Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Cross All Wars Front Street





Map ref


Original Location

Front Street, in front of the Community Hall.

Present Location

Resited outside the Fulforth centre in Front Street and rededicated 8th October 2010

Which war

All wars

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled ?9th July 1981; rededicated 8th October 2010 by Canon Caroline Black.

Memorial Description

Cross, 952 mm high, on a four-tier base, total height 1.644m. Small square site surrounded by kerbs. The dedication is carried on one side of the top three tiers of the base, the lettering incised using sans serif capitals.
The tiers measure as follows: 1st tier 901 mm long x 901 mm wide x 154 mm deep; 2nd tier 685 mm long x 685 mm wide x 204 mm deep; 3rd tier 533mm long x 533 mm wide x 196 mm deep; 4th tier 380 mm long x 380 mm wide x 138mm deep;

Materials used

White Italian marble.


memory of

those who gave their lives
in the service
of their country
so that we shall live.

They shall grow not old
as we that are left grow old.
We will remember them.



Who commissioned

Local Branch of Royal British Legion

How money was raised

Public subscription; £12,000 for resiting from Warrior Trust; grant for repair from War Memorials Trust.

Present condition

Broken stones repaired and the memorial raised on steps before the rededication.


1. When resited, the cross was raised on a small pedestal.

2. Included in the pedestal was a poem chosen through competition, and also printed on the Service of Rededication. Angela Kelly, a soldier, was the winner, who read her poem as part of the service.

3. The memorial was resited because Warrior Developments wanted to build a 372 square metre food hall and car park on the site of the former hall. This formed part of a £200,000 “Heart of the Village” regeneration scheme towards which the firm donated £12,000.

4. The Fulforth Centre has been the focus of Durham County Council’s ‘Heart of the Village’ regeneration scheme.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Dorothy Hall; James Pasby

Durham Chronicle 10/07/1981 reports unveiling.

Chester-le-Street Advertiser 20/02/2010 reports proposals re public consultation; 16/10/2010 reports re-dedication after re-siting.

War Memorials Trust Ref. 3779

The Journal 16/10/2010 reports anger at proposal to move the memorial.

Northern Echo 14/05/2010 reports proposed relocation.

Source of quotation
“They shall grow not old . . .” For the Fallen Lawrence Binyon

External web link

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; Dorothy Hall; James Pasby; C. Sanders

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Cross All Wars Front Street (S113.02)

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story