BEDLINGTON, Main Street.
Front face
Dogherty, J.G. Gray, J. Jefferson, H. Miller, J. Richardson, W.
Dodds, P.H. Grant, W. Jefferson, W. Miller, R. Riddell, J.
Dodds, R. Green, M.F. Jobson, G. Miller, T.M. Riddell, R.
Dunn, G.R. Hale, A. Joisce, G.R. Millne, F. Ridley, W.
Dunn, J.E. Hall, W. Jones, J.J. Molden, L. Ritchie, W.
Dunn, M. Hall, W.J. Jordan, J. Montgomery, W. Robinson, T.R.
Earl, J. Hallowell, J. Jordan, J.B. Nesbit, G. Robson, G.
Earl, S.H. Hann, J. Kane, J. Newman, J. Rogers, G.T.
Easton. J.W.L. Hannay, T. Kane, M. Newman, M. Rogers, J.H.
Elliott D. Hannay, W.S. Latty, W. Nicholson, W. Routledge, T.R.
Elliott, G. Hardy, D., M.M. Leggett, A.J. Nixon, J. Russell, A.
Elliott, J. Hay, G. Logan, R. Nordstrom, J.W. Rutherford, J.
Ellis, J.W. Hay, J.W. Lonsdale, J.R. O'Hare, J. Sanderson, J.
Eltis, J. Hay, J. Martin, J. Oliver, R.P. Scott, J.
Embleton, W. Henderson, A.J. Mason, J.K. Orange, J.T. Scougal, J.F.
Ferrier, G. Henderson, F.C. Mavin, A. Orange, S.F. Scougal, T.
Ferrier, J.R. Hindhaugh, G.H. McCabe, A. Patterson, J. Shadforth, J.
Fishwick, W. Hinson, T. McCabe, W. Pattison, W. Shaw, F.
Fitzsimmons, W. Hobson, W. McHugh, J. Pick, A.J. Shaw, R.
Foggon, G. Hopkins, W. McNally, R. Potter, J.D. Shaw, W.
Fraser, T. Howe, L. McSherry, J. Pyle, J. Smith, J.
Gaffey, R.G. Hunter, W. Middlemiss, H. Reay, D. Smith, W.E.
Gibson, G. Hutchison, J. Middleton, S. Redpath, J. Smyth, H.R.
Glenton, T. Jefferson, C. Middleton, J.W. Reed, E. Smyth, T.C.
Front middle pedestal
These fell in the Great European War
Remembered deeds nobly done
Heroes everyone
Front bottom pedestal
And these fell 1939-1945 in World War II
Liddle R. Miller M. O'Brien G.J. Prime R.
Lynn L. Moore S.E. Orange W. Richardson R. Smith J.B.
McCabe J.T. Mullen D. Park T.H. Richardson SFO. Smith JWT DFM
Miller D. Nicholson Minnie Potter D.T. Riley T.R. Smith N.
Left face: Right face
Armstrong, J.T. Steel, W.
Arries, J.M. Stephenson, J.M.
Ayre, J.F. Steward, J.
Barnes, J. Stewart, T.L.
Bell, J.A. Stoddart, A.
Brookes, E. Stoddart, W.
Brown, W. Stoker, J.R.
Campbell, J. Stoker, T.J.
Carroll, J. Straker, A.C.
Charlton, E. Swindle, G.C.
Clark, J.W. Taylor, S.
Collingwood, G. Taylor, L.
Collingwood, J.R.C. Tindal, L.E.
Collpitts, T.E. Turner, J.
Cook, E. Walker, W.
Cowans,T.W.,MM. Weatherly, T.W.
Craze, R. White, G.P.
Craze, W.J.N. Wolfendale, A.
Crickmer, L. Young, G.R.
Davis, G.E. Reed, J.
Dixon, H. Thompson, A.
Dixon, J.W. Batchelor, W.F.
Dixon, W.E. Beverley, G.
Docherty, J. Bradford, J.J.
Left middle pedestal Right middle pedestal
Richardson, D. Bown, T.
Scurfield, J. Burn, J.
Tait, S. Burn, W.
Tosh, J. Hare, O.
Tulley, C. James, T.
Jude, G. Lamb, J.
Shotton, J. Martin, E.
Left bottom pedestal (1939-45) Right bottom pedestal (1939-45)
Atchison T.T. Dixon R.P. Stevens R.R. Thompson A.W.
Brown J.G. Dott W. Rutherford W. Tate E.W. D.F.C. Thompson S.W.
Bruce J. Forster W. Taylor G. Walker T.
Butcher J. Cowans H. Teasdale O.A. White R.
Caisley J.W. Jobson J.T. Ternent J.W. Young E. D.F.M.
Smallman J. Smith P. Russell J.A.