On pedestal
To the glory of God
and in sacred memory of the gallant men
Willington, Oakenshaw and Page Bank
who sacrificed their lives in the Great War
And the World War 1939-1945
“They died that we might live”.
First side (1914-18)
Adamson M. Douglas J.W. Lucas E.P.
Adamson T.W. Elliott P. Marsden M.
Alder E.A. Emmerson M. Minns R.A.
Allan G. Ferens F. Mitchell R.
Allan J. Ford C. Firth L. McGrath P.
Arkley J.H. Ford T.W. McNiff J.
Barton J. Foster G.W. Naisbitt W.T.
Bell A.W. Freeman J. Nicholson T.M.
Bell C. Galley F. Parker J.S.
Bell H.D. Gatiss T.W. Paylor J.
Bell J.H. Gill D. Plumpton W.H.
Bennett R. Glendenning J. Purvis F.
Bird J. Gott J. Richards H.W.
Blackett C. Graham J. Robinson J.
Blenkinsopp G. Hird H.N. Robinson J.B.
Booth G. Hird R. Robson A.J.
Bousfield T. Hodgson D. Rutherford G.
Brown G.W. Hope R.A. Sayer E.
Brown J. Hopkinson W. Sayer H.
Brown J.H. Hopper M. Small S.W.
Buckley A. Jackson R. Smithson F.
Charlton J. Jackson H. Snowball J.R.
Clarke L. Jopling J.R. Stonehouse A.E.
Cook T. Kennedy J.W. Stout W.
Cook W. Kidd T.W. Tobin P.J.
Cooper G.W. Lamb J. Todd G.W.
Craggs J.H. Larnach A.C. Towers H.
Cross J. Laws J. Turner W.
Dale T.H. Laws R. Venn T.
Daley F. Lawson J. Walker F.
Daley J. Letby A.H. Walker W.A.E.
Davison J.W. Lister A.E. Waller G.
Defty W. Little H. Ward T.W.
Devine S. Littlewood H. Watkins J.S.
Dinsley J. Longstaff J.W. Weir S.R.
Dodds J. Lowes E. Young W.
Second side
Burns F. Fenwick H. Martin J
Dodds R.L. Foreman T.W. Walker F.
Adamson A.S. Dent L. Pallister F.
Adamson C.R. Dinsley J.W. Perkins W.
Alderson H.A. Fletcher J.G. Plews W.S.
Aspinall E.W. French M. Richards F.
Banister N. Glasper J. Robinson C.S.
Barron T. Glendinning J Robinson F.
Blackburn J.W. Hardy F. Rutter J
Blackett H. Harland A. Simpson J.W.
Blackett R.J. Harle N. Simpson P.N
Bond J. Hutchinson W. Slack J.
Brown E. Jackson E. WAAF Stephenson A.
Burton E.R. Jackson S. Stonehouse J.
Carolan T. Jopling J.R. Suffield S
Casey J. Larnach C. Watson H.H.
Christon J. Lee D. Watson L.M. WAAF
Clark G.W. Letby R.E. Weir S.R.
Cockerill A. Nicholls W. Young O.L.
Cottrell P.C. Palliser J.
Carlton J
Third side
Armstrong W.G. Elsbury E. Middlemass J.
Barker A. Ferguson J.L. Murphy J.P.
Barrass N.S. Gilpin J. Nattrass S.
Brooks J. Grundy R. Payne G.
Brown D. Henderson R. Robinson G.
Carpenter S.J. Hewitt J. Sides E.
Castle J.J. Kyle G. Stephenson R.
Collin W. Longstaff E.W. Wilson R.
Coulson R. Marr J.W. Snowdon F.
Howe R.L.G. Ramshaw J.G. Smith V.
Johnson J. Rowlandson S.R. Snowdon F.
Lomax H. Tones W.
Lowes E. Wearmouth A.
Bowes G. Gould R. Ramsay H.M.
Brentley G.W. Hall J.T. Stringer H.
Evans E. King W.E. Thompson G.
Fletcher J.G. Johnson F.