Memorial Details

Photo: Lonely Tower


Pillar 1914-18 Beaconsfield Street





Map ref

NZ 319812

Original Location

Outside Knight Memorial Hospital, Beaconsfield Street,

Present Location

It was removed to its present location, Ridley Park, in autumn 1950 to stand beside the Boer War and 1939-45 memorials.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 17th November 1923 by Duke of Northumberland.; dedicated by Rev. A. Tuson, Vicar of Blyth.

Memorial Description

Pillar 12 feet high on base 48 inches square. There is a carved granite wreath high on the front face. Bronze plaques, each 60 inches high, on three faces carry the names of the fallen, with raised vertical lines dividing the columns. The plaque on the north face is 35 inches wide, those on east and west faces are 26½ inches wide. The names raised in casting using Roman capitals throughout, in four columns on the front face, and in three columns on the two sides. The dedication is incised into the granite below the plaque, the top line in Gothic script and the rest in Roman capitals.

Materials used

Granite with bronze plaques


1914-18 / In Remembrance of / The Men of Blyth who Endured Great Hardships / Achieved Glorious Deeds And Died For Freedom / And Country in the Great War.




How money was raised

Public subscription, including fund raising efforts.

Present condition


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by Mr. Leiper (Borough Surveyor); made by T. & G. Cocks, Blyth.


1. This was the Town war memorial, which covered New Delaval, Newsham, Bebside and Cowpen.

2. 117 Blyth soldiers were presented with a gold watch, while another was given a silver cigarette box (Morpeth Herald).

3. A scroll was presented to returning soldiers. It has at the top “For the sire lives in his sons”. Round the edge are the badges of all the different countries of the Commonwealth. Beneath flags, it reads “The Blyth / Military Merit / and Homecoming / Committee / representing the / Fellow Townsmen / of (name, rank and regiment) / hereby places on record / its high appreciation of / his services in defence of / the country and the / cause of liberty, in the / Great War. They all / rejoice in the complete / victory of right over / might and in the promise / through the League of / Nations of representative / government in inter- / national affairs. / 1914 - 1919.

4. 4,500 men had served from Blyth, of whom 450 died.

5. Morpeth Herald reports the plaques as having "raised letters in gun metal".

6. Park gates were also suggested for the town memorial.

7. This was to have been unveiled on 15th August 1923 but was delayed.
“Unforeseen circumstances which necessitated a postponement of the unveiling ceremony in connection with the Blyth war memorial, will probably make the execution of the function a winter proceeding. In all something like £2,000 has been subscribed which reflects great credit on the borough, especially having regard to the industrial depression of the past few years.” News Post Leader 20/8/1998 quoting 75 Years Ago 23/08/1923.

8. “For Armistice Day in 1919 there had not been time to make a fitting memorial to the men of Blyth who died in the First World War and so Hedley’s Fountain in front of the Central hall was made into a temporary memorial”. A photo in the “All our Yesteryears” supplement shows the fountain draped in black, with a cross with a laurel spray draped across, and flowers at its foot. The cross carries the words “Greater love hath no man . . . .”. It is flanked by a soldier stood on each side.

9. The fund raising had collected £1,945 by the time the War Memorial Committee was dissolved on 12/09/1924.

10. In 1920 “The Council had just received from France the shield which would be an emblem and a memorial of the town having provided two beds in the Base Hospital from 1916 to the end of the war.”

11. In 2018 "The Cenotaph in Ridley Park underwent the biggest transformation with a complete refurbishment. When work started on the refurbishment programme it was discovered that there were no foundations and this had been the reason for the subsidence that was in the initial survey report. The World War II memorial was dismantled and the subsidence issues were resolved. All the memorials were cleaned and the names re-painted.

New memorials were created to incorporate the names of those not on the original memorials and also to commemorate those who have died in conflicts post 1945.

The parade area was paved and the steps re-laid in granite. An accessible path was added from the parade area to the top of the Cenotaph to allow those with restricted mobility to access the memorials to lay wreaths. A dropped kerb to the path was created to aid access and six dome bollards installed at the entrance to the parade area to limit vehicular access.

Handrails were installed at either side of the steps, at the side of the accessible path and behind the memorials. This work was carried out by D & M Fencing who also supplied the steel troughs that have been placed beside the memorials to hold crosses.

The final flourish to the parade area was the installation an engraved, polished plaque depicting the emblem of the All Arms Association.

The cost of the refurbishment and renovation work was £95,107.99 plus £1,166.50 for Survey/condition report, planning applications." Blyth Town Council website.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: P. Thirkell; Jack Tait; Tony Harding; Lonely Tower; Robert Preston

Shields Daily News 02/03/1921 reports meeting of War Memorial Committee issuing appeal for £15,000; 14/10/1921 reports suggestion of Park Gates should be erected as the town memorial; 23/04/1925 reports a fund raising concert; 27/06/1923 reports that the Duke of Northumberland would unveil the memorial.

Morpeth Herald 05/03/1920 reports the giving of wallets to ex-soldiers; 29/10/1920 reports proposal to hold a public meeting; 26/11/1920 reports first meeting; 31/12/1920; 01/04/1921 reports ‘total number of shillings contributed by public at Blyth is 1858’, i.e. £92.18s; 21/10/1921 reports proposal re park gates costing £1,500 at entrance to Ridley Park; 24/03/1922 reports procrastination and only £310 raised; 27/04/1923 reports fund raising concert; 03/08/1923 reports delay in date of unveiling; 23/11/1923 reports unveiling; 19/09/1924 reports winding up of War Memorial Committee.

Alnwick & County Gazette & Guardian 30/06/1923 reports proposed unveiling.

Blyth News 20/11/1923 reports unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 19/11/1923 reports unveiling with photos.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 15/10/1921 reports park gates proposal; 24/11/1923 reports unveiling with photos.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 01/12/1920 reports setting up of a Committee; 14/10/1921 reports lack of progress in fund raising, and suggesting that gates to Ridley Park be erected as a memorial.

Northern Press supplement “All our Yesteryears” 28/09/2006 carries a picture of Hedley’s Fountain being used as a temporary memorial.

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

The late Jack Tait, Blyth Local History Society; the late R.W. Gould; Janet Brown; P. Thirkell; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Pillar 1914-18 Beaconsfield Street (B42.24)

BLYTH, Ridley Park.  
East Face
   Adamson, M.         Bloomfield, O.      Crawford, H.
   Agnew, J.P.         Blyth, D.O.S.       Crawford, J.A.
   Aitchison, J.       Blyth, H.           Crosby, T.
   Allen, A.           Blyth, J.B.         Crozier, J.A.
   Allen, G.E.         Blyth, J.W.         Cruickshanks, J.
   Allen, F.J.         Blythe, J.E.        Cumming, G.N.M.
   Allen, J.H.         Bower, T.           Daniel, F.
   Allen, P.           Brabyn, W.A.        Davis, W.H.
   Allen, R.C.         Brady, C.M.S.       Davison, A.
   Anderson, C.        Brady, T.S.         Davison, G.
   Anderson, E.        Bradley, J.         Davison, J.G.
   Anderson, G.C.      Breyen, F.          Davidson, R.F.
   Anderson, M.D.      Brison, Thos.       Dawson, J.
   Anderson, J.G.      Brison, Thos.       Day, J.
   Armstrong, L.       Brodie, F.          Dean, W.
   Armstrong, M.       Brown, G.           Devlin, A.
   Armstrong, S.       Brown, J.W.         Dewick, T.J.
   Arnott, F.          Brown, Thos.        Dexter, A.
   Atkinson, A.        Brown, T.           Dickinson, G.
   Atkinson, J.        Bruce, M.T.         Dickinson, R.
   Atkinson, Wr.       Bruce, W.           Dixon, A.
   Atkinson, Wm.       Buckham, R.         Dixon, J.
   Aynsley, R.         Burgess, W.C.       Dixon, J.R.
   Bailey, W.          Burke, J.           Dixon, J.W.
   Ball, A.            Burn, A.C.          Dixon, T.
   Balmer, J.          Burns, H.           Dobinson, G.
   Barclay, W.         Butters, A.         Dobinson, R.
   Barlow, H.          Campbell, J.        Dobson, M.
   Barnes, H.          Cannon, J.W.        Dobson, T.
   Barnes, A.H.        Carr, G.            Dobson, W.
   Barnes, J.E.        Carr, P.            Dodds, E.
   Barron, D.          Catchpole, J.T.     Dodds, J.
   Bartlett, J.W.      Chamberlain, T.E.   Dodds, J.B.
   Bartlett, T.        Charlton, A.        Donald, W.
   Barton, T.          Charlton, G.        Donighan, C.
   Bastard, V.         Charlton, H.        Donkin, H.
   Bateman, E.         Charlton, J.L.      Doran, J.
   Bates, W.C.F.       Charlton, R.        Dugdale, M.
   Batey, W.S.         Chesterton, T.      Durward, D.
   Beck, W.            Chisholm, J.R.      Dutton, C.R.A.
   Beckett, W.         Clapham, W.         Eadington, J.W.C.
   Bell, A.            Clark, J.           Easton, A.
   Bell, A.E.M.        Clark, J.T.         Easton, A.J.
   Bell, A.J.          Clark, T.           Easton, R.
   Bell, E.            Clark, W.           Edgar, A.
   Bell, F.            Coleman, J.W.       Elder, W.G.
   Bell, J.            Coleman, R.         Elgey, R.
   Bell, J.J.          Collins, P.         Elliot, A.J.
   Bell, M.            Combs, W.           Elliot A.S.
   Bell, R.            Comrie, P.          Elliot, T.
   Bell, T.P.          Cook, A.T.E.        Elliot, W.
   Bell, T.W.          Cook, J.            Elliott, J.
   Bell, Wm.           Cook, T.            Elliott, J.B.
   Bell, Wm.           Cooney, H.L.        Ellis, C.
   Bellis, A.S.        Cooper, J.          Ellis, R.R.
   Bennett G.H.H.      Cooper, W.R.        Ellison, J.
   Bennett, J.         Cormack, G.L.       Ellison, W.
   Besford, J.         Cottrell, L.S.J.    Elsdon, W.C.
   Best, R.S.          Coulson, J.         English, C.K.
   Biggs, T.           Courtney, P.        Erskine, A.J.
   Billanie, B.        Cousins, J.         Erskine, J.
   Bird, W.            Coyne, J.           Erwin, T.H.
   Blakey, F.          Craigs, J.R.        Evans, H.E.
   Blashford, W.       Crawford, G.        Fairbairn, J.
Front Face
   Fairclough, L.    Harrison, H.      Lambert, F.       Morley, R.D.R.
   Falconer, A.      Harrison, R.S.    Lansdale, F.J.    Morton, W.
   Farley, A.        Harvey, J.        Lavery, D.        Moss, J,
   Farquharson, C.   Hateley, T.Y.     Law, W.           Mount, W.
   Fender, F.        Hawkes, E.R.      Lawrence, O.W.    Mulvanny, P.
   Fender, J.        Hay, J.A.         Lawson, Wed.      Murray, A.R.
   Fenwick, A.L.     Hedley, G.        Lawson, Wm.       Murray, G.
   Fenwick, D.F.     Hedley, Jas.      Leader, W.        Murray, R.
   Fenwick, M.       Hedley, Jn.       Liddle, R.        Murray, T.W.
   Ferguson, E.T.    Hedley, Jos.      Liddle, W.        Nail, R.W.
   Ferguson, J.H.    Hedley, W.        Lidster, J.       Napier, J.
   Ferry, T.H.       Henderson, E.S.   Lillie, J.T.      Neale, G.
   Field, J.R.       Henderson, G.R.   Lillie, T.        Nelson, J.
   Finlayson, C.     Henderson, Jas.   Lillie, W.        Newstead, F.L.
   Fogarty, E.       Henderson, R.     Little, W.H.      Nicholson, A.L.
   Forrest, R.A.     Henderson, R.C.   Lockey, J.B.B.    Nicholson, G.W.
   Forster, L.       Hepple, H.        Long, R.          Nicholson, Jno.
   Forster, T.       Hepple, W.        Longstaff, J.     Nicholson, J.R.
   Foster, G.M.      Herron, A.        Loud, B.          Nicholson, Jos.
   Foster, G.W.      Hertwick, J.F.    Lowery, W.        Nixon, J.
   Foster, Jas.      Hertwick, W.B.J.  Lynn, J.C.        Nixon, W.
   Foster, J.C.      Hetherington, P.  Lyons, J.M.       Oates, T
   Foster, J.W.      Hewitson, A.      Lyons, J.R.       Old, J.W.
   Fothergill, W.T.  Hewitson, H.      MacFarlane, W.G.  Ord H.J.
   Fulbeck, J.       Hewitson, R.      Mackin, P.        Ormiston, G.W.
   Fulcher, J.A.     Hind, G.          Mackman, R.       Parker, G.H.J.
   Gagie, G.         Hogarth, G.       Main, A.          Parker, W.E.
   Gallagher, J.     Holiday, J.       Malone, T.        Partridge, J.A.
   Gateshill, J.     Holmes, M.D.      Marlin, T.        Patterson, C.R.
   Gibbons, W.       Hood, W.          Marshall, Rd.     Patterson, G.F.
   Gibbons, W.       Hope, L.          Marshall, Rt.     Patterson, R.
   Gibson, G.        Hope, R.          Marshall, T.H.    Patterson, T.J.
   Gibson, J.W.      Hopper, T.        Martin, Jas.      Patton, R.
   Gibson, R.        Howes, A.         Matthewson, W.    Paul, R.
   Gillie, J.W.      Hudson, N.        Mattocks, J.      Pearce, W.H.
   Gledson, C.H.     Humble, C.        Mayes, J.E.       Pearson, R.C.
   Gledson, W.       Hutchison, J.     Mayes, J.W.       Penn, J.M.
   Golder, W.        Irving, J.        McCourt, S.       Pentleton R.
   Golding, J.L.     Irving, R.        McCutcheon, A.A.  Percy, D.H.
   Golding, J.C.     Jackson, C.       McDougall, T.S.   Percy, R.J.
   Gowans, A.        Jackson, G.W.     McSloy, J.        Phillipson, M.
   Gowland, W.B.     Jackson, J.       Metcalf, W.       Poll, W.
   Graham, E.        Jackson, W.H.     Middlemas, R.     Pollitt, W.
   Graham, G.        Jacobs, W.        Middlemas, H.     Potts, H.
   Graham, W.        Jeffreys, L.      Middlemas, W.     Povey, E.A.
   Greener, J.       Jennings, P.      Middleton, J.R.S. Preston, G.
   Gregory, C.       Johnson, M.       Middleton, W.     Preston, T.
   Gregory, L.       Johnson, J.       Milburn, G.       Pringle, J.B.
   Grey, J.W.        Joy, E.H.         Miller, A.D.      Pringle, T.R.
   Griffith, W.      Kane, R.J.        Miller, J.G.      Price, J.
   Grindley, E.      Keeler, C.        Miller, R.        Purcell, J.
   Gyere, J.         Keeney, T.        Mills, R.         Purdy, J.
   Haley, S.         Keenlyside, T.F.  Minter, J.        Purvis, G.
   Hall, H.          Kelly, J.W.       Mirrilees Sel.    Purvis, W.
   Halliwell, J.     Kelly, R.J.       Mirrilees, Srt.   Pyle, J.
   Hamilton, A.      Kennedy, A.       Mirrilees, W.     Quinn, G.F.
   Hann, F.          Kennedy, E.       Mitchell, Wer.    Raffle, F.W.
   Harbottle, T.     Kettle, A.        Mitchell, Wm.     Railton, J.
   Hardy, J.         Killington, G.H.  Mitcheson, R.     Reah, B.
   Harland, J.D.     King, J.          Moffatt A.E.      Reay, J.T.
   Harland, W.S.     Lacey, L.         Moody, T.         Reay, J.W.
   Harney, J.        Laing, A.K.       Moore, T.         Reay, R.E.
   Harris, A.H.      Laing, P.         Moran, J.         Redford, P.
   Harris J.A.       Laird, J.         Mordue, T.        Reid, J.
   In remembrance of
   The men of Blyth who endured great hardships
   achieved glorious deeds, and died for freedom
   and country in the Great War
West Face
   Reilly, J.          Smith, C.           Tungate, A.
   Reynolds, J.        Smith, J.           Turnbull, H.
   Reynolds, J.H.      Smith, J.E.         Turnbull, Jas.
   Rhodes, R.D.        Smith, R.L.         Turnbull, Jos.
   Richardson, G.      Smith, T.           Turnbull, R.
   Richardson, J.R.    Smith, T.R.         Turnbull, T.
   Rickard, G.         Somers, J.          Turnbull, W.
   Riggall, A.         Soulsby, J.         Turner, W.A.
   Riley, John         Soulsby, W.D.       Tweddle, C.
   Riley, Jos.         Southern, J.H.      Tweddle, W.
   Ringwood, J.T.      Spiers, J.J.        Tweedy, J.
   Ringwood, W.A.      Spowart, G.P.       Tweedy, T.
   Robertson, C.E.     Stephenson, J.S.    Usher, T.
   Robertson, E.       Stephenson, R.T.    Vear, Jes.
   Robertson, J.H.F.S. Stevens, G.         Vickers, A.
   Robinson, F.        Stevens, G.H.       Vickers, N.
   Robinson, G.        Stevenson, G.E.     Wake, M.
   Robinson, R.N.      Stewart, W.         Walton, J.E.
   Robinson, R.W.      Stobbs, J.          Walton, P.C.
   Robinson, T.        Stobie, R.          Walton, W.
   Robinson, Wer.      Stoker, J.E.        Wardle, Jph.
   Robinson, W.S.      Stokoe, H.          Waters, S.
   Robson, Jas.        Stone, G.           Watson, A.
   Robson, Jas.        Storey, A.B.        Watson, G.
   Robson, John        Storey, C.          Watson, J.
   Robson, Jos.        Storey, T.          Watson, J.H.
   Robson, R.          Storey, W.S.        Watson, O.A.
   Robson, T.E.        Straker, A.G.       Wear, R.D.
   Robson, W.          Strangeways, H.     Weatherby, W.
   Rolff, T.           Strom, L.           Webster, J.W.
   Ross, W.A.          Summerbell, G.E.    Welsh, S.
   Round, S.A.         Summers, A.         Westwood, A.
   Routledge, J.F.     Summers, A.Y.       White, D.
   Routledge, R.       Summers, J.         White, R.E.
   Routledge, Roger    Summers, J.C.       Whittle, Wer.
   Rudd, J.            Summers, W.         Whyatt, N.
   Rumsby, T.P.        Swalwell, T.        Wigham, J.R.
   Rutherford, J.      Swinburne, M.       Wigham, R.
   Sales, G.           Tait, S.            Wigham, Wm.
   Sanderson, G.       Tanney, A.          Wilkinson, A.
   Savigar, W.H.       Tate, E.            Wilkinson, G.
   Sayers, F.          Tate, G.            Wilkinson, J.
   Scott, J.           Tate, R.            Wilkinson, J.
   Scott, J.           Taylor, E.          Wilkinson, T.
   Scott, J.R.         Taylor, E.R.        Wilson, Alex.
   Scott, Wer.         Taylor, G.          Wilson, A.
   Scrimegour, D.C.    Taylor, Jno.        Wilson, F.J.B.
   Scuffham, R.        Taylor, Jno.        Wilson, M.H.
   Sellars, A.         Taylor, T.F.        Wilson, S.
   Shanks, J.T.        Telfer, A.          Wilson, T.C.
   Sharpe, J.L.        Thirtle, J.         Wilton, W.
   Sharpless, A.       Thomas, R.          Winship, W.J.
   Shavlin, A.         Thornton, R.        Wood, J.W.
   Shaw, W.T.          Thompson, E.        Wood, W.
   Sherringham, S.     Thompson, F.J.      Wooley, R.
   Sherrington, J.     Thompson, J.        Wray, J.
   Short, L.           Thompson, R.W.      Wright, G.
   Shotton, A.C.       Thompson, T.        Yellowley, J.
   Sidgwick, P.M.      Thompson, T.W.      Young, H.
   Simm, W.            Thompson, W.        Young, Jas.
   Simmons, J.         Toothill, B.        Young, John
   Skinner, J.         Trayner, F.
   Skipsey, E.S.       Trayner, J.J.
   Smith, A.           Tuff, J.J.  

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story