Memorial Details

Photo: Lonely Tower


Statue 1914-18 1939-1945 Roadside





Map ref

NZ 120386

Original Location

Road junction. “A prominent position at the top of High Street”.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-1945

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 10th September 1921 by Lieut.Col. Nicholson. Dedicated by Rev. T.H. Espin.

Memorial Description

Statue of soldier standing with rifle at the ready. He is on a tall square pedestal with columns at each corner.
Below the statue are sunken panels which bear the dates on two sides in raised letters and the words “For Country” on the front and back.
The main pedestal stands on two steps. These in turn rest on two more steps with a low iron railing round. The names are carried in a single column on the sides of the plinth. The lettering is incised and leaded using sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Italian Marble


a. For Country / For Country / 1914 / 1919 /
Erected / By the inhabitants of / Tow Law, Thornley, / Sunniside, Hedley Hope, / East Hedley Hope / and Satley. / To the sacred memory / of those gallant men / who, at the call of king / and country, left all that / was dear to them, and after / enduring hardships and / facing danger in the Great / European War 1914-1919 / passed among their / comrades by the path of / duty and sacrifice / giving their own lives / that we might live in / freedom. /
Greater love hath no man than this, that / a man lay down his life for his friends


Who commissioned

War Memorial Committee



Present condition

Vandalised – see Note 2 below.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Mr. Thomas Westgarth, Campbell Street, Tow Law.

Ownership and maintenance

The memorial was formally handed over to the Urban District Council at the unveiling ceremony.


1. A special address was given by Rev. Humphreys, Vicar of Thornley, who lost three sons in the War.

2. The original statue had a bayonet fixed to the rifle. This was broken, probably vandalised, c.early 1960s. The broken remnant was removed and the rifle reground. The bayonet is visible in early photos. Repair work has been done (2009) when the bayonet was replaced.

3. The proposal for a war memorial was first mooted by Cllr. Atkinson 11/01/1918.

4. The memorial featured on the front of the local calendar for 2007.

5. Mr. W.H. Charlton, agent for Messrs. Samuelson’s, was asked to speak at the unveiling. His son, Lieut.Col. B.S. Charlton, had been killed and his name was on the memorial.

6. One of those named went down on the Lusitania.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Ron Carson; Simon Raine; David Charlesworth; Dorothy Hall; John Dixon; Lonely Tower: Old postcards: Tony Harding; George Nairn; John Grainger; D. Charlesworth; Photo of dedication by A.O. Humphreys, Tow Law LHS

Durham County Advertiser 16/09/1921 carries brief report of unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 22/09/1923 carries photos of “highest memorial in the district”

Stanley News 15/09/1921 reports unveiling.

Auckland and County Chronicle 15/09/1921 reports unveiling.

Darlington & Stockton Times (North) 17/09/1921 reports unveiling.

Durham County Council ref 505/3/6/8

In Durham County Archives booklet (Ref. A12/11 page 40) of photos of Tow Law history showing procession going through Dan’s Castle on its way to the unveiling.

Minute Books of the Tow Law Board and Urban District Council (Ref. UD/TL 5 and 6).

Weardale Museum Folder containing information on local war memorials.

Memoirs of Tow LawMr Newrick Grant; produced by Tow Law Local History Group.

Tow Law Town Council Minutes2009 page 7 169/09 Clerk's Report that the bayonet had been fixed onto the statue on 5th Nov. 2009 prior to the Remembrance Day Service.

Sources of quotations
“Those men who, at call of King and Country . . .” Certificate sent to all bereaved families under the George V cipher and coat of arms.
“Greater love hath no man . . .” St. John 15 v 13.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; Ron Carson; Errol Broomfield; Durham County Council; John and Mavis Dixon; Reg. Hornsby; Tony Harding; Alan Vickers; George Nairn; David Charlesworth; Dorothy Hall; Tow Law Local History Society; Yorkshire Regiment Remembrance

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Statue 1914-18 1939-1945 Roadside (T57.01)

TOW LAW Road junction


   By the inhabitants of 
   Tow Law, Thornley,
   Sunniside, Hedley Hope,
   East Hedley Hope
   and Satley. 
   To the sacred memory 
   of those gallant men 
   who, at the call of king 
   and country, left all that 
   was dear to them, and after 
   enduring hardships and 
   facing danger in the Great 
   European War 1914-1919, 
   passed from among their 
   comrades by the path of 
   duty and self sacrifice, 
   giving their own lives 
   that we might live in 
On front base of pedestal

   Greater love hath no man than this, that 
   a man lay down his life for his friends
Left side                   


   Pte    Agar          J.R.        
   Pte    Agar          N.R.        
   Pte    Armstrong     D.     
   Sgt    Armstrong     W.     
   Pte    Bainbridge    J.T.  
   Pte    Barker        W.        
   Pte    Bradley       J.J.     
   Pte    Brooks        H.        
   Pte    Brunton       J.R.     
   Pte    Charlton      W.      
   Pte    Collingwood   T.W. 
   Pte    Collingwood   J.   
   Pte    Cuthill       J.       
   Pte    Fitzsimmons   W.   
   Pte    Foster        J.H.      
   Pte    Graham        W.        
   Pte    Graham        W.        
   Pte    Guy           J.G.         
   Pte    Hanlon        F.        
   Pte    Harle         J.         
   Cpl    Henderson     W.     
   Pte    Hewitson      J.T.    
   Pte    Hildreth      C.      
   Pte    Holliday      G.L.    
   Pte    Hutchinson    J.A.  
   Cpl    Hutchinson    W.    
   Pte    Jones         J.         
   Pte    Marley        W.P.      
   Pte    McCormick     J.     
   Pte    McMahon       R.       
   Pte    Peckett       J.W.     
   Pte    Pooley,       T.       
   Pte    Proud         R.A.       
   Pte    Robinson      O.      
   Pte    Simpson       A.R.     
Left top step 

   Tel.    Moses     F.V.  Pte       Small     D.
   Cpl     Nash      H.    Flt/Lieut Trevor    G.
   LA/C    Portrey   L.    Gnr       Turner    M. 
   Bdr.    Rees      J.R.  Lieut     Vickers   T.H. 
   Ck      Rees      L.    Pte       Vitty     T. 
   Plt/Off Robson    A.    L/Bdr     Wall      D.
Left base 

   Sgt Flt/Eng Robson J.    P.O      Wheatley   R.M.
   Stwd   Rudkin      L.    Maj      Williamson W.H. 
Right hand side 

   Pte    Cave          T.W.
   Lt.Col Charlton      B.H.
   Pte    Charlton      S.
   Pte    Collinson     T.G.
   Pte    Claughton     J.
   Pte    Crowe         G.
   Pte    Hall          G.
   Pte    Hall          C.H.
   Pte    Hutchinson    T.E.
   Pte    Lee           E.
   Pte    Marley        M.
   Pte    Moralee       T.H.
   Pte    Nicholson     M.
   Pte    Pears         J.G.
   Pte    Proud         R.
   Pte    Richardson    G.     
   Pte    Walker        J.W.
   Gnr    Coates        G.R.
   Gnr    Maddison      R.
   Gnr    Robinson      J.W.
   Bdr    Robson        H.S.
   Sgt    Smith         G.P.
   Gnr    Todd          M.R.
   Dr.    Winter        J.
   Gnr    Vasey         H.
   Pte    Learoyd G.    Tank C.
   AB     Lewis W.C.    R.N.D.
   Sap    McDougall A.  R.E.
   Rfl    Watson H.     K.R.R.
   Pte    Welsh G.S.    D of W.        
   Pte    Nattrass T.   D.L.I.
   Pte    Harle J.      D.L.I.
Right top step


   LACW    Pattinson J.E.              
   P.O.    Thirwell  G.                 
   Pte     Allan     C.D.  LAC       Dixon     J      
   L/Cpl   Bates     N.    Pte       Fawcett   J.W. 
   Sgt/Plt Bell      C.    Pte       Gill      F.  
   AC2     Boal      W.    LA/C      Gowland   T.     
Right Base 

   Sgt/Obs Brydon    J.L.  Ldg/SMM   Graham   J.A.W.  
   Pte     Carrigan  J.L.  Pte       Green    J.G.           

   FOR COUNTRY  1914
   Pte    Stearman      J. 
   Pte    Stephenson    R. 
   Pte    Tarn          J.    
   Pte    Thompson      R.  
   Pte    Vitty         J.   
   Pte    Ward          T. 
   Pte    Waugh         G.H. 
   Pte    Whitfield     M. 
   Pte    Wilson        P. 
   Pte    Dowson        C.  
   Pte    Burrows       D.           
   Pte    Corr          W.    
   Pte    Dawson        R.        
   Pte    Evans         J.         
   Pte    Harle         J.              
   Pte    Hobson        R.   
   CSM    Hutchinson    A.W.      
   L/Cpl  Lowson        T.        
   Cpl    Milburn       A.  
   Pte    McAninly      J.J.        
   Pte    Moore         T.             
   Pte    Nelson        A.            
   Pte    Robinson      R.B.        
   Cpl    Robinson      R.          
   Pte    Rowell-Brown  J.W.    
   Pte    Bradwell F.   Bdr Regt.   
   Pte    Boal W.       Lincoln.    
   Pte    Crowe   J.E.  M.G.C.   
   Pte    Hutton  F.B.  Gren.Gds.  
   Pte    Hunter  R.    Nth.Staffs.
   Capt.  Humphreys N.F. Tank.C.  
   Lieut. Humphreys J.T.G. R.A.N.S.
          Humphreys H.St.G.
Rear top step
   Mne     Hildreth  H.    Capt      Kirby     T.
   Pte     Hildreth  J.A.  Pte.      McKenzie  G.W.
   L/Cpl   Hildreth  T.E.  Cpl (MM)  McMillon  D.
   Flt/Sgt Hobson    H.    Pte       Mawson    A.
   LA/Mec. Holden    F.    Pte       Milner    A.J.   
   Cfn     Humphries R.    Pte       Milner    W. 
Rear Base 

   Maj   Johnston R.Q.F. Pte       Moffitt   T.
   Tpr   Lawson    W.R.  Pte       Moody     J.



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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story