Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Commercial Exchange.
The layout of this memorial is not known.
The following has been taken from a newspaper report
and has not been compared with the original nor a
good photograph.
Armstrong, J.H. Gunner. Embleton, W.C. Cpl.
Atkinson, F. Pte. Edward, H.J. Pte.
Arkle, N.A. Lt. Ellison, T.S. Pte.
Allen, A. Cpl. Fairlam, J.T. Pte.
Atkinson, G.R. Pte. Falconar, R.W. Lt.
Buckle, J. Pte. Fraser,O.(MM & bar)L.Cpl.
Bowman, C.S. Lt. Feetham, A. 2nd Lt.
Burkley, W.G. Pte. Forster, J.G. Pte.
Bell, J. Pte. Forster, B. Pte.
Burn, J.C. Pte. Gibson, J. L.Cpl.
Brewis, R.W. Pte. Gray, J.M. Pte.
Buckham, W. Sgt. Golightly, G.F. 2nd Lt.
Black, J.A. 2nd Lt. Goldthorp, S. L.Cpl.
Blake, W.H. Major Hodgson, C.W. Pte.
Bowman, E.O. 2nd Lt. Hodgson, G. Flt.Comdr.
Brunstrom, W. (M.C.) 2nd Lt. Hopkins, C.P.L. Pte.
Bullen, H.S.T. Lt. Harvey, W. Lt.
Barclay, H. 2nd Lt. Hounam,. L. 2nd Lt.
Bell, W.M. Pte. Henderson, F. Pte.
Bryant, R.E. Capt. Hall, W.E. Cpl.
Baston, G.T. L.Cpl. Hepsworth, F.E. Pte.
Beisterfield, W. Pte. Hogg, L.W. Pte.
Clark, H. L.Cpl. Halliday, W.H. Pte.
Carney, C.A. Pte. Harbron, R.D. C.S.M.
Coulson, M. Pte. Jobling, E. Capt.
Carling, G.M. Pte. James, W.L. Flt.Cadet
Cooper, R.R. Pte. Jewers, T. Pte.
Corder, A. Pte. Jacques, G.H. 2nd Lt.
Copeland, J.S. 2nd Lt. Jones, G. Sig.Bomb.
Dalton, M. L.Cpl. Johnson, B. 2nd Lt.
Drury, P.B. Capt. Joicey, Hon. S.J.D. Capt.
Dunn, F.O. Lt. Jackson, W. 2nd Lt.
Davidson, T.E. Sgt. Kent, J.M. Capt.
Douglass, E.W. Pte. Knott, J.L. Major
Dixon, J.G. 2nd Lt. Knott, B. Capt.
Darling, A.H. 2nd Lt. Lamb, J. Pte.
Errington, T.W. Pte. Logan, G.B. Lt.
Errington, J. Pte. Lambert, J.H. Capt.
Lamb, G.F. Pte. Raynes, R. 2nd Lt.
Laing, D.C. Capt. Richardson, B. Pte.
Lauderdale, J.M. 2nd Lt. Rodriguez, F.L. L.Cpl.
Marshall, J.A. Pte. Robinson, N.S. Major
McCabe, J.B. 2nd Lt. Russell, S.C. Pte.
Marshall, G.E. Pte. Robley C.C. Marci. Optr.
McIntosh, W. Lt. Smyth H.R. L.Cpl.
Moorhouse, A.E. 2nd Lt. Stephens, L.N. L.Cpl.
Milligan, J. L.Cpl. Skelton, R. Pte.
Murphy, P. 2nd Lt. Stewart, H. 2nd Lt.
Moffatt, W.D. L.Cpl. Sutcliffe, H.R.C. 2nd Lt.
Maughan, W.D. 2nd Lt. Steel, R.K. Lt.
Marks, L.G. L.Cpl. Souter, T.H. 2nd Lt.
Muir, H. 2nd Lt. Sanson, H.C. L.Cpl.
Marley, W. Capt. Stroner, F.C. Pte.
Miller, J.C. 2nd Lt. Stobbs, W. G.T.C.
McLean, R.S. Pte. Stephenson, J.W. Pte.
Mather, A. Sgt. Saunders, K. 2nd Lt.
Mawson, A.J. Lt. Sales, E. Pte.
Moor, W. Pte. Stevenson, W. Pte.
Merritt, C.N. Sgt. Soulsby, W. Pte.
Milne, A. Lt. Tully, H.R. 2nd Lt.
Moore, J.F. Pte. Templeton, J.S. A.B.
Noble, W.B. Lt. Temperley, H.K. Lt.
Newton, J.E. Pte. Thompson, S. Lt.
Ogle, W.S. Signr. Thorman, A.M. Lt.
Ord, B.P.D. Pte. Walmsley, E. L.Cpl.
Pippett, T.N. Pte. Walker, J.P. Pte.
Percy, J.F. Pte. Wild, W.W. Sgt.
Phillips, J.R. Pte. Wilson, H.R. (M.C.) Capt.
Potts, W.S. Pte. Wilson, T.C. Sgt.
Phillips, N. Pte. Waite, A.S. 2nd Lt.
Penther, L. Pte. Watson, A.T. Major
Pumphrey, J.L. Tpr. Woods H. Lt.
Punshon, H.F. Cpl. Wells, E.H. Pte.
Pearson, J.H. L.Cpl. Watson, E. Pte.
Pattison, J.B. Pte. Yeaman, D. Lt.
Poulton, J.H. C.S.M. Young, F.D. Lt.
Pennie A.C. Pte.
The preliminary list printed in the Illustrated Chronicle 9/1/1920
is as follows:
Pte. F. Atkinson Lieut. R.W. Falconer
Lt. N.A. Arkle L.Cpl. O. Frazer (M.M.&Bar)
Cpl. A. Allen 2nd Lieut. A. Feetham
Lieut. C.S. Brown Pte. J.G. Forster
Pte. W.G. Buckley Pte. J.M. Gray
Pte. J. Bell 2nd Lieut. G.F. Golightly
Pte. J.C. Burn Flt.Commander G. Hodgson
Pte. R.W. Brewis Pte. C.P.L. Hopkins
Sgt. W. Buckham Lieut. W. Harvey
2nd Lieut. J.A. Black 2nd Lieut. L. Hounam
Major W.H. Black Pte. F. Henderson
2nd Lt. G. Bowman Cpl. W.E. Hall
2nd Lt. W. Brunstorm, M.C. Pte. F.A. Hepworth
2nd Lieut. H.S.T. Bullen Capt. E. Jobling
2nd Lieut. H. Barclay F-Cadet W.L. James
Pte. W.M. Bell Pte. T. Jewers
Capt. Bryant, R.E. 2nd Lieut. G.H. Jacques
L.Cpl. H. Clark Sig. Bomb. G. Jones
Pte. C.A. Carney 2nd Lieut. B. Johnson
Pte. M. Coulson Capt. Hon. S.S.D. Joicey
Pte. H.A. Carney Capt. J.M. Kent
Pte. R.R. Cooper Major J.L. Knott
Capt. P.B. Drury Capt. B. Knott
Lieut. F.O. Dunn Lieut. J.H. Lambert
Sgt. T.E. Davidson Pte. C.F. Lamb
Pte. T.W. Errington Capt. D.O. Laing
Pte. J. Errington 2nd Lieut. J.M. Lauderdale
L.Cpl. W.E. Embleton
Pte. G.E. Marshall L.Cpl. F. Rodignez
Pte. J. Mulligan Major N.S. Robinson
Lieut. W. McIntosh Pte. S.C. Russell
2nd Lieut. A.E. Moorhouse Marconi Operator C. Robley
2nd Lieut. P. Murphy Pte. R. Skelton
L.Cpl. W.D. Moffatt 2nd Lieut. H. Stewart
2nd Lieut. W.D. Maughan 2nd Lieut. H.R.C. Sutcliffe
L.Cpl. L.G. Marks Lieut. R.K. Steed
2nd Lieut. H. Muir 2nd Lieut. T.H. Souter
Capt. W. Marley L-Cpl. H.C. Samson
2nd Lieut. J.C. Miller Pte. P.C. Stroper
Pte. R.S. McLean O.T.C. W. Stobbs
Sgt. A. Mather Lieut. H. Sutcliffe
Lieut. A.J. Mawson 2nd Lieut. A.N. Thorman
Lieut. W.B. Noble 2nd Lieut. H.R. Tully
Pte. J.E. Newton A.B. J.S. Templeton
Signlr. W.S. Ogle Lieut. H.T. Temperley
Pte. B.P.D. Ord L.Cpl. E. Walmsley
Pte. M. Phillipps Pte. J.P. Walker
Pte. W.S. Potts Sgt. W.W. Wild
Trooper J.L. Pumphrey Capt. H.R. Wilson, M.C.
Cpl. H.F. Punshon Sgt. T.C. Wilson
L.Cpl J.H. Pearson 2nd Lieut. A.S. Waite
Pte. J.B. Pattison Major A.T. Watson
Act.Co.Sgt.Maj. J.H. Pulton H. Woods
2nd Lieut. R. Raynes Pte. E.H. Wells
Pte. P. Richardson Lieut. F.D. Young
The North Mail list has variations, including sequence of names:
Pte. F. Armstrong instead of Pte. F. Atkinson
Pte. W. Basterfield instead of Beisterfield.
Lt. F.C. Dunn instead of F.O. Dunn
Lance-Cpl. W.C. Embleton instead of Cpl. W.C. Embleton
Lieut. R.W. Falconer instead of Falconar.
Pte. G.W. Hodgson instead of C.W. Hodgson
Pte. C.P. Hopkins instead of C.P.L. Hoskins
Pte. F.A. Hepworth instead of Hepsworth.
Lce.Cpl. G.E. Lamb instead of Pte. G.F. Lamb
Capt. D.O. Laing instead of Capt. D.C. Laing
C.S.M. J.H. Pulton instead of Poulton
L.Cpl. F. Rodriguez instead of F.L. Rodriguez
Pte. F.C. Stropper instead of F.C. Stroner
O.T.C. W. Stobbs instead of G.T.C. W. Stobss.
Pte. E. ?Safles instead of Sales