Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 Afghanistan Cheapside





Map ref

NZ 25?33?

Original Location

Cheapside, just north of the leisure centre.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45
c. Afghanistan 2011

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 15/10/1922 by J.H.B. Forster, Managing Director of Weardale Steel, Coal & Coke Co. Dedicated by Canon Wykes, vicar of St. Andrew’s.

Memorial Description

Cenotaph 22 feet high with carrier columns at each corner of the main square pedestal. This is surmounted by an upper tier carrying a circular column with four smaller columns and a small dome on top. The dedication is carried on the front of the main pedestal, the words “Pro Deo Pro Patria” raised in half relief above a cross also raised in half relief. The names are carried in sunken panels on the other three sides of the main pedestal. They are in three columns on each panel. All lettering is in sans serif capitals.
At its foot on right and left hand sides are two raked stones bearing the names for 1939-45 listed in two columns on each. The lettering is leaded sans serif capitals.
The whole is set within a small railed area with small troughs for poppies.
In 2016 the area was enhanced by the placing of a seat on a paved area.

Materials used

Greenlaw stone


a. Pro Deo et Pro Patria
To those men of Spennymoor / Urban District who fell / while defending our liberty.
Let their names be cherished / with gratitude and pride and the / remembrance of their steadfast / endurance and gallant sacrifice / be enshrined in the hearts of / this people for ever. / And let this land / whose hearths they saved from shame / for many and many an age proclaim / eternal honour to their name.
b. 1939-45
c. 2011 Afghanistan




How money was raised

Site given by Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co.

Present condition

The area was enhanced for the centenary of the Great War.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by E.C. Kenmir of Spennymoor, architect.
Built by Lowes of Durham; new seat by Ogilvy


1. The name of William Craven was added to the memorial in 1998.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; Glynis Gawley; Dorothy Hall; old postcard: George Nairn; John Grainger

Book of Remembrance S131.11which includes the unveiling ceremony. The names of the Fallen together with dates of death are listed. Another list is of Distinctions earned.

Auckland and County Chronicle 19/10/1922.

Durham County Advertiser 05/03/1920

Illustrated Chronicle 17/10/1922 reports unveiling with photo.

Darlington & Stockton Times 21/10/1922 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 16/10/1922 reports unveiling; 21/12/1998 and Nov. 1999 report addition of William Craven’s name.

Durham County Council ref 505/7/12/24 Archives Photographs – Spennymoor carries photos of the unveiling.

Spennymoor in Old Postcards

Sources of quotations
“Let their name be cherished . . .” Not ascertained;
“And let this land whose hearths . . .” Not ascertained

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Notes

a. Durham County Council have researched one of the names William Lionel Gerald Brown (1900-1918).

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; John and Mavis Dixon; Durham County Council; George Nairn; Dorothy Hall; Tony Harding

Research In Progress

Jim and John Grainger are creating an archive of information about each person named on the local War Memorials and would like to hear from anyone with stories, photographs or memorabilia. Contact:-

Cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 Afghanistan Cheapside (S131.02)

SPENNYMOOR   Roadside.   
Front face

   Pro Deo et Pro Patria 
   To those men of Spennymoor 
   Urban District who fell 
   while defending our liberty. 
   Let their names be cherished 
   with gratitude and pride and the 
   remembrance of their steadfast 
   endurance and gallant sacrifice 
   be enshrined in the hearts of 
   this people for ever.  
   And let this land 
   whose hearths they saved from shame 
   for many and many an age proclaim 
   eternal honour to their name.
Side Panel 1                                             

   THE GLORIOUS DEAD                                       
   I. Abley        A.E. Bottoms     R. Cornish             
   S. Abley        W.E. Bowman      W Coulthard            
   F.W. Adams      M. Boyle         J. Cowens              
   D. Alderson     W. Brabban       A. Cowley              
   G. Alderson     W. Bracegirdle   H. Craddock            
   M. Alderson     Arthur Bradley   B. Craig               
   E.W. Anderson   Austin Bradley   W.A. Craig             
   F. Anderson     J.W. Broadley    J. Cross               
   J. Anderson     M.H. Broadley    F.W. Cummins           
   T. Anderson     J. Brooks        C.D. Cummings         
   W. Angus        C.H. Broome      J. Cummings            
   J. Armstrong    A. Brown         J. Cunningham          
   C. Bainbridge   G. Brown         J.H. Curle             
   R.E. Bainbridge G.W. Brown       G.E. Curry             
   T. Bainbridge   J. Brown         F. Dalkin              
   W. Baines       W. Brown         J.T. Davies            
   W. Baker        W. Brown         W. Davies              
   D. Ballantyne   W.H. Brown       J. Davison             
   W. Bamlet       W.L.G. Brown     J.R. Davison           
   W. Banks        F. Brunskill     T. Dixon               
   J. Bannister    N. Bulmer        J.H. Dodds             
   C. Barker       W. Bulmer        J.R. Dodds             
   T. Barlow       H. Bundy         J.L. Dodshon           
   H. Barrass      E. Burke         G.W. Dowson            
   J. Barrett      W. Burns         J.W. Draycott          
   G. Beal         J. Burton        G. Dunn                
   J.G. Bell       A.J.T. Bussey    R.G. Dunn              
   J.S. Bell       F.T. Butterfield W. Ebden               
   N. Benson       J. Cadman        Ro. Edwards            
   H. Bethell      E. Cameron       Rt. Edwards            
   T. Bishop       A. Campbell      J. Egglestone          
   W. Blackbourne  J. Cheesewright  T. Egglestone          
   F. Blackett     J. Clarke        E. Eldrett             
   J. Blackett     T. Claughan      J. Elliot              
   W. Blackmore    W.H. Close       C. Ellis               
   T. Blair        J.R. Cockfield   F. Elves               
   J.T. Blenkin    T. Conn          R. Elves               
   W.H. Blood      G.T. Cook        S. Elves               
   J. Boden        W. Cooper        R.N. English               
   J. Bonson       A. Corbett       J.H. Evans             
                   W. Culine     
                   W. Craven     
Side Panel 1                                             

   E. Farthing     W. Hood          J. Littley    
   F. Featherstone F.W. Hopper      J. Livett      
   J. Finley       T. Houston       F. Lodge
   T. Forrest      S. Howard        J. Lowe
   E. Foster       H.D. Howe        R.R. Lowery
   J.J. Foxcroft   R. Howe          J.W. Lumsden  
   J. French       J.H. Hughes      J.G. Lunn    
   R. Garbutt      G.P. Hunter      J. Malloy
   H. Gardener     E. Hutchinson    J.W. Malpas
   J. Gash         G.W. Hutchinson  J.V. Martin  
   Geo. Gee        R. Hutchinson    W.H. Maughan
   A. Gibson       J.H. Ingram      J. McAdam   
   T.A. Goundry    J. Jackson       J. McCormack
   B.R. Graham     R. Jackson       T. McCrone
   G. Graham       F. James         L. McGowan
   J. Grainger     J. Jefferson     C. McKenzie  
   N. Gray         P. Johnson       J.L. Mercer  
   G. Green        T. Johnson       E. Metcalfe  
   A. Greenwood    J. Jones         J. M‘Cahan  
   R. Greenwood    J.E. Jones       A. Miller
   R. Greig        Rt. Jones        C.B. Miller  
   A. Hall         R. Jones         J.W. Moan     
   C. Hamer        S.G. Jones       E. Moore  
   H.E. Hamilton   T.H. Jones       R. Mortimer     
   J.G. Hamilton   W. Jones         A.G. Naisbitt   
   G.H. Hardy      C.R. Keirl       E. Nelson
   B.G. Harker     J.W. Keirl       J. Nichol   
   W. Harland      G.H. Kendall     A. Nichols  
   H. Hart         F. Kenmir        W.H. Northcote
   T. Hartley      A.T. Kitching    J.W. O’Hara
   B. Harwood      G. Knaggs        P. O‘Neil      
   N. Henderson    R. Langley       W. O‘Neil     
   T.O. Herring    H. Lawson        A.W. Orton  
   B. Hetherington P.F. Lawson      J.A. Osguthorre
   L.H. Hewick     W. Lawson        J.R. Parrott  
   T. Hindmarch    G.W. Layton      H. Parry    
   T. Hodgins      R. Lidster       T. Pattison  
   J.R. Hodgson    J. Linsley       J.E. Payne
   T. Hodgson      W.H. Linsley     A. Pearce
   R. Holland      C.S. Littley     F. Perry  
      Dean Adam Hutchinson 2011 Afghanistan     
Rear panel

   J. Perry        P.B. Smith       J. Watson   
   J.H. Perry      P.A. Snow        C. Waugh   
   J. Petch        F.W. Snowball    N. Waugh   
   T.P. Phillips   J. Snowball      F. Weldon   
   E. Pickering    T. Snowball      A.H. Welford   
   E.E. Pigg       A. Spence        R.B. Welford 
   A.C. Plews      J.W. Stephenson  Jas. Welsh  
   J.W. Pope       G. Stones        Jas. Welsh             
   J.T. Powell     A. Stott         John Welsh   
   R.R. Pratt      R. Stott         T.A. Welsh   
   F. Prest        A. Stout         M. West   
   J. Procter      R.S. Strathern   R.W. Wheatley    
   J. Raitt        H. Stuart        G. White   
   T.W. Raitt      R. Sugden        G.P. White   
   E. Ramage       R.D. Telfer      J. White   
   W.F. Randall    B. Thomas        J.D. White   
   E. Reeves       J. Thomas        J.T. White   
   H.L. Rex        T. Thomas        W. White    
   J. Rhodes       W. Thompson      D. Whitehead   
   E.W. Rhymer     A.C. Tighe       C. Whitehouse 
   H. Richardson   S.A. Tolmie      S. Wiggington   
   T. Richardson   G.F. Tomlinson   J.J. Wigham   
   J. Richmond     R. Turnbull      J. Wilkin
   T. Rivers       R. Tweddle       G. Wilkinson   
   T.M. Robinson   B. Varvill       J.W. Wilkinson   
   P. Rocks        A.W. Verrell     R. Wilkinson   
   T.F. Roper      M. Vickerstaff   E.W. Williams   
   J. Rose         R. Vickerstaff   F.J.H. Williams
   W. Roseman      J.H. Walker      H. Williams   
   J. Ryan         J. Wallace       J. Williams    
   J. Ryder        C.H. Walls       R.C. Willis    
   R. Ryder        A. Walsh         C.T. Wilson
   C. Sanderson    A.R. Walters     E.J. Wilson   
   W. Sanderson    W. Walton        J. Wilson    
   W. Scotson      J. Ward          W. Wilson    
   J.G. Seymour    W.L. Ward        J.J. Winde    
   A.D. Sharp      B. Wardle        C.E. Wood    
   J.W. Simpson    J. Waters        J.M. Woodhall 
   J. Sinclair     R. Waters        M. Woodhall 
   G.E. Smith      J. Waterson      W. Young
Left hand side

   Abley Ernest W.           Gough Francis H.                 
   Anderson George           Graham John S.                   
   Barker Robert E.          Grayson Benjamin H. 31 Dec 1948  
   Bennett Alec              Griffiths John                   
   Benson George             Hanratty Terence C.             
   Berriman Joseph           Hardy William W.                 
   Bestford William          Heathcote Ernest                 
   Birbeck Frederick         Henry Robert W.                  
   Birlison Gordon           Heseltine John                   
   Booth Raymond             Heslington John                  
   Briggs John               Hobson William G.C.              
   Brown Frederick           Hodgson Anthony                  
   Brown Wilfred             Holmes George C.                 
   Burnip Harold             Holmes Robert                    
   Campbell John             Hood Benjamin                    
   Coatesworth Edward G.     Horner Douglas                   
   Curle Edwin               Hudson John G.                   
   Dale Reginald D.          Hughes Hugh                          
   Davison Walter J.         Irvin Leslie                     
   Dixon Norman              Jackson George                   
   Dolphin William           Johns John E.                    
   Donkin John T.            Jones John                       
   Dunn Gilbert              King Walter                      
   Ellis Robert W.           King William E.                  
   Fairley Robert H.         Kipling John W.                  
   Featherstone Thomas H.    Knowles Harrison                 
   Ferguson Harold I.        Knowles John                     
   Gallone Anthony           Laverick Averson                 
   Garrett Robert A.         Lenihan Christopher              
   Glasper William J.        Lowther John J.                 
Right hand side

   Minnis Norman             Sarginson John G.C.
   Moodie Robert D.          Scanlon Laurence
   Mooney Thomas             Shafto Edward S.
   Moores William            Shevill Fred
   Mortimer Harry            Simpson Thomas
   Musgrave Frank            Sinclair Jack  
   McGough Denis             Smith Albert E.
   Nutter Charles            Smith Sidney
   O‘Connell Joseph M.       Smith William A.
   O‘Hara William B.         Stobbs John
   Owens Thomas W.           Sullivan James
   Pallister Charlotte E.    Talbot Thomas
   Pattison Harry            Taylor George R.T.
   Peacock George            Taylor Joseph
   Peart George E.           Taylorson James    
   Pennick James R.          Temperley Arthur  
   Phillips John W.          Thompson James H.    
   Poynter Arthur E.         Vasey Heslop L.
   Raine George              Venners William    
   Raw Albert                Wake John W.    
   Redhead Harold            Ward Frederick
   Richardson John G.        Ward Robert Jnr.    
   Richardson Vivian L.      Waterworth Herbert
   Ridley Thomas S.          Webb Edward
   Rivers William Marley     Webber Worthy A.
   Roberts Thomas L.         Welch Ian P.                                                        
   Robinson Edward           Weldon Ronald
   Robson Harry 7th May 1946 Wilkinson John T.
   Rocks Anthony             Williams Harry A.
   Ross John S.              Williams William   
   Rowlands Edward           Wright William
   Thompson, John, A.B.


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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story