BLYTH, Ridley Park.
East Face
Adamson, M. Bloomfield, O. Crawford, H.
Agnew, J.P. Blyth, D.O.S. Crawford, J.A.
Aitchison, J. Blyth, H. Crosby, T.
Allen, A. Blyth, J.B. Crozier, J.A.
Allen, G.E. Blyth, J.W. Cruickshanks, J.
Allen, F.J. Blythe, J.E. Cumming, G.N.M.
Allen, J.H. Bower, T. Daniel, F.
Allen, P. Brabyn, W.A. Davis, W.H.
Allen, R.C. Brady, C.M.S. Davison, A.
Anderson, C. Brady, T.S. Davison, G.
Anderson, E. Bradley, J. Davison, J.G.
Anderson, G.C. Breyen, F. Davidson, R.F.
Anderson, M.D. Brison, Thos. Dawson, J.
Anderson, J.G. Brison, Thos. Day, J.
Armstrong, L. Brodie, F. Dean, W.
Armstrong, M. Brown, G. Devlin, A.
Armstrong, S. Brown, J.W. Dewick, T.J.
Arnott, F. Brown, Thos. Dexter, A.
Atkinson, A. Brown, T. Dickinson, G.
Atkinson, J. Bruce, M.T. Dickinson, R.
Atkinson, Wr. Bruce, W. Dixon, A.
Atkinson, Wm. Buckham, R. Dixon, J.
Aynsley, R. Burgess, W.C. Dixon, J.R.
Bailey, W. Burke, J. Dixon, J.W.
Ball, A. Burn, A.C. Dixon, T.
Balmer, J. Burns, H. Dobinson, G.
Barclay, W. Butters, A. Dobinson, R.
Barlow, H. Campbell, J. Dobson, M.
Barnes, H. Cannon, J.W. Dobson, T.
Barnes, A.H. Carr, G. Dobson, W.
Barnes, J.E. Carr, P. Dodds, E.
Barron, D. Catchpole, J.T. Dodds, J.
Bartlett, J.W. Chamberlain, T.E. Dodds, J.B.
Bartlett, T. Charlton, A. Donald, W.
Barton, T. Charlton, G. Donighan, C.
Bastard, V. Charlton, H. Donkin, H.
Bateman, E. Charlton, J.L. Doran, J.
Bates, W.C.F. Charlton, R. Dugdale, M.
Batey, W.S. Chesterton, T. Durward, D.
Beck, W. Chisholm, J.R. Dutton, C.R.A.
Beckett, W. Clapham, W. Eadington, J.W.C.
Bell, A. Clark, J. Easton, A.
Bell, A.E.M. Clark, J.T. Easton, A.J.
Bell, A.J. Clark, T. Easton, R.
Bell, E. Clark, W. Edgar, A.
Bell, F. Coleman, J.W. Elder, W.G.
Bell, J. Coleman, R. Elgey, R.
Bell, J.J. Collins, P. Elliot, A.J.
Bell, M. Combs, W. Elliot A.S.
Bell, R. Comrie, P. Elliot, T.
Bell, T.P. Cook, A.T.E. Elliot, W.
Bell, T.W. Cook, J. Elliott, J.
Bell, Wm. Cook, T. Elliott, J.B.
Bell, Wm. Cooney, H.L. Ellis, C.
Bellis, A.S. Cooper, J. Ellis, R.R.
Bennett G.H.H. Cooper, W.R. Ellison, J.
Bennett, J. Cormack, G.L. Ellison, W.
Besford, J. Cottrell, L.S.J. Elsdon, W.C.
Best, R.S. Coulson, J. English, C.K.
Biggs, T. Courtney, P. Erskine, A.J.
Billanie, B. Cousins, J. Erskine, J.
Bird, W. Coyne, J. Erwin, T.H.
Blakey, F. Craigs, J.R. Evans, H.E.
Blashford, W. Crawford, G. Fairbairn, J.
Front Face
Fairclough, L. Harrison, H. Lambert, F. Morley, R.D.R.
Falconer, A. Harrison, R.S. Lansdale, F.J. Morton, W.
Farley, A. Harvey, J. Lavery, D. Moss, J,
Farquharson, C. Hateley, T.Y. Law, W. Mount, W.
Fender, F. Hawkes, E.R. Lawrence, O.W. Mulvanny, P.
Fender, J. Hay, J.A. Lawson, Wed. Murray, A.R.
Fenwick, A.L. Hedley, G. Lawson, Wm. Murray, G.
Fenwick, D.F. Hedley, Jas. Leader, W. Murray, R.
Fenwick, M. Hedley, Jn. Liddle, R. Murray, T.W.
Ferguson, E.T. Hedley, Jos. Liddle, W. Nail, R.W.
Ferguson, J.H. Hedley, W. Lidster, J. Napier, J.
Ferry, T.H. Henderson, E.S. Lillie, J.T. Neale, G.
Field, J.R. Henderson, G.R. Lillie, T. Nelson, J.
Finlayson, C. Henderson, Jas. Lillie, W. Newstead, F.L.
Fogarty, E. Henderson, R. Little, W.H. Nicholson, A.L.
Forrest, R.A. Henderson, R.C. Lockey, J.B.B. Nicholson, G.W.
Forster, L. Hepple, H. Long, R. Nicholson, Jno.
Forster, T. Hepple, W. Longstaff, J. Nicholson, J.R.
Foster, G.M. Herron, A. Loud, B. Nicholson, Jos.
Foster, G.W. Hertwick, J.F. Lowery, W. Nixon, J.
Foster, Jas. Hertwick, W.B.J. Lynn, J.C. Nixon, W.
Foster, J.C. Hetherington, P. Lyons, J.M. Oates, T
Foster, J.W. Hewitson, A. Lyons, J.R. Old, J.W.
Fothergill, W.T. Hewitson, H. MacFarlane, W.G. Ord H.J.
Fulbeck, J. Hewitson, R. Mackin, P. Ormiston, G.W.
Fulcher, J.A. Hind, G. Mackman, R. Parker, G.H.J.
Gagie, G. Hogarth, G. Main, A. Parker, W.E.
Gallagher, J. Holiday, J. Malone, T. Partridge, J.A.
Gateshill, J. Holmes, M.D. Marlin, T. Patterson, C.R.
Gibbons, W. Hood, W. Marshall, Rd. Patterson, G.F.
Gibbons, W. Hope, L. Marshall, Rt. Patterson, R.
Gibson, G. Hope, R. Marshall, T.H. Patterson, T.J.
Gibson, J.W. Hopper, T. Martin, Jas. Patton, R.
Gibson, R. Howes, A. Matthewson, W. Paul, R.
Gillie, J.W. Hudson, N. Mattocks, J. Pearce, W.H.
Gledson, C.H. Humble, C. Mayes, J.E. Pearson, R.C.
Gledson, W. Hutchison, J. Mayes, J.W. Penn, J.M.
Golder, W. Irving, J. McCourt, S. Pentleton R.
Golding, J.L. Irving, R. McCutcheon, A.A. Percy, D.H.
Golding, J.C. Jackson, C. McDougall, T.S. Percy, R.J.
Gowans, A. Jackson, G.W. McSloy, J. Phillipson, M.
Gowland, W.B. Jackson, J. Metcalf, W. Poll, W.
Graham, E. Jackson, W.H. Middlemas, R. Pollitt, W.
Graham, G. Jacobs, W. Middlemas, H. Potts, H.
Graham, W. Jeffreys, L. Middlemas, W. Povey, E.A.
Greener, J. Jennings, P. Middleton, J.R.S. Preston, G.
Gregory, C. Johnson, M. Middleton, W. Preston, T.
Gregory, L. Johnson, J. Milburn, G. Pringle, J.B.
Grey, J.W. Joy, E.H. Miller, A.D. Pringle, T.R.
Griffith, W. Kane, R.J. Miller, J.G. Price, J.
Grindley, E. Keeler, C. Miller, R. Purcell, J.
Gyere, J. Keeney, T. Mills, R. Purdy, J.
Haley, S. Keenlyside, T.F. Minter, J. Purvis, G.
Hall, H. Kelly, J.W. Mirrilees Sel. Purvis, W.
Halliwell, J. Kelly, R.J. Mirrilees, Srt. Pyle, J.
Hamilton, A. Kennedy, A. Mirrilees, W. Quinn, G.F.
Hann, F. Kennedy, E. Mitchell, Wer. Raffle, F.W.
Harbottle, T. Kettle, A. Mitchell, Wm. Railton, J.
Hardy, J. Killington, G.H. Mitcheson, R. Reah, B.
Harland, J.D. King, J. Moffatt A.E. Reay, J.T.
Harland, W.S. Lacey, L. Moody, T. Reay, J.W.
Harney, J. Laing, A.K. Moore, T. Reay, R.E.
Harris, A.H. Laing, P. Moran, J. Redford, P.
Harris J.A. Laird, J. Mordue, T. Reid, J.
In remembrance of
The men of Blyth who endured great hardships
achieved glorious deeds, and died for freedom
and country in the Great War
West Face
Reilly, J. Smith, C. Tungate, A.
Reynolds, J. Smith, J. Turnbull, H.
Reynolds, J.H. Smith, J.E. Turnbull, Jas.
Rhodes, R.D. Smith, R.L. Turnbull, Jos.
Richardson, G. Smith, T. Turnbull, R.
Richardson, J.R. Smith, T.R. Turnbull, T.
Rickard, G. Somers, J. Turnbull, W.
Riggall, A. Soulsby, J. Turner, W.A.
Riley, John Soulsby, W.D. Tweddle, C.
Riley, Jos. Southern, J.H. Tweddle, W.
Ringwood, J.T. Spiers, J.J. Tweedy, J.
Ringwood, W.A. Spowart, G.P. Tweedy, T.
Robertson, C.E. Stephenson, J.S. Usher, T.
Robertson, E. Stephenson, R.T. Vear, Jes.
Robertson, J.H.F.S. Stevens, G. Vickers, A.
Robinson, F. Stevens, G.H. Vickers, N.
Robinson, G. Stevenson, G.E. Wake, M.
Robinson, R.N. Stewart, W. Walton, J.E.
Robinson, R.W. Stobbs, J. Walton, P.C.
Robinson, T. Stobie, R. Walton, W.
Robinson, Wer. Stoker, J.E. Wardle, Jph.
Robinson, W.S. Stokoe, H. Waters, S.
Robson, Jas. Stone, G. Watson, A.
Robson, Jas. Storey, A.B. Watson, G.
Robson, John Storey, C. Watson, J.
Robson, Jos. Storey, T. Watson, J.H.
Robson, R. Storey, W.S. Watson, O.A.
Robson, T.E. Straker, A.G. Wear, R.D.
Robson, W. Strangeways, H. Weatherby, W.
Rolff, T. Strom, L. Webster, J.W.
Ross, W.A. Summerbell, G.E. Welsh, S.
Round, S.A. Summers, A. Westwood, A.
Routledge, J.F. Summers, A.Y. White, D.
Routledge, R. Summers, J. White, R.E.
Routledge, Roger Summers, J.C. Whittle, Wer.
Rudd, J. Summers, W. Whyatt, N.
Rumsby, T.P. Swalwell, T. Wigham, J.R.
Rutherford, J. Swinburne, M. Wigham, R.
Sales, G. Tait, S. Wigham, Wm.
Sanderson, G. Tanney, A. Wilkinson, A.
Savigar, W.H. Tate, E. Wilkinson, G.
Sayers, F. Tate, G. Wilkinson, J.
Scott, J. Tate, R. Wilkinson, J.
Scott, J. Taylor, E. Wilkinson, T.
Scott, J.R. Taylor, E.R. Wilson, Alex.
Scott, Wer. Taylor, G. Wilson, A.
Scrimegour, D.C. Taylor, Jno. Wilson, F.J.B.
Scuffham, R. Taylor, Jno. Wilson, M.H.
Sellars, A. Taylor, T.F. Wilson, S.
Shanks, J.T. Telfer, A. Wilson, T.C.
Sharpe, J.L. Thirtle, J. Wilton, W.
Sharpless, A. Thomas, R. Winship, W.J.
Shavlin, A. Thornton, R. Wood, J.W.
Shaw, W.T. Thompson, E. Wood, W.
Sherringham, S. Thompson, F.J. Wooley, R.
Sherrington, J. Thompson, J. Wray, J.
Short, L. Thompson, R.W. Wright, G.
Shotton, A.C. Thompson, T. Yellowley, J.
Sidgwick, P.M. Thompson, T.W. Young, H.
Simm, W. Thompson, W. Young, Jas.
Simmons, J. Toothill, B. Young, John
Skinner, J. Trayner, F.
Skipsey, E.S. Trayner, J.J.
Smith, A. Tuff, J.J.