Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Plaque 1914-18 1939-45 Drill Hall





Map ref

NZ 441412

Original Location

Drill Hall. Moved in 1998 before the building was demolished

Present Location

Horden Social Welfare Centre

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 8th December 1948 by Capt. S.E. Sanger, county organizing secretary; dedicated by Rev. W.H. Walton, Vicar of Horden.

Memorial Description

Plaque 4 feet 2 inches high x 5 feet 1½ inches wide. The centre top which bears the dedication is raised and is surmounted by the Royal British Legion badge at centre with flags draped on either side above a row of ?roses and leaves, and an acorn at each extremity. Up each side is a pillar. The dates are carried in cartouches on either side. The names are listed in seven columns. All lettering is in raised Roman capitals.

Materials used



In memory of / our fallen comrades / 1914 – 18 1939 -45 / and / air raid victims


Who commissioned

Royal British Legion


£1,000 including the clock.


1. The building had been the Miners' Hall

2. It was proposed in January 1948 that the unveiling would be carried out by Col. Gatheral, commanding officer 590 L.A.A., R.A. (DLI) T.A.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall

Durham Chronicle and Seaham Weekly News 30/01/1948 reports proposals; 10/12/1948 reports unveiling.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 1939-45 Drill Hall (H130.08)



   In memory of
   our fallen comrades
   1914 - 18   1939 -45
   Air Raid Victims
   Column 1        Column 2        Column 3           Column 4

   1914-18         H. Clay         J. Jones         T. Purvis            
                   R. Close        T. Jones         J. Raper             
   J. Allen        C. Cooper       R. Joyce         T. Richardson        
   A. Anderson     G. Cooper       J. Kemp          E. Ripley            
   T. Anderson     J. Cooper       J. Kingsley      E. Robson            
   W.L. Anderson   J. Craggs       W. Lang          N. Robson            
   H.C. Annett     J. Crooks       C.H. Langhthorne J.T. Routledge       
   A. Arnold       T. Cummings     J. Lawton        H. Rowe              
   G. Ashworth     E. Cutler       J.G. Lax         S.L. Rowe            
   A. Baker        J.W. Dixson     A. Lee           J.R. Rutter          
   J. Bartram      J. Doyle        T.H.A. Logan     R. Savage            
   M. Basley       W. Dryden       A. Macdonald     T. Scott             
   J. Belcher      J. Dugdale      C. Macdonald     H. Sinclair          
   R. Belcher      S. Dunn         D. Macdonald     J.E. Smith           
   W. Belcher      T. Dunn         W. Mackey        H. Spowart           
   A. Bell         J.N. Enright    W.J. Maitland    R. Stephenson        
   T. Bell         J.W. Errington  W.M. Margetson   R.B. Stephenson      
   F. Benton       T.F. Errington  W. Marshall      W. Stephenson        
   H. Betts        W. Fenner       G. McGee         H. Summers          
   W. Blackburn    W.G. Fisher     W. Middlemass    T. Tatters          
   J. Booth        G. Fleetwood    J. Miller        M.R. Taylor (Nurse)  
   J.G. Bowman     S. Fletcher     S. Miller        R. Tennant          
   T.C. Broderick  L. Fowles       W.B. Mills       T.U. Thackra        
   F. Brown        T. Freeman      J.W. Moon        W. Thomas           
   J. Brown        J. Graham       M. Mordue        A. Thompson         
   M. Brown        R.H. Harkess    E. Moutter       M. Thompson         
   T. Brown        W. Harkess      T. Naisbett      (Nurse)              
   T. Bruce        A. Harris       W.G. Neave       R. Thompson         
   I.H. Burnham    C. Harris       J. Neil          W. Thompson         
   E.B. Busby      J. Herron       N. Neil          W. Tindale          
   S. Busby        T.C. Hird       F. Newby         J. Todd             
   H. Carter       A.E. Hogg       R. Oakman        T. Tranter          
   Jos. E. Caselaw J. Hudson       J.G. Oliver      F. Turnbull         
   F.S. Caterick   W.E. Hudson     J. Parkin        J.R. Turnbull       
   A. Chambers     G. Hunter       B. Penman        G. Twitty           
   E. Clark        T. Hunter       T. Penman        J. Twitty           
   G. Clark        J. Hutchinson   G. Pine          W.W. Waite          
   H. Clark        E. Jones        A. Pinkney       W. Wallbanks 
 Column 5        Column 6         Column 7          
   W. Walton       R. Everett      J. Robson
   A.E.E. Watson   E.M. Firth      R.H.F. Rodham
   C. Watson       R. Fort         J.E. Rooney
   H. Watson       H. Francis      W.E. Rose
   J.W. Watson     G. French       J.C. Rowntree
   W. Watson       J.R. Gibson     C. Ruane
   R. Welch        C.A. Gray       M. Ruddick
   R.B.T. Welch    J. Gray         G. Sanderson
   I.J. Wilkinson  R. Grundy       W. Scott
   J. Wilkinson    J. Hallett      J.E. Siddell
   E. Williams     N. Harbron      R.R. Simms
   T. Williams     W. Henderson    T.J. Simpson
   J. Wilson       W.H. Hind       E. Stockley
   A. Wood         A.L. Hughes     E.M. Stoves
   R. Wood         H. Humphries    W. Thompson
   W. Wood         J. Kinsley      G. Thornton
   W. Young        W. Lawton       G.S. Thornton
                   S. Lewins       T.C. Timney
   1939-45         A.R. Little     T. Todd
   F. Austin       M. Maudling     F. Turnbull
   Fred Austin     E.  McDowell    J.V. Tyler
   T.J. Bellingham J. McGurk       N. Unsworth
   M. Brennan      F.A. McQuillan  E. Varley
   G.J. Brookes    V. McQuillan    A. Vest
   E. Brown        J. Mills        J.L. White
   T.D. Brown      W. Moyle        E. Wiffen
   W. Brown D.F.M. H. Oliver       G.W. Wilkinson
   N. Bruce        J.G. Oliver     A. Williams
   J. Burns        J.R. Oliver       AIR RAID VICTIMS
   T.E. Cairns     R. Pond         Albert Edward Elliott
   F. Calvert      G. Preece       G. Hales
   T.E. Carr       R.T. Purvis     John Stephen
   J.R. Close      T.W. Ramsey     Richards
   A. Caulton      A. Raynor       Mary Hannah  
   W.G. Dowson     T. Reay         Richards
   G.W. Dunn       H. Reynolds     Ivy Gladys  
   A. Emery        J.W. Richardson Richardson
   T. Evans        H. Robinson     Henry Richardson  
                                   Henry Sumpton
                                   Irene Wilding & baby

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story