Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Ralph Gould


Plaque 1914-18 Medical School University





Map ref

NZ 244653

Original Location

Removed from Old Medical Building in Framlington Place to its present premises. In 1989, the plaque had not been put into position, ostensibly because the walls in the new building will not bear the weight.

Present Location

University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Medical School, Room 98.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 8th October 1923 by Professor David Drummond

Memorial Description

Plaque, 4 feet 6 inches high x 3 feet wide. It has a carved pillars up either side with cushion tops. A globe on the top at the right shows North and South America, and another at the left shows India, Africa and Malaysia. At the centre top is what appears from the stand to be the base of the surgeons' badge of the rod of Aesculapius entwined by a serpent (cf. plaque in Royal Victoria Infirmary NUT051). At the top are the words "Pro Patria" in large Roman capitals, and the dates are at the bottom. The names are in two columns in fancy Roman capitals. All lettering is carved to stand proud, and is gilded.

Materials used



Pro Patria / (Names) / 1914-1918


Present condition

Good, though gilding is "showing its age".

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Mr. Ralph Hedley


1. This was originally surmounted by the College coat of arms.

2. The College at that time was part of Durham University.

3. It was erected on the eastern wall of the entrance hall to the College as being “the most conspicuous part of the College walls”

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: R.W. Gould

Illustrated Chronicle 09/10/1923 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 13/10/1923 reports unveiling.

Research acknowledgements

The late Mrs. Norah Cuthbert, (Morpeth); A.A.L. Rylance, PRO, Newcastle University; the late R.W. Gould; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 Medical School University (NUT066)


   G.C. Adie               R.J.T. Ingram-Johnson
   C. Armstrong            F. Metcalfe
   F.C. Bachelor           J.K. Mitchell
   W. Bell                 W. Mole
   W. Boyd                 A.E. Murray
   J.A.G. Brewis           F.L. Newstead
   W.J.H. Brown            I.K. Patton
   L.A.H. Bulkeley         T.A. Peel
   S. Cross                R.B. Pirrie
   J.M. DeLacey            R.F. Pratt
   L. Demetriadi           J.D. Proud
   H.J. Dingle             W.E. Rielly
   A.G. Dunn               C.H. Robson
   J.H. Edgar              T.C. Rutherfoord
   G.A. Edsell             F.M. Sandwith
   P.L.G. Essex            D.B. Scott
   R. Ferguson             W.T. Sewell
   W.T. Freeman            F.W. Sopwith
   F.J.H.T. Frere          J.R. Spensley
   L.B. Frere              R. Sterling
   J. Hamilton             R.W. Taylor
   M.H. de J. Harper       W.T. Thompson
   H.L. Heslop             D. Wilson
   J. Horsley              L.A. Winter
   A.I. Humphreys          G.H. Wood
   H.T. Hunter             F.I. Young
   F. Hunton
   1914 – 1918

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Every Name A Story