MURTON Village.
To the memory of
the men of
who fell in the Great War
whilst serving their country
Their name liveth for evermore
Erected by the Workmen and Officials
of Murton Colliery
to the glory of God and
in memory of those of
Murton and District who
gave their lives in
World War 1939-1945.
First side
Arkley Edward
Arthur Fred
Arthur Joseph
Atkinson George
Ayre James
Baines Peter
Barker James
Barker Joseph
Barnes John
Berry Matthew
Blakelock Joseph
Blakey William
Bland Thomas
Bond Robert
Bond William James
Brewster Albert
Brown John
Brown Robert
Broxson Thomas
Bulmer Ernest
Bulmer Robert
Bunting John
Burdess Thomas
Burt George
Cain Thomas
Cairns George
Cairns John Henry
Calvert George
Carmichael Martin
Carr William
Chaytor Joseph
Chester Arthur
Christopher Robert
Clark James
Clark John L.
Clementson Thomas
Clewes Christopher
Colledge Robson
Conlon William
Cook Isaac
Cook William
Cowell Robert
Coxon Richard
Cram John
Cummings Hunter
Cummings James
Curtis Jacob T.
Dickeson Robert
Dixon Edward
Dixon John
Dodds Matthew D.
Duffy William
Early John
Ellerington Henry H.
First side upper pedestal
Anderson William Balls Edward
Anderson Thomas Collings Ralph R.
Anderson William C. Clayton Henry
Beer Norman Cummins William E.
Barker Robert Cook Richard
Blythe Benjamin Duggin Douglas
Brogden William Davison James H.
Bousefield John Davey George R.
Bell Edward Dixon Thomas
Binnie James Errington Sidney
Brown Leslie Errington George
Bowen Thomas Elliott John
First side lower pedestal
McNally John
Smith Ralph
Lumsdon Robert
Harper John
Second side
Robson John
Robson Steven
Robson Thomas
Robson Thomas
Robson William
Rowe Robert
Rowlands Harry
Rutherford James
Rutter Lowes W.
Salkeld Richard
Scott George
Scott Thomas
Seymour Thomas
Sharp Alfred
Sheraton Robert A.
Shield Walton
Simpson William
Skeen James
Skeen John W.
Smith George H.
Stewart William
Suggitt William
Surtees John
Taylor James
Thompson John
Thornton John
Tidyman Fred
Toy Timothy
Trotter John
Turner Robert D.
Urwin Christopher
Vine Robert
Ward Adam
Waddell George
Wasling Richard
Watson Alan W.
Watson Sidney
Welsh Edward
Webster James
White Charles S.
White Joseph
White Joseph F.
White Robert Oliver
Whitmore John
Williamson Richard
Wills John
Wilson Edward
Winlow Adam
Wood William
Wood William
Wright Arthur
Wynn Thomas
Young Norman Lane
Second side upper pedestal
Short Joseph Watkin Cuthbert
Spry James N. White Oswald
Smith Frederick Winlow David
Southeran Frederick C. Wier Robert
Shippen Harry Williams Thomas N.
Tunmore Angus Williamson James A.
Williams Thomas H.
Williams Dorothy
Williams Olive
Gray Laura
Johnson George R.
Robson Albert
Second side lower pedestal
Gray William
Alstone Eleanor
Graham Elizabeth
Davison Matthew
Hughes George R.A.
Rear (1914-18)
Holland Ernest H. Hunter Ernest
Elliott Elizabeth Knox Joseph
Elliott Joseph W.H. Lamb John
Elliott Nathaniel L. Lashlie William
Elwick Andrew Lavis Fred
Emery Michael R. Laws Francis
Emery William Laws Isaac
Errington John Laws Nicholas
Etherington James H. Laws Thomas
Etherington William Lawson John
Fitzsimmons Thomas Liddle Edward
Fogherty John Ludlam Joseph
Forrester Albert Luke William
Forster James C. McCaffery James
Forster Thomas McCormack Michael A.
Gallagher Martin McCinty Patrick John
Ganning James Maddison Stephen
Geeham William Mallon James D.
Gibson Thomas Malpass James
Gilbraith Robert Mason Thomas
Godfrey John Mather George
Golightly James Mean John Robert
Gowland Ralph Metcalf Robert H.
Graham Joseph Milburn Fenwick
Graham Thomas Monarck James
Gray Thomas Naylor Samuel G.
Grimes Robert H. Neasham John
Gurkin Thomas Nevilles John
Hall James Nevilles Joseph
Hall Matthew Newton Robert
Hartley Herbert W. Nickels Charles G.
Haswell Robert Noble William
Heeler Walter W. Nord William
High Thomas Norman Robert
Hill Joseph Ogden James
Holland Edward Oram Richard
Holman Robert Oram Roger
Holmes Steve Oram Thomas
Hope William Parkin Edward
Hoult Arthur Pearson Joseph L.
Hudson Thomas S. Peart William
Hughes Thomas Pescod Ralph
Hunt John Philips John W.
Hunter Thomas Pickering John
Ingram Samuel Pine Thomas
Jane W.J.W.H. Place Thomas W.
Jackson Robert Potts George
Jennings Robert W. Pow Robert W.
Johnson Robert Purcell Michael
Jones George Purvis Richard
Jones James E. Quinn David
Jones John Read William
Kelly Matthew Richardson Thomas
Kettlewell Henry Robinson Robert
Knox Anthony Robson Albert
Rear upper pedestal
Ellis Morris Mason William H.
Elliott John Meddes George C.K.
Ellery Robert Nevins Robert
Grieves Norman Norman William C.
Griffiths John W. Oliver David
Hansford George Pallas Thomas
Halliwell Arthur Penman David
Hill Albert Purvis George
Hogarth Leslie Staff Arthur
Holmes Robert Skeen Basil
Luke Thomas Scott John
Myer Daniel Slater Joseph
Names M47.01