Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Simon Raine


Screen 1914-18 St. Andrew





Map ref

NZ 264341

Original Location

St. Andrew’s Church, Barnfield Road. Immediately to the right of the main door.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date


Memorial Description

Screen with traceried top, 3 feet high x 6 feet wide. There are five panels, the central panel being 1 foot higher than the four outer ones. The central panel bears the dedication. The other four bear the names in two columns on each, the lettering incised and gilded, using elongated Roman capitals for the dedication and lower case for the names.

Materials used

Light oak


That they may be kept in / grateful remembrance / the names of those who died / in the Great War 1914-1919 / who were connected with this parish / are here inscribed / under the Cross of Sacrifice. / The East Window was erected as their memorial. /
The souls of the righteous are / in the hands of God. /
They are in peace.




How money was raised

Public subscription

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; C. Sanders; G. Gawley

Durham Record Office List of those who died EP/TuG 14/1

Source of quotation “The souls of the righteous . . .” Wisdom of Solomon 3 v 1

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Simon Raine, C. Sanders; G. Gawley

Research In Progress

Jim and John Grainger are creating an archive of information about each person named on the local War Memorials and would like to hear from anyone with stories, photographs or memorabilia. Contact:-

Screen 1914-18 St. Andrew (T61.02)

Central panel:
   That they may be kept in 
   grateful remembrance, 
   the names of those who died 
   in the Great War 1914-1918 
   who were connected with this parish 
   are here inscribed 
   under the Cross of Sacrifice.
   The East Window was erected 
   as their memorial. 
   The souls of the righteous are 
   in the hand of God. 
   They are in peace.
First panel                      Second panel    
            S. Abley                        T. Dixon               
   B. Alderson    A. Brown         W. Ebden       J. Henderson         
   J.L. Ambler    D.W. Brown       J. Egglestone  T. Hartley         
   E. Anderson    W. Brown         T. Egglestone  T. Herring         
   F. Anderson    E. Burke         E. Eldrett     T. Hindmarch      
   T. Anderson    W. Burns         C. Ellis       J.R. Hodgson      
   J. Anderson    E. Cameron       S. Elves       W. Hood         
   W. Arnett      J. Carr          B.L. Fenton    E. Hutchinson      
   D. Ballantyne  T. Claughan      J. French      G.W. Hutchinson      
   J. Bannister   T. Conn          A. Gibson      J.H. Ingram         
   H. Barrass     G.T. Cook        N. Gray        W. Inkster         
   H. Bayles      W. Cooper        G. Green       J. Jackson         
   G. Beal        A. Corbett       R. Greigg      R. Jackson         
   J.S. Bell      H. Craddock      F. Halls       F. James            
   T. Bishop      B. Craig         H. Hamilton    A. Jenkins         
   F. Blackett    J. Cummings      G. Hardy       A. Johnson         
   E. Boyle       J.W. Curle       W. Harland     P. Johnson         
   A. Bradley     W. Davis         H. Hart        T. Johnson         
Third panel                       Fourth panel

            G. Knaggs                      P. Rocks
   J.W. Kitching  J.W. Moan        T.N. Robinson  A.W. Verrell
   R. Langley     E. Nelson        J. Ryder       R. Vickerstaff
   G. Lax         W. Northcote     G. Sawdon      J. Wallace
   R. Lidster     J. O’Hara        C. Sanderson   B. Wardle
   C.S. Littley   J.A. Osquthorpe  W. Sanderson   J. Ward   
   J. Littley     H. Parry         W. Scotson     M. West
   J. Linsley     F. Perry         S. Scurr       J. White
   F. Lodge       J. Perry         J. Seymour     C. Whitehouse
   J. Lumsden     J. Petch         P.A. Snow      J. Whitmore
   J.G. Lund      A. Plews         J. Snowball    F. Wilkinson
   J. McAdam      J.W. Pope        G. Stones      J. Wilkinson
   T. McCrone     R. Pratt         R. Stott       F. Williams
   J. McPherson   E. Reeve         W. Studd       E.J. Wilson
   J.V. Martin    E. Rhymer        R. Telfer      G.W. Wilson
   W. Mason       H. Richardson    J. Temperley   J. Woodcock
   F.C. Metcalf   T. Richardson    B. Thomas      A. Wreath
   S. Mills       J. Richmond      J. Tills       W. Young

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story