Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside





Map ref

NZ 225337

Original Location


Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 12th April 1925 by Dr. T.A. Beresford Kane, J.P. of Bishop Auckland; dedicated by Rev. F.E. Loxley, Rector of Byers Green.
b. Memorial panel unveiled and wall dedicated 6th June 1948 by Rev. Richard Cartwright, Rector of St.Peter’s

Memorial Description

Maltese Cross of St.Cuthbert, 17 feet (5.18m) tall, weighing 2½ tons, on tapering square shaft with chamfered corners. It stands on a pedestal on two steps. The bottom step is protected by a low rail. The whole stands within a small concreted area with three-course stone wall surround, with flower tubs.
The dedication is on the front face of the pedestal, and names for 1914-18 are carried in a single column on the sides of the pedestal, those for 1939-45 on the back. The lettering is in sans serif plain capitals, with the quotations in italic capitals.

Materials used



a. To the / Glory of God / and in honoured memory / of the men of / Byers Green / who laid down their lives / for their country / during the Great War / 1914 -
“Their bodies are buried in peace, / but their name liveth for evermore.”
b. 1939-45
“Their seed shall remain for ever and / their glory shall not be blotted out"


Who commissioned

War Memorial Committee


a. £330
b. £175.00

How money was raised

a. Public subscription.
b. Monthly house to house collections; donations; sale of photographs; jumble sale; programme sales.

English Heritage Listing

Listed 1433893.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

a. Messrs. Lowes of Durham. b. William Allison & Sons tender of £175 was accepted.

Ownership and maintenance

Handed over to the Parish Council at the unveiling ceremony.


1. The addition of the names from 1939-45 included improvement of the site. These included the removal of the railings and the provision of a low stone wall set at an angle of 35 degrees. A hedge would also be removed and replaced by the old railings. These plans had been intended for the original memorial site but there were insufficient funds to do this.

2. The list of 1939-45 names submitted for addition to the memorial were printed in the parish magazine and included 'John Thomas Scanlon', which was adjusted to 'Laurence Scanlon' now on the memorial.

3. In the April 1948 parish magazine, “It will be noticed that the contractors have now started to carry out the work . . .we would like to appeal to the public-spiritedness of adults to teach the children not to interfere with the work and particularly to respect the sacredness of the Memorial itself. Children are just children after all but a kindly word will do much to show them that the opening out of the memorial is not a new playground”.

4. “The unveiling of the 1939-45 memorial panel and the dedication of the new stone walling tool place on Sunday June 5th (1948). It was most unfortunate that the weather was so bad but in spite of the rain there was a very large attendance of villagers.” (Parish Magazine May June 1948).

5. The costs had still not been met but house-to-house and other collections carried on afterwards. By the time the Committee was wound up in October 1948 the total raised covered the costs.

6. J.E. Cartwright, who submitted information on the 1939-45 addition to the memorial, is the son of Rev. Cartwright who was Chair of the 1939-45 War Memorial Committee.

7. Dr Kane, who unveiled the memorial in 1925, formerly had a practice in the village, and knew many of the men named on the memorial.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; photos and photo of 1948 dedication: J.E. Cartwright

Auckland and County Chronicle 16/04/1925 reports unveiling.

Durham County Advertiser 30/05/1924 reports proposed design.

Durham County Record Office
Ceremony for unveiling of 1914-18 memorial D/X 779/5/16;
Photo of memorial and Order of Service D/X 779/16/40-45;
Names on cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 D/X 779/69

The St.Peter’s Byers Green Parish Magazine Dec. 1947-Nov.1948 contain progress reports os the addition of the names from 1939-45 and the improvements to the site.

Darlington & Stockton Times 12/06/1948 reports unveiling.

Northern Despatch 07/06/1948 reports unveiling.

Spennymoor in Old Picture Postcards (A.J. Coia) carries a photograph of the memorial.

Sources of quotations:
“Their bodies are buried in peace . . .” Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 44
“Their seed shall remain . . .” Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 44 13

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; John and Mavis Dixon; Dorothy Hall; J.E. Cartwright; Yorkshire Regiment Remembrance

Research In Progress

Jim and John Grainger are creating an archive of information about each person named on the local War Memorials and would like to hear from anyone with stories, photographs or memorabilia. Contact:-

Cross 1914-18 1939-45 Roadside (B157.01)

BYERS GREEN      Roadside
   To the 
   Glory of God 
   and in honoured memory 
   of the men of 
   Byers Green 
   who laid down their lives 
   for their country
   during the Great War.
   1914 - 
   “Their bodies are buried in peace,
    but their name liveth for evermore.”
Left panel                      Right panel

   John Burdess                    Walter Kirkby
   Joseph Clark                    George Lascelles
   John Cornforth                  William Mason
   Alexander Davison               Jacob Pyle
   George Davison                  Matthew Raine
   William Davison                 William Raine
   Robert  Dinsley                 Joseph Robinson
   Fred Dobson                     John Robson
   Thomas Easton                   James Selby
   Martin Gibbon                   James Henry Sheldon
   Thomas Glendenning              Richard Small
   James Haddon                    Matthew Southeron
   William Harrison                John Tulip
   Wilfred Harrison                Joseph Turton
   Arthur Hetherington             George Warner
   Henry Lightfoot Hetherington    Brian Wetherell
   Charles Hodgson                 Samuel Wherry
   Solomon Jolly                   George Wilson
                                   William Marley
Rear panel

   1939 – 1945
   John Briggs
   William Moores
   Joseph Michael O’Connell
   Arthur Eric Poynter
   Albert Raw
   John George Richardson
   Laurence Scanlon
   Sydney Smith
   Frederick Ward  
   “Their seed shall remain for ever and 
   their glory shall not be blotted out”

You are looking at all the information and the best images we have so far on this memorial. If you can supply more information or better images please get in touch by sending an email to

Parish Notes

Every Name A Story