Memorial Details

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Roll of Honour 1915 St. Columba





Map ref

NZ 389585

Original Location

St. Columba’s Church, Cornhill Road.

Which war


Memorial Description

Roll of Honour. This is a programme of services for each day of the week allowing for the names of those who serve to be included in prayer “at least 8 times in the month at the Holy Eucharist and also every Tuesday at the Intercession Service”.

Materials used



Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Southwick-on-Wear Vol.2 Peter Gibson 1988, Southwick Publications, £3.95. ISBN 0 9513908 1 3. This volume contains much about the people who went to war, with individual stories and photographs.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Peter Gibson; Tony Harding

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Roll of Honour 1915 St. Columba (S130.13)

SOUTHWICK St. Columba’s

      ROLL OF HONOUR    November, 1915.
            (2)                  (4)                 (5)                  
          MONDAY               WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY              
       IN THE NAVY.          John Carr            Frederick Gardner     
      Robert Adams           James Carter         James Gartland        
      Frederick Border       Thomas Carter        Peter Gartland        
      John Broomfield        *Norman Cartwright   Charles Gibbons       
      William Broomfield     Fred Catchpole       Richard Gibbons      
      Ralph Coxon            George Catchpole     *William Gibbons       
      James Crow             William Catchpole    Frederick Gibbs       
      Richard Daintree       Harcourt Chambers    Charles Gibson        
      John Emerson           *John Chapman        John Gibson          
      Norman Evans           *Henry Charlton      Joseph Gibson         
      Arthur Geddes          Richard Charlton     Richard Glanville     
      Alfred Goddard         William Charlton     Arthur Goddard       
      John Halliday          *John Childs         Ernest Goodram        
      Thos. Wayman Hodgson   John H. Childs       *Ernest Gowdy          
      Gordon King            *Joseph Childs       *John Gowdy            
      *John Knox             Robert Childs        *Reginald Gowdy        
      Albert Lambert         Thomas B. Childs     William Graham        
      Henry Lancaster        *Duncan Clark        David Graver         
      James McLaren          Frederick Clark      John Green            
      Frank Martin           James Connor         Ernest Guille        
      Thomas Menhenick       *Thomas Connor       Harold Guille         
      Edward Potts           Denys Cooke          Robert Guy            
      William Reed           *Gordon Cooke(Chaplain)                    
      Frederick Scott        Joseph Copeland      Albert Hall           
      *William Sheriff       *Arthur Coulson      Alfred Hall           
      *Horace Smith          *John Cousins        Robert Hall           
      James Smith            Thomas Cowell        Ernest Hammond        
      James Lewis Steele     *Joseph Cowey        John Hanson           
      Aubrey Tillard         William Cowie        John Hardy            
      William Waldron        James Cox            Robert Hardy          
      Charles Watson         Stephen Cox          John Harker          
      Charles Young          Thomas Craggs        Edward Harris         
                             James Crute          John Harrison         
      IN THE ARMY.           John Crute           *Thomas Harrison       
      Mark Abbott            Frederick Cunningham Eric Haslam          
      *James Adamson         James Currey         Kenneth Haslam       
      Samuel Aitchinson                           Albert Haswell        
      *Ralph Anderson        *Alfred Dalby        John Haswell         
      *Jack Angles           Thomas Davison       Thomas Hay            
      Robert Angles          John Dixon           John Fawcett Hayton  
      *Harry Applegarth      *Luke Dixon          *William Hayton       
      George Arkle           *Henry Dobson        Thomas Heath          
      Harry Askew            William Dodds        *Stanley Heckles       
      *Norman Atkinson       *William Donaldson   William Heckles       
      William Atkinson       James Douglas        *Albert Henderson      
      Robert Ayre            *Thomas Ducry        *Harry Henderson      
                             George Duncan        James Henderson       
      Geoffrey Bacon         Richard Dunn         *Thomas Henderson      
      Thomas Baggott                              *Charles Hendey        
      Samuel Barkes          John Elliott         Charles Wm. Hendey    
      Gladys Barton (Nurse)  *Sam Elvin           Charles Wm. Hendey (2)
      *William Baston        *James English       Samuel Hills         
      *James Bates           Edward Evans         Leslie Hodgkinson    
      John Bates             *George Evans        Herbert Hodgson       
      Sydney Bates           William Evans        *Frank Holmes          
      *Andrew Baxter         *Jonathan Holmes                           
      Francis Baxter         Frederick Fairbairn  William Holmes       
      *George Beckwith       Joseph Ferguson      James Holyoak        
      *John Beckwith         William Ferguson     Richard Hood          
      Alfred Bell            Jack Fern            *John Hope             
      *Edward Bell           John Finch           William Hope         
      *Frank Bell            William Fisher       John Hopper           
      *George Bell           *Jonathan Fleming    Timothy Hopper        
      *George Bell (2)       *Joseph Foster       Thomas Horn           
      James Bell             Robert Fowler        George Horswill       
      John Bell              Thomas Fowler        Charles Horton        
      William Bell                                Thomas Howarth       
      George Bennett                              Donald Hudson         
      William Bennett                             William Huntley      
      *Charles Benson                                                 
      *Hayton Benson                              George Irwin          
      *Richard Benson                             *J. William Irwin      
      *William Bird                                                   
      *Thomas Birkbeck                            John James Jackson    
      Henry Bland                                 *Thomas Jackson        
      *Frank Brack                                John Johnson          
      William Bramley                                                
      *Ralph Brewis                               George Kay            
      Richard Broad                               *Robert Kay            
      Wilson Broomfield                           *Samuel Kelly          
      *Joseph Brown                               Harry King            
      Robert Brown                                John Kipling          
      *David Browning                             Stewart Kirkbride   
      Edward Browning                             Robert Kirkley      
      Harry Browning
      *Edward Burdon                                       
      *Isaac Burnham                                         
      James Burnham                                        
      John Burnham                                          
      Ronald Burnham                                        
      David Butler                                        
      Charles Byrne 
      Frank Byrne 

          (6)                    (7)                   (8)
        FRIDAY                 SATURDAY             KILLED IN ACTION.
      Edward Laing           John Rafferty         John Aitchinson
      Thomas Lancaster       William Raine        *Roy Barkes
      Robert Langstaff       Thomas Rawthorn      John Baxter
      Charles Laverick       Robert Reay          Arthur Bell
      *William Laybourne     Holmes Reed          *Jack Bennett
      Joseph Lea             George Richardson    *James Bennett
      Fred Leach             William Richardson   *Edward Burdon
      Edward Leadbitter      Isaac Riddell        Stephen Corner
      *Ernest Ledger         *Alexander Robertson Henry Cowie
      John Leroy             George Robinson      John Cowie
      James Lilley           *Henry Robinson      *William Dobson     
      *Wilfrid Lish          John Robinson        William Douglas
      Charles Little         Joseph Robinson      Andrew Downes
      Joseph Lockwood        William Robinson     Davison Dryden
      William Lockwood       Christopher Robson   Michael Green
      Robert Lodge           Ernest Robson        Rupert Hallows
      Herbert Longden        Frank Robson         Thomas Heppel
                             George Robson        Ernest Herbert
      Michael McGill         *Launcelot Robson    Edwin Jackson
      *Edward McGregor       Robert K. Robson     Frederick Jennings
      Walter McGregor        William Robson       William Kisbey
      Arthur MacNichol       Darby Rogers         Edward Lunn
      Thomas MacNinley       John Routledge       Thomas Middleton     
      Alfred Madden          Joseph Routledge     Arthur Randolph
      Bertie Madden          Robert Routledge     William Roberts
      James Madden           James Ryan           *Robert Robson
      Joseph Madden          James Ryan (2)       John Roe
      William Madden                              Christopher Sirmond
      George Malabar         Thomas Scott         *Albert Smith
      Thomas Malabar         William Scott        Thomas Stevenson
      *Arthur Mann           William Scott (2)    *Arthur Tilley
      James Marshall         William Scott (3)    Robert Tones
      William Marshall       *George Shanks       *James Tracey
      Robert Matthews        James Shiach         *Thomas Wailes
      John Milne             Edward Sirmond       Frank Womack
      *Edward Mosley         *Thomas Slater       John Young
      Samuel Mosley          *John C. Smiles
      *Edward Moss           Robert Smiles 
      Joseph Moss            Charles Smith
      *Thomas Moss           *George Smith
                             *Harold Smith
      John Nall              *John Smith
      Sidney Naylor          John Edward Smith
      John Nesbitt           Joseph Smith
      Joseph Nesbitt         Robert Smith
      *Ernest Netherton      Thomas Smith
      James Nicholson        Walter Smith
      William Nicklin        William Smith
      George Nixon           *William G. Smith
      George Oakley Nixon    Thomas Snaith
                             Austin Spencer
      *Michael O’Brien       Frederick Sproxton
      *Thomas O’Brien        James Sproxton
      William O’Brien        John Sproxton
      John O’Neill           *Thomas Stamp
      John Osman             *Thomas Steele
                             William Stoddart
      *John Peacock          John Stonehouse
      Thomas Peacock         Dobbing Stoneley
      John Peterson          James Story
      *Fred Phillips         *Arthur Stratton
      John Philliskirk       *Ernest Stratton
      Walter Pike            Kenneth B. Stuart
      William Pike           Joseph Summerfield
      Joseph Place           James Sutherland
      Frederick Potts
      *Gilbert Potts         Ralph Taylor
      William Potts          *Charles Teasdale
      *Stanley Price         Joseph Teasdale
      John Pritchard         *Thomas Teasdale
      Thomas Punshon         *William Teasdale
      Primrose Pye           *Arthur Thompson
      William Pye            Joseph Thompson
                             Frank Tindall
      Johnson Quayle         *Oliver Todd
      Albert Queenan         John Tracey
                             Thomas Tracey
                             Reginald Trewhitt
                             John Turnbull
                             *Matthew Turnbull
                             John Tyson
                             Percy Tyson
                             *Reginald Tyson
                             Richard Tyson

                             Charles Walker
                             Charles Walton
                             Matthew Walton
                             Miles Walton 
                             George Wanless
                             James Warren
                             Ernest Watson
                             Joseph Watson
                             *Harry West
                             Herbert West
                             *John Weston
                             *John Weston (2)
                             *Albert White
                             Alec Wilkinson
                             Charles Wilkinson
                             *William Wilkinson
                             George Walter Wilson
                             John Worthy

       * Denotes member or ex-member of St. Columba’s Company C.L.B.
      N.B. These are the names on the St Columba’s Roll of Honour. 
      The layout above only partially mirrors the layout of the original      
      which was drawn up as a timetable for the reading of the names “at 
      least 8 times in the month at the Holy Eucharist, and also every 
      Tuesday at the Intercession Service”.
      Extracted from pages 58-9 of Gibson, Peter, Southwick-on-Wear, 
      Vol.2, Southwick Publications, 1988 ISBN 0-9513908-1-3 with the 
      permission of the author.

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story