Felling Heritage Group are researching the names on this memorial Contact: stevescullion@hotmail.com
FELLING St. Patricks Roman Catholic Church.
To The Glory of God and in Loving Memory of
the Men of the Parish Who Made the Supreme
Sacrifice in The Great War 1914-1918
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
William Armstrong George Cassy Robert Hogan
James Arnott Peter Dixon Charles Houghton
John Arnott John Diamond Edward Herbertson
Ralph Atkinson Joseph Donnelly James Hughes
Thomas Braddock Peter Docherty Thomas Hutchinson
James Brannen George Docherty Edward James Henry
Roderick Birney Francis Dixon Daniel Hughes
John Boyle Andrew Dillon James Hughes
William Francis Burnham Thomas Divine James Hatton
James Berry Patrick Derrick Walter Hawker
Patrick Bradley Adam Devine Thomas Knight
John Bradley Edward Ecclestone Thomas Killen
Wilfred Boynes William Errington Thomas Keenan
Thomas Birney Owen Fagan John Kennedy
John Brown John Farmer John Kirwan
William Cassy Richard Flannagan Peter Kenny
Henry Carson Michael Finn Matthew Keenan
Robert Carson Joseph Gedling Robert Charles Laggan
Ralph Carson William Greener Thomas Laing
Joseph Carson Michael Griffin William Joseph Laws
Mark Churchill James Gordon John Liddle
Charles Conville John Thomas Garrett Thomas Lennon
Francis Convery Peter Gaffney Thomas Lumsden
Michael Coleman John Garrigan James Lowery
James Collins James Gladhill 2nd Lieut Joseph Lamb
James Cosgrove Joseph Grant Lawrence Lamb
Francis Cairns David Gibson John Lamb
R. I. P.
Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
John Morgan John McGuire Martin Rogan
James Moorhead Michael Mellon John Rowlands
Henry Murray John McPeake George William Simpson
Daniel Mullen James McVay James Sunderland
Joseph Mullen Lieut. Vincent McShane Joseph Shivers
Hugh Mullen 2nd Lieut John McShane James Sloan
John Moore Patrick Joseph Norman Patrick Stead
William Montgomery John Nee George William Slowther
James Montgomery William Norris Patrick Scullion
John Mulligan Henry Olsen Jonas Stead
Joseph John McGrother Charles Joseph OHagan Thomas Thompson
Daniel McDonald Philip ONeil Frederick Thompson
John McKeon John OBrien Joseph Toner
John McNulty John OConnor Edward Toole
Albert Murray Joseph Parmley William Towers
Daniel McVay Robert Pattison Henry Toberty
Daniel McKie James Powers Alfred Urwin
Joseph Murphy Joseph Quigley Matthew Whelan
James McKeown John Quin Thomas Wardill
Henry Mulholland John Patrick Radey George Wardill
William McGuiggan John Reynolds James William Wood
George Marshall Henry Riley Capt. Herbert White
Joseph McAllister Hugh Reilly
William Murphy James Ronan
James McGill John Ronan
James Stewart McGuinness Joseph Rooney
Eugene Molloy Patrick Roche