Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Karen Redhead


Plaque 1914-18 Royal British Legion





Map ref

NZ 2439

Original Location

Royal British Legion Club, Meadowfield.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled October 1937 by Brig.Gen. E.P.A. Riddell, Area President of the British Legion; dedicated by Rt.Rev. J.G. Gordon, Bishop of Jarrow.

Memorial Description

Plaque 5 feet 7 inches high x 9 feet long with pointed top, in which is the badge of the Royal British Legion and the dedication. The title “Roll of Honour” are in the top border of the main panel, with Binyon’s quotation in italics. There is a plain pillar at each side.
The main panel is sub-divided into five panels in which the names are carved in two columns on each, the names being carried down onto the bottom border between dentils. The lettering is carved and blackened, using serif capitals throughout. A tiny plate at the bottom gives the details of the makers.

Materials used



In proud / memory / of our comrades / of Brandon and / District, who fell in the Great War 1914-18 Roll of Honour /
They shall grow not old as we that are left grown old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.”


Who commissioned

Members of Royal British Legion

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed and made by T.S. Hall (branch treasurer) and G. Reay, (Committee member) of the above Branch, 1937


1. This remembers the men from the District who fell. The local RBL Branch was formed in 1932.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; C. Sanders; Karen Redhead; Bill Allon

Durham Advertiser 15/10/1937 reports unveiling.

Source of quotation
“They shall grow not old “ For the Fallen Lawrence Binyon

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; Karen Redhead; Bill Allon

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 Royal British Legion (M50.01)

MEADOWFIELD  Royal British Legion Club, Meadowfield.
   In proud memory
   of our comrades of Brandon and
   District, who fell in the Great War 1914-18
   Roll of Honour
   They shall grow not old as we that are left grown old, Age shall not weary them, 
   nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, 
   we will remember them.”
    Panel 1                            Panel 2
    A.C. Adamson    N. Birkett         J. Craggs       R. Freeman     
    T. Adamson      Jas. Bond          R.P. Craggs     W. Freeman     
    D. Allchurch    J. Bond            J. Culley       J. Furguson     
    W.H. Allchurch  J.A. Brannan       E. Cummings     J. Garbutt    
    J. Addison      E. Brown           A. Daglish      W. Gardner     
    J. Allison      G.A. Brown         Jas. Davies     W.H. Gent     
    W. Appleby      J. Brown           J. Davies       J.W. Gibbon     
    J. Armstrong    L. Brown           H. Davison      R. Gibbon     
    J. Atkinson     R. Brown           J. Dent         G.W. Gibson     
    T. Bage         S. Burdess         H. Devlin       J.W. Gibson     
    J. Bailey       J. Burns           F. Dickinson    R. Gill     
    F. Bailes       R. Burlison        J.W. Dickinson  D. Gleghorn     
    W. Bains        B. Carr            H. Dickinson    H. Greenwell     
    J. Barras       J. Carr            T. Dickinson    H. Grocock     
    J. Barrow       M. Cavanagh        R. Dixon        A. Guyll     
    G. Barrow       J.E. Chance        T. Dodds        F. Haley     
    J.T. Bartlett   T. Chilton         J. Donohue      J. Haley     
    J.F. Basey      G.S. Clarke        J. Eales        G. Hall     
    A.W. Beadle     H. Clarke          T. Elliott      J. Hamilton     
    J. Beaver       J. Cockburn        R. Farthing     F. Hardy  
At bottom        
    J. Belcher      T. Cockburn        H. Fisher       W. Hardy     
    J. Bell         J. Connor          J.W. Forster    R. Harland     
    G.W. Beresford  J. Cornish         A. Freeman      J. Harrison     
    T. Beresford    E. Coulson         R.D. Freeman    J. Headley     
    Panel 3                           Panel 4
    P. Higgins      R. Leighton        T. Moffat       J. Reynolds          
    J. Hird         B.S.B. Liddle      S. Molloy       M. Richardson       
    S. Holliday     R. Liddle          J.R. Moore      T.E. Richardson     
    J. Hopkins      W. Liddle          J. Morris       J.T. Ridley
    G. Hopper       J. Liptrot         S. Morris       T. Robinson         
    R. Houghton     T. Lockey          J. Moses        B. Robson           
    G. Humphrey     G.A. Lockney       R. Moses        C.M. Robson         
    T. Humphrey     W. Lofthouse       S. Moses        F. Robson           
    J. Hunter       J. Lumley          J.T. Murray     H.S. Robson         
    T. Hutchinson   W.P. Lumley        J. Musgrave     P. Robson           
    I. Jackson      M. Lynch           G.T. Naisbet    W.H. Robson         
    W. Jarvis       J. Madgin          W. Nesbett      W. Robson           
    T. Jayne        J. Malone          W. Newton       W. Robson (B.R.Y)   
    T. Jennings     R. Malone          A. O’Connor     G.W. Rodgers        
    W. Jobling      M. Mason           J. Oley         P. Rome             
    G. Johnson      J.W. Mavin         G. Ovington     J. Rowan            
    R. Johnson      J.W. Mawson        W. Parrish      W. Rowan            
    E. Kelly        J. McArdle         R. Pearson      P. Rowe             
    I. Kelly        E. McDermott       R. Potts        W. Roxborough       
    A. Kirtley      R. McGregor        T. Ramsay       J. Ryan 
At bottom       
    J. Knowles      F. McGurk          Rev. W. Ransome M. Ryan             
    N. Lawson       J. McManus         M. Reavley      T. Ryan             
    J. Lee          J. Mills           R. Reay         E. Sayers           
    W. Lee          W. Mills           G.P. Reid       H. Schofield        
   Panel 5 
    J. Sherrington  A. Travers 
    G.R. Simpson    J. Travers 
    T.W. Simpson    R. Trow 
    J. Slee         J. Tumilty 
    F. Smith        F. Tunney 
    J. Smith        J. Tunney 
    J.T. Smith      G.W. Vardy 
    T. Smith        A. Waddle 
    P. Solan        R. Wallet 
    G. Stout        W.K. Walton 
    I. Stout        H. Warburton 
    J. Staff        H. Ward 
    W. Staples      R. Warkman 
    M. Stobbart     E. Warner 
    F. Storey       R. Warner 
    J.J. Suggett    T. Watson 
    H. Tanfield     J. Welsh 
    W. Taylor       S. Wetherell 
    A. Teeder       A. Wilson 
    J. Teggert      J. Wilson 
At bottom         
    W. Temperley    W. Winter 
    J.W. Temple     T.W. Wood 
    J. Thompson     R. Wood 
    C.E. Todd       O. Wrightson 
Names M50.01


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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story