Heworth St. Marys Church.
This tablet was erected by the Pelaw & District Sewing Party & Friends
To the memory of
the brave men of this Parish
who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the
Great War 1914-1918.
“Greater love than this no man hath
That a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Adamson, W. Dixon, J Harrison, J.
Addison, E. Dixon, J. Hartley, A.
Anderson, R. Dixon N.B. Hedley, W.
Armstrong, E.H. Dixon F.A. Heyworth, G.
Arnell, W. Donaldson, G.V. Higginbotham, G.
Bainbridge, J. Donaldson, W. Hicks, T.
Bainbridge, J. Doughty, H. Hilton, T.
Barker, H. Dowson, A.C. Houghton, G.
Barton, G.M. Dunnett, W. Hughes, J.J.
Bell, T. Eales, F. Humes, J.
Bickerdyke, R. Edwards, J.E. Hush, T.
Blythman, W.G. Ellison, R. Hutchinson, T.
Bow, T. Elmore, M. Hutton, J.
Bramwell, J. Embleton, W.C. Johnson, H.
Brooks, R.A. Emery, F. Johnson, J.
Bruce, T. Evans, W. Johnson, C.B.
Burney, T. Felton, W. Jukes, F.
Burham, E. Finch, S.C. Knaggs, F.
+ Cain, J.E. Fields, D. Knight, W.E.
Wallace, R. Carlaw, J. Finlay, R. Knight, T.
Arnott, J. Carmichael, T. Forster, R. Laing, T.
Atkinson, H. Carmichael, J. Forster, F. Lewis, W.
Bell, J. Carr, T. Forster, N. Lightfoot, J.M.
Briggs, G. Cassey, W. & G. Forster, R.B. Lowes, T.
Brown, T. Chapman, L. Foster, J. Mark, R.W.
Burn, W.S.G.& C.W.J. Chaters, J. Freeman, G.H. Marshall, J.H.
Charlton, J. Cockran, J. Freeman, W.W. Mellon, M.
Cornhill, A. Colman, E. French, J.J. Miller, B.
Courtney, J. Coltman, E. Gillard, W.H.S. Mills, W.
Crooks, E.F. Coulson, J. Gillings, W. Mitchell, R.
Dickinson, W. Cowans, J. Goldsworthy, J.W. Moore, R.
Eccleston, E. Cowan, J. Gooding, J. Mortimer, A.
Feetham, J. Crompton, J. Greener, W. Moultrie, W.B.
Foster, W. Cuthbertson, T. Greenwell, A. Mudd, C.C.
Gibson, J. Davidson, D. Griffin, M. Mulligan, J.
Gunn, R.C.& W.C. Davidson, T. Gustard, T. & H. Murray, H.
Jefferson, J.T. Day, J. Guy, T. Murray, A.
Jukes, H. Derrick, R. Hall, R. Murray, T.
Kenny, P. Devine, A. Hamilton, J. Murray, J.
Knight, R. Dickerson, T.H. Harker, R. McCarty, J.
Knox, J. & T. Dine, R.H. Harrison, T.M. McCall, A.
Column 5 Column 6 Column 7
McGuire, J. Smith, T.
McGrowther, J. Smith, C.G.
McKay, S. Spoors, J.
McKewoen, J. Stanners, F.
McWilliams, D. Stark, T.B
Nicholson, J. Stavers, J.
Noble, W. Steel, C.
Norman, P.J. Stephenson, G.
Owens, F. Stephenson, T.
Padgett, J.C. Stott, J.W.
Parmley, G. Stott, T.
Pearson, W.& J. Stayman, W.
Percival, M.& M. Suggett, G. & W.
Peters, W. Sunderland, J.
Plews, G. Taylor, W.
Porritt, J. Terrnant, J. sic
Potts, L. Thompson, J.
Rae, J. Thompson, T.
Ransom, R.F. Thompson, F. +
Reay, M. Thomas, E. Elliott, T.
Richardson, J. Turner, R. Lisle, J.J.
Ridley, H.M. Towers, W. Miller, P.
Ridley, J. Wakeling, J.T. Minnigan, R.
Robertson, J. Wallace, P. Morrison, A.D.
Robinson, L. Wallace, J. Nichol, J.
Robson, J.L. Wardle, T. Pace, W.
Rodger, A. Watson, F.R. Pattison, R.
Rowland, J. Weatherley, M. Pearson, H.
Rowley, W. White, H. Ridley, R.
Rush, T. Williamson, E. Simm, E.
Salmon, J. Wilson, T.W. Sheffer, T.W.B.
Saynor, A. Windwood, J. Skimmings, J.
Scott, J. Winter, W. Smith, G.M.
Scott, B.S. Woodruff, J.L. Southern, R.
Shearer, S. Woods, G. Spoors, R.R.
Short, J. Young, A. Staward, E.
Silmeen, W. Young, G. Tailford, J.
Simpson, J.H. Goodfellow, E. Whitehead, W.
Slowther, A. Hinksman, J. Holdsworth, W.
Sleeth, W. Hinksman, T. Fatkin, F.N.
Smith, R.G. Lumsden, G. McGregor, E.
Whitten, H.W.