Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Crucifix 1914-18 St. George's Churchyard





Map ref

NZ 364708

Original Location

Outside St. George's Parish Church, Grand Parade On A193 seafront.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled by Lord Armstrong on June 14th 1921. Dedicated by Vicar, Rev. H.J.B. Fry.
The new bronze plaque was unveiled as part of the 6.30 p.m. service of Evensong on Remembrance Day, Nov. 1989.

Memorial Description

Crucifix on a pedestal, about 20 feet high on base 147cm square.
A cast bronze plaque has recently been affixed to the front, replacing the weathered inscription. The names are listed in three columns, the lettering in raised Roman capitals throughout.

Materials used

Heworth stone


Here beneath the shadow of the Cross / behold the names of our brethren of / Cullercoats who gave their lives in the / Great War 1914-1918 /
Let future generations keep them / in continual remembrance / giving unto God the thanks and the glory.



Bronze plate cost £3,000, which also covered costs of other cosmetic repairs to the memorial.

How money was raised

Bronze plate money raised by public subscription.

Present condition

Restored, after names were being eroded by wind and salt. Some 32 were indecipherable.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Original memorial designed by Knowles, Oliver and Leeson of Newcastle; made by Mr. Robert Beall of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Ownership and maintenance

"As a result of a request from Mr. W.M. Hope, Architect, the Town Improvement Committee have recommended the Tynemouth Corporation to take over the Cullercoats War Memorial" (Shields Daily News, Monday May 23rd, 1921).


1. Restoration Appeal launched May 1989 to have the names inscribed onto bronze plaques in serif lettering with a raised border and with the lettering on a textured background toned to a sepia finish.

2. The newspaper cutting reporting the 1989 rededication says it was originally unveiled by the Duke of Northumberland.

3. The bronze plaque bearing the names was stolen in April 2010 but has been replaced.

4. The Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 24/01/1920 states that the memorial would have seats on each side, total cost would be £500, any surplus to be devoted to the foundation of a school prize at the local Council Schools.

5. William Wakinshaw should read William Wakenshaw - family information November 2014

6. Following the theft of the bronze plaque, the memorial has been restored with the names in stone. The original has been defaced by wind erosion.

7. James Leadbitter Knott –see Every Name a Story

Henry Basil Knott see Every Name a Story

Thomas Garbutt Knott see Every Name a Story

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: P. Thirkell; Dorothy Hall; Tony Harding; old photos: North Tyneside Local Studies

Shields Daily News 15/06/1921 reports the unveiling ceremony.

Illustrated Chronicle 06/06/1921 carries photo of memorial “to be unveiled”; 15/06/1921 carries photos of unveiling

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 24/01/1920 reports proposals; 18/06/1921 reports unveiling.

Whitley Bay Observer 17/06/1921 reports unveiling.

North Tyneside Local Studies Restoration Appeal leaflet 1989

News Guardian 18/05/1989

North Tyneside Courier 24/05/1989

The Journal 19/04/2010 reports theft of plaque.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

R.C. Simpson; the late R.W. Gould; P. Thirkell; North Tyneside Local Studies Dept.; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall; David Wakenshaw

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Crucifix 1914-18 St. George's Churchyard (C68.01)

CULLERCOATS outside St. George's Church.
   Here beneath the shadow of the Cross
   behold the names of our brethren of
   Cullercoats who gave their lives in the
   Great War 1914-1918
   Let future generations keep them
   in continual remembrance
   giving God the thanks and the glory.
   Allen G.A. Lieut.      Hall R.R. 1st Stoker   Robson W.D. Pte.
   Allen G.R. Pte.        Harper J. Pte.         Rowley J. Pte.
   Armstrong G. Pte.      Hulse H. Sergt.        Sabourn J.W. Pte.
   Ashton T.S. Pte.       Hedley G. Capt.        Scott A. Pte.
   Bainbridge W. Pte.     Jefferson R. Cpl.      Scott A. Pte.
   Barker T. Pte.         Knott H.B. Capt.       Scott R.F. Pte.
   Bell F.R. Pte.         Knott J.L.  Major.     Scott-Hopper R. Pte.
   Bolland J. Pte.        Lathlane W.J. Pte.     Shuttleworth J. AB.
   Box J.C. Sergt.        Leeson I.A. Capt.      Sidley G. Pte.
   Brown J. Tpr.          Lisle J.S. Pte.        Smith G. R.N.R.
   Brumwell T.L. Corpl.   Marshall E. Pte.       Smith S. Gnr.
   Carr A. Pte.           McEwan D. Pte.         Smith S.A. AB.
   Carr E.J. Sig.         McIntyre G.D. Lieut.   Smith T. Gnr.
   Carr G.S. BR.          McIntyre T. Capt.      Spedding C. Pte.
   Chambers A.O. Pte.     McLean A.K. Lieut.     Storey D.P. Pte.
   Charlton A.V. Capt.    Murton J.K. Sergt.     Storey M.A. Pte.
   Charlton J.M. Capt.    Murton W.D. Pte.       Taylor A. Pte.
   Costelloe L. Pte.      Oliver A.L. Cpl.       Taylor C.L. Corpl.
   Coull J. Lieut.        Parker J.W. Pte.       Taylor E.R. Pte.
   Curry W.J.L. Pte.      Patrickson G.A. Bos'n  Taylor J. Cpl.
   Cuthbertson J. Pte.    Pearson R.S. Pte.      Taylor J.W. MM.
   Davison W. Pte.        Potter C.A. Gnr.       Thompson R. Sergt.
   Diment L. Cpl.         Proudfoot H. Pte.      Turner J.T. AB.
   Errington J.E. Capt.   Reed T. Pilot          Vyse T. Pte.
   Essen R. Pte.          Reed T. Stoker         Wakinshaw W. Spr.
   Fairbairn G.R. Pte.    Richardson S.E. Pte.   Wakeling T. Gnr.
   Ferguson G. Pte.       Robinson C. Pte.       Wilson J. Pte.
   Gibson J.W. Pte.                              Wilson J. AB.
This list was submitted by R.C. Simpson before the plaque was renewed
   Ashton T.S.        Chambers A.G.     Lathlane W.
   Armitage G.        Harper J.         McLean A.E.
   Bell F.R.          Hurst H.          Minto D.W.
   Barker T.          Jeffries R.       Oliver A.
   Boland J.          Knott J.L.        Patrington G.A.
   Bamoub W.          Leeson J.         Pearson R.S.
   Bramwell T.        Lisle J.S.        Patten C.
   Carr A.            Marshall E.       Robinson C.
   Carr E.J.          McEwan D.         Sabourn J.W.
   Carr G.S.B.R.      McIntyre I.
   Scott A.
   Scott A.
   Scott R.F.                           Allen G.A.
   Scott-Harper R.                      Allen G.R.
   Shuttleworth J.A.B.         G.
   Smith G.R.W.R.                       Bro....n T.S.
   Smith S.                             Wise T.W.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story