SUNNYBROW St John's Church
To the Glory of God
and in grateful memory of the men connected
with this church who gave their lives for their
country in the Great War 1914 - 1918
Thomas W. Adamson William Bentley John Hodgson Thomas Robinson
George Ashmore George Blenkinsop Johnson Hope Isachar Taylor
Henry Atherton Frederick C. Cook Ernest W. Hudson Benjamin Walker
James Atherton John Coulson Frank Mangles Edward Walker
James R. Auxwell Francis A. Curl John W. Mangles Edward Walker
Ernest Barlow David Gill Thomas Marshall Richard Walker
John H. Bell William Goldsborough Amos Newton William A.E. Wall
Joseph Bell John W. Grimstone William Newton William Watson
Matthew Bell Ralph B. Hird John W. Phillips
Faithful unto death
The Auckland Chronicle has variations on a few names:
Thomas Wm. Adamson
James R. Aukwell
Ralph E. Hird
William A.E. Walker