Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Column 1914-18 1939-45 Gordon Terrace





Map ref

NZ 271845

Original Location

Gordon Street West. In the forecourt of the War Memorial Hall.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 3/02/1923 by Sir Loftus Bates, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O. Dedicated by Rev. R. Good,Vicar of Cambois.
b. Unveiled 9/10/1949 by Dr. H.S. Brown, President of the Stakeford Branch of the British Legion. Dedicated by Rev T. Clough

Memorial Description

Almost circular column about 8 feet tall, with a wreath carved in half relief just below its top. The names from the 1914-19 war are incised in sans serif lettering in two columns down its length. It stands on a square pedestal on which the inscription is recorded in Roman lettering.
It is backed by a concrete slab, and has two concrete wings, each of which bear a granite plaque about 18 inches high x 12 inches wide which bear the names from 1939-45.

Materials used

Granite column and panels, otherwise concrete.


a. In memory / of those / who fell in / the Great War / 1914-1919
b. 1939-1945



b. £302, which presumably also included the cost of moving the central column.

Present condition

Good. The names were regilded c2000 and running repairs done.


1. Over 500 men served from this area in 1914-18.

2. The monument should have been unveiled at the same time as the hall, but wasn't ready in time.

3. The central column was originally at the entrance to the War Memorial Hall. After 1939-45, it was moved to one side and the "wings" added to allow for the names from 1939-45 to be added.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: P. Thirkell

Shields Daily News 05/02/1923 reports the unveiling of 1914-18 memorial.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 10/02/1923 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 05/02/1923 reports unveiling.

Morpeth Herald 14/10/1949 reports unveiling of 1939-45 memorial.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Janet Brown; the late R.W. Gould; John Maughan; David Robinson; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Column 1914-18 1939-45 Gordon Terrace (S71.02)

STAKEFORD, outside War Memorial Hall.

On granite column for 1914-1918:                 

   Andrews, S.            Logan, T.H.         
   Angus, J.C.            Lowes, C.           
   Angus, W.              Lawson, J.J.W.      
   Anderson, W.C.         Mein, A.            
   Andrews J.E.           Nicholson, R.       
   Armstrong, R.J.        Nicholson, J.       
   Athey, J.              Nicholson, R.       
   Brown, M.              Nicholson, W.       
   Burton, G.             Nicholson, W.       
   Blaylock, J.W.         Osborne, A.         
   Campbell, R.           Pattie, T.          
   Clark, H.F.            Patterson, H.       
   Clark, P.P.            Pattison, D.P.W.   
   Coils, T.              Roberts, F.S.
   Carr, A.               Rix, R.
   Cram, W.               Robinson, T.
   Dixon, R.M.            Robinson, J.
   Dunn, J.               Robinson, A.
   Dickinson, J.          Robson, J.
   Eastham, J.H.          Redpath, F.
   Elsdon, R.             Redpath, G.
   Flannigan, M.          Straughan, G.
   Foster, F.             Swann, W.W.
   Fawbert, J.            Summers, G.B.
   Gibson, R.             Short, R.
   Gray, T.               Turnbull, J.
   Godsmark, J.           Turner, J.
   Herron, C.T.           Taylor, J.
   Hall, J.               Usher, W.D.
   Hope, G.               Whipps, J.
   Hunter, W.             Welbury, J.
   Joisce, E.T.           Waddell, G.
   James, R.              Wallace, C.
   Johnston,T.            Yeowart, J.
   Johnston, A.M.
   Laws, A.
On pedestal below column:

   In memory
   of those
   who fell in 
   the Great War
On flanking panels:
   1939-1945              1939-1945
   Angus, J.R.            Laws, W.
   Bell, R.               Lennox, W.
   Brown, H.              McBride, J.N.
   Dye, B.E.              Panton, H.M.
   Eastham, C.            Prail, D.H
   Fairbairn, R.          Punshon, M.
   Hall, J.               Robinson, J.
   Hamilton, J.W.         Saviour, A.
   Hindmarsh, J.          Smith, J.G.
   Hunn, A.               Tait, H.S.
   Kennedy, R.A.          Turner, G.
   (The name Millican,(?) W. added in ball point pen).  

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story