Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Roll of Honour


Roll of Honour Borough 1914-18 Library


T36.14 Pages 1-20



Map ref

NZ 370694

Original Location

Tynemouth Public Library, Front Street

Present Location

Original originally handed over for presentation in the Public Library. A booklet copy was given to the Tyne-Wear Archives Department, Blandford House.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled with the monument on 28/04/1923 by the Duke of Northumberland

Memorial Description

Roll of Honour, 40.5 cm high x 32.5 cm wide, "handsomely got up with a highly decorative title page, surmounted by the borough coat of arms. The title page is of vellum, and the names are beautifully inscribed, with the fullest details that could be obtained, on parchment sheets".

This Roll of Honour is part of the monument at Tynemouth Victoria Infirmary Extension at North Shields (See N34.01)

There is an Additional List from Page 31 and a Wellesley List from Page 40. See Index below.

Materials used

Vellum and parchment


Front cover County Borough of Tynemouth / Roll of Honour / 1914-1919 List of Members / of the / Navy, Army, Air Force, Auxiliary Forces / and / Mercantile Marine, / belonging to the County Borough of / Tynemouth, / who gave their lives in the Great War, / 1914-1919.


Who commissioned

Borough of Tynemouth Corporation

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Printed 1919 by The Northern Press Ltd. North Shields.

Ownership and maintenance

The monument and Roll were handed over to Tynemouth Borough Council at the unveiling ceremony


1. 1,500 booklets, containing the details given in the Roll of Honour, were printed for free distribution to relatives of any person named in the Roll. Extra copies would cost sixpence.

2. The pages of the book were turned over once every three days, and the details of the pages to be on view next was carried in the "Shields Daily News" so that people could see the pages in which they were particularly interested. In between times, the roll was kept in a locked glass case, but Library staff would unlock the case if requested.

3. Acknowledgement is given to Rev. R.E. Holmes, Vicar of Tynemouth and Mr. Harold Taylor "to whom the town now owes a debt of gratitude. These gentlemen, acting quite independently, kept a record of casualties reported from the beginning until the end of the war, and not only placed their lists, but their services as well, at the call of the War Memorial Committee. It is through their painstaking collaboration in the preparation of the records that we have such an excellent Roll of Honour" to hand down to posterity" (Shields Daily News 30/4/1923).

4. The names were compiled from the Shield Daily News newspaper under the heading of the Tynemouth Roll of Honour. This was a list compiled of Tynemouth Borough Casualties [see Shields Daily News August 1917], that were printed in the newspapers.

5. Whilst both T36.01 and T36.14 give the name N. Youds, CWGC say that the names is Youlds, Nicholas, L/Cpl. 10810, 9th Bn, West Yorkshire Regiment who died on 9/8/1915, age 19. (Tony Harding). Soldiers Died in the Great War gives "Youds".

6. James Leadbitter Knott –see Every Name a Story

Henry Basil Knott see Every Name a Story

Thomas Garbutt Knott see Every Name a Story

7. The names from this Booklet which was compiled originally from and on behalf of the Town Corporation as a Book of Remembrance that use to be in the Library, (see note 2 3 and 4 above), The Roll of Honour booklet published at the end of the Great War were copies of this original Remembrance Book. What has happened to the original Remembrance book?.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Shields Daily News 23/04/1992 reports the distribution copies and giving the description of the Roll of Honour; 28/04/1923 reports the unveiling ceremony; 17/09/1923 reports on the systematic expansion of the Roll by those interested.

Illustrated Chronicle 15/01/1920 page 4 reports concert for returned soldiers, and 491 names on the Roll of Honour.

Newcastle City Library also has a copy of the Roll of Honour.

North Shields Public Library Local Studies had a copy.

Tyne and Wear Archives has a copy Ref: CB/TY/17

North Shields News Guardian 05/01/1995 reports efforts to include the names of the dead from 1939-45

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; James Pasby; Tony Harding

Research In Progress

The members of Northumbrian World War 1 Commemoration Project are researching the names on the Borough of Tynemouth’s Roll of Honour.

Roll of Honour Borough 1914-18 Library (T36.14 Pages 1-20)

TYNEMOUTH      Public Library 
Front page
   List of Members 
   of the 
   Navy, Army, Air Force, Auxiliary Forces 
   Mercantile Marine, 
   belonging to the County Borough of 
   who gave their lives in the Great War,
   Totals:     Tynemouth Roll      1661
   “Wellesley” Roll                  86   
Page 3 Left Hand Column
   Abbot, Geo.  Northumberland Fusiliers – 2             
      Middle Street, Tynemouth.   
   Adams, Geo., died while prisoner of war,    
      August 2, 1918.   
   Adams, Geo. Stuart, lost at sea, April 4 1918.   
   Adamson, Magnus, R.N.R. lost in H.M.T.   
      Brooklyn, May 11, 1917 – 5 Bird Square.   
   Adamson, Wm. Varley, died from wounds –    
   Adcock, Octavius, Durham Light Infantry,   
      killed in action, Dec. 19, 1915.   
   Adey, Geo.  Durham Light Infantry, killed   
      in action, April 9-10, 1917. – Collingwood   
   Aggett, Albert Edward, Lce.-Cpl., Northum-   
      berland Fusiliers, killed in action July 1,    
      1916. – 45 Percy Street, Tynemouth   
   Agnew, Thos. Randell, R.N.R. drowned at   
      Peterhead, Jan. 20, 1917. – William Street.
   Aitken, Thos. W., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died from wounds, Oct. 1, 1917.      
   Alderson, Emmerson, Durham Light Infan-   
      try, killed in action, April 11, 1916. – 12   
      Mount Pleasant   
   Allan, John Cecil, Northumberland Fusi-   
      liers, killed in action, April 26, 1915. – 6   
      Queen Alexandra Road West.
   Allen, Lawrence P., Sergeant, Royal Fusi-   
      liers, killed in action, March 21, 1918. – 43   
      Middle Street, Tynemouth.   
   Allerton, Fred. Lce.-Cpl. Tyne Electrical   
      Engineers, died while on duty, Sept. 14,
   Anderson, Albert, Duke of Wellington, died   
      from wounds, Oct. 1, 1918. – 20 East   
      Stephenson Street.   
   Anderson, Donald Frazer, 2nd Lieut., killed 
      in action.
Page 3 Right Hand Column
   Anderson, Thomas, Corpl.  Australian Im-
      perial Forces, killed in action, June 8,
      1917.-  Late of Hudson Street.
   Anderson, Wm.B. Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, Feb. 21, 1917. - 60
      Blyth Street, Percy Main.
   Andrews, Charles Fred., Welsh Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Sept. 26, 1917.
   Angus, James, lost at sea, Sept. 4, 1918. –
      New Quay.
   Angus, John Collingwood, Australian Im-
      perial Forces, died of wounds, July 6, 1916.
      65 Howdon Road.
   Angus, Richard, R.N.R., fireman, lost at sea,
      Dec. 1, 1918. - Church Street.
   Annett, Frederick James, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, died of wounds, May 28, 1916. –
      3 Wellington Street, W.
   Antwiss, Robert, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, Sept. 28, 1916.
   Appleby, Thomas, killed at sea, February
      21, 1918 – 7 Stewart’s Buildings.
   Armstrong, Alfred Latimer, accidentally
      killed while on Government work at
      Smith’s Dock, Jan. 19, 1916.-Percy Park
   Armstrong, John, lost in the s.s. Caithness,
      April 20, 1919.
   Armstrong, John, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 12, 1917. – 124
      Church Way.
   Armstrong, James Herbert, Duke of Well-
      ingtons, killed in action, Oct. 18, 1917. –
      6 Argyle Terrace, Preston.
   Armstrong, Joseph W., Scottish Rifles, died
      of wounds, May, 1917.
   Armstrong, Richard, Inniskilling Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Aug.3 1917.
   Armstrong, Thos., killed in action, July 12,
      1917, - 124 Church Way.
Page 4 Left Hand Column
   Armstrong, Thos. P., killed in action, July
        1, 1916. – 8 East Percy Street.   
   Arnott, Robert J., died at sea, Oct. 14, 1916.   
      14 Northumberland Street.   
   Arthur, Alfred G., Coldstream Guards,   
      killed in action, Sept. 15, 1916.   
   Arthur, Walter, R.N.R., lost in the Viknor,   
  7 Easton Terrace, East Howdon.      
   Ascough, Phillip, Northumberland Fusi-   
      liers, died suddenly, May 30, 1917.   
   Ashton, Thos. Storey, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 9, 1917. – 1a   
      North View, Cullercoats.   
   Atkins, Charles Henry, Sergeant Drummer,   
      Yorks and Lancs., died of wounds, Oct.
      19, 1917. – 7 Tynemouth Road.   
   Atkinson, Ed., Lancashire Fusiliers, killed
      in action, April 24, 1918. – 34 Trevor Ter-
   Atkinson, Geo., East Yorks., killed in action,
      May 18, 1916. – 49 Grey Street.   
   Atkinson, Nicholas, lost in steamer Saxon   
      (torpedoed) May 7, 1918.       
   Attrill, Harry, killed in action, Oct. 26, 1917.
   Backley, Herbert, Lance Corporal, Northum-
      berland Fusiliers, killed in action, Sept.   
      26, 1916. – 27 Berwick Terrace, Percy Main.   
   Badger, Ed. Atchison, lost at sea, Sept. 8,
      1917. – 83 Elsdon Terrace, Percy Main.   
   Badsey, Bert, Northumberland Fusiliers,   
      killed in action, Nov. 9, 1916. – 16 Hilton
   Bailey, Robt. Geo., Royal Berkshire, died
      from wounds, Aug. 3. 1916. – 19 Camden   
   Bain, Nicol, Royal West Kent Regiment,   
      killed in action, Oct. 16, 1916.   
   Bainbridge, Arthur Chas., Yorks and Lancs.   
      Regiment, died of wounds, Sept. 18, 1918.
      13 Mill Street, Chirton.   
   Bainbridge, Thos. Emery, 2ndLieut. North-   
      umberland Fusiliers, killed in action, 
      April 9, 1917. – 4 Curtis Road, Newcastle
      (late of North Shields).
   Baker, Isaac Oliver, Battery Sergeant-Major, 
      R.G.A., died in hospital, Oct. 21, 1918.            
   Ball, Geo., Northumberland Fusiliers, killed            
      in action, Sept. 20, 1917.                           
   Ball, Geo. Fred, 2nd Lieut., Highland                  
      Cyclists’ Battalion, died in Ireland, Dec.            
      6, 1916.                                             
   Balls, Wm., lost in minesweeper at Jutland.            
   Ballard, Chas. W., died in hospital ship,                
      Dec. 15, 1916.                                       
   Ballantine, Albert, Royal Navy, torpedoed,            
      Nov., 1917.                                          
   Balmbra, Thos., Lance-Corpl., Northumber-            
      land Fusiliers, killed in action, July 7,               
      1916. – 12 Church Way.
   *Backley, James A., 11th Batt: Northd.
      Fusiliers. Killed in action in Italy.
      27th Oct. 1918.
Page 4 Right Hand Column
   Barker, Roland, died from wounds, June 8,
      1915. – 22 Borough Road.
   Barker, Thos., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Nov. 14, 1916. – 15 Eleanor
      Street, Cullercoats.
   Barrie, John Arthur, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. – 47
      Cleveland Avenue.
   Barry, Thos. Maughan, Royal Naval Divi-
      sion, killed in action, Feb. 17, 1917. – 56
      Hedley Street, Percy Main.
   Battista, John Geo., Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, Nov. 5, 1916. – 27
      Church Street.
   Bavidge, Eustace Stewart, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, died in German prison, Nov.20,
      1918. – 3 Lovaine Terrace.
   Baxter, Fred., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers,
      died from wounds, June 26, 1918. – 61 Col-
      lingwood View.
   Baxter, Gilbert, blown up, February 16, 1917.   
      Charlotte Street.
   Baxter, J.H., Sergt., Duke of Wellingtons,
      killed in France, Sept. 15, 1916.
   Beales, Thos. C., Corporal, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, July, 1916. – 61
      Coburg Street.
   Bean, J. Hall, Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in action, March 21, 1918. – 41 Tyne   
   Bean, John T., killed in France, April 23. – 9
      York Terrace.
   Beatie, Alfred Gosling, R.F.A., killed in
      action, Oct. 27, 1918. – 26 Appleby Street.
   Beck, Thos., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Oct. 18, 1916. – 33 Church
   Bell, Apaulus, 2nd Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in France, Aug. 9, 1914.
   Bell, Frank R., Royal Fusiliers, killed in
      action, Feb. 7, 1917. – 28 Percy Gardens.
   Bell, John, Northumberland Fusiliers, killed
      in action, Sept. 24th, 1916. – 9 Magnesia
   Bell, Leonard, Royal Engineers, died of
      pneumonia, Nov. 8, 1918. – Middle Row,
      Percy Main.
   Bell, Thos., Sergt., Tyneside Scottish, killed
      in action, July 1, 1916. – 69 Elsdon Terrace,
      Percy Main.
   Bennett, Albert, Devon Regiment, killed in
      action, Sept. 30, 1915.
   Bennett, E.T., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Sept. 15, 1916. – 1 Cross
      Camden Lane.
   Bennett, Edwin, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 7, 1916. – 50 Ropery
Page 5 Left Hand Column
   Bennett, Richard Thos., Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, Feb. 26, 1917. -          
      26 Church Way.                                    
   Berryman, J.W., 2nd lieut., King’s Own               
      Yorkshire Light Infantry, killed in action,         
      Nov. 27, 1917.                                    
   Best, David, Northumberland Fusiliers, died            
      from wounds, July 3, 1916. – 25 Belford         
   Bewick, J.W., Sergt., R.F.A., killed in               
      action, August 12, 1917. – 125 Seymour            
   Bilton, John Wm., Royal Naval Division,            
      killed in action, November 30, 1916. – 31         
      Simpson Street, Chirton.                           
   Blacklock, Benson, engineer on El Zoro, lost         
      on December 28, 1915. – 5 Rippon Terrace,         
      Waterville Road.                                    
   Blackman, Henry, engineer, mined on                
      trawler Reaper, February 21st, 1918. – 19            
      Rudyerd Street.                                    
   Blair, Matthew, killed in action on March            
      29th, 1916.                                          
   Blair, Thomas Finkall, 2nd Lieutenant,               
      R.A.F., accidentally killed in Linc.,                
      April 5, 1918, - 22 Widdrington Terrace.            
   Blakey, William, Royal Scots Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, May 30, 1918. – 58 Church         
   Blandy, Francis Dawson, Lieutenant-Col.,             
      R.A.M.C., killed in action, 1917. – 3 Allen-         
      dale Place, Tynemouth.                              
   Blyth, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, September 21, 1916. – 8            
      Bird Street.                                          
   Blyth, Joseph, accidentally drowned at Con            
      stantinople, January 20, 1919. 14 Dock            
   Bolam, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, July 10, 1916. – 9 Waldo         
   Bolam, John Wm., Northumberland                  
      Fusiliers, killed in action, October 17,               
   Bolland, John, Telegraph Service, killed in             
      action, July 1, 1916. – 18 Marconi View            
   Bonner, Alex., died of wounds, October 19,          
      1917. – 67 King Street.                              
   Bonner, Matthew, Northumberland Fusi-               
      liers, killed in action, March 21, 1918. – 67         
      King Street.                                       
   Bookless, J.H., Sub-Lieutenant, Naval Bri-            
      gade, killed in Dardanelles.                        
   Bowyer, A.H., killed in action, April 30,               
      1918. – Chirton.                                    
   Box, John Crombie, Sergt., Royal West               
      Surrey, killed in action, June 23, 1917. -               
      14 George’s Terrace, Cullercoats.                     
Page 5 Right Hand Column
   Boyd, John Thomas, Sergeant, Northumber-
      land Fusiliers, died of wound, Sept. 28,
      1918. – 83 Little Bedford Street.
   Bradbury, Edward, Gunner, Royal Field
      Artillery, killed at the Dardanelles on
      December 25, 1915. – 36 Little Bedford
   Bradley, Bolton, Petty Officer, R.N.R., lost at
      sea, June 23, 1917. – 2 Coulson’s Bank.
   Brand, Adam, Highland Light Infantry,
      killed in action, April 28, 1917. – 35 Stephen-
      son Street.
   Bridgett, Edmund, Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, February 17, 1917. – 54
      Queen Street.
   Briggs, Robert Norman, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in France, Sept. 26, 1915.
      25 Lawson Street.
   Briggs, W.J., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action in France, March 22, 1918.
   Brink, Robert, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 12, 1916. – 7 Walker
   Bristow, Thomas, killed in action in France,
      May 10, 1916.
   Broadbent, Joseph, killed in action on Sept.
      30, 1915. – 145 Stephenson Street.
   Broderick, James Milburn, Royal Engineers,
      killed in action, April 21, 1918. – 35 Hopper
      Street, West.
   Brook, James E.B., Corporal, Australian
      Infantry, killed in action in France, July
      28-29, 1916. – St. John’s Theological College,
      Perth, Western Australia.
   Brook, Nevill B., Quartermaster Sergeant,
      6th Northumberland Fusiliers, killed at
      Ypres, April, 1915.
   Brookbanks, William Robert, died prisoner
      in Germany, April 2, 1915. – 12 Mount
   Brooks, William Robson, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, October 12, 1917.
      28 Church Street.
   Brookbanks, Rufus, Sergeant, Tyneside
      Irish, Northumberland Fusiliers, killed
      in action, July 1, 1916.
   Brown, Edwin Percival W., 2nd Lieut. Nor-
      folk Regiment, killed in action, Sept. 4,
      1916 (formerly of Northumberland Square.)
   Brown, George Arthur, Tyne Electrical En-
      gineers, died in hospital, Jan. 30, 1915. –
      62 Donkin Terrace.
   Brown, J., Northumberland Fusiliers, killed
      in action, April 9, 1918
   Brown, Joseph, Durham Light Infantry, died
      of wounds, 1917. – 3 Queen’s Court.
   Brown, James F., Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. – 36
   Northumberland Street.
Page 6 Left Hand Column
   Brown, John H., killed in action July ?,               
   Brown, J. Geo. Arnold, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, April 9, 1917. -          
      2 Reid Street.                                       
   Brown, John Henry, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. – 1            
      Smith’s Place, Toll Square.                        
   Brown, James Wm., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, died from wounds received in Galli-         
      poli, Sept. 25, 1915. – 1 Smith’s Place, Toll         
   Brown, J.W., died of wounds, Sept. 25, 1915.         
   Brown, Jos. Wm., died from cholera in               
      Mesopotamia. – 38 Front Street, Chirton.            
   Brown, Richard T.L., Northumberland Fusi-         
      liers, killed in action, July 20, 1917. – 56            
      Addison Street.                                    
   Brown, Samuel Oliver, Royal Field Artil-             
      lery, died from wounds, October 11, 1917.         
   Brown, Osmond, Signaller, H.M.S. Vivid            
      III., drowned.                                       
   Brown, Wm. John Henry, Lieut., Norfolk            
      Regiment, killed in action, Sept. 4, 1916 -          
      (Formerly of Northumberland Square).            
   Brunton, Jacob, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, Sept. 1, 1916. – Flat Cot            
      tage Gardens, Preston.                              
   Brunton, Henry, Northumberland Fusiliers,             
      killed in action, Oct. 25, 1917. – Preston            
   Buchanan, James, Highland Light Infan-               
      try, killed in action in France, Sept 28,             
      1915. – Steward’s Buildings, Bird Street.            
   Bucklee, Fred, Petty Officer, R.N.R., died on         
      active service, April 18, 1918. – 7 George         
   Buffham, Harry A., Sergeant, Durham Light         
      Infantry, killed in action, July 19, 1918. -            
      3 Collingwood Terrace.                           
   Buglass, Andrew C., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 26, 1915. – 17         
      Front Street.                                       
   Buglass, Cyril, Second Lieutenant, North-               
      umberland Fusiliers, died of wounds,               
      Mar. 24, 1918. - 7 Milton Terrace.                  
   Buglass, Thos. Toshach, Royal Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, Nov. 18, 1916. – 45 Park            
   Burgon, Peter, Warrant Officer, killed off            
      Harwich, Dec 26, 1915. – 15 Dockwray            
   Burgoyne, Robt. Michael, Northumberland             
      Fusiliers, killed in action, March 14, 1917.         
      28 Duke Street.                                    
   Burn, John Hart, pilot, blown up in pilot               
      cutter, Protector, Dec. 31, 1916. – 15 Coburg      
   Burn, Robt. John, Hood Battalion, Royal               
      Naval Division, killed at the Dardanelles,         
Page 6 Right Hand Column
      Dec. 26, 1915. – Priory Inn, Tynemouth.
   Burns, Andrew, Royal Naval Division, died
      of wounds received in Dardanelles, June
      21, 1915.
   Burns, Jos. Dobson, Capt. (Chaplain), died
      of wounds in Flanders, June 7, 1918. – 52
      Park Crescent.
   Burns, Wm., Durham Light Infantry, died
      of wounds, Nov. 8, 1918. – Stephenson
   Burnett, Alex., killed at sea on active ser-
      vice, Feb. 26, 1918. – 37 Tyne Street.
   Button, Henry J., R.N.R., died Nov. 8, 1918.
      11 Simpson Street, Chirton.
   Burnett, Robt., Royal Naval Division, killed
      in action, Mar. 25, 1918. – 35 Stephenson
   Butler, Theodore, lost on s.s. Hazelwood,
      torpedoed, Oct. 20, 1917.
   Butler, W., died of wounds, June 7, 1917. –
      27 Bell Street.
   Byder, C.L., 8th Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in Gallipoli, Aug. 10, 1915. – 30 Cam-
      den Lane.
   Cable, John Gilbert, Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, Feb. 4, 1917. – 60 Clive
   Cairns, James, West Yorks., killed in action,
      Aug. 16, 1917. – 5 Wellington Street West.
   Callagham, Wm. F., Lancashire Labour Regt.,
      killed in action, May 3, 1917. 11 Silkey’s
      Lane, Chirton.
   Cale, Daniel, 26th Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916.
   Callender, James, killed in action, Dec. 10,
   Calverley, Edwin, killed in action in Italy,
      July 7, 1918. – 67 Chirton West View.
   Cameron, C.G., Major, R.G.A., died of
      wounds, Tynemouth.
   Cameron, Gordon, Gordon Highlanders,
      killed in action. – Delaval Cottage, Howdon
   Campbell, Charles A., Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, April 16, 1917. – 188
      Stephenson Street. 
   Cameron, Thomas Wm. H., South Staffords,
      died of wounds, May 12, 1917. – 20 Bull
   Campbell, George, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. – 24
      Burdon Main Row.
   Campbell, James, Queen’s Own Westminster
      Regiment, killed in action, September 10,
   Campbell, Joseph, Highland Light Infan-
      try, killed in action, September 30, 1918.
   Cappleman, W., skipper, blown up, Febru-
      ary 16, 1917. – 8 Princes Street.
   Carey, Alfred, R.N.R., drowned from patrol
      boat, March 6, 1917. – 67 Grey Street.
Page 7 Left Hand Column
   Carling, Harry, lost from patrol boat, Octo-            
      ber 31, 1915. – 20 Newcastle Street.               
   Carr, Arthur, Scots Guards, died of wounds,            
      November 28, 1917. – 7 Eleanor Street, Cul-      
   Carr, Ernest James, King’s Own Y.L.I.,               
      died of wounds, July 24, 1917. – 7 Eleanor         
      Street, Cullercoats.                                 
   Carr, George, killed in action, November 4,             
      1918. – 7 Eleanor Street.                           
   Carr, George William, Co.-Sergeant-Major,            
      killed in action, April 7, 1918. – 13 Tyne-         
      mouth Road.                                       
   Carr, Wm., R.F.A., killed in action, Sep-               
      tember 23, 1916. – Late of Preston Colliery.            
   Carruthers, John, Sergt., Royal Engineers,            
      killed in action, June 17, 1916. – 1 Brislee         
      Avenue, Tynemouth.                              
   Case, Peter Strasshine, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, April 23, 1917. -         
      19 Front Street, Milburn Place.                        
   Caush, James Wm., Durham Light Infan-               
      try, killed in action, October 3, 1917. – 20         
      Coburg Street.                                       
   Cavanagh, Thomas Joseph, able seaman,               
      H.M.S. Aboukir, torpedoed, September 22,         
   Ceci, John, 9th Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      died of wounds, Feb. 14, 1919.                     
   Chambers, Robert, A.B., R.N. Division, killed         
      in action, July 31, 1916.                           
   Chambers, Arthur Oswin, Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, killed in action, May 7, 1916.            
   Chambers, Jos., Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed May 8, 1915. – 2 Lawson Street.            
   Chambers, H.R.L., 1st Tyneside Scottish,            
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. – 19 Upper            
      Queen Street.                                        
   Chambers, Norman Wilson, Durham Light            
      Infantry, died of wounds, October 22, 1916.          
      25 Dockwray Square.                           
   Chambers, Robert, Royal Naval Division,            
      killed in action, July 30, 1916. – 52 Blyth         
      Street, Percy Main.                                 
   Chapman, J. George, King’s Own Yorkshire         
      Light Infantry, killed in action Sept 18,            
      1918. – 26 Chirton Green.                              
   Chapman, Sydney A.G., killed in action,                
      Nov. 2, 1918. – 79 Washington Terrace.            
   Charleson, John Carr, Royal Air Force, died            
      on Sept. 11, 1918.                                 
   Charlesworth, T.S., 2nd.-Lieut., Tyneside            
      Irish, killed in action July 1, 1916. Tyne-            
   Charlton, Edward, Royal Field Artillery,                
      died of wounds, December 1, 1917. – 10 Back      
      Street, Preston.                                    
   Charlton, William, G., Lieut., 15th Durham             
      Light Infantry, killed in action, August            
      26, 1918.                                       
Page 7 Right Hand Column
   Charlton, William J., Highland Light Infan-
      try, killed in action, October 2, 1915. – 17
      Back Street, Preston.
   Charters, Robert, lost in trawler “Saxon
      Prince,” March 28, 1916. – 1 Stephenson
   Chater, Joseph, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed May 8, 1915. 2 Lawson Street.
   Chater, Ralph, Royal Field Artillery, died
      Nov. 2, 1918. – 6a Chirton West View.
   Chisholm, George, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, died from wounds, Sept. 3, 1916. –
      38 Church Way.
   Churnside, Alfred, killed in action, Oct. 29,
      1918. – 78 Washington Terrace.
   Clark, Alfred Thomas, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, died of wounds, April 9, 1917. – 37
      Little Bedford Street.
   Clark, Alder Austen, 8th Northumberland
      Fusiliers, died of wounds in Dardanelles,
      Aug. 15, 1915. -16½ Camden Street.
   Clark, Chas., killed on minesweeper, May 13,
   Clark, Fred W., killed in action, Sept 22,
      1915. – 90 Stephenson Street.
   Clark, John, killed in action, Nov. 14, 1916.
   Clark, John, killed at sea through enemy
      action, June 14, 1917.
   Clark, Joseph, Royal Naval Division, died
      in Germany, Oct. 24, 1918. -18 Sibthorpe
   Clark, William, engineman on minesweeper,
      died in hospital, July 12, 1916.
   Clark, William, East Yorks., killed in action,
      Sept. 16, 1916. – 34 Church Way.
   Clark, William, Tyneside Scottish, died from
      wounds in France, July 7, 1916. – 29 Beacon
   Clark, Wm. Lloyd, 8th Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in Dardanelles, Aug. 20,
      1915. – 18 Middle Street, Milburn Place.
   Colquhoun, Geo. Hutton, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, Sept. 25, 1916. –
      17 Charlotte Street.
   Colledge, John, engineer, lost at sea on
      H.M.S. Gretaston, April, 1917.
   Coleman, James, Durham Light Infantry,      
      killed in action, Aug. 9, 1915.
   Coleman, Frank, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, May 27, 1918. – 8 Reed
   Coleman, E., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, May 27, 1918. – 2 Reed
   Cole, Daniel, killed in action, July 1st, 1916.
      - Chirton.
   Coe, J.W., Northumberland Fusiliers, killed
      in action, April 9, 1917. – 45 Sidney Street.
   *Christie, Ronald; M.C., Captain, Royal Army
      Service Corps. (M.T.) attached Royal Garrison
      Artillery: Died of wounds in France, 13th April,
Page 8 Left Hand Column
   Cockburn, Sidney, Royal Garrison Artillery,         
      died in hospital, Oct. 20, 1918. – 122 Queen         
      Alexandra Road.                                    
   Cockburn, Geo. Thomas, killed at sea on               
      active service. – 1 Belle Vue Terrace.               
   Coats, Wm., 8th Duke of Wellington, killed            
      in action in Dardanelles, in August, 1915.         
      33 Washington Terrace.                        
   Clues, Wm., Royal Naval Reserve, Trawler            
      Section, lost at sea, Feb. 2, 1917. – 119            
      Stephenson Street.                                 
   Clements, Fred., Sergeant, Durham Light               
      Infantry, killed in action, Sept. 3, 1916.            
   Clay, William, Tyneside Scottish, killed in            
      action, July 1, 1916, 3 Smith’s Place, Toll         
   Clay, drowned from Admiralty trawler, -               
   Clay, Joseph, drowned from Admiralty                
      trawler City of Dundee, September 14,            
      1915. – 3 Camden Street.                           
   Clarke, Fred W. lost on H.M.S. Cressy,                
      September 2, 1914. – 90 Stephenson Street.         
   Colvin, Albert Edward, leading seaman,               
      R.N. Division, died on active service, Feb.         
      17, 1917. – 1 Waterville Road.                     
   Common, Robert, West Yorks, died of               
      wounds, July 30, 1915. – 64 Blyth Street,         
      Percy Main.                                       
   Conelly, Michael, 8th Northumberland Fusi-         
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 26, 1916. -114         
      Bedford Street.                                    
   Conley, Edward, Hood Batt., Royal Naval            
      Division, killed in action, June 4, 1915. -            
      13 Northumberland Street.                        
   Connor, Cornelius O., 9th Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, died from pneumonia, December         
      8, 1918.                                             
   Conroy, Edward, Royal Field Artillery,               
      killed in action, March 8, 1917. -57 Queen         
   Cook, Thomas, Royal Naval Reserve, lost at         
      sea, February 26, 1918.                              
   Cooper, Harry, killed in action, June 24, 1915.         
   Cosans, Harry Edward, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, April 12, 1916.            
   Coser, George, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, June 16, 1915. –23 Welling-      
      ton Street.                                          
   Coulter, J.A., Royal Field Artillery, killed            
      in action, April 30, 1915. -66 Reed Street.         
   Coulter, Ralph C., King’s Royal Rifle Corps,         
      killed in action, October 21, 1918.                  
   Cowell, William Henry, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, Sept. 26, 1916. -          
      46 Rudyerd Street.                                 
   Cowell, William S., Royal Field Artillery,            
      died October 2, 1919. -81 Queen Alexandra            
Page 8 Right Hand Column
   Cowie, Harold, Royal Naval Division, died
      from wounds, February 5, 1917. -6 North-
      umberland Dock.
   Cowie, Neal, Royal Field Artillery, killed in
      action, Sept. 26, 1916. – Northumberland
   Cowler, Thos., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Sept. 15, 1916. – 33 Church
   Coyne, Anthony, Royal Dublin Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Oct. 20, 1916. – 11 Norfolk
   Coyne, James Patrick, Tyneside Irish, killed
      in action, July 1, 1916. – 193 Stephenson
   Cozens, John W., died in hospital, May 28,
      1918. -2 Walton Avenue.
   Craig, Henry, Lancashire Regiment, died of
      wounds, Sept 4, 1918. -2 East Stephenson
   Craig, John, killed in action, Mar. 22, 1918. –
      76 Little Bedford Street.
   Craig, Samuel J., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Nov. 14, 1916.
   Crammond, Thos. Hayes, Royal Field Artil-
      lery, lost on transport Montana, April 17.
      - 6 Cross Street, Milburn Place.
   Cranson, Geo. Wm., Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -15
      Chapel Street, Chirton.
   Cranston, Matthew, Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, Nov. 13, 1916. –Milburn
   Crawford, Jas. Albert, Royal Engineers,
      killed in action, June 23, 1917. -45 Plessey
      Road Blyth (late of North Shields).
   Crowe, Jas. A., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, Aug. 28, 1918. -27 Elsdon
   Crawshaw, J. Mullin, killed in action, May
      28, 1916.
   Crosby, Jas., killed in action, Jan. 20, 1917. –
      2 Cross Street, Milburn Place.
   Crossman, Alfred Addison, Royal Scots,
      killed in action, May 11, 1916. -5 Lans-
      downe Terrace.
   Crow, Thos. H., Royal Naval Division, killed
      in action, Nov. 13, 1916. -48 Percy Street.
   Crowe, Wm., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, June 18, 1915. –Welling-
      ton Street.
   Crozier, Jas. W., Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in action, Aug. 3, 1918.
   Crozier, Robert J., Tyne Electrical Engi-
      neers, died, Nov. 8, 1918. -49 Cardonnel
   Cummin, Thos. Edwin, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, May 26, 1915. –
      26 Lawson Street.
Page 9 Left Hand Column
   Cummins, William P., killed in France,               
      September 26, 1915. –8 East Percy Street.         
   Currie, John, Durham Light Infantry, died            
      of wounds, August 14th, 1915.                     
   Currie, Thomas, South Staffords, killed in            
      action, November 19, 1917. -38 Church            
   Curry, Wilfred, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, September 27, 1918. -48            
      Eleanor Street, Cullercoats.                        
   Cuthbert, Alex., lost at sea, January 29, 1918,         
      18 Grosvenor Place.                                 
   Cuthbertson, Joseph, West Yorks, killed in            
      action, March 19, 1916. –Elizabeth Street.         
   Dale, James, Lance-Corporal, Northumber            
      land Fusiliers, killed in action, July 1,               
      1916. –Formerly of Manor House, Tyne            
   Dalziel, William Ramsey, Scottish Rifles,            
      died of wounds, October 24, 1918. -42            
      Queen Alexandra Road.                           
   Daniel, William, 6th Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, August 22, 1915. -            
      76 Chirton West View.                              
   Darnell, George Robert, Coldstream Guards,         
      killed in action, October 29, 1914. -7 North         
      Church Street.                                       
   Danskill, Peter George, lost on trawler               
      Hirose, June 29, 1916.                              
   Davidson, Arnold Roland, killed in action,            
      October 2, 1917. -68 Church Way.                  
   Davidson, Robert, Machine Gun Corps,               
      killed in action.                                    
   Davidson, Roland Cooper, Lieutenant,               
      Northumberland Fusiliers, killed in action,         
      July 1, 1916. –Bank House, Howard Street.         
   Davis, Horace, Lance-Corporal, Northum-            
      berland Fusiliers, killed in action, July 18,          
      1916. -37 Edith Street, Tynemouth.                  
   Davis, Robert, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -28 Saville            
      Street West.                                       
   Davis, Reggie W., Royal Naval Reserves,            
      lost on Aboukir, September 22, 1914. -15         
      Lansdowne Terrace.                                 
   Davis, William, first-class stoker, died on            
      active service, April 23, 1917. -121 Stephen-      
      son Street.                                          
   Davison, George Henry, West Yorks., killed         
      in action, October 11, 1918. -35 Jackson            
   Davison, Thomas, drowned at sea through            
      enemy action, March 5, 1918. -35 Jackson         
   Davison, William, 2nd Northumberland Fusi-         
      liers, killed in action, April 26, 1915. -16            
      John Street, Cullercoats.                           
   Day, John, killed at sea, February 15, 1918. -            
      106 Church Way.                                    
Page 9 Right Hand Column
   Dee, William Trayhurn, Machine Gun Corps,
      wounded and missing, May 3, 1917. -15
      Drummond Terrace.
   Defty, William, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died from wounds, August 2, 1916. -31
      Milton Terrace.
   Dehn, Joseph, Durham Light Infantry, died
      on service, August 18, 1915.
   De la Cherois, George Samuel, died in hos-
      pital, May 17, 1918. –Preston.
   De la Cherois, Louis, torpedoed and drowned
      on Rebfrew, February 14, 1918. –Preston.
   Denley, William H., killed in action.
   Devine, James, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -1 Norfolk
   Dick, Charles, Lieutenant, Royal Air Force,
      died of wounds, November 9, 1918.
   Dick, Thomas, killed in action, November
      25, 1917. –Union Street.
   Dickinson, John, Royal Army Medical
      Corps, died October 29, 1918. -3 Living-
      Stone View, Tynemouth.
   Dickinson, Thomas, 5th Northumberland      
      Fusiliers, killed in action. -20 Chirton
      West View.
   Didsbury, Ernest Cordes, Durham Light In-
      fantry, killed in action, August 24, 1918. –
      29 Roseberry Avenue, Preston.
   Digman, James Young, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, September 25,
      1915. – 58 Vicarage Street.
   Dixon, John, Corporal, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, June 16, 1917. –
   Dixon, John Thomas, Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, February 19, 1917.
   Dixon, Richard G.M., Lance-Corporal, killed
      in action, July 1, 1916. -71 Park Road, New-   
      castle, formerly of North Shields.
   Dixon, George W., Royal Naval Division,
      died of wounds, November 17, 1916. 73
      Queen Street.
   Dobing, John, Durham Light Infantry, died
      of wounds, March 26, 1918. -55 Roseberry
   Dodds, Andrew B., Sergt., Durham Light
      Infantry, killed in action, July 17, 1916. –
      63 Little Bedford Street.
   Dodds, Edward B., West Yorks, died of
      wounds, Sept. 23, 1917. 23 Albion Road.
   Dodds, Geo. Sinclair, Army Service Corp,
      died in Salonika, Sept. 27, 1918. -23 Albion
   Dodds, John, R.N.R., blown up in trawler
      Ethelwulf, Dec. 1, 1918. -42 Dockwray
   Dodds, Joseph Blankley, Lance-Corpl.,
      Northumberland Fusiliers, killed in
      action, Aug. 18, 1916. -35 Thrift Street.
Page 10 Left Hand Column
   Donaldson, Geo. Henry, R.N.D., killed in            
      action, Oct. 26, 1917. -11 Thrift Street            
   Donaldson, John, 2nd Lieutenant, Tyneside Scot-      
      tish, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -105            
      Park Crescent.                                       
   Donohoe, David, Sergt. Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, Oct. 14, 1918. -         
      3 Dissington Terrace.                              
   Donohoe, Geo. S., Northumberland Fusi-               
      liers, died from illness caused by active            
      service in France. -25 Albion Road.               
   Donohoe, Wm., Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 1, 1916.                        
   Dougal, Geo., Northumberland Fusiliers,               
      died in action in France, May 25, 1916. -            
      18 Dockwray Square.                              
   Dougal, James, Durham Light Infantry,               
      killed in action, July 3, 1917. -46 King            
   Douthwaite, John Thornton, killed at sea               
      through enemy action, March 24, 1918.            
   Downie, Chas., Durham Light Infantry,               
      killed in action, March 29, 1918. -14 Hud-         
      son Street.                                          
   Downie, Jas., Royal Field Artillery, killed            
      in action, Feb. 15, 1917. 15 King Street.            
   Downie, Joseph, Durham Light Infantry,               
      killed in action, Sept. 9, 1918. 3½ Elliot’s         
      Yard, Reed Street.                                 
   Downey, W., West Yorks, killed in action,             
      1918. – Brunton Street, Percy Main.               
   Downs, Jas. Wm., lost on patrol steamer               
      Ludlow, Dec 29, 1916. -7 Stewart’s Build-         
      ings, Bird Street.                                    
   Downey, Emanuel, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, Oct. 27, 1918. -14            
      Hudson Street.                                    
   Dowson, William John, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, died of wounds, June 22nd, 1916.         
      28 Nile Street.                                       
   Drydon, John, Tyneside Irish, died of                  
      wounds, July 8, 1916. -3 Cross Street, Mil-         
      burn Place.                                          
   Dryden, Norman McLeod, Captain, North-            
      umberland Fusiliers, died Nov. 22, 1915.            
      Front Street, Preston.                           
   Drysdale, Robert, Northumberland Fusiliers,         
      killed in action, April 9, 1917. -102 Hudson         
   Duncan, Joseph Henry, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, killed in action, Oct. 6, 1915. -            
      62 Chirton West View.                              
   Dunn, Charles John, lost on Viknor. Chir-            
   Dykes, Thomas, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, April 14, 1915. -3 John            
      Street, Cullercoats.                                 
   Dykes, W.K., Corpl., Royal London Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, March 21, 1918. -6            
Page 10 Right Hand Column
      St. Andrew’s Terrace, Ashington (for-
      merly of North Shields).
   Easson, John, Northumberland Fusiliers.
   Edmund, John, killed in action.
   Edwardson, William, Sergeant, Royal Field
      Artillery, died of wounds, Nov. 3, 1917. –
      69 Coburg Street.
   Elliot, William, Royal Engineers, killed in
      action May 29, 1917. -19 Victoria Crescent.
   Ellwell, John T., Lancashire Fusiliers, killed
      in action Oct. 23, 1916.
   Ellis, James, lost at sea. –Percy Arms.
   Elsdon, Alfred William, Royal Garrison
      Artillery, killed in action, Sept. 18. -93
      Trevor Terrace.
   Elsdon, Ralph, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, Sept. 29, 1916.
   Elsdon, Thomas, Royal Garrison Artillery,
      killed in France, May 19, 1917.-9 Corona-
      tion Street.
   Elsdon, William, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in France, August 31, 1915. -9 Cor-
      nation Street.
   Elwell, John Tom, Lancashire Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Oct. 23, 1916. -196 Stephen-   
      son Street.
   Emms, J.W., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 13, 1916. -7 St. John
      Street, Percy Main.
   Errington, James, Captain, Durham Light
      Infantry, killed in action, August 20, 1915. –
      41 Beverley Terrace, Cullercoats.
   Errington, James, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, September 25, 1915. -6
      Lovaine Place West.
   Errington, John C., Lance-Corporal, North-
      umberland Fusiliers, killed in action,
      August 13, 1916. -42 Park Crescent East.
   Errington, Thomas W., Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, March 12, 1916. –
      42 Park Crescent East.
   Eskdale, Norman, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, September 27, 1915. –Win-
      laton, formerly of Tynemouth.
   Eskdale, Stanley, Lance-Corporal, South
      Stafford Regiment, killed in action, June 25,
      1917. –Winlaton (formerly of Tynemouth).
   Essen, James, Royal Garrison Artillery, killed
      in action. –Norham Terrace, Percy Main.
   Essen, Rolf Van, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, October 8, 1916. -40 Hud-
      leston Street, Cullercoats.
   Evans, Frederick James, Lance-Corporal,
      Worcestershire Regiment, killed in action,
      October 24, 1914. -45 Lansdowne Terrace.
   Evans, John, lost at sea, April 28, 1918.
   Ewins, Alec, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in France, July 27, 1915. -20 Church
Page 11 Left Hand Column
   Fargie, David Alfred, Duke of Cornwall’s            
      Light Infantry, died of wounds, October 27,         
      1915. –Chirton Village.                           
   Fairney, John J., Northumberland Fusiliers            
      killed in action, October 28, 1917. –Brink-         
      burn Street, East Howdon.                           
   Fallon, Thomas, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, March 22, 1918. -49 Little         
      Bedford Street.                                    
   Farrow, Wilfred A., Royal Field Artillery,            
      killed in action, September 23, 1916. -1            
      Washington Terrace.                              
   Fatherly, J.H., Lance-Corporal, Northumber-         
      land Fusiliers, killed in action, September         
      25, 1916. -36 Appleby Street.                     
   Fell, George A., Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 21, 1916. -60½ Queen         
   Fell, James, torpedoed on s.s. Vedamore,               
      Feb. 7, 1917.                                       
   Fender, D. Richardson, West Yorks, killed in         
   Fenwick, Arthur C., killed in action, Nov-            
      ember 28, 1917. -2 Dockwray Square.               
   Fenwick, William, Leinsters, killed in                
      action, July 31, 1917. -7 North Street, Mil-         
      burn Place.                                          
   Ferguson, Charles Gutfan, lost on H.M.               
      trawler Hirose, June 21, 1916. -69 Wash-            
      ington Terrace.                                    
   Ferguson, Gilford L., killed in action, Sep-            
      tember 9, 1918. -16 Church Street.                  
   Fields, Edward Cotnam, Lieutenant, North-            
      umberland Fusiliers, died of wounds,               
      June 22, 1916. -17 Northumberland Square.         
   Fitzgibbon, Edward, Sergt.-Major, Royal               
      Garrison Artillery, died on active service,         
      February 11, 1918. -37 Elsdon Street.               
   Fletcher, James G., Lance-Corporal, Dur-            
      ham Light Infantry, killed in action in               
      France, March 25, 1918. -10 Walker Place.         
   Flett, Robert, Royal Garrison Artillery,               
      killed in action, May 16, 1917. -59 Linskill         
   Foreman, William, drowned from H.M.T.            
      Princess Royal II., at Warkworth, October         
      2, 1916. -16 King Street.                           
   Forrest, Thomas, Army Service Corps, acci-            
      dentally killed at Cologne. –March, 1919.         
   Forster, George, killed in minesweeper, May         
      15, 1916. –Blyth.                                    
   Forster, Joseph, Yorkshire Regiment, kill-            
      ed in action, October 7, 1916. -4 Albert            
   Forster, William R., engineer, lost in pilot            
      cutter Protector, blown up December 31,            
      1918. -115 Howdon Road.                           
   Forster, J.W., Royal Engineers, died from            
      gas poisoning, June 27, 1916. -17 Victoria         
Page 11 Right Hand Column
   Foster, William, died from gas poisoning,
      July 1, 1916. - 45 North Street.
   Fothergill, Gilbert, killed in action in
      France, April 10, 1918.
   Frame, John James, Lance-Corporal, Royal
      Engineers, died from wounds, June 12,
      1918. –Chirton West View.
   Frankland, Matthew John, killed in action,
      October 25, 1917. -21 Stephenson Street.
   Frankum, George Edward, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, October 25,
      1916. -14 Newcastle Street.
   Frazer, W., Corporal, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, May 26, 1915. -15
      Wilson Street.
   Frost, J., Durham Light Infantry, died from
      wounds. -18 Russell Street.
   Fuller, Geo. W.D., Royal Naval Division,
      died of wounds, Nov. 17, 1916. -72 Queen
   Fulthorpe, Thos. Wm., Australian Forces,
      killed in action, May 3, 1917.
   Fyall, Thos. A., lost at sea, Feb. 23, 1918. –
      27 Washington Terrace.
   Galloway, Herbert J., Royal Garrison Artil-
      lery, killed in action, Nov. 6, 1918. -5 Front
      Street, Milburn Place.
   Gamble, J.F., Lieut., Royal Warwicks,
      killed in action, June 24, 1916.
   Gardie, David, Gordon Highlanders, killed
      in action, Oct. 4, 1917. -20 Camden Lane.
   Gardie, Albert, killed in action, April 22,
      1918. -20 Camden Lane.
   Gardner, Geo., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action.
   Garnett, K.G., Lieut., Royal Field Artillery,
      died of wounds, 1917. –Formerly of Tyne-
   Garrett, Benjamin, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. –
      Formerly of 68 Camden Street.
   Garrity, Andrew, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, July, 1916. -8 Robson’s
   Garritt, Wm., Yorks and Lancs. Regiment,
      killed by bomb explosion, Dec. 15, 1917.
   Garson, Jacob, Northumberland Yeomanry,
      died of wounds, Nov. 21, 1914. -11 Albury
      Park Road.
   Garvie, James, Lieut., King’s Own Scottish
      Borderers, killed in action, Aug. 21, 191?
   Gavigan, Wm., killed in action, March 13-14,
      1917. -22 Cardonnel Street.
   Gelson, Wm., Corpl., killed in action, Sept.
      25, 1915.
   George, James S., Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in action, May 20, 1915. -46 Park
      Crescent East.
   Georgeson, John Henry, Machine Gun
      Corps, killed in action, April 12, 1918. -57
      Princes Street.
Page 12 Left Hand Column
   Georgeson, Lawrence, R.N.R., drowned from         
      drifter Animate, Nov. 7, 1918. -12 Burdon         
      Main Row.                                          
   Gibbons, Martin, Royal Naval Reserves, lost         
      in H.M.T. New Comet, Jan. 10, 1917. -59         
      Back George Street.                                 
   Gibbons, Michael, Royal Naval Division,            
      killed in Dardanelles, May 8, 1915. -87            
      Little Bedford Street.                              
   Gibson, James Wm., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers killed in action, Sept. 20, 1917. -24            
      John Street, Cullercoats.                           
   Glaister, Geo. F., Lieut., killed in action,               
      Aug. 1, 1918. –Preston.                           
   Glaister, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. –Preston.            
   Glayes, J., R.N.D., killed in action, 1918. -            
      Barrasford Street, Percy Main.                     
   Glucas, John, R.N.D., killed in action, 1918.         
      Barrasford Street, East Howdon.                  
   Goodwin, Wm. F., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, Aug. 19, 1915. -33            
      Norfolk Street.                                    
   Gosling, John Wenn, R.N.D., killed in                
      action, Nov. 13, 1916. -86 Little Bedford            
   Gott, Ernest, R.N.V.R., killed in action,               
      July 5, 1915. -4 Murton Row, Percy Main.         
   Gowland, Alex., R.N.D., killed in action,               
      April 24, 1917. -24 Front Street, Chirton.            
   Gragg, Thos. John, killed in action, May               
      19, 1918.                                          
   Graham, Daniel, East Yorks, died of                  
      wounds, Aug. 27, 1918. -5 Huntingdon            
      Place, Tynemouth.                                 
   Graham, James F., R.N.V.R., lost on Queen            
      Mary, May 31, 1916. -4 James Square, Hud-      
      son Street.                                          
   Graham, Joseph Cyril, Royal Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, Aug. 25, 1918.                     
   Graham, Robt. H., Tyneside Scottish, killed            
      in action, June 29, 1916. -15 Chirton Green.         
   Graham, Wm. A., Sergt., Tyneside Irish,               
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -22 Welling-         
      ton Street.                                          
   Grant, Henry Joseph, West Yorks, killed in             
      action, Nov. 28, 1917.                              
   Grant, Maurice, Northumberland Fusiliers,             
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -45 Elsdon            
      Terrace, Percy Main.                              
   Grant, Wm. Henry, Tyneside Scottish, killed         
      in action, July 1, 1916. -3 Tennyson Ter-            
   Grasswell, Andrew, Canadian Victoria Rifles,         
      killed in action, Oct. 1, 1916.                        
   Gray, Adam, Warrant Engineer, Royal Naval         
      Reserve, died Oct. 30, 1918. 15 Hylton            
Page 12 Right Hand Column
   Gray, Edward Geo., lost at sea through
      enemy action, Aug. 24, 1917. -38 Drum-
      mond Terrace.
   Gray, Thomas Henry, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 26, 1915. -8
      Bird Street.
   Gray, Geo., lost at sea through enemy action,
      April 28, 1918.
   Gray, Geo. Wilson, Machine Gun Corps,
      killed in action, May 3, 1917. -20 North
      Street, Milburn Place.
   Gray, H.A., Highland Light Infantry, killed
      in action, March 8, 1916. -63 Church Way.
   Gray, Hilliard L., Queen’s Royal West
      Surreys, killed in action, Aug. 3, 1917. -86
      Chirton West View.
   Gray, James Marshall, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed by bomb in France. –
      “Belmont”, Preston Avenue.
   Gray, Thos., Durham Light Infantry, killed
      in action, Sept. 27, 1916. -20 North Street,
      Milburn Place.
   Gray, Wm., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Sept. 4, 1918. -1 Gardner
   Greenacre, Frederick Octavius, Lance-Corpl.
      Gordon Highlanders, died in Germany,
      July 2, 1918. -23 Silkey’s Lane, Chirton.
   Greig, Alex., Cameron Highlanders, killed
      in action, June 30, 1916. -37 Linskill Street.
   Grenyer, Alfred James, Royal Naval Re-
      serves, drowned at sea, March 27, 1919. -56
      Coronation Street.
   Gummet, Thos. E., Royal Naval Division,
      drowned by sinking of H.M.T. Specton,
      Dec 31, 1915. -18 Dockwray Square.
   Gunn, Geo., Northumberland Fusilier, died
      May 4, 1915. -36 West Percy Street.
   Gunn, Wm. F., lost in the Defence, May 31,
      1916. – 33 North Street, Milburn Place.
   Hadaway, Ernest, killed in action, July 24th,
   Hadaway, J.W., killed in action, Oct. 26,
   Hails, Charles, Royal Engineers, killed in
      action, Oct 27, 1917. -15 Cleveland Avenue.
   Hails, Matthew Errington, lost at sea in s.s.
   Hails, William, Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in action, May 30 1916.
   Hale, John Francis, Durham Light Infantry,
      died of wounds received in action, March
      23, 1918. -33 Howdon Road.
   Hall, Abraham (details wanted).
   Hall, George, Lance-Corporal, Tyneside Scot-
      tish, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -65
      Queen Alexandra Road.
   Hall, George, Petty Officer, Royal Naval Divi-
      sion, killed in action, April 24, 1917. -41
      Cardonnel Street.
Page 13 Left Hand Column
   Hall, James Storey, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, died of wounds, June 18, 1915. -7            
      Beacon Street.                                       
   Hall, Pearson, Scottish Rifles, killed in               
      action, May 20, 1917. -7 Linskill Street.            
   Hall, Robert, died of wounds received in               
      action. -76 Elsdon Street.                           
   Hall, Robert R., lost in Formidable, January            
      1, 1915. -57 Eleanor Street, Cullercoats.            
   Hall, William Milton, Royal Naval Division,         
      killed in action, July 24, 1918. -88 Chirton         
      West View                                          
   Hall, William, West Yorks, killed in action,            
      September, 27, 1918. -47 King Street.               
   Hallcro, William Garfitt, killed in action,               
      December 16, 1917. -54 Lawson Street.            
   Halvorsen, George Edward, Sergt., Royal            
      Garrison Artillery, killed in action, Septem-         
      ber 26, 1917. -62 Trevor Terrace.                  
   Handley, Thomas Allen, Army Service Corps         
      died at Salonica, December 11, 1918. -            
      3 Princes Street.                                    
   Handyside, John Edward, died from wounds,         
      October 2, 1917. -9 Heaton Terrace, Chirton.      
   Hanks, James William, Yorkshire Regiment,         
      died of wounds, November 11, 1916. -6               
      Mindrum Terrace, Percy Main.                        
   Hanson, Frederick Alfred, lost at sea through            
      enemy action, October 25, 1917.                     
   Harbron, William, Tyneside Scottish, killed               
      in action, July, 1916. –Elsdon Street.                  
   Hardwick, Robert, Northumberland Fusi-               
      liers, killed in action, September 26, 1915. -            
      Trinity Street.                                          
   Harrison, James Lumsden, Australian Im-               
      perial Forces, killed in action, July 29, 1916.         
      Late of North Shields.                                 
   Harrison, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,               
      37 Percy Street, Tynemouth.                           
   Harrison, John, Company Sergeant-Major,               
      killed in action, August 20, 1915.                     
   Harrison, Thomas Boyle, killed in action,                  
      June 5, 1917. –Prospect Terrace.                     
   Harrison, Thomas, Northumberland Fusi-               
      liers, killed in action, July 13, 1917. -29               
      Blyth Street, Percy Main.                              
   Hart, David Matthew, killed in action,                     
      March 21, 1918. -37 Stephenson Street.               
   Hart, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,                     
      killed in action, October 10, 1916. – Ears-            
      don, formerly of North Shields.                        
   Hart, John, killed in action in France, May               
      15, 1916. -47 Hedley Street, Percy Main.               
   Hart, John Wm., Royal Naval Division,                  
      killed in action, June 4, 1915. -12 Waldo               
   Harvey, A.E., Sergeant, killed in action. -               
      Percy Main.                                          
Page 13 Right Hand Column
   Hastie, Alex., died at sea through enemy
      action, February 21, 1918. -18 Park
   Hastie, Thomas L., Northumberland Fusi-
      liers (details wanted).
   Haw, John, Northumberland Fusiliers.
   Haw, Robert W., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -31 Dene
   Haynes, Joseph Wm., Royal Marine Sub-
      marine Miners, died April 6, 1921, 5 Front
      Street, Preston.
   Heath, Joseph L., killed in action. -172
      Stephenson Street.
   Henderson, Richard Thomas, Northumber-
      land Fusiliers, died of wounds, April 14,
      1917. -48 Morpeth Terrace, Percy Main.
   Henderson, William Henry, died on active
      service, July 19, 1916. -66 Coburg Street.
   Hennessey, Patrick, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, March 27, 1916. -4
      Bird Square.
   Hennessey, William, died of wounds, Nov-
      ember 16,1916.
   Henton, Thomas, Corporal, Northumber-
      land Fusiliers, killed in action, Septem-
      ber 25, 1916. -6 Simpson Street, Chirton.
   Hepple, Henry C., drowned on active ser-
      vice in minesweeper, off Durban, South
      Africa, July 5, 1917. -27 Fenwick Terrace.
   Hepple, Peter, Sergeant, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, June 5, 1917. –
      2 Back Street, Preston.
   Herdman, Arthur Widdrington, Lieut., King’s
      Own Shropshire Light Infantry, killed in
      action, Oct. 25, 1914.
   Herring, Wm. Henry, West Yorks, died
      Sept. 7, 1920. -31 Cleveland Road.
   Herriott, Allen, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916.
   Heslop, John Tom, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -42
      Gardner Street.
   Heslop, Robt., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, May 3, 1915.
   Hewett, James, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, September, 1915. -28
      Camden Street.
   High, John, R.N.R., lost in trawler John
      High, Aug. 7, 1916. -20 St. John’s Terrace,
      Percy Main.
   Hindess, Thos., master-mariner, lost in s.s.
      Motor, January 16, 1915. -59 Cardonnel
   Hurst, Wm, Henry, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, 1917. -117 Elsdon
      Terrace, Percy Main.
   Hislop, Geo., Border Regiment, died from
      wounds, Nov. 16, 1916. -14 Dene Street.
Page 14 Left Hand Column
   Hotchkiss, John, Durham Light Infantry,                   
      killed in action, May 24, 1918. –New                  
      Clarendon Hotel.                                       
   Halverson, Geo. E., Sergt., Royal Garrison               
      Artillery, killed in action, Sept. 26, 1917. -            
      62 Trevor Terrace.                                    
   Hogan, John, lost in H.M.S. Aboukir, Sept.               
      23, 1914. -56 North King Street.                        
   Hogg, Henry Dunn, King’s Royal Rifles,                  
      killed in action, August, 1916. -15 Brannen            
   Hogg, James Henry, Lance-Corpl., North-               
      umberland Fusiliers, killed in action,                   
      April 27, 1915. –Hope House, Lovaine Place.         
   Hogg, John Tom, Queen’s Westminster               
      Rifles, killed in action, Nov. 30, 1917. -17         
      Widdrington Terrace.                              
   Hogg, Robt. M., 2nd Lieut., Durham Light            
      Infantry, died from wounds in Germany,            
      April 1, 1916. -17 Widdrington Terrace.            
   Hogg, Robt. Henry Dunn, Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, killed in France, April 24, 1918.         
      10 Chirton West View.                              
   Hogg, Thos. Edward, Tyneside Scottish,               
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -3 Henry            
   Hoggarth, Norman S., 2nd Lieut., Leicester            
      Regiment, died from wounds, May 29, 1918.      
   Holden, Geo. F., Lance-Corpl., Seaforth               
      Highlanders, died in the Persian Gulf, July         
      15, 1916.                                          
Holden, Robert Nixon, killed at sea. (De-
      tails wanted).                                       
   Holmes, Herbert Walter, Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, died of wounds, May 12, 1915.   -         
      Back Shipley Road.                                    
   Hood, William, Royal Scots, killed in Dar            
      danelles, December 24, 1915. -16½ Camden      
   Hopkins, Lambert Grey, South Staffords,               
      died of wounds, February 16, 1918. -54 Pen-      
      man Street.                                          
   Hopper, Joseph, Royal Engineers, died of            
      wounds, October 17, 1917. -69 Chirton            
      West View.                                          
   Horn, Arthur C., Royal Naval Volunteer               
      Reserve, died at Archangel, October 10,             
      1918. -3 East Stephenson Street.                     
   Horne, George T., killed in action, 1917. -            
      (Details wanted.)                                    
   Hostler, G.E., Royal Naval Reserve, lost at            
      sea, February 26, 1918.                              
   Howe, Harry Daniel, Royal Garrison Artil-            
      lery, killed in action, August 22, 1918. -            
      122 West Percy Street.                               
   Howey, Alfred, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, March 21-23 Alma                  
Page 14 Right Hand Column
   Hudspith, Ralph, Royal Inniskilling Fusi-
      liers, died of wounds, October 21, 1918. –
      18 Percy Park Road, Tynemouth.
   Huitson, John, Sergeant, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, died of wounds while prisoner
      of war in Germany, September 2, 1917. –
      53 Princes Street.
   Huldie, George Henry, Durham Light In-
      fantry, died of wounds, May 5, 1917. –
      South Bank, formerly of North Shields.
   Hull, Stephen, Corporal, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, April 2, 1917. –
      119 Chirton West View.
   Hull, Thomas F., Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, March 21, 1918. -14 West
      Percy Street.
   Humble, Samuel Charles S., Northumber-
      land Fusiliers, killed near Ypres, April
      27, 1915. -48 Stanley Street West.
   Humble, Thomas, Canadian Forces, killed
      in action, June 15. (Details wanted).
   Hume, John Walter, Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, September 18, 1916. -1
      Trinity Terrace.
   Hunt, John, Durham Light Infantry, killed
      in action, October 6, 1918. -29 Simpson
      Street, Chirton.
   Hunter, Edward Fry, Royal Naval Volun-
      teer Reserve, lost in H.M.S. Hamp-
      shire, June 5, 1916. –Front Street, Tyne-
   Hunter, John Lilburn, Royal Naval Divi-
      sion, died from wounds, December 30,
      1916. -51 Elsdon Street.
   Hunter, John Scarth, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, June 5, 1917. -12
      Adamson’s Buildings.
   Hunter Joseph, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, September 14, 1914. -5
      Elsdon Street.
   Hunter, Thomas, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, April 11, 1917. -2 Lawson
   Hutchinson, Alfred Young, Sergeant, North-
      umberland Fusiliers, died of wounds,
      March 21, 1916. -54 Bedford Street.
   Hutchinson, Frederick, Corporal, killed in
      action, October 9, 1916. -36 Trinity Street.
   Hutchinson, Hugh M., 2nd Lieut., Tyneside
      Irish, died of wounds, November 29, 1917. –
      51 Linskill Terrace.
   Huthart, Thomas, Manchester Regiment,
      killed in action, June 11, 1917. -30 Addison
   Hyde, William H., Lance-Corporal, King’s
      Own Shropshire, killed in action, Septem-
      ber 25, 1916. -14 Walker Place.
   Irving, R.T., Royal Engineers, died of
      wounds, December 21, 1918. -14 Low Row
      Percy Main.
Page 15 Left Hand Column
   Irwin, Harold, Lincolnshire Regiment,               
      killed in action, October 4, 1917. -57 Percy         
      Street, Tynemouth.                                 
   Irvin, T.W., Lieutenant, Gordon High-               
      landers, died of wounds, in France, May 22,         
   Jackson, Alfred T., Canadian Forces, killed            
      in action, October 1, 1918. -7 Mariners’ Cot-      
      tages, Tynemouth.                                 
   Jackson, Charles, died while on active ser-            
      vice. -144 Grey Street.                                 
   Jackson, Frank, Royal Engineers, killed in            
      action, 1917. –London Joint Stock Bank.            
   Jackson, John Robert, Queen’s Own West-            
      minster, killed in action, April 14, 1917. -6         
      Lindisfarne Terrace.                                 
   Jackson, Kenneth, Northumberland Fusi-               
      liers, died at East Leeds War Hospital,            
      April 19, 1916. -16 Murton Row, Percy            
   Jackson, Robert, Army Ordnance Corp., died         
      March 12, 1917. -144 Grey Street.                  
   Jackson, William, Royal Naval Division,               
      killed in action, April 28, 1917. -16 Murton         
      Row, Percy Main.                                 
   Jafferson, R., killed in action, January 18,               
   Jameson, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 29, 1916. -50 Middle         
      Street, Milburn Place.                              
   Jameson, John J., Royal Naval Reserve, En-            
      gineer, lost at sea, December 1, 1918. -            
      Coburg Street.                                       
   Jamieson, Colin Miller, 2nd Lieut., Civil                
      Service Rifles, killed in action, May 21,            
      1917. -22 Newcastle Street.                        
   Jasper, John Geo., Northumberland Fusi-               
      liers. – (Details wanted).                           
   Jasper, Robt. Ellis, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -24            
      Beacon Street.                                       
   Jefferson, Robt. Taylor, Corpl., killed in               
      action, Jan. 18, 1918. -26 Upper Reed Street.      
   Jennings, James, drowned in H.M.S.                  
      Aboukir, Sept. 22, 1914. -7 Linskill Street.         
   Jessup, Joseph, King’s Own Yorkshire Light         
      Cleveland Crescent.                                 
   Jobling, Thos. Milburn, Royal Naval Re-               
      serve, lost on H.M.S. Bayano, Mar. 11, 1915.      
      47 Howdon Road.                                 
   Jobling, lost on H.M.S. Hogue, 1914. –(De-            
      tails wanted.)                                       
   Jobson, John, Royal Naval Division, killed            
      in action, Mar. 25, 1918. -56 Lansdowne            
   Johnson, Chas. Edward, Northumberland               
      Fusiliers, died from wounds received on            
      the Marne, Sept. 18, 1914. -21 Nile Street.         
   Johnson, Fred., killed in action, Oct. 17, 1918.                                                            
Page 15 Right Hand Column
   Johnson, Geo. Henry, lost at sea through
      enemy action, Sept. 26, 1917. -70 Seymour
   Johnson, Geo. Rutherford, Machine Gun
      Corps. – (Details wanted).
   Johnson, Herbert, Coldstream Guards, killed
      in action, Sept. 27, 1918. -7 William Street.
   Johnson, Henry, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916.
   Johnson, J.W., died of wounds, Aug. 3, 1917.
      49 Belford Terrace.   
   Johnson, Robt. Hall, Machine Gun Section,
      died from shell shock, May 27, 1916. -57
      Norham Terrace, Percy Main.
   Johnson, T., Royal Field Artillery, died of
      illness contracted while on active service,
      July 3, 1918. -75 Addison Street.
   Johnson, Thos. Lee, Sergt., Tyneside Scot-
      tish, killed in action, June 22, 1916. -28
      Drummond Terrace.
   Jones, John W., killed in action, Aug. 20,
   Jones, Wm. Alfred, killed in action, May 27,
      1917. -7 Middle Street, Tynemouth.
   Joyce, Ernest, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in France, Sept. 4, 1915. -60 Chirton
      West View.
   Joyce, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action. -24 Bird Street.
   Jull, Frederick, Royal Engineers, died of
      wounds, Sept. 20, 1916.-97 Chirton West
   Kassell, Ernest Wm., apprentice, lost in the
      s.s. Dunbarmoor, torpedoed (after action
      with submarine), Mar. 8, 1917. -30 Park
   Kay, T., Tyneside Scottish, killed in action,
      July 1, 1916. –Brunton Street, Percy Main.
   Kay, Robt., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 7, 1916. -15 Toll
   Kelly, James, Royal Garrison Artillery,
      killed in action, Nov. 10, 1918.
   Kemp, Kingswell, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, accidentally killed, Aug. 13, 1917.
   Kempster, Horatio Druce, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -5
      Connick’s Terrace.
   Kent, Geo. Lloyd, torpedoed Aug. 19, 1917. –
      15 Northumberland Square.
   Kent Wm. Wallace, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, died of wounds, Oct. 11, 1917. -31
      Cecil Street.
   Kent, James Arthur, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, died from pneumonia, Dec. 10, 1918.
   Kennedy, James, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, April 3, 1917. -8 Beal’s
      Square, Camden Street.
   Kennedy, John J., killed in action, Nov. 30,
      1917. -12 Magnesia Bank.
Page 16 Left Hand Column
   Kennedy, John Tom, R.N.R., chief engineer,         
      lost at sea, Dec. 1, 1918. –Coburg Street.            
   Kennedy, R.J., Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      Percy Main.                                       
      killed in action, June 4, 1920. -83 Little            
      Bedford Street.                                    
   Kenny, Dennis, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, Sep. 26, 1915. -3 Chirton         
   Kenny, James W., Sergt., Seaforth High-               
      landers, killed in action, May 7, 1917. -25         
      Linskill Street.                                    
   Kenny, Wm., Durham Light Infantry, killed            
      in action, March 27, 1918. -5 Hedley Street.         
   Kerr, F., Chapel Street, Chirton. (Details               
   Kerrigan, Ernest Cuthbert, Lincolnshire               
      Regiment died of wounds received in               
      action, April 18, 1918. -84 Little Bedford         
   Kerrigan, John Lewis, King’s own York-               
      shire Light Infantry, killed in action,               
      May 8, 1915. -84 Little Bedford Street.            
   Kimber, John Robt., Sergt., Northumber-               
      land Fusiliers, killed in Gallipoli, Aug.            
      19, 1915. -62 Chatton Street, Percy Main.         
   Kimber, Richard, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, Oct. 25, 1918, -11            
      Nile Street.                                          
   Kinleyside, J.W., Sergt., killed in action,               
      Sept. 20, 1917.                                    
   King, Geo., King’s Royal Rifles, died of               
      wounds, April 5, 1916. 118 Howdon Road.         
   King, James Hayes, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, Aug. 19, 1915. -4            
      Albion Terrace.                                    
   Kinnear, Andrew, R.N.R., lost at sea, Dec.            
      1, 1918.                                             
   Kipping, John Wm., Chief Engine-room                  
      Artificer, lost on the Hawke. – Formerly of          
      North Shields.                                       
   Kipping, Wilfred, killed in action, Nov. 1,            
      1917. -4 Cromwell Terrace.                        
   Kitwood, John, Tyneside Scottish, North-            
      umberland Fusiliers, killed in action, May         
      4, 1917. 8 Bedford Lane.                           
   Knott, Cecil Saunders, reported killed in               
      action, April 9, 1918. -55 Howdon Road.            
   Knott, Leadbitter, Major, West Yorks, killed         
      in France, July 1, 1916. –Close House.            
      Wylam, formerly of North Shields.                  
   Knott, Basil, Capt., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in France. –Close House,               
      Wylam, formerly of North Shields.                  
   Knott, Stanley, 2nd Lieut., died suddenly               
      Brother of Sir James Knott.                        
   Knox, Chas. Wm., Sergt., died of injuries            
      received by bomb throwing, April 26, 1916.         
      - 10 Donkin Terrace.                                 
Page 16 Right Hand Column
   Knox, John Chas., Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 10, 1916. -61
      Park Crescent.
   Knox, Wilfred, Canadians, killed in action,
      May 1, 1917. – Late of North Shields.
   Kolm, J.R., killed in action, Feb. 3, 1917.
   Lafferty, Henry, Loyal North Lancs. Regi-
      ment, killed in action, Oct. 2, 1918. – Front
      Street, Preston Village.
   Laing, Ernest E., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, Sept. 17, 1916. -9 Sib-
      Thorpe Street.
   Lakey, Norman, South Stafford Regiment,
      killed in action, April 19, 1918.- 14 Ken-
      sington Gardens.
   Lamb, Robert, Middlesex Regiment, killed
      in action, Aug. 30, 1918. -5 Norham Ter-
      race, Percy Main.
   Lambert, Edward, Royal Marine Light In-
      fantry. (Details wanted).
   Lambert, Wm. Henry, R.N.D., died of
      wounds, May 18, 1917. -45 Camden Street.
   Landells, John Oliver, lost on the Hawke,
      October 15, 1914.
   Langlands, G., Lance-Corporal, Northumber-
      land Fusiliers, died from wounds, April 9,
      1918. -1 Dene Terrace.
   Latimer, Henry, killed in action, May 17,
   Lauder, John Scott, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -11
      Simpson Street, Chirton.
   Laverick, Valentine, Corporal, Royal Field
      Artillery, died of wounds, October 4, 1918.
      51 Stormont Street.
   Lavery, Henry, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      East Howdon.
   Lawless, Henry, Royal Navy, lost in Dar-
      killed in action, 1918. -24 Barrasford Street
   Lawson, Henry Bolton, Durham Light In-
      fantry, killed in action, September 28, 1918.
      21 King Street.
   Lawson, Norman Wilfred, 2nd Lieutenant,
      Northumberland Fusiliers, killed in
      action, November 14, 1916.
   Leadley, William H., lost at sea on active
   Leslie, Robert K., Machine Gun Corps,
      Northumberland Fusiliers, died of
      wounds, November 9, 1916. -14 Linskill
   Liddell, Harold, King’s Own Yorkshire
      Light Infantry, killed in action, Septem-
      ber 24, 1917. 27 Stormont Street.
   Lidster, T.M., West Yorks, killed in action
      July 20, 1918. -8 Waterville Terrace.
   Lilburn, James William Edward, Royal
      Naval Division, killed in action, Novem-
      ber 1916. -35 Vicarage Street.
Page 17 Left Hand Column
   Lillie, John Usher, engineer, lost in s.s.               
      Earl of Elgin, torpedoed December 7, 1917.         
      53 Brinkburn Street, East Howdon.                  
      action, April 28, 1917. -99 Stephenson            
   Limerick, Victor, Lieutenant, Royal Air               
      Force, died in Germany from accident,            
      August 20, 1919. -45 Chirton West View.         
   Limbrick, James R., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, died of wounds, July 12, 1916. -9            
      Tynemouth Road.                                 
   Linnberg, John L., King’s Own Yorkshire            
      Light Infantry, killed in action, April 10,            
   Linsley, Edward Thomas, Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, killed in action, September 26,            
      1915. -10 Meeting House Lane.                     
   Lithgo, Curzon, Sergeant, Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, killed in action, July 1, 1916.            
   Little, Thomas, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      died from wounds, April 29, 1915. -33 Jack-      
      son Street.                                          
   Loader, Thomas Hall, R.N.D., killed in               
      action, April 28, 1917. -99 Stephenson            
   Lodford, John Read, Lance-Corpl., West               
      Yorks, killed in action, Sept. 18, 1918.            
      147 Linskill Street.                                 
   Loft, Alma James, lost on H.M.S. Hogue,            
      Sept. 22, 1914. -3 Pant Street.                     
   Logan, Michael, lost from the s.s. Polyxina,            
      June 12, 1917.                                       
   Loraine, Nevison, Machine Gun Corps,               
      killed in action, Sept. 20, 1918. -5, Meet-            
      ing House Lane.                                    
   Love, Stanley, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, May 13, 1916. -7 New-            
      castle Street.                                       
   Love, Thomas Henry, Royal Field Artillery,            
      killed in action, Dec 8, 1916. -6 York Ter.         
   Low, Joseph Henry, lost at sea through               
      enemy action, April 21, 1918. -8 Church            
   Lowden, Samuel, Northumberland Fusiliers,         
      killed in action, Oct. 26, 1917. -10 Tyne            
   Lowe, James, Northumberland Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, Aug. 31, 1917. -84 Suttie’s         
   Lowes, William, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -8 Bird’s Yard,      
      Beacon Street.                                       
   Lowther, William, R.N.D., killed in action,            
      March 24, 1918. -3 Heaton Place, Chirton.         
   Lucus, Joseph, R.N.R., cook, lost at sea, Dec.         
      1, 1918. – Church Street.                           
   Lumsden, James Henry, Lce.-Corpl., West            
      Yorks, died of wounds, Feb. 24, 1917. -65½         
      Queen Street.                                       
Page 17 Right Hand Column
   Lumsden, Robt., Yorkshire Regt., killed in
      action, April 12, 1917. -65½ Queen Street.
   Lundy, John William, Lce.-Corpl., Royal
      Welsh Fusiliers, lost on the Leinster, Oct.
      10, 1918.
   Luther, Thos. Simpson, killed in action, Dec.
      31, 1917.
   Mackay, John, Corpl., Royal West Kent Regt.,
      killed in action, April 24, 1918. 32 Bird
   Mackay, Robert Henry, Machine Gun Corps,
      R.N.D., presumed killed, March 23, 1918.-
      28 Charlotte Street.
   Macpherson, R. Cyril Walker, Royal Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, April 24, 1917. -14
      Windsor Gardens.
   Main, Alexander, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. -25 North
   Main, James, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, April 11, 1918.
   Main, Percy, lost at sea on active service,
      May 8, 1917. -58 Bedford Street.
   Mainger, Nicholas, Australian Imperial
      Forces, killed in action, July 19, 1916. –
      Late of 7 Stormont Street.
   Malcolm, Alexander, Sergt., Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. –
      38 Front Street, Chirton.
   Malcolm, James D., died Aug. 30, 1918, 77
      Elsdon Terrace, Percy Main.
   Mankin, John, West Yorks, died of wounds,
      April 20, 1916. -8 Mill Street.
   Mankin, Ralph, Essex Regiment, killed in
      action, Nov. 3, 1918. -6 Mill Street.
   Mankin, Thos., died of wounds, April 11,
      1917. -6 Upper Mill Street.
   Mann, Edward Geo., Machine Gun Corp,
      killed in action, Sept. 15, 1916. -9 Cecil
   March, Joseph, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action in Gallipoli, Aug. 19, 1915.
      28 Penman Street.
   Margaretich, Luke, Royal Army Medical
      Corp, killed in action, Sept. 1, 1917. -6
      Spencer Street.
   Marley, Frederick George, Lance Corporal,
      Royal Fusiliers, killed in action, Oct. 3,
      1916. – Ayres Terrace.
   Marshall, Andrew Cunningham, died Sept.
      20, 1918. (Details wanted).
   Marshall, Edward, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, May 8, 1915. -6
      Brown’s Buildings, Cullercoats.
   Marshall, Geo. W., National Reserve Guards,
      drowned while serving at Wallsend Ship-
      yard, Jan. 16, 1915. -65 Grey Street.
   Marshall, James, chief engineer, s.s. Zillah,
      (Details wanted).
Page 18 Left Hand Column
   Marshall, Wm. Barber, Sergt., Royal Field            
      Artillery, died of wounds, Aug. 22, 1917            
   Martin, Alfred, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      died of wounds, June 18, 1915. -57 Corona-            
      tion Street.                                          
   Martin, Ernest, 2nd Lieut., died of wounds            
      Dec. 16, 1917. – Percy Street, Tynemouth.         
   Martin, J., Lance-Corpl., Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, killed in action, March 22, 1918.         
   Martin, Joseph, killed in action, Aug. 16,               
   Martin, Owen, Tyneside Scottish, killed in            
      action, July 1, 1916. -1 Dockwray Square.         
   Mason, James, Lancashire Regiment, killed            
      in action, 1918.                                    
   Mather, James, Royal Naval Reserve, killed            
      by mine, Dec. 12, 1917. -24 Front Street.            
   Mather, Noel, Lieut., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in France, April 28, 1915.               
   Mather, Wm. Dowson, Scottish Rifles, killed         
      at Neuve Chapelle, March 10/15. -21 Addi-         
      son Street.                                          
   Matthews, John Alfred, drowned from H.M.S.         
      Eros, January 29, 1916. -32 Charlotte Street,       
   Matthews, Leslie, Sergeant, Durham Light            
      Infantry, died of wounds, November 28,            
      1917. -18 Hylton Terrace.                           
   Maughan, Ernest, Royal Field Artillery, died         
      of wounds, September 1, 1918. -48 Lans-         
      downe Terrace.                                    
   Maughan, W.D., 2nd Lieut., killed in action            
      November 19, 1917. – Tynemouth.                  
   Mawson, Charles H., Life Guards, killed in            
      action, October 25, 1917.                           
   Mavin, James Elliot, Corporal, Northumber-         
      land Fusiliers, killed in France, June 16,            
      1915. -11 Front Street, Milburn Place.               
   Mawer, Harry, 9th Yorks and Lancaster,               
      killed in action, September 22, 1917. -260            
      Chillingham Road, Heaton.                        
   Maxwell, Andrew Compson, killed in action         
      October 10, 1918. -26 Beacon Street.               
   May, Peter, Northumberland Fusiliers, killed         
      in action, January 17, 1917. -14 West Percy         
   McAll, John James Campbell, East Yorks,            
      killed in action, June 7, 1917. -44 Charlotte         
   McArthur, Alexander, Northumberland Fusi-         
      liers, killed in action, April 9, 1917. -31            
      Elsdon Street.                                       
   McCabe, John, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, April 25, 1917. -3 Saville         
      Street Back.                                       
   McCabe, Thomas, Northumberland Fusiliers,         
      killed in action, December 25, 1917. -5 Billy      
      Mill Lane.                                          
   McCaffrey, Oswald Stanley, lost at sea, s.s.            
      Upcerne, torpedoed, April 28, 1918.               
Page 18 Right Hand Column
   McCarty, Thomas, died at Plymouth, October
      4, 1918. -3 Lovaine Place West.
   McClusky, Northumberland Fusiliers, killed
      in action, May, 1915. -4 Sutties Lane, Clive
   McCulloch, Peter, Royal Welsh Fusiliers,
      died of wounds, November 6, 1916. -7 North
      Street, Milburn Place.
   McDonald, Anthony, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, July 1, 1916. -11
      Blyth Street, Percy Main.
   McDonald, Richard, Royal Naval Division,
      killed in action, July 28, 1917. -28 Back
      Street, Preston Village.
   McDonald, Robert, Royal Naval Division,
      H.M.S. Formidable, killed in action, Jan.
      1, 1916. – Eleanor Street, Cullercoats.
   McEwan, Chas., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, June 18, 1915.
   McEwan, Dougal, Cheshire Regiment, killed
      in action, July 19, 1916. -2 St. George’s
      Terrace, Cullercoats.
   McGuire, Michael, Northumberland Fusi-
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 21, 1915. -62
      Middle Street, Milburn Place.
   McHugh, Archie, Royal Field Artillery,
      killed in action, Oct. 29, 1917. -10 William
      Street West.
   McIlvean, Wm. Nichol B., Royal Garrison
      Artillery, killed in action, Oct. 21, 1918. –
      106 Trevor Terrace.
   McIntire, Geo. Shipley, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in action, April 11, 1918. –
      41 North King Street.
   McIntire, Geo. W., H.M.S. John Donovan,
      died suddenly, March 20, 1917. -137
      Stephenson Street.
   McKay, Frederick Wallace, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, killed in France, Oct. 4, 1915. -23
      Addison Street.
   McKean, John Emery Myles, Royal Naval
      Division, killed at Dardanelles. -26 Church
   McKenzie, Alan A., Seaforth Highlanders,
      died of wounds.
   McKenzie, Sidney, killed in action, in Italy,
      Aug. 3. – Billy Mill Lane, Chirton.
   McKie, James, lost on Bulwark. -1 Lower
      Mill Street.
   McMullon, Thos. John, Royal Garrison Artil-
      lery, killed in action, Aug. 27, 1916. –Chir-
      ton Hill Farm.
   McCarty, Wm., Royal Naval Reserves, died
      in Naval Hospital, Oct. 5, 1918. -3 Lovaine
      Place West.
   McGregor, William Mosley, Gordon High-
      landers, died from wounds, April 17,
      1917. -44 Beverley Terrace Cullercoats.
   McMurdo, James, Cameron Highlanders,
      killed in action, Sept. 2, 1917. -12 Upper
      Penman Street.
Page 19 Left Hand Column
   McNab, James Henry, s.s. Upcerne, lost at            
      sea through enemy action, April 28, 1918.         
      22 Bird Street.                                       
   McPhail, John George, engineer, lost in               
      s.s. Barnton, through enemy action, April         
      24, 1917. -3 Belle Vue Terrace.                     
   McVay, Frank, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, 1918. -64 Barrasford Street.         
      East Howdon.                                       
   Meldrum, John Wm., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, Sept. 15, 1916. -               
      Percy Main.                                       
   Melia, Patrick, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. – Green Man’s      
   Mellerborg, Julius Alex., Northumberland            
      Fusiliers, killed in action, July 7, 1916. -72         
      Church Way.                                       
   Melrose, Thomas Nelson, 2nd.-Lieutenant,            
      Northumberland Fusiliers, killed in action,         
      November 14, 1916. -4 Horsley Terrace,            
   Milburn, Robert Carr, Royal Naval Divi-                  
      sion, killed in action, November 7, 1918.            
      46 St. John’s Street, Percy Main.                  
   Milburn, Thomas William, Machine Gun               
      Corps, killed in action, July 21, 1918. -46         
      St. John’s Street, Percy Main.                     
   Milburn, Robert, killed in action, Nov. 7,               
      1918. – (Details wanted).                           
   Milhench, James, Royal Field Artillery,               
      killed in action, April 23, 1917. – Chirton.         
   Mille, Joseph William, driver, Royal Field            
      Artillery. – (Details wanted).                        
   Miller, John Eric Hall, 2nd.- Lieutenant,               
      Northumberland Fusiliers, killed in                  
      France, December 11, 1915. -2 Cleveland         
   Miller, Mark, West Yorks, killed in action,            
      May 22, 1916. -23 Norham Terrace, Percy         
   Miller, Leonard, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, July 14, 1916. -1 Bird’s            
   Miller, Matthew, Durham Light Infantry,               
      killed in action, October 15, 1916. -30 Up-         
      per Pearson Street.                                 
   Miller, Robert Hopper, East Yorks, killed in            
      action, August 15, 1918. – Parkside, Park         
   Miller, Robert, K.O.R. Lancs, died from               
      wounds, April 30, 1918. -30 Upper Reed             
   Miller, Stephen J., Durham Light Infantry,            
      killed in action, 1917. -3 Middle Row, Percy      
   Miller, Thompson, Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, 1917. -41 Brinkburn
      Street, Percy Main.
Page 19 Right Hand Column
   Mills, Lewis Peak, lost at sea on or about
      January 5, 1918. -7 North King Street.
   Millward, Henry W., killed on minesweeper
      T.W. Irvin, August 27, 1914. -5 Tennyson
   Minero, Michael, lost at sea, September 18,
      1918. -5 Causey Bank.
   Minto, Ernest, Corporal, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, died from wounds, September
      13, 1916. -3 Ayres Terrace.
   Mitchell, D., Silkey’s Lane, Chirton. (De-
      tails wanted.)
   Moncrieff, John, Lance-Corporal, Seaforth
      Highlanders, killed in action, July 1, 1916.
   Monks, Fred. Richard, artificer engineer,
      lost in the Cressy, Sept. 1914.
   Moore, Peter A., died April 27th, 1917. -1 East
      Percy Street.
   Morgan, Sam, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1st, 1916. -8 Murton
      Row, Percy Main.
   Morrell, David William, North Staffs.,
      killed in action, October 4, 1918. -17
      Church Street.
   Morris, Robert, Royal Naval Reserves, killed
      in action, Feb. 16th, 1917.
   Morrison, John Day, killed in action in
      H.M. Drifter Christina Craig, February
      15, 1918.
   Morrison, Robert, R.N.D., killed in action,
      Feb. 15th, 1917. -4 East Street, Milburn
   Morton, Andrew, Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in action, Oct. 17th, 1918. -25½ Hud-
      son Street.
   Morton, Edward, King’s Royal Rifles, died
      from wounds, Nov. 13th, 1916. -11 Drum
      mond Terrace.
   Morton, William, A.D., H.M.S. Ocean
      Sweeper, lost June 16th, 1918. -43 Trinity
   Morton, William, A.D., lost at sea on His
      Majesty’s Service, June 16th, 1918.
   Mould, Wm. Harold, killed in action. – Clock
      Vaults, Toll Street.
   Mountain, George, lost at sea on H.M.S.
   Mowat, Arthur, Machine Gun Corps, died of
      wounds, Nov. 27th, 1916.
   Muckle, Thos., lost at sea through enemy
      action, Dec. 1st, 1917.
   Muckle, Wm. J.S., Royal Army Medical
      Corps, died suddenly, August 25, 1918. -6
      St. John’s Street, Percy Main.
   Mudale, George Owen, chief engineer, killed
      through enemy action on Admiralty traw-
      ler, John M. Stuart.
Page 20 Left Hand Column
   Mudd, Edward, Northumberland Fusiliers,            
      killed in action, Nov. 3rd, 1917. -68 King         
   Mudd, Wm. Thos., lost at sea through                  
      enemy action, April 4th, 1918.                     
   Mullen, Joseph, R.N.D., killed in action,               
      May 28th, 1917 -2 Well Yard, Tynemouth.         
   Muller, M., Corporal, West Yorks, killed in             
      action May 22nd 1916. -29 Northumberland         
      Terrace, Percy Main.                              
   Mundy, Robert John, Tyneside Irish, killed            
      in action, April 6th, 1916. -23 Front Street         
      Milburn Place.                                    
   Mummery, John, Duke of Wellingtons,               
      killed in action, October 11, 1918. -29 Queen      
      Alexandra Road.                                    
   Murray, James, lost at sea, April 21, 1918. -            
      40 Gardner Street.                                 
   Myock, Michael E., Northumberland Fusi-            
      liers, killed in action, July 7, 1916. -51            
      Prudhoe Street.                                    
   Myers, Richard Stanley, Canadian Force,               
      killed in action, October 11, 1918. -50               
      Church Way.                                       
   Myers, Thomas Hall, Petty Officer, Royal            
      Naval Volunteer Reserve, lost at sea,               
      January 20, 1918. -16 Dock Road.                  
   Mylotte, Joseph Martin Redman, Quarter-            
      master, Destroyer Garth, died in Edin-               
      burgh, July 12, 1918.                              
   Myock, Michael Edward, Royal Field Artil-            
      lery, killed in action, July 27, 1916.               
   Napier, Jas. Edward, Royal Scots, died               
      of wounds, February 23, 1918.                     
   Newham, Bartholomew P., chief engineer,            
      Royal Naval Reserve, killed on active               
      service at sea, February 15, 1918. -193 Lin-         
      skill Street.                                          
   Newham, Joseph C., Northumberland                  
      Fusiliers, killed in action, May 29. -193            
      Linskill Street.                                    
   Newham, Robert, Sergeant, King’s Royal            
      Rifles, killed in action, March 2, 1915. -58         
      Military Road.                                       
   Newman, George, Sergeant, Canadian Scot-            
      tish, died from wounds, August 20, 1916. -         
      5 Upper Penman Street.                           
   Newson, Robert, Chief Engineer, lost on Ad-         
      miralty trawler, John High, August 11,             
      1916. -73 Howdon Road.                           
   Newton, Benjamin J.R.R., Royal Engi-               
      neers, killed in action, August 24, 1916.            
      37 Linskill Terrace.                                 
   Newton, J.E., Northumberland Fusiliers,               
      killed in action, 1917. – Tynemouth.               
   Newton, James E., Lance-Corporal, West            
      Yorks, killed in action, May 4, 1917. -86            
      Stephenson Street.                                                         
Page 20 Right Hand Column
   Nichol, John, Royal Field Artillery, died of
      wounds, June 12, 1917. -13 Reed Street.
   Nicholls, William J.W., Lance-Corporal
      died of wounds July 15, 1916 -71 Wash-
      ington Terrace.
   Nicholson, James Wm., lost in pilot cutter
      Protector, blown up December 31, 1916. –
      27 Stormont Street.
   Nightingale, Thomas, died from wounds,
      March 16, 1916. -2 Front Street, Preston.
   Nimmo, Peter, Royal Scots Fusiliers, killed
      in action, May 12, 1916. -40 Burdon Main
   Nixon, Sydney G.W., Artist’s Rifles, killed
      in action, October 30, 1917. -7 Cecil
   Norris, George Crossley, lost while mine-
      sweeping, August 27, 1914. -15 Hudson
   Norton, William Armstrong Dawson, killed
      at sea, June 16, 1918.
   Norval, W., Skipper, R.N.R.T., blown up,
      January, 1916. – Jackson Street.
   Norvell, George R., Skipper Royal Naval
      Reserve, drowned in trawler Specton, Dec.
      31, 1915. -22 Jackson Street.
   Norvell, Walter, killed in action, March 21,
      1918. -6 Trinity Terrace.
   Nurse, Thos., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 3, 1916.-21 Victoria
   O’Brien, Wm., Durham Light Infantry,
      killed in action, June 29, 1915. -2 Elliott’s
   O’Halleron, Michael, Durham Light Infan-
      try, died from wounds, May 6, 1915. -39
      Middle Street, Milburn Place.
   Oliver, Andrew, Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, June 16, 1917. -73 Hudle
      stone Street, Cullercoats.
   Oliver, Henry, Machine Gun Corps, killed
      in action, May 16, 1918. – 47 Vicarage
   Omrie, John, Durham Light Infantry, died
      from wounds, August 14, 1915.
   O’Neill, Edward, Tyne Electrical Engineers,
      drowned in France, June 18, 1917. – 85
      Little Bedford Street.
   O’Neill, John Lawrence, Northumberland
      Fusiliers, died from wounds, July 12, 1916.
      29 Camden Lane.
   O’Neil, John T., Northumberland Fusiliers,
      killed in action, July 1, 1916. 37 Simpson
      Street, Chirton.
   Osbon, Fred, Royal Scots, killed in Darda-
      nelles, June 28, 1915. -56 Park Crescent.
   Osborne, Fred, lost on H.M.S. Cressey, Sept.
      22, 1914. -8 Stephenson Street.
   Palmer, Ralph, died May 20, 1915. – Tyne-

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