Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Anne Bradley


Communion gates and Plaque 1914-18 St. Patrick R.C.





Map ref

NZ 277619

Original Location

St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church. High Street, Felling, NE10 9LT

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Plaque unveiled 28th October 1923 by Captain F. Garvey; other items were unveiled by Fr. E. Costello, who also dedicated all the memorials.

Memorial Description

Pair of Communion gates each featuring a communion cup at centre of a pattern of six circles inside a large circle between low walls of Caen stone.
Two niches contain two white marble statues of “Our Blessed Lady” and the “Sacred Heart”. The “Sacred Heart niche is a memorial in its own right. See F32.19
At the north end of the western aisle is a plaque set into a moulded frame with regular raised ?flowerbuds set into it. The plaque itself is of brass. There is a narrow double border in black with a cross in red at centre top, and roundels at each corner. The names are listed in six columns. The prayer “R.I.P.” is at the bottom. Lettering is in Roman capitals throughout.

Materials used

Brass gates and plaque.


On plaque :
To the Glory of God and in loving memory of / the men of this parish who made the supreme / sacrifice in the Great War 1914-1918.



£900. The gates themselves cost £184. The right niche cost £337.

How money was raised



1. George William Slowther did not die in the Great War, he died in the 1970s, his name was added by mistake.

2. The statue of Our Lady in the right niche was presented at a cost of £125 by Thomas Gilroy, Esq.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Anne Bradley

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 03/11/1923 reports unveiling.

A Brief History of the Church

The Monumental Brasses of County Durham William Lack, H. Martin Stuchfield and Philip Whittemore 2002 ISBN 095 4327101

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Anne Bradley; Dorothy Hall; Tony Harding; Marie McNichol; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale

Research In Progress

Tommy Wood is researching the names on Felling memorials. Contact:

Felling Heritage Group are researching the names on this memorial Contact:

Communion gates and Plaque 1914-18 St. Patrick R.C. (F32.06)

FELLING     St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church.  

   To The Glory of God and in Loving Memory of 
   the Men of the Parish Who Made the Supreme 
   Sacrifice in The Great War  1914-1918

   Column 1                 Column 2                  Column 3

   William Armstrong        George Cassy            Robert Hogan      
   James Arnott             Peter Dixon             Charles Houghton  
   John Arnott              John Diamond            Edward Herbertson  
   Ralph Atkinson           Joseph Donnelly         James Hughes      
   Thomas Braddock          Peter Docherty          Thomas Hutchinson 
   James Brannen            George Docherty         Edward James Henry  
   Roderick Birney          Francis Dixon           Daniel Hughes     
   John Boyle               Andrew Dillon           James Hughes      
   William Francis Burnham  Thomas Divine           James Hatton 
   James Berry              Patrick Derrick         Walter Hawker     
   Patrick Bradley          Adam Devine             Thomas Knight     
   John Bradley             Edward Ecclestone       Thomas Killen     
   Wilfred Boynes           William Errington       Thomas Keenan     
   Thomas Birney            Owen Fagan              John Kennedy      
   John Brown               John Farmer             John Kirwan       
   William Cassy            Richard Flannagan       Peter Kenny       
   Henry Carson             Michael Finn            Matthew Keenan    
   Robert Carson            Joseph Gedling          Robert Charles Laggan    
   Ralph Carson             William Greener         Thomas Laing      
   Joseph Carson            Michael Griffin         William Joseph Laws 
   Mark Churchill           James Gordon            John Liddle       
   Charles Conville         John Thomas Garrett     Thomas Lennon  
   Francis Convery          Peter Gaffney           Thomas Lumsden    
   Michael Coleman          John Garrigan           James Lowery      
   James Collins            James Gladhill          2nd Lieut Joseph Lamb 
   James Cosgrove           Joseph Grant            Lawrence Lamb     
   Francis Cairns           David Gibson            John Lamb         

   R.          I.          P.

   Column 4                 Column 5                Column 6

   John Morgan              John McGuire            Martin Rogan
   James Moorhead           Michael Mellon          John Rowlands
   Henry Murray             John McPeake            George William Simpson
   Daniel Mullen            James McVay             James Sunderland
   Joseph Mullen            Lieut. Vincent McShane  Joseph Shivers
   Hugh Mullen              2nd Lieut John McShane  James Sloan
   John Moore               Patrick Joseph Norman   Patrick Stead
   William Montgomery       John Nee                George William Slowther
   James Montgomery         William Norris          Patrick Scullion
   John Mulligan            Henry Olsen             Jonas Stead
   Joseph John McGrother    Charles Joseph O’Hagan  Thomas Thompson
   Daniel McDonald          Philip O’Neil           Frederick Thompson
   John McKeon              John O’Brien            Joseph Toner
   John McNulty             John O’Connor           Edward Toole   
   Albert Murray            Joseph Parmley          William Towers
   Daniel McVay             Robert Pattison         Henry Toberty
   Daniel McKie             James Powers            Alfred Urwin
   Joseph Murphy            Joseph Quigley          Matthew Whelan
   James McKeown            John Quin               Thomas Wardill
   Henry Mulholland         John Patrick Radey      George Wardill
   William McGuiggan        John Reynolds           James William Wood
   George Marshall          Henry Riley             Capt. Herbert White
   Joseph McAllister        Hugh Reilly
   William Murphy           James Ronan
   James McGill             John Ronan
   James Stewart McGuinness Joseph Rooney
   Eugene Molloy            Patrick Roche

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story