BEDLINGTON, St. Cuthbert's Church.
In memory of the men employed by the Bedlington Coal Coy.
who fought and fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918
the owners place their names here in grateful remembrance.
Allan, J.G. Dunn, J. Killoran, J.W. Riddle, J
Anderson, H. Dunn, W. Kinghorn, G. Ridley, W
Anderson, W.G. Eastham, J. Kinghorn, T. Rix, R.
Anderton, G. Easton, J.W. Latimer, D. Robertson, A.
Andrews, J. Elliott, D. Latty, W.G. Robinson, J.G.
Andrews, S. Elliott, G. Laws, A. Robinson, S.
Angus, J.C. Emery, T. Laws, G. Robson, C.
Angus, W. Fenwick, C. Leece, J.T. Robson, W.
Armstrong, R. Ferrier, G. Legg, R. Rogers, G.T.
Armstrong, R. Ferrier, J.R. Logan, R. Rogers, J.H.
Arries, J. Fitzimmons, D. Logan, T. Rogers, J.
Auld, J. Fitzimmons, N. Logan, W. Ronaldson, F.
Bailey, J. Fitzimmons, W. Lowes, G. Routledge, H.R.
Baker, H.G. Flockhart, W. Martin, H. Russell, A.
Barnes, J. Ford, A. Martin, J. Rutherford, J.
Barnett, W. Frazer, T.W. Mason, E. Sanderson, R.
Batchelor, C.H. Gaffy, G. Mason, J. Scott, G.W.
Batchelor, F. Gibbon, G.E. Mavin, A. Scott, Jas.
Batchelor, W.F. Gibbon, J. Maxwell, T. Scott, John.
Beverley, G. Gibson, G. McCabe, A. Scougall, J.F.
Black, I. Gill, M. McCabe, W. Shadforth, J.
Blomberg, F. Glenton, T. McHugh, J. Shaw, R.
Blaylock, J.W. Godsmark, J. McSherry, J. Shield, R.W.
Bolton, W. Grant, W. Meins, A. Short, R.
Bowman, J. Gray, G. Middlemiss, J. Simpson, W.
Brown, J.R. Gray, J. Middleton, W. Smith, W.
Brown, M. Gray, J.G. Miller, R. Smith, W.E.
Brown, W. Gray, T. Miller, T.M. Southern, W.
Brown, W. Green, J. Millican, M. Spencer, R.
Brown, W. Green, M.F. Millican, R. Spraggon, J.W.
Buglass, R.J. Green, R. Millican, T. Steel, W.
Burns, A. Hale, A. Moffatt, W. Stephenson, J.M.
Burrell, W. Hall, J. Montgomery, W. Stewart, B.
Burton, G. Hall, W. Moore, G.W. Stewart, T.L.
Bush, C.F. Hann, J. Mossman, T. Stewart, J.
Campbell, J. Hannay, T. Mouter, W. Stoddart, A.
Campbell, R. Hardy, W. Murphy, M. Stoddart, W.
Cape, T. Hare, A. Newman, J. Storey, T.
Carruthers, R. Harle, J. Newman, M. Summers, G.B.
Charlton, R. Harvey, R.J. Nichol, F.W. Swinhoe, J.
Chilton, R. Hay, G.H. Nicholson, Jas. Tait, S.
Chrisp, W. Hayles, H. Nicholson, Jos. Taylor, A.
Clark, H. Hedley, Jas. Nicholson, R. Taylor, G.
Clark, P.M. Hedley, Jos. Nicholson, W. Taylor, J.
Clark, P.P. Henderson, A.J. Nixon, J. Taylor, L.
Clouston, J.N. Henderson, F.C. Nordstrom, W. Ternent, G.
Cockburn, R. Henderson, W. O'Hare, J. Thane, D.
Collingwood, G. Hobson, W. Orkney, A. Thompson, H.
Colpitts, T.E. Holden, E. Osborne, A. Tosh, J.
Combs, W. Hope, G. Patterson, D.W. Tubby, E.
Coppin, J. Hudspeth, T. Pattison, J. Turnbull, J.
Cottrell, H. Hudspeth, T. Percy, J. Turner, J.W.
Cowan, J. Hunter, W. Phillips, W. Waite, W.
Cowans, T.H. Hunter, W. Porter, D. Walker, C.
Cram, W. Hutchinson, W. Potter, J.D. Walker, J.
Crame, G. Jackson, C. Price, H. Walker, W.
Cramer, C. James, R. Pringle, T. Wallace, C.
Craze, R. Jameson, W. Ramsay, G.W. Wardle, R.H.
Craze, W.J.H. Jefferson, C. Reay, D. Weatheritt, H.T.
Curry, T. Jefferson, H. Redpath, C. Weightman, J.
Davidson, J.R. Jefferson, W. Redpath, F. Whipps, J.
Davison, J.H. Jobson, C. Reed, J. White, A.
Dixon, H. Johnson, A. Reed, D. Wight, G.P.
Dixon, R. Johnson, F. Reed, J.W. Wolfendale, A.
Docherty, J. Johnson, T. Reid, R. Wonnicott, J.
Dodds, R. Joisce, W. Reynolds, J. Wood, W.
Doyle, T. Jude, G. Richardson, D. Wright, J.T.
Dunbar, J. Kelly, W. Richardson, J.W. Yeowart, J.
Dunn, G.R. Lawson, J.J.
The Great War 1914 1918