Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Harbour Light 1914-18 1939-45





Map ref

NZ 531337

Original Location

Jackson Dock.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Dedicated 11th November 1997.

Memorial Description

Old High Light, 20 metres high, “classical Tuscan style column” tapering from 3½m at the bottom to 2½m at the top set on square base 8 blocks high, 8 feet high x 17 feet square (2.43m x 5.18m). The dedication is carried above a small door set in the side. Set into the ground round about are 11 plaques, each 4 feet high x 3 feet 3 inches (1.21m x 990mm) wide made of polished stone which bear names in two columns on each.
The whole is surrounded by a low black chain link fence.

Materials used

Sandstone and marble.


In memory of all those who lost their lives at sea.




How money was raised

Teesside Development Corporation.


1. The light was erected in 1839 originally in the yard of a tine processing plant at Longhill, Seaton Carew, but became surrounded by industrial buildings, Its removal to the new site at Jackson’s Landing was paid for by Teesside Development Corporation.

2. The High Light when at Longhill gave out a white light. It worked with Seaton Low Light which gave a red signal.

3. Edward George 'Ned' Bartholomew and George Salthouse are the same person, therefore the name is repeated on some of the Memorials as two different men.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos of harbour light: C. Sanders; Peter Kay; Dorothy Hall

Northern Echo 06/11/1997 reports proposals; 19/03/1998 reports dedication.

Statement of J. Shreeve death Tyne and Wear Archive Museum Service.

External web link

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

C. Sanders; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Harbour Light 1914-18 1939-45 (H115.16)

HARTLEPOOL  Jackson Dock.
   In memory of all those 
   who lost their lives at sea
Plaque 1                            Plaque 2                       
   IN MEMORY OF                        IN MEMORY OF               
   E.S.B. Abbey      E.J. Banwell      F.C. Bowman       J. Carter       
   H.G. Abigail      J.E. Barker       W.H. Boyce        V. Carter        
   C. Adam           J.J. Barker       J.H. Boynton      A.R. Caskie     
   R.W. Adamson      R.C. Barker       G. Brackston      G. Cassie       
   W. Addison        B.R. Barker       A. Brackstone     R. Cawley       
   P. Aird           L. Barker         W. Bradley        A.N.W. Champley 
   A.W.A. Airey      W.G. Barrett      J.J. Brennan      A. Chappell     
   F. Allen          E.G. Bartholemew  T.L. Britton      R.L. Chapple    
   J.C. Allen        J.L. Bartholemew  C. Brockett       A.C. Charlton   
   B. Allen          H.C.R. Baser      H. Bromby D.S.M.  A.W.R. Charlton 
   J. Allen          A. Bate           J.T. Broom        J.R.H. Cherry   
   F. Allison        J. Baxter         J.H. Broomfield   R. Chitty        
   F.O. Ambrose      L. Baxter         R. Brown          C. Clare        
   J.O. Ambrose      R. Beavis         W.S. Brown        E.T. Clark      
   J. Anderson       F.D. Bee          O.F. Brown        W.H. Clark      
   J.S. Andrews      W. Bell           G. Brownlee       T.L. Clarke     
   A.H.R. Annandale  F.W. Belsey       T.J. Brunton      F.J. Clarke     
   A. Appleton       F. Bennett        J.G. Buchanan     T.A. Clarke     
   T.E. Archer       W.L. Bennett      T. Bulman         R.G. Clayton    
   J.D. Armstrong    E.G. Bergman      F. Bulmer         D. Clements     
   T. Armstrong      A.T. Berry        H. Bulmer         P.G. Clements   
   T.E. Armstrong    E.F. Bissell      J. Burkill        R.R. Clements   
   J.L. Armstrong    F. Black          S. Burley         G. Clementson   
   C.J. Arnison      G. Blackett       J. Burns          A. Cockerill    
   J. Ash            W.L. Blincoe      P. Burns          R. Cole        
   J.T. Ashworth     J.P. Boland       M. Burrell        H.E. Coleman    
   E.W. Ashworth     J.L. Bolton       C.H. Butcher      C. Colledge     
   J.K. Atkinson     E.G. Bone         E. Butler         H. Collier      
   J.E. Aves         E. Booth          F. Calvert        W.R. Collins    
   E. Ayre           W. Booth          R. Cannon         J. Collinson    
   T.W. Ayre         W. Borrett        J. Carberry       G.R. Collinson  
   E. Baba           N. Bowe           H. Carr           G. Collinson    
   A.R. Baggett      R. Bowes          C. Carrigan       F. Colwell      
   C.E. Banks        W.E. Bowes        S. Carroll B.E.M. C.W. Connon    
   P.T. Banks        A. Bowett         G. Carter         F. Cook         
Plaque 3                            Plaque 4                           
   IN MEMORY OF                        IN MEMORY OF                     
   H. Cook           W. Donaghy        J.K. Forster      H.H. Greenwell   
   H.W. Cook         C. Dormand        W.C. Fortune      J. Grey          
   T. Cooper         J.W. Dotman       S. Fothergill     W. Griffin       
   K. Cooper         H. Dowdle         T.V. Frank        E. Grylls        
   G.A. Cooper       E.E. Draper       A.B. Frankland    G. Guy           
   J.P. Cosgrove     H.T. Draper       G.S. Fuller       J.W. Hall        
   C.E. Couchman     F. Duffy          T.R. Furguson     R. Hall          
   R. Coulson  A.M.  H. Dunn           J.C.F. Gamble     R.L. Hall        
   W. Coultas        J.J. Dunn         W.J. Gamble       T. Hall          
   A. Coverdale      T. Dyer           G.W. Garbutt      T.E.J. Hall      
   R. Coverdale      V.L. Edwards      L.R. Gardner      D. Hamer         
   H. Cowley         W.K. Edwards      G.W. Gargett      C. Hamilton      
   J.T. Cox          E. Egglestone     J. Garland        J. Hamilton      
   J. Craggs         T.H. Ellerington  S. Garrick        A. Hancock       
   H.E. Cropley      J.O. Elliot       J. Garthwaite     J.A. Hand        
   N.W. Crowe        C.W. Elliot       O. Geenty         W. Hand          
   G. Cussons        R. Ellison        F.J. George       W. Hanlon        
   J.T. Dale         J.J. Elsdon       J. Gibbin         H.H. Hannah      
   J.W. Dale         L. Evans          W. Gibbin         A. Hansen        
   W. Darby          E. Evens          W. Gilchrist      J. Hanover       
   W.H. Darnell      W.B. Ewan         W. Gillies        G.H. Hardy       
   W. Davies         W.E. Exelby       J. Gilmore        T.W. Hardy       
   H.H. Davies       J.W. Faid         J.E. Glen         C. Harker        
   W. Davis          R. Fergus         G. Glennie        J. Harland       
   J. Davison O.B.E. H. Ferguson       W.W. Gooding      J. Harland       
   R. Davison        T.R. Ferguson     J. Goodwin        W. Harland       
   H.S. Dawkins      L. Fincken        H.W. Goulding DSO W.H. Harland O.B.E. 
   J.H. Dawson       L.H. Fisher       W.R. Gowan        M. Harlow    
   W.J. Dear         J. Flanders       W.R. Gowland      L. Harper        
   R. Dickinson      T.H. Fleetham     F.C. Gowler       J. Harrington    
   C. Dix            J. Fletcher       R. Graham         J. Hart          
   J.S. Dixon        J.S. Flintoft     E. Grant          W. Hart          
   G.B. Dodsworth    A. Flounders      J.E. Grantham     W.J. Hart        
   S. Dodsworth      C.H. Ford         C.W.H. Gray       J. Hartland      
   J.W. Dolman       E. Forrest        G.P. Green        N. Hartley       
Plaque 5                            Plaque 6  
   IN MEMORY OF                        IN MEMORY OF
   F. Hastings       W.A. Hopkins      L. Johnson        W.D. Lewis
   M. Hastings       W.G. Hopkins      R. Johnson        T.A. Liddell
   L. Hatch          G.H. Hornigold    S. Johnson        G.H. Liddle
   W. Hatch          R.J. Horsley      J. Jones          F. Liddle
   B. Hauxwell       J.E. Horsley      J. Jones          E. Liddle
   J.H. Hawthorne    A.D. Howard       R. Jones          T. Lilley
   A.B. Hedley       E. Howe           E.R. Jones        E. Lindh
   G.H. Heeson       C. Hudson         R. Judge          J.G. Lindsley
   H.W. Hemy         T. Hudson         A. Kaid           T. Linighan
   G. Henderson      R. Humble         R. Kay            W.S. Lithgo
   H.W. Henry        E. Hume           R. Keeys          H. Lockey
   L. Henson         J.W. Hunt         A. Kelly          H. Lowther
   W. Herbert        J. Hunter         J. Kelly          J.A. Lucas
   J. Heron          M. Hunter         J.P. Kelly        J. Luers
   J.F. Herring      N. Hunter         M. Kelly          A.R. Lumsden
   J. Heselton       R. Hunter         W. Kelsey         F. Lund
   J. Hesletine      T. Hunter         J.T. Kidson       B. Lupton
   W.E. Hewling      J. Huntley        G. Kidson         T.G. Lupton
   J.W. Hill         A. Hurrell        G.R. Kimber       J.D.F. MacDonald
   S. Hobson         T. Hurrell        R. Kingston       M. MacDonald
   W. Hockbur        J.N. Hussey       J.W. Kinnersley   W.A. Macfarlane
   N. Hodder         R. Hutchinson     C.R. Kitching     T. Magee
   J.C. Hodgson      A. Hyde           H. Kitching       T.F. Maidens
   A.E. Hodgson      F. Ibbetson       F.A. Kjelgaard    T.P. Mack
   J.F. Hodgson      R. Ingram         J.E. Kjelgaard    J.A. Manners
   J. Hogan          W.J. Ingram       G. Knaggs         J. Marine
   A. Hogg           G. Irvin          S. Knight         G.E. Markwell
   W.L. Hogg         J. Jackson        J.L. Lahney       J.T. Marshall
   W. Holder         L.B. Jackson      H. Snr. Lake      P. Marshall
   J.W. Holland      W. Jeffries       H. Jnr. Lake      W. Marshall
   F.R. Holmes       G.H. Jesson       H. Lancaster      T. Martin
   R. Holmes         C. Johnson        P. Larkin         W.E. Martin
   S. Holmes         E. Johnson        R.E. Law          F. Mason
   N. Holroyd        H.C. Johnson      P. Lawrence       H.S. Mason
   G.A. Hoole        R.E. Johnson      V.L. Lemarchand   M. Massey
Plaque 7                            Plaque 8                       

   IN MEMORY OF                        IN MEMORY OF              
   G.M. Mathie       J. Morgensen      W.T. Orley        D. Quinlan      
   E.E. Matthews     E. Morrigan       J. Oxley          T. Quinn        
   W.H. Matthews     A.L. Morrison     G. Page           R. Rafferty     
   P. McAndrew       W. Morrison       J. Palmer         R.M. Raw        
   R. McAndrew       L. Morton         G. Parker         S.W. Raworth    
   W.S. McArthy      J. Moule          I.J. Parkes       E.W. Ray        
   W. McBay          W. Muir           W.H. Parrish      J. Rayment      
   J.B. McBeath      J.E. Mullinger    J.W. Pattison     J.R. Rayment    
   W.W. McCabe       J.T. Murphy       G.H. Paxton       J.H. Readman    
   W.S. McCarthy     T.M. Murray       L.L. Pay          E.E. Reah       
   H. McCormack      R. Murrey         J.L. Pay          W. Redfern      
   T. McCormack      H.A. Musgrove     E.W. Pay          C. Redshaw      
   M. McDonald       R. Myers          W. Paylor         J. Reed         
   J.D.F. McDonald   P. Necy           N.G. Payne        J.H. Reed       
   M. McDonnell      F.W. Neesam       E. Peacock        S.F. Reed       
   N. McHugh         J. Neil           J. Peacock        J.I. Rees       
   D. McIver         G.R. Newlove      C.E. Pearson      E.A. Reid       
   R. McKay          D. Nichol         J. Pearson        R.R. Relton     
   W.J. McLean       H. Nichols        S. Pearson        T. Rennie       
   W.J. McLean       G.A. Nicholson    J.G. Perkins      F.A. Rice       
   J. McLoughlin     J.R. Nicholson    E. Peverell       H. Richardson   
   D. McNally        W. Nicholson      G.E. Porter       W.B. Richardson 
   M. McPartland     J.H. Nicholson    F.S. Potts        A. Richardson   
   A. Mearns         H. Nixon          F. Pounder        J.S. Richie     
   W. Melivn         L.R. Nixon        T.J. Pounder      H.R. Ridley     
   V. Merrick        M.R. Nixon        R. Powell         A. Robb         
   F. Miles          R.C. Norman       S. Powell         R.R. Roberts    
   H. Miller         R.H. Norman       L.S. Powell       A. Robinson     
   A.D. Mills        G. Nossiter       B. Pratt          A.J. Robinson   
   G. Minter         J.V. O’Morgenson  G.F. Prentice     R. Robinson     
   P. Moran          L.B. Odgers       R.H. Pringle      R. Robinson     
   C. Mordaunt       G.W. Oliver       H. Prodham        W.G. Robinson   
   A. Moore          J.G. Oliver       J. Pryall         W. Robinson     
   F. Moore          T.V. Oliver       T. Purnell        J. Robson      
   L. Moorehead      A.J. Olsson       A.C.H. Pyman M.C. D.T. Rodney     
Plaque 9                            Plaque 10                           
   IN MEMORY OF                        IN MEMORY OF                
   J.G. Rogan        T. Shipley        W. Stoddart       C.W. Truefit     
   H. Rogers         A. Short          A.E. Storrow      D. Turnbull      
   D. Rooney         E. Short          G.C. Story        I.E. Turnbull    
   J.W. Rowbotham    J.B. Short        S.S. Stothard     W.L. Turnbull    
   A. Rowland        J. Shreeve        H. Stothers       A.B. Turner      
   G.A. Rowland      A. Simpson        J. Sullivan       J.M. Twidale     
   J. Rumble         G.H. Simpson      R. Swainson       W.E. Twiss       
   J.H. Rumble       H.W. Simpson      J. Swales         T.G. Unthank     
   E. Rumsay         J. Skelton        J. Swales         J. Vickers       
   J. Rush           S. Skidmore       A. Symons         J.S. Vickers     
   M. Russell        W.F. Skirving     T.E. Tabley       E. Wallace       
   J. Rutherford     W.H. Skirving     R.W. Tabley       W. Wallace       
   B.F. Salt         B.C. Smith        M.H. Tait         J.R. Waller      
   G. Salthouse      A.J. Smith        J. Taylor         F. Waller        
   F.C. Sanders      J.V. Smith        R.T. Taylor       A. Walters       
   J.A. Sanderson    A.G. Smith        A.E. Teal         G.W.E. Walton    
   J. Sanderson      J. Smith          E.J. Thomas       E. Ward         
   A. Sanderson      T.R. Smith        I. Thomas         C. Ward          
   C. Scott          R.W. Smith        W. Thomas         S.J. Wardman
   D. Scott          R. Smith          D.P. Thompson     A.M. Warrer
   F.H. Scott        W.A. Smithson     J. Thompson       J. Watchman
   S. Scott          J. Smurthwaite    T. Thompson       R. Wakins
   J. Sculley        R. Smurthwaite    P.A. Thompson     T. Watson
   A. Sharp          R. Smyth          F. Thompson       T. Watt
   R. Sharp          W.C. Smythe       G.W. Thompson     J. Weatherall
   J.R. Shave        E. Snaith         C.C. Thompson     A. Weatherill
   C.T. Shaw         H. Snowden        H. Thompson       T.H. Webster
   H. Shaw           A.W. Spalding     K.E. Tierney      J.D. Wharton
   G.E. Sheader      A. Spence         G.W. Tierney      A.H. White
   W. Sheader        W.M. Spencelayh   T. Tierney        F.E. White
   F. Shears         W. Spindloe       C. Tindall        J.P. White
   T. Sheffield      W.S. Sprintall    R. Tipp           W.F. White
   T.W. Shepard      J. Stephenson     W. Toase          T. Whiteway
   T.W. Shepherd     W. Stephenson     W. Travers        J.R. Whitley
   J.J. Shipley      W.C. Stewart      M. Tripp          H. Whitworth
Plaque 11  
   G.H. Whomand
   W.C. Wilkinson
   G. Wilson
   G.F. Wilson
   I. Wilson
   J.W. Wilson
   R. Wilyman
   F. Windebank
   J.W. Winship
   F. Winspear
   G. Witten
   J.R. Wood
   E. Wood
   W. Woodruff
   E. Woodward
   J. Wormald
   A.E. Wright
   C.W. Wright

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story