HUNWICK East side of Church Lane
In honour
and to the memory of
the men of
the parish of Hunwick
and Helmington,
who made the supreme sacrifice
during the Great War.
On steps
Their name liveth for evermore.
Right face 1939-45
Burdon J.
Edmundson A.
Graham J.
Griffiths L.
Grimstone O.
Heron A.
Johnson F.
Kirkley J.
Right face 1914-18
Alderson P. Coates J.
Barker J. Coatman G.H.
Barraclough T. Curry H.
Bell H.D. Dargue T.
Bell R. Davis A.I.
Bentley J.W. Davison G.
Bolam J. Deighton R.
Brogdon J. Dobinson H.
Brown J.A. Dodson J.
Carter J.G. Elliott J.C.
Cherry J. Elliott J.G.
Rear face 1939-45
Linton J.
Murray J.S.
Neil R.
Newton G.
Parker J.W.
Pipe W.
Rutter J.
Scorer J.
Rear face 1914-18
Ellis E. Hird E.
English J. Hodgson G.
English L. Hudson E.
English M. Hudspeth J.
Etherington J.W. Hudspeth R.
Graham T. Husband A.
Groves R.L. James H.
Hardy J.W. Johnson J.
Harland T. Jones W.
Hedley G.N. Knight J.E.
Heslop J.G. Letby A.H.
Left face 1939-45
Scriven G.W.L.
Swann C.D.
Thompson J.C.
Thompson J.W.
Weighill R.
White F.
Wood H.
Wood J.
Left face 1914-18
Mangles F. Simpson T.W.
Mangles J.W. Smith A.J.
McDougal A. Sunter T.
Mears A. Tennick J.
Metcalfe A. Towse A.
Morgan W. Turnbull W.
Morland F. Warner G.
Newton C. Wearmouth G.
Richardson J. Wright W.
Simpson W.S. Jackson F.
Nicholson J.