Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Old postcard: George Nairn


Cross 1914-18 Park





Map ref

NZ 313642

Original Location

In the Park

Present Location

See H93.23.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 11th November 1922 by Col. Ralph Carr-Ellison, owner of Hebburn Estate; dedicated by Rev. A.F. Marr

Memorial Description

Cross of Celtic wheeled type with carved string design on the tapering shaft.

Materials used




Who commissioned

Hebburn War Memorial Committee; Chairman Mr. F. Bell; secretary Rev. A.F. Marr; treasurer Mr. R. Conway.



How money was raised

£200 raised. Committee appealed for support for a shilling fund.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Messrs. A. McDonald and Co., of Aberdeen

Ownership and maintenance

South Tyneside Council


1. "In connection with the proposed War Memorial for Hebburn, a meeting was held in the Hedley School, Mr. J. Barrel presiding. It was decided to abandon the schemes previously suggested and to devote the £200 in hand to the erection of a monument. It was stated that the proposal to provide a motor ambulance would now be carried out by the St. John Ambulance Brigade" Shields Daily News

2. Financial statement showed a total income of £449. 4s. 10d . After meeting all expenses, there was a credit balance of £17 3s 9d which was handed to the District Council to be used for future maintenance.

3. At the unveiling ceremony, Mr. George Edmonds, aged 93, “still hale and hearty” was presented to Col. Carr-Ellison. Also presented was Mr. Joseph Kilford, aged 91, “who ran the blockade in the Crimea”.

4. Shields Gazette 10/02/1956
The Hebburn Parks and Cemeteries Committee is to consider designs for a new War Memorial. The committee was told last night that the column of the memorial in Carr Ellison Park has been completely destroyed in a recent storm, though no damage was done to the base. The surveyor, Mr R.C. Bestow, said the memorial had been ugly and top heavy. Something of this sort was inevitable he said.
The committee instructed Mr Bestow to submit designs and costs for a new memorial at the next meeting.
Source: Reprinted Shields Gazette 20/05/2014

5. Now replaced by H93.23.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Old postcard: George Nairn

Shields Daily News 12/02/1921; 18/05/1922; 10/02/1956 cross damage; 20/05/2014 reprint

Illustrated Chronicle 18/05/1922 reports progress; 13/11/1922 reports unveiling with photos.

Northern Echo 20/10/1922 reports proposed unveiling; 13/11/1922 reports unveiling; 21/02/1924 reports finances shown in Note 2.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 20/05/1922 reports proposals; 14/10/1922 reports progress; 18/11/1922 reports unveiling.

South Shields Gazette 18/05/1922 reports decisions; 10/11/1922 reports proposed unveiling tomorrow; 13/11/1922 reports unveiling; 17/11/1022 comments on the excellent turn out and proceedings; 20/02/1924 financial surplus.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 19/05/1922 reports decision to erect a cross.

Newcastle Central Library Photo c 1938

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; P. Thirkell; George Nairn; Dorothy Hall; Michael Mulhern; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale

Research In Progress

The names on this memorial are being researched by Peter Hoy. Contact:

Cross 1914-18 Park (H93.05)

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