Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Tony Harding


Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside





Map ref

NZ 119646

Original Location

North end of Wylam bridge. War Memorial Green, Stephenson Terrace / Main Road.

Present Location

Memorial green was originally enclosed by railings, which were removed during 1939-45.

Which war

a. 1914-1918
b. 1939-1945

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 10th March 1923 by C.J.W. Blackett, Lord of the Manor; dedicated by Rev. H.H. Barff

Memorial Description

Cross of Gothic type, hexagonal, on tall octagonal pedestal, total height 9m. The whole stands on a stepped base 4m in diameter.
Bronze plaques each 91cm high x 51cm wide on three sides of the main pedestal bear the inscriptions, Each plaque has a raised border of string pattern, and raised lettering. The plaque bearing the dedication has a wreath in half relief at the bottom.
All lettering is in elongated Roman capitals, apart from the Scripture quotation, which is in sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Cross of Windy Nook stone on steps of Heworth stone encircled by York flagstones.


Erected by / the people of / Wylam / in grateful memory / of those who / gave their lives / in the Great War / 1914-1918
"They were a wall unto us / both by night and day." / I.Sam.xxv.16.


Who commissioned

Wylam War Memorial Committee


Estimated £700.

How money was raised

Public subscription

Present condition


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

W. Dixon and Sons, Newcastle.

Ownership and maintenance

Formally handed over to Wylam Parish Council at the unveiling.


1. Gold medals were presented to the families of the fallen, and also to the soldiers and sailors who returned, names are given.

2. This was the site chosen by the people, but rejected by the Squire. However, after his death, his son acceded to the public's wish and gifted the site to the parish council.

3. Sir James Knott offered to provide the memorial, but this was turned down by the villagers who wanted to provide it themselves.

4. Photocopies of the unveiling ceremony were donated from the Philip R.B. Brooks Collection.

5. At a meeting called in March 1919, the proposal for a war memorial was discussed, and a letter was read from Colonel Blackett suggesting the movement was premature as the war was not yet over. It was agreed to set up a war memorial committee to discuss the matter.

6. “An average of one in every six of our little community had offered themselves for the defence of our liberties. Fifteen per cent of those were now missing, and it was in honour of their memory that we assembled that day before this memorial.”

7. James Leadbitter Knott –see Every Name a Story

Henry Basil Knott see Every Name a Story

Thomas Garbutt Knott see Every Name a Story

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: P. Thirkell; J. Brown; T. Harding; Alan Wallace; David Petrie; Photo of unveiling 1923: Vincent Smith

Hexham Courant 27/03/1920 reports handing out of medals who returned; 27/11/1920 includes letter of indignation that Col. Blackett will not sell the land for the memorial.

Illustrated Chronicle 26/02/1919 reports Sir James Knott’s offer; 10/10/1922 carries drawing; 12/03/1923 reports unveiling with photos.

Northern Echo 24/02/1923 reports proposed unveiling; 12/03/1923 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 14/10/1922 reports progress; 17/03/1923 reports unveiling.

Blaydon Courier 15/03/1919 reports “too early” decision.

Hexham Weekly News 17/09/1920 reports a letter from Col. Blackett saying that he would not be able to transact any business for at least six months with the War Memorial Committee.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 26/02/1919 reports proposals; 02/05/1922 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle and North Mail 10/10/1922 reports expected unveiling; 06/03/1923 reports proposed unveiling; 12/03/1923 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Central Library Photo 1930?; article Wylam Globe Winter 1979/80 No. 28 page 2

The Northumbrian Issue 140 June/July tells story of research into the names on the memorial.

Source of quotation:
"They were a wall unto us both by night and day." I.Sam.xxv.16.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Prudhoe Local History Society; Philip R.B. Brooks; C.N. Dallison; Paul Graham (Prudhoe LHS); Janet Brown; Dorothy Hall; Alan Wallace; David Petrie; Vincent Smith

Research In Progress

The names for 1914-18 are being researched by Aubrey Smith, Philip Brooks and Roy Koerner.

Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside (W73.02)

WYLAM, Stephenson Terrace.



 Panel 1                         Panel 2	    

                                 John Edward Adams           
                                 Joseph Forster Appleby      
   Erected by                    John Ismay Atkinson         
   the people of                 Fred Bean                   
   Wylam                         William Hall Bradley        
   in grateful memory            William Richmond Clephan    
   of those who                  George Cowings              
   gave their lives              Charles Andrew Dodd         
   in the Great War              John Dolan                  
   1914-1918                     James Henry Forster         
   --------                      William Forster             
                                 Thomas Gelson               
   "They were a wall unto us     Walter Hindley              
    both by night and by day"    Wilfred Hines               
               1 Sam XXV 16      Frederick Hunter            
                                 Jacob Irwin                
                                 Frederick Johnson           
                                 James Leadbitter Knott      
                                 Henry Basil Knott           
                                 Frederick Leathard          
                                 William Macaulay            
Panel 3                          Panel 4	

   Joseph Edward McCarthy        1939-1945
   William Francis McKenna       Edward Dennis Tootal Barff
   Joseph Milburn                Joseph Philip Edmondson
   John Thomas Nixon             Sydney Elliott
   Gerald Paget                  Arthur Herdman
   Algernon George Parsons       William Armstrong Hind
   Joseph Pattinson              Harold Hodkinson
   Henry Quentin Ridley          Wilfred Maddison
   George Robson                 Kenneth Noble
   Thomas Rutter                 John Pearson
   Charles Springett             Manfred Revell Ternent
   Robert Turnbull               Lawrence Arthur Williamson
   Henry Turnbull
   Richard Watson
   Alexander White
   William Watson Wild
   Charles Leyburn Wilkinson
   Jack Winder
   Frederick Henry Wright
   William Wrightson
   John William Young
Names W73.02

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story