To the
Glory of God
and in honoured memory
of the men of
Byers Green
who laid down their lives
for their country
during the Great War.
1914 -
“Their bodies are buried in peace,
but their name liveth for evermore.”
Left panel Right panel
John Burdess Walter Kirkby
Joseph Clark George Lascelles
John Cornforth William Mason
Alexander Davison Jacob Pyle
George Davison Matthew Raine
William Davison William Raine
Robert Dinsley Joseph Robinson
Fred Dobson John Robson
Thomas Easton James Selby
Martin Gibbon James Henry Sheldon
Thomas Glendenning Richard Small
James Haddon Matthew Southeron
William Harrison John Tulip
Wilfred Harrison Joseph Turton
Arthur Hetherington George Warner
Henry Lightfoot Hetherington Brian Wetherell
Charles Hodgson Samuel Wherry
Solomon Jolly George Wilson
William Marley
Rear panel
1939 1945
John Briggs
William Moores
Joseph Michael OConnell
Arthur Eric Poynter
Albert Raw
John George Richardson
Laurence Scanlon
Sydney Smith
Frederick Ward
“Their seed shall remain for ever and
their glory shall not be blotted out”