CULLERCOATS outside St. George's Church.
Here beneath the shadow of the Cross
behold the names of our brethren of
Cullercoats who gave their lives in the
Great War 1914-1918
Let future generations keep them
in continual remembrance
giving God the thanks and the glory.
Allen G.A. Lieut. Hall R.R. 1st Stoker Robson W.D. Pte.
Allen G.R. Pte. Harper J. Pte. Rowley J. Pte.
Armstrong G. Pte. Hulse H. Sergt. Sabourn J.W. Pte.
Ashton T.S. Pte. Hedley G. Capt. Scott A. Pte.
Bainbridge W. Pte. Jefferson R. Cpl. Scott A. Pte.
Barker T. Pte. Knott H.B. Capt. Scott R.F. Pte.
Bell F.R. Pte. Knott J.L. Major. Scott-Hopper R. Pte.
Bolland J. Pte. Lathlane W.J. Pte. Shuttleworth J. AB.
Box J.C. Sergt. Leeson I.A. Capt. Sidley G. Pte.
Brown J. Tpr. Lisle J.S. Pte. Smith G. R.N.R.
Brumwell T.L. Corpl. Marshall E. Pte. Smith S. Gnr.
Carr A. Pte. McEwan D. Pte. Smith S.A. AB.
Carr E.J. Sig. McIntyre G.D. Lieut. Smith T. Gnr.
Carr G.S. BR. McIntyre T. Capt. Spedding C. Pte.
Chambers A.O. Pte. McLean A.K. Lieut. Storey D.P. Pte.
Charlton A.V. Capt. Murton J.K. Sergt. Storey M.A. Pte.
Charlton J.M. Capt. Murton W.D. Pte. Taylor A. Pte.
Costelloe L. Pte. Oliver A.L. Cpl. Taylor C.L. Corpl.
Coull J. Lieut. Parker J.W. Pte. Taylor E.R. Pte.
Curry W.J.L. Pte. Patrickson G.A. Bos'n Taylor J. Cpl.
Cuthbertson J. Pte. Pearson R.S. Pte. Taylor J.W. MM.
Davison W. Pte. Potter C.A. Gnr. Thompson R. Sergt.
Diment L. Cpl. Proudfoot H. Pte. Turner J.T. AB.
Errington J.E. Capt. Reed T. Pilot Vyse T. Pte.
Essen R. Pte. Reed T. Stoker Wakinshaw W. Spr.
Fairbairn G.R. Pte. Richardson S.E. Pte. Wakeling T. Gnr.
Ferguson G. Pte. Robinson C. Pte. Wilson J. Pte.
Gibson J.W. Pte. Wilson J. AB.
This list was submitted by R.C. Simpson before the plaque was renewed
Ashton T.S. Chambers A.G. Lathlane W.
Armitage G. Harper J. McLean A.E.
Bell F.R. Hurst H. Minto D.W.
Barker T. Jeffries R. Oliver A.
Boland J. Knott J.L. Patrington G.A.
Bamoub W. Leeson J. Pearson R.S.
Bramwell T. Lisle J.S. Patten C.
Carr A. Marshall E. Robinson C.
Carr E.J. McEwan D. Sabourn J.W.
Carr G.S.B.R. McIntyre I.
Scott A.
Scott A.
Scott R.F. Allen G.A.
Scott-Harper R. Allen G.R.
Shuttleworth J.A.B. G.
Smith G.R.W.R. Bro....n T.S.
Smith S. Wise T.W.