Memorial Details

Photo: Dorothy Hall


Garden 1914-18 1939-45 Village





Map ref

NZ 190485

Original Location

Northern end of village, on north side of Holmside Lane.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45
c. North West Frontier 1930

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 9th September 1920 by U.A. Ritson, dedicated by Rev. W. Chapman, vicar
b. Unveiled 10th June 1950 by Lord Lawson of Beamish; dedicated by Rev. Val Green, Vicar of Holmside Parish.

Memorial Description

Garden of Remembrance.

Brick building (?hand made colliery red brick) on concrete base has pitched tile roof with oak beams and two alcoves for seats on each side. There is a wooden cross on the roof over the central archway leading to the park inscribed “1919. To the glorious dead”.

On the columns dividing the recesses are six plaques each 53 inches (1.34m) high x 27 inches (685mm) wide of white polished granite for 1914-18. Lettering is incised and blackened.

On the rear inside wall are three more plaques each 24 inches (608mm) high x 41 inches (1.04m) wide of sandstone for the 1939-45 War.

In front of the building is a formal garden with a central area covered in stone chippings. In the middle is a bird-bath, the base of which is inscribed on all four faces.

Materials used

Brick building, marble plaques, sandstone plaques.


On building:
1919. To the Glorious Dead

On bird-bath:
To the glory of God.
Lest We Forget.
They shall grow not old.
A Garden of Remembrance.




How money was raised

Park donated by U.A. Ritson & Sons Ltd.

Present condition

Renovated and Rededicated 2017

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by Cackett, Burns and Dick, Architects, Newcastle; plaques made by Messrs Ayton of Blackhill; Messrs. Lee and Dunn who had built the entrance to the park.


1. The names on each plaque are in alphabetical order but the plaques themselves are not in sequence from left to right. The sequence is 2, 7, 3, 9, 1, 6, 8, 4, 5.

2. At the unveiling, Mr. Ritson was presented with a handsome walking stick.

3. A visit in 2006 showed that the area had been repaved, some metal fencing erected and a pit tub removed.

4. In 2016 a grant of £2,950 was awarded by War Memorials Trust towards restoration work.

5. The War Memorial was re-dedicated on the 10th November 2017 at 2 pm.

6. The Memorial is based on a common design of French Farms of the 1914-18 period.

7. The WMT was represented by James Pasby at the Re-dedication along with Dorothy Hall secretary of NEWMP.

8. The wooden seats within the alcoves have been replaced by metal seats.

9. The name of A. Moffatt, R.S., was added in 2017.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; John and Mavis Dixon, C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall

Illustrated Chronicle 06/09/1920 reports unveiling;

Northern Echo0 6/09/1920 reports unveiling.

Consett Guardian 10/09/1920 reports opening.

North Mail 06/09/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 05/06/1920 page 11; 11/09/1920 reports official opening.

Blaydon Courier 11/09/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 06/09/1920 reports opening of the park and dedication of the memorial.

Stanley News 06/10/1921 carries photo of memorial.

Beamish Museum copy of Programme of Unveiling of 1939-45 names and rededication in 1950.

Burnhope Our War Heritage - Who were our War Heroes Friends of Burnhope War Memorial 2018

Sources of quotations :
“Lest we forget” Recessional Rudyard Kipling;
“They shall grow not old” For the Fallen Lawrence Binyon

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; John & Mavis Dixon; C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall; War Memorials Trust

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Garden 1914-18 1939-45 Village (B153.01)

BURNHOPE   Northern end of village
Below cross on roof
On building: 
   To the glorious dead
On bird-bath:  
   To the 
   of God
   They shall not 
   grow old
   A Garden 
Panel 1
   Roll of Honour
   Armstrong, R.    R.A.M.C.
   Bell, F.         D.L.I.
   Burgess, W.H.L.  Scot. Rif.
   Cummings, N.     K.O.Y.L.I.
   Christelow, M.   D.L.I.
   Clarkson, E.H.   R.E.
   Corker, S.       D.L.I.
   Clough, J.       D.L.I.
   Coates, A.       D.L.I.
   Dixon, T.        N.F.
   Dixon, L.        Lincolns.
   Dobson, S.       D.L.I.
   Elliott, E.      D.L.I.
   Eggleton, Jas.   R.E.
   Edgar, G.O.      Yorks.
   Elliott, C.      Tyne Irish
Panel 2
   Roll of Honour
   Elliott, W.      R.E.
   Farbridge, R.    H.M.S. Marlborough
   Graham, G.       K.O.Y.L.I.
   Geddes, T.W.     R.N.D.
   Graver, A.       Worcesters.
   Hobbs, R.        D.L.I.
   Hodgson, J.      D.L.I.
   Heslop, M.       W. Yorks.
   Hughes, J.S.     D.L.I.
   Hall, W.         R.N.D.
   Johnson, C.      R.F.A.
   Moffatt, A.      R.S.
Panel 3
   Roll of Honour
   Ledger, M.       Hussars
   Ledger, R.       R.N.D.
   Marsh, G.        Yorks.
   Moss, F.         W. Yorks
   Mordue, J.       D.L.I.
   Morrison, S.     R.N.D.
   Mounsey, J.      N.F.
   Murray, W.       W. Yorks.
   McNeil, T.       Tyne.Scots.
   Morrison, A.     D.L.I.
   McHatton, J.     N.F.
   Craighill, A.    D.L.I.
Panel 4
   Roll of Honour
   McDonald, J.     Tyne.Scots.
   McDonald, T.     K.O.Y.L.I.
   O’Brien, W.      D.L.I.
   Petrie, J.W.     N.F.
   Pooley, S.       D.L.I.
   Pratt, S.        Innisk. Fus.
   Proctor, T.      R.N.D.
   Plummer, H.      R.E.
   Perry, E.        N.F.
   Robinson, B.     D.L.I.
   Robinson, T.     D.L.I.
Panel 5
   Roll of Honour
   Rudd, N.         D.L.I.
   Ridley, R.       D.L.I.
   Rutherford, B.   E. Yorks
   Robinson, J.     8th D.L.I.
   Scott, N.        D.L.I.
   Salmon, W.       Leic. Rgt.
   Salmon, M.       W. Yorks
   Smith, E.        D.L.I.
   Scott, J.        D.L.I.
   Scott, W.        N.F.
   Sanderson, J.    A.S.C.
Panel 6
   Roll of Honour
   Stoddart, J.     D.L.I.
   Smith, J.E.      R.F.A.
   Urwin, W.F.      D.L.I.
   Varey, F.        Hussars
   Wilson, J.       D.L.I.
   Wilson, J.       R.A.M.C.
   Wells, A.        D.L.I.
   Webster, G.      D.L.I.
   Weightman, M.    N.F.
   Walters, W.J.    R.E.
   Waugh, M.        H.M.S. Glatton
   Wake, T.         Tyne. Irish
   Whitney, J.      12th D.L.I.
   Waistell, W.     D.L.I.
   Walker, J.       N.F.
   Whitney, S.L.    8th D.L.I.
Panel 7
   Roll of Honour
   Pte. N. Simms.
   North West Frontier
   of India   1930.
Panel 8
   Roll of Honour
   1939 – 1945
   Barron, L.       R.A.
   Barron, R.       R.H.A.
   Bennett, J.      R.N.
   Cann, A.         R.E.
   Close, L.        R.A.F.
   Clarkson, O.     R.N.
   Gilroy, W.       R.A.F.C.
   Halpin, J.       G.H.
   Hilland. J.      R.A.F.
   Jose, S.         R.A.
Panel 9
   Roll of Honour
   1939 – 1945
   Ogden, G.        R.F.A.
   Robson, T.       P.C.
   Robson, T.       D.L.I.
   Smith, J.W.      D.L.I.
   Stewart, A.S.    W.A.A.F.
   Stephenson, R.   D.L.I.
   Stephenson, H.   W.G.
   Turner, J.       R.E.
   Willis, R.       R.N. 

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story