfer Ian                Thompson Charles
   Streeting Robert         Temperley Betsey             Campion
   Streeting Henry          Temperley Harry           Thompson Thomas
      Hutchinson            Tennet William Taylor     Thompson I.J.P.
   Stuart D.                Teyen G.W.                Thornton Charles   
   Stubbs Richard           Theaker Richard           Thorpe Ralph
   Stubbs H.W.              Thirsk David Wilkie       Tierney J.
   Stutherst Leslie         Thoburn Ralph             Tierney Kenneth Edward
   Sudbury H.H.             Thomas Daniel             Tierney George William
   Sudron F.                Thomas William Henry      Tighe Thomas
   Sudron Thomas            Thomas Edward Jim         Timlin George Christopher
   Sullivan John (Junior)   Thomas Bernard            Timlin George
   Sullivan Daniel          Thomas Alan               Tindall W.
   Summerbell Alex          Thomas Ivor               Tindall Dennis
   Summerfield John         Thompson Frank            Tindall C.
   Summerhill D.               Bernard                Tinkler John T.
   Sunley Thomas Esmond     Thompson J.               Tinkler John W.
   Sutheran Shepherd        Thompson P.               Tipp Robert
   Sutheran William Walter  Thompson Roland           Tomlin W.
   Swain J.R.               Thompson W.J.             Tomson Nellie
   Swainson R.              Thompson William          Toolin James
   Swales James                Hanwell                Totty Walter
   Swales John              Thompson William          Travers William
   Swallow George William   Thompson G.E.             Trenholm F.
      Maurice               Thompson George Dennis    Tripp Malachi
   Sweating J.              Thompson D.P.             Tritschler Thomas Henry
   Sweeney Robert           Thompson Alec             Trowsdale George Edward
   Sweeting W.C.            Thompson Thomas           Truefit Charles W.
   Swindon W.T.                (Tucker)               Tuck John
   Tabley Thomas Edward     Thompson Oswald           Tumilty Ben
   Tabley Robert William       Purnell                Tunney George
   Tait James               Thompson Harry            Turnbull A.C.
   Talmage C.               Thompson John (Jack)      Turnbull James Luther
   Tarran Annie             Thompson Leslie           Turnbull Ian Edward
   Tarran Elizabeth         Thompson Sarah            Turnbull W.A.
   Tarran William           Thompson Eric Watson      Turnbull DFM John
   Tate Kenneth             Thompson Mervyn           Turner Alfred
   Tate William             Thompson Thomas           Turner Alan
   Taylor Eric              Thompson Peter            Turner A.E.
   Taylor Joseph               Atkinson               Tweedy Albert Eustace
   Taylor George            Thompson F.               Twidale Leonard
   Taylor J.M.              Thompson Lionel           Twidale J.M.
   Taylor Richard Thos      Thompson G.W.             Twiss William B.
Panel 14
   Unthank Thomas Gleaves   Warrer Adolf Martin       Wilkinson Frederick
   Valentine Lawrence       Warwick Arthur            Wilkinson H.
   Vasey Robert Henry       Waterland Frank           Wilkinson James
   Vasey James L.           Waterland James           Wilkinson Ronald J.
   Vaulks Alfred            Watkins Edward            Wilkinson Laura Annie
   Vickers Jack             Watson David Cecil        Wilkinson Lillian M.
   Vickers John Samuel      Watson William            Wilkinson A.
   Vowell William           Watson Thomas             Wilkinson Digby Moor
   Wain Eric Oswald         Watson Ralph              Wilkinson William Chard
   Waite G.N.               Watt Robert               Willey Harry C.
   Wake John W.             Watt Ernest A.            Williams Clifford
   Wakefield Nigel Graham   Watten James Herbert      Williams James H.
   Walker Albert            Wearing John Thomas       Williams George
   Walker Stanley           Weatherall Thomas         Williams Thomas Ernest
   Walker Ronald            Weatherburn George W.     Williams Richard
   Walker George            Weatherill Arthur            Thompson
   Walker Stanley              Middleton              Williams John
   Walker William           Webb Thomas Kempthorne    Williamson R.E.
   Walker DFC Frederick     Webster Thomas H.         Williamson W.
      Wingate               Webster John William      Williamson Arthur
   Wallace Edward           Webster John              Willoughby Robert
   Wallace W.               Webster MM Fred.          Wilson George
   Wallace James            Weis Ronald               Wilson R.G.
   Wallace Ronald           Welch John                Wilson Alice Maud
   Waller John Robert       Welford Joseph            Wilson Hugh
   Waller Robert            Welsh Bernard             Wilson John Dereck
   Waller Eric              Welsh MC J.               Wilson Stanley
   Waller Frederick         West Robert William       Wilson George F.
   Waller J.W.              Westcott Raymond John     Wilson Henry
   Waller Arthur            Weatherell F.             Wilson George
   Wallis Leslie Kenneth    Wharton James Daniel      Wilson James McKeen
   Walters Arthur           Wheelwright Bewick        Wilson Edward Archie
   Walton Raymond           Whelpton Harry            Wilyman Robert
   Walton George William    Whitaker Harold           Windebank Fred
      Eric                  White Rose Annie          Windle Stanley
   Walton John George       White A.H.                Windras Wilfred
   Ward E.                  White Edward              Winship John
   Ward Stanley             Whitelock M.              Winship Thomas
   Ward T.W.                Whitley John Robert       Winspear Frederick
   Ward Emma Jane           Whitworth Arthur          Winspear Daniel Hawes
   Ward Clifford            Whitworth Henry           Winspeare Alfred Charles
   Ward William             Whomand G.H.              Wise Ronald
   Ward T. Rowntree         Wilde Charles             Witten George
   Warren Geoffrey Edward   Wilkey James Stephen      Witty Stanley
Panel 15
   Woardby Eric
   Wood John Robert
   Wood John Richard
   Wood Alfred Alexander
   Wood Harold 
   Wood Edward (Teddy)
   Woods Josiah
   Woods Martha Jane
   Woodward Ernest
   Wormald Richard
   Wormold F.
   Worstenholme James 
   Worthy R.
   Wray Thomas
   Wren James
   Wright Alexander
   Wright Alfred Ernest
   Wright Charles William
   Wright Matthew Booth
   Wright George Arthur
   Wright Ronald Nichol
   Wright Robert E.
   Wright Harold
   Wright Harry Osbon
   Wright J.W.
   Wylam-Walker Norman
   Young E. 
   Young Robert
   Young William Bernard
   Young William

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