Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Bill Hartmann


Plaque 1914-18 St. Mary





Map ref

NZ 286618

Original Location

St. Mary’s Churchyard, Shields Road / Felling Bypass. On east wall of transept.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 10th April 1920 by Rev. C.L. Gwilliams, Vicar.

Memorial Description

Plaque of grey marble with gable top on red marble pattress. The pattress is wider and a different shape at the top. In the gable top is the dedication, the top line of which follows the shape of the gable top. The names are listed in five columns below.
On either side are two smaller plaques with pointed top in which is an ornate cross. These look as though they have been added later, to contain more names. All lettering is incised using black sans serif capitals with some red initials.
Below the plaque is an oak shelf for flowers.

Materials used

“White marble on rouge marble background”


This tablet was erected by the Pelaw & District Sewing Party and Friends / to the memory of / the brave men of this parish / who made the supreme sacrifice in the / Great War 1914 - 1918 /
“Greater love hath no man than this / that a man lay down his life for his friends”


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed and made by Mr. William Alexander of Heworth.


1. Unusually brothers who died in the War are listed together under the same surname - Suggett, G. & W.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: C. Sanders; Bill Hartmann

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 17/04/1920

Illustrated Chronicle 12/04/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 12/04/1920 reports unveiling.

Source of quotation
“Greater love hath no man . . .” : St. John 15 v 13

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; Bill Hartmann; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 St. Mary (H92.03)

Heworth  St. Mary’s Church.  
   This tablet was erected by the Pelaw & District Sewing Party & Friends 
   To the memory of 
   the brave men of this Parish  
   who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the  
   Great War 1914-1918.  
   “Greater love than this no man hath
   That a man lay down his life for his friends.”
   Column 1             Column 2          Column 3          Column 4
                        Adamson, W.       Dixon, J          Harrison, J.    
                        Addison, E.       Dixon, J.         Hartley, A.      
                        Anderson, R.      Dixon N.B.        Hedley, W.        
                        Armstrong, E.H.   Dixon F.A.        Heyworth, G.     
                        Arnell, W.        Donaldson, G.V.   Higginbotham, G. 
                        Bainbridge, J.    Donaldson, W.     Hicks, T.        
                        Bainbridge, J.    Doughty, H.       Hilton, T.       
                        Barker, H.        Dowson, A.C.      Houghton, G.     
                        Barton, G.M.      Dunnett, W.       Hughes, J.J.     
                        Bell, T.          Eales, F.         Humes, J.        
                        Bickerdyke, R.    Edwards, J.E.     Hush, T.         
                        Blythman, W.G.    Ellison, R.       Hutchinson, T.   
                        Bow, T.           Elmore, M.        Hutton, J.       
                        Bramwell, J.      Embleton, W.C.    Johnson, H.      
                        Brooks, R.A.      Emery, F.         Johnson, J.      
                        Bruce, T.         Evans, W.         Johnson, C.B.    
                        Burney, T.        Felton, W.        Jukes, F.        
                        Burham, E.        Finch, S.C.       Knaggs, F.       
   +                    Cain, J.E.        Fields, D.        Knight, W.E.     
   Wallace, R.          Carlaw, J.        Finlay, R.        Knight, T.       
   Arnott, J.           Carmichael, T.    Forster, R.       Laing, T.        
   Atkinson, H.         Carmichael, J.    Forster, F.       Lewis, W.        
   Bell, J.             Carr, T.          Forster, N.       Lightfoot, J.M.  
   Briggs, G.           Cassey, W. & G.   Forster, R.B.     Lowes, T.        
   Brown, T.            Chapman, L.       Foster, J.        Mark, R.W.       
   Burn, W.S.G.& C.W.J. Chaters, J.       Freeman, G.H.     Marshall, J.H. 
   Charlton, J.         Cockran, J.       Freeman, W.W.     Mellon, M.       
   Cornhill, A.         Colman, E.        French, J.J.      Miller, B.       
   Courtney, J.         Coltman, E.       Gillard, W.H.S.   Mills, W.        
   Crooks, E.F.         Coulson, J.       Gillings, W.      Mitchell, R.     
   Dickinson, W.        Cowans, J.        Goldsworthy, J.W. Moore, R.    
   Eccleston, E.        Cowan, J.         Gooding, J.       Mortimer, A.     
   Feetham, J.          Crompton, J.      Greener, W.       Moultrie, W.B.   
   Foster, W.           Cuthbertson, T.   Greenwell, A.     Mudd, C.C.       
   Gibson, J.           Davidson, D.      Griffin, M.       Mulligan, J.     
   Gunn, R.C.& W.C.     Davidson, T.      Gustard, T. & H.  Murray, H.  
   Jefferson, J.T.      Day, J.           Guy, T.           Murray, A.       
   Jukes, H.            Derrick, R.       Hall, R.          Murray, T.       
   Kenny, P.            Devine, A.        Hamilton, J.      Murray, J.       
   Knight, R.           Dickerson, T.H.   Harker, R.        McCarty, J.      
   Knox, J. & T.        Dine, R.H.        Harrison, T.M.    McCall, A.       
   Column 5             Column 6          Column 7          
   McGuire, J.          Smith, T.
   McGrowther, J.       Smith, C.G.
   McKay, S.            Spoors, J.
   McKewoen, J.         Stanners, F.
   McWilliams, D.       Stark, T.B
   Nicholson, J.        Stavers, J.
   Noble, W.            Steel, C.
   Norman, P.J.         Stephenson, G.
   Owens, F.            Stephenson, T.
   Padgett, J.C.        Stott, J.W.
   Parmley, G.          Stott, T.
   Pearson, W.& J.      Stayman, W.
   Percival, M.& M.     Suggett, G. & W.
   Peters, W.           Sunderland, J.
   Plews, G.            Taylor, W.
   Porritt, J.          Terrnant, J. sic
   Potts, L.            Thompson, J.
   Rae, J.              Thompson, T.
   Ransom, R.F.         Thompson, F.      +
   Reay, M.             Thomas, E.        Elliott, T.
   Richardson, J.       Turner, R.        Lisle, J.J.
   Ridley, H.M.         Towers, W.        Miller, P.
   Ridley, J.           Wakeling, J.T.    Minnigan, R.
   Robertson, J.        Wallace, P.       Morrison, A.D.
   Robinson, L.         Wallace, J.       Nichol, J.
   Robson, J.L.         Wardle, T.        Pace, W.
   Rodger, A.           Watson, F.R.      Pattison, R.
   Rowland, J.          Weatherley, M.    Pearson, H.
   Rowley, W.           White, H.         Ridley, R.
   Rush, T.             Williamson, E.    Simm, E.
   Salmon, J.           Wilson, T.W.      Sheffer, T.W.B.
   Saynor, A.           Windwood, J.      Skimmings, J.
   Scott, J.            Winter, W.        Smith, G.M.
   Scott, B.S.          Woodruff, J.L.    Southern, R.
   Shearer, S.          Woods, G.         Spoors, R.R.
   Short, J.            Young, A.         Staward, E.
   Silmeen, W.          Young, G.         Tailford, J.
   Simpson, J.H.        Goodfellow, E.    Whitehead, W.
   Slowther, A.         Hinksman, J.      Holdsworth, W.
   Sleeth, W.           Hinksman, T.      Fatkin, F.N.
   Smith, R.G.          Lumsden, G.       McGregor, E.
                                          Whitten, H.W.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story