Newcastle upon Tyne Northern Constitutional Club.
To the glory of God and in
grateful memory of the members of the
Northern Conservative and Unionist Club
who fell in the Great War 1914-1918
C.J.H. Adamson H. Jacks A.S. Ritson
G. Atkinson J.M. Kent (Junr). N.S. Robinson
P.F. Clennell H. Basil Knott G.L. Russell
H.M. Cohan J. Leadbitter Knott W.E.O. Scott
R.V.L. Dallas R.E.B. Lisle R. Smith
J. Dickinson F.W. Lockey Herbert Stewart
W.M. Dodds A.C.K. McIntosh H.R.C. Sutcliffe
R.C. Dunford W.D. Maughan V.O. Thompson
P.H. Edwards Herbert Miller J.G. Todd
J.P. Forster E.H. Moore F.R.G. Tomlinson
B.J. Haslegrove E.R. Mundle J.P. Walker
J.R. Hedley J.T. Newton H.W. Waller
T.H. Helme C.A. Patterson F.M. Weeks
D.D. Horne J. Pearson R.E. White
R.G.T. Ingram-Johnson S.R. Radcliffe F. Dobell Young
H. Atkinson