STANLEY St. Josephs R.C. Church
1914-1919 Pray for the Souls
The members of this Parish
who lost their lives in the war 1914-1919.
This Altar was erected by the Congregation
to perpetuate the memory of
Patrick Bell James Harrison John George Morris
John Blake Michael Harrold James Moyser
James Bowes Michael Hastings Daniel Mullen
Philip Bowes Joseph Hawthorn John Mulligan
James Bradley Andrew Henderson Thomas Murphy
John Bradley Joseph Herron George Nash
Patrick Brennan Matthew Hinnigan James Newman
John Brinton Eric Horner Martin ONeill
John Brophy Patrick Hughes Edward Ormston
Ernest Brydon Thomas Jennings James Payne
James Carr Michael Joice Jacob Quinn
Joseph Caulfield Francis Keegan John Joseph Rafferty
Peter Caveny John Keegan John Reilly
Edward Coleman John Kelly William Reilly
Robert Collins Hugh Kilty Joseph Robinson
Michael Connor Edward King William Robinson
Patrick Convey Michael Leonard John Routledge
John Cook Thomas Liddle Joseph Sloan
William Cook Michael Linskey Thomas Smith
Andrew Corbett John Lister Edward Starrs
Stephen Coyle James Lockey Hugh Thompson
Augustine Crane William Lynch Wilfred Tierney
Edward Crawford Francis Marron Alexander Tillet
Charles Crossey Francis Marshall James Traynor
Thomas Devine Edward Masterson Antonio Vincente
Robert Donald Francis Masterson Andrew Walsh
James William Duffy James McAlister Thomas Watson
Matthias Duffy Owen McAndrew John Whitney
Peter Duffy John McCann Septimus Whitney
Thomas Duffy Patrick McCue Albert Young
James Durkin Peter McDermott Roger McGuire
John Ellis Hugh McDonald John McEnaney
Myles Farrell Thomas McGlen
William Firman James McGuire
Joseph Gibbon John McGuire
Peter Gillespie Joseph McGuire
Francis Clover Francis McHugh
Peter Goggins Francis McKeown
Arthur Hands Edward McNeill
Hugh Haney Patrick McVey
On whose souls sweet Jesus have mercy