Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Errol Broomfield


Monument 1914-18 1939-45 1951 1973 Roadside





Map ref

NZ 212245

Original Location

Roadside at junction of Front Street and Quebec Street in centre of village.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45
c. Korea
d. N. Ireland

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled April 1921 by Col. J.H. Ritson

Memorial Description

Monument set in a small railed garden. The monument is square with round ornamented columns at each corner. It is surmounted by a dome on which is a small cross. The names are carried on the faces, those from 1914-18 on the upper panel, those for 1939-45 and later conflicts on the lower panel, the lettering incised and gilded using sans serif capitals throughout.

Materials used

Pink and brown granite.


This monument was erected / by the inhabitants of / Langley Park / to the everlasting memory / of the men of this village / who nobly sacrificed their / lives, for the cause of / Right, Liberty, Justice and / Freedom in the Great European War.
He lives in fame that dies in virtue’s cause.




How money was raised

Workmen, officials and tradesmen of the district.

Present condition



1. Similar designs can be found at New Brancepeth and Bishop Auckland.

2. For explanation of the unknown soldier from 1939-45, see the "Every Name a Story" page for Langley Park.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; Errol Broomfield; Ron Carson; Simon Raine; Dorothy Hall; old postcard: George Nairn

Illustrated Chronicle 30/04/1921 carries a photo following the unveiling.

Consett and Stanley Chronicle 01/04/1921 reports erection.

Northern Echo 10/09/1994 and 14/11/1994 report the addition of the name of Guardsman Alan Daughtery killed in Northern Ireland.

Durham County Record Office List of those who died 1914-18, 1939-45, All Saints, Ref. EP/LP 14/1

Looking at Langley Park, memories of a village compiled by John C. Foster

Source of quotation:
“He lives in fame . . .” : William Shakespeare Titus Andronicus Act 1 Scene 1

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

C. Sanders; Errol Broomfield; Ron Carson; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; George Nairn; Dorothy Hall; Tony Harding

Research In Progress

The names on the Langley Park Memorials are being researched by Paul Elliott. Contact:

Monument 1914-18 1939-45 1951 1973 Roadside (L64.01)

LANGLEY PARK, Village green
First side lower panel:
     This monument was erected
     by the inhabitants of
     Langley Park
     to the everlasting memory
     of the men of this village
     who nobly sacrificed their
     lives for the cause of
     Right, Liberty, Justice and
     Freedom in the Great
     European War
     He lives in fame that dies in virtue’s cause
First side upper panel 1914-18:
     Atkinson H.  Pte.  Yorks.  
     Barker H.  Serg.  Yorks.  
     Bousfield T. L.Corp.  Yorks.  
     Barker Jas.  Pte.  D.L.I.
     Beresford J.W.  Pte.  R.F.A.  
     Bell F.  Pte.  Yorks.
     Bell J.  N.C.O.  R.N.D.  
     Bell J. Pte.  Welsh R.  
     Bewley I.  Pte. Yorks.
     Brenkley B.  Sapper  R.E.  
     Buckham T.  Serg.  R.F.A.  
     Burton G. H.  A.B.  R.N.D.  
     Charlton T.  Pte.  D.L.I.  
     Clark G.H.  Pte.  D.L.I.  
     Clark A.  Serg.  D.L.I.  
     Cummings E.  Pte.  P.W.O.  
     Campbell H.  A.B.  C.B.  
     Coult F.  Pte.  M.G.C.  

     1914  -  1919
Second side upper panel 1914-18:
     Dodgson J.T.  L. Corp. N.F.  
     Eltringham H.  Corp.  Yorks.  
     Eccleston Ed.  Trooper  H.B.  
     Ellison P.  Pte.  M.G.C.  
     Fisher A.  Pte.  R.A.M.C.
     Fullard J.  Pte.  D.M.A.  
     Fiddler G.  Driv.  R.G.A.
     Garbutt J.T.  Pte.  N.F.
     Haswell Jas.  Pte.  N.F.  
     Hutchinson R.J.  Pte.  D.L.I.  
     Hiddleston C.  Pte.  Yorks.  
     Hiddleston J.  A.B.  Anson. B
     Hunt J.  Pte.  N.F.  
     Hunt S.  Pte.  N.F.  
     Hall D.  Pte.  N.F.  
     Hope J.T.  Pte.  K.O.Y.
     Jopling P.  Pte.  N.F.  
     James M.P.  Pte.  N.F.    
Third side upper panel 1914-18:  
     Moffatt A.  Pte.  Royal Scots  
     Morrison D.  Capt.  K.O.  
     McShane D.  Serg.  N.F.  
     McGrath W.  Pte.  N.F.  
     Merrigan W.  Pte.  D.L.I.  
     Naisbitt D.T.  Gunner  R.F.A.
     Nicholson N.  Gunner  R.F.A.  
     Nicholson G.W.  Pte.  D.L.I.  
     Nice W.  Pte.  Yorks.  
     Newton R.  Pte.  N.F.
     Ogden  J.W.  Pte.  Yorks.  
     Pierson G.  Gunner  R.G.A.  
     Pickering J.  Sapper  R.E.    
     Plews G.  Pte.  Yorks.  
     Potter Geo. L. Corp.  D.L.I.  
     Reid W.  Pte.  D.L.I.  
     Raper T.  Pte. D.L.I.
     Robson E. A.B. R.N.D.
Fourth side upper panel 1914-18:
     Rennison J.  Pte.  N.F.
     Shorten C.D.  Act. C.P.O.  R.N.D.
     Shorten R.D.  P.O.  Anson. B.
     Smith A.B.  Pte.  W.R.R.
     Sellers Wm.  Stoker.  R.N.D.
     Simpson J.  Pte.  D.L.I.
     Taylor T.  Pte.  Yorks.
     Teasdale L.  Pte.  S.S.
     Todd E.  Pte.  N.F.
     Wilkinson R. L. Corp.  D.L.I.
     Wright C.  Gunner.  R.F.A.
     Watson W.  Gunner  R.F.A.
     Willins J.E. O.S.  Anson. B
     Willins J.  Pte.  D.L.I.
     Wadge R.  Pte.  Y.L.I.
     Warlow T.  Pte.  D.L.I.
     White N.H.  Sergt.  N.F.
     Young J.  Stoker. R.N.
     Wardle G.  Rifleman  
Second side lower panel 1939-45:
     1939   -   1945
     Billingham H.  Gunner  R.A.  
     Bradley A.P.  Pte.  R.A.M.C.  
     Cook T.  O.S.  R.N.  
     Cowley T.B.  Serg.  R.A.F.    
     Fletcher F.  Pte.  R.S.    
     Hall M.  Pte.  A.T.S.  
     Halliday J.  Lt.  R.N.V.R.   
     Hannon E.  O.Sig.  R.N.    
     Hayson A.  Pte. R.A.M.C.   
Third side lower panel 1939-45:
     Heppell W.B.  P.O.  R.N.       
     Howard W.  Gunner  R.A.      
     King E.  Rifleman  K.R.R.C.     
     Maddison F.  Corp.  D.L.I.      
     Mawson E.  F.O.  R.A.F.V.R.      
     Montgomery T.  Gdsm 
          Coldstream Guards  
     Richardson J. Serg. R.A.F.      
     Robinson H.  A.B.  R.N.       
     Robson J.  O.S.  R.N.
Fourth side lower panel 1939-45:
     Rutherford W.  Serg.  R.A.F.
     Smith E.  Gunner  R.A.
     Sproat W.  Pte.  D.L.I.
     Thompson F.  Trooper 
          53 Recce. Regt.
     Tomes J.L.  Gunner  R.A.
     White W.  Serg.  A.A.C.
     White W.  Pte.  Hamps.
     Williamson A.  Gunner  R.A.
     Wood J.  A.B.  R.N.
Fourth side lower plinth
     Turnbull L.R.  Pte.  Korea  1951
     Daughtery A.  Gdsm.  N. Ireland  1973
     An unknown soldier of the 1939-1945 war
     Buried 6 June 1940 in the All Saints Churchyard
     Known unto God.
Another unidentified printed source has some variations by adding in the Christian names:
        Adamson, John Joseph, Private 
       (not on memorial but on All Saints Memorial)
        Atkinson, Harold, Private          Billingham, Harry, Gunner  
        Atkinson, Harold, Private          Burdon, James William
        Barker, Harry, Sergeant            Bradley, A.P. Private
        Barker, James, Private             Cook, Thomas, R.N.
        Bell, Fred, Private                Cowley, Thomas, Sergeant
        Bell, John, R.N.D.                 Fletcher, Frederick, Private
        Bell, John, Private                Hall, Marion, A.T.S.
        Beresford, John William, Private   Halliday, Jack, R.N.
        Bewley, Isaac, Private             Hannon, Eddy, R.N.
        Bowesfield, Thomas, Corporal       Hayson, Alec, Private
        Brenkley, Benjamin, Sapper         Hepple, William, R.N.
        Buckham, Thomas, Sergeant          Howard, William, Gunner
        Burton, George, R.N.D.             King, Ernie, Gunner
        Calland, Thomas                    Mawson, Eric, R.A.F.
        Campbell, Henry                    Montgomery, Thomas, Guardsman
        Charlton, Thomas, Private          Richardson, Jack, R.A.F.
        Clark, Arthur, Sergeant            Robinson, Herbert, R.N.
        Clark, Harry, Private              Robson, John, R.N.
        Coult, Fred, Private               Rutherford, Wilson, Sergeant
        Cummings, Edward, Private          Smith, Fred, Gunner   
        Dodgson, John, Corporal            Sproats, William, Private
        Ecclestone, Edward, Trooper        Thompson, Fred, Trooper
        Ellison, Percy Private             Tomes, Jack, Gunner
        Eltringham, Harry, Corporal        Wood, Jack, R.N.
        Fiddler, George, Driver            Williamson, Albert, Gunner
        Fisher, Arthur, Private            White, William, Sergeant.     
        Fullard, John, Private             White, William, Private
        Garbutt, John, Private
        Hall, David, Private               Korean War (1950-53)
        Haswell, James, Private            Turnbull, R.
        Hiddlestone, Charles, Private
        Hope, Joseph, Private              Northern Ireland, 1974
        Hughes, Owen                       Daughtery, Alan, Guardsman
        Hunt, Jack, Private
        Hutchinson, Richard, Private
        James, Matthew, Private
        Jobling, Percy, Private
        Keenleyside, Shield Ridley
        Merrigan, William
        Moffat, A.
        Morrison, Donald, Captain 
        McGrath, William, Private
        McShane, Dominic, Private
        Naisbett, David, Gunner
        Newton, Richard, Private
        Nice, Walter, Private
        Nicholson, Nathaniel, Gunner
        Nicholson, George, Private
        Ogden, Jack, Private
        Owen, Harry
        Pickering, Jack, Sapper
        Pierson, George, Gunner
        Potter, George, Corporal
        Raper, Tom, Private
        Reid, W. Private
        Rennison, Joseph, R.N.
        Robson, Edward, R.N.D.
        Sellars, William, Stoker
        Shorten, Charles, R.N.
        Shorten, Richard, Corporal
        Simpson, John, Private
        Smith, A.B., Private
        Smurthwaite, Thomas, R.N.
        Smurthwaite, William, R.N.
        Taylor, Tom, Private
        Teasdale, Leonard, Private
        Todd, Ernest, Private
        Wadge, Richard, Private
        Wardle, George, Rifleman
        Wardle, T.
        Warlow, Tom, Rifleman
        Watson, Walter, Gunner
        White, Nicholas, Sergeant
        Wilkinson, Richard, Corporal
        Willins, Jack, R.N.
        Willins, John, Private
        Wright, Christopher
        Young, John, Stoker

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story