STAINDROP St. Marys Church
Their name liveth for evermore.
Norman Anderson Robert Oliver
Archibald Arnison Frank Pyburn
Alan Bailey Frank Robinson
Sydney Best Fred Saltmarsh
Alfred Brown Thomas Saltmarsh
Arthur Brown Fred Scott
Harry Brown Edward Shepherd
William Brown Thomas Skerrow
Albert Edward Buckle William Spence
James Burrows David William Storey
Tom Coates Harry Stubbings
James Connell Charles Swales
William Dawson Edward Tarn
Wilson Denham Harry Tate
Henderson Dent Harry Thompson
George Nixon Dent John Thornton
Arthur Fawcett Henry Cecil Vane
John Bernard Frankton George Walker
Charles Mudd Joseph William Walker
James Murray Percy Woolliams
Giving thanks to God for a great
deliverance, this tablet is erected
to keep alive the memory of the
men from this parish who fell in
the Great War 1914-1919.
God grant them eternal rest.