Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Wall 1914-18 1939-45 Memorial Garden





Map ref


Original Location

Memorial Park. Between Station Road and A1027 (Bypass road), south of the junction with Central Avenue, about three quarters of a mile from St. Cuthbert’s church.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 19th July 1954, dedicated by Canon F.C. Tymms, Vicar of Billingham.
Plaques dedicated 1960.

Memorial Description

Memorial garden of a two-acre triangular site laid out with trees, flowerbeds, and pathways.

The memorial stone faces east a few yards back from Station Road. It comprises a wall 6 feet high x 9 feet 6 inches wide of 24 dressed stone blocks with dwarf wings. On it are three plaques, each 3 feet 2 inches high x 2 feet wide, inset, bearing the names in three columns on each, under the headings “World War I and “World War II”. Above them, the words “In memoriam” are incised into the stone. The lettering is in raised Roman capitals. In front is a rough boulder 3 feet 6 inches high x 2 feet at base tapering to 1 foot 8 inches wide x 2 feet 5 inches x 1 foot 4 inches deep at the top. A plaque 1 foot high x 1 foot 8 inches wide is placed at the front. The lettering is in raised Roman capitals.
There is a flagpole to the rear.

Materials used

Dressed stone wall, rough stone boulder, bronze plaques.


On wall :
In Memoriam
In loving memory of the / men and women of Billingham / who gave their lives in the / Two World Wars
On boulder
Garden of Remembrance / In memory of / the men and women of Billingham / who gave their lives / in the two World Wars / 1914-1918 and 1939-1945



Landscaping in 1954 cost £2,050.


1. In 1950 the site was decided upon. It consisted of 3 allotments and a market garden owned by the Church Commissioners who gave 1 acre 5 perches to the Council.

2. In 1955 the women’s section of the Royal British Legion donated a sundial 15/06/1955 and later were allotted a small plot in front of the screen to put in wooden crosses.

3. 1956. Carpet bedding was laid out in a bed 30 feet long x 6 feet wide with “Lest We Forget 1914-1918 1939-1945 in two-foot high red letters on a yellow background with grey and white borders.

4. 1957. The problem of plaques arose. These were to go originally on the Post Office Wall to the south but were subsequently placed on the stone wall erected for the purpose behind the existing memorial.

5. An additional acre of land was bought in 1960 for £160 and landscaped.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine; C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall

Stockton Library Billingham UDC Minutes 1947-8 pages 588, 628, 735; 1948-9 page 723; 1949-50 pages 241, 325, 436

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; R. Henderson; Tony Harding

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Wall 1914-18 1939-45 Memorial Garden (B139.05)

BILLINGHAM    In Memorial Garden  
   In Memoriam
First plaque 
   In loving memory of the
   men and women of Billingham
   who gave their lives in the
   Two World Wars
   WORLD WAR I                              
   R.W. Adams       J. Carr          J.E. Gibson 
   T.D. Adams       T. Carr          W.H. Gill 
   R. Addison       J.A. Cattermole  J. W. Green 
   R. Addison       J. Christopher   F. Handley 
   E. Andrews       M. Connolly      M. Handley    
   P. Archer        O. Connolly      T. Handley    
   T. Archer        F. Copeland      W. Handley    
   J. Ashley        B. Cotterill     J. Hanna      
   J. Banner        T.H Corner       P. Hanna      
   J. Barker        F. Cowley        W. Harris     
   P. Barker        W. Cowley        G. Heatley 
   J. Bateman       T. Craby         F. Helm       
   A. Batey         O. Daniel        J. Hillyard   
   W. Batey         G. Davies        J. Holmes     
   P. Bennions      E. Davison       T. Johnson    
   A. Bollands      C. Darling       F. Keenan     
   G. Bolton        P. Devlin        R. Keenan     
   J. Bradburn      J. Dobson        M. Kelly      
   P. Bradburn      T. Dobson        J. Knowles    
   A. Brammall      R. Dudley        J.K. Lambert    
   R. Britton       J. Duncan        J. Largan   
   G. Brooks        R. Duncan        P. Lavey      
   H. Brown         T. Evans         J. Lax        
   R. Brown         W. Fenny         H. Lonsdale   
   A. Buckley       H. Fisher        J.P. Loughran 
   Rev. M. Burdess  W. Fleet         T. Loughran   
   A. Burrows       G.W. Forster     J. McDean     
   F. Burrows       J. Fox           F. McGee      
   F. Burrows       C. French.       P. McNamee 
Second plaque 
   J. Maddock       B. Redhead       S. Tulip
   J. Martin        H.S. Richards    W. Turner        
   J. Mellon        W. Rowe          R. Tyreman    
   J. Metcalfe      J. Sankey        J.W. Vasey     
   G. Micklin       H. Shaw          J.H. Walker     
   G.S. Middleton   J. Shires        A. Waller       
   J.T. Monaghan    A.E. Shone       A.A. Waller    
   J.C.P. Mountain  T. Shute         J. Watson    
   C. Oakes         E.R. Smith       R.H. Watson    
   F. Oakes         H. Smith         G. Whitlow       
   J. O‘Brien       R. Smith         W. Wigley        
   H.A. Parnaby     R. Smith         T. Williamson    
   A. Pearson       E.A. Stephenson  F. Wilson        
   A. Pearson       F. Stewart       E. Wood          
   R. Pemberton     B. Swinburn      E.G. Wood        
   G. Perks         P. Towey         G.W. Wood        
   H. Purver        J Tulip          H. Wood          
                      WORLD WAR II                
   G. Adams         J. Boughton      G. Cook          
   A. Appleton      K. Bowes         J. Cooling       
   F. Appleton      C.M.A. Brack     H. Copeland      
   F. Armstrong     P.J. Brennan     N. Corbett       
   J.Y. Aubne       B.A. Brown       E. Corbyn        
   J. Austin        J.D. Brown       P. Corey         
   E.B. Barker      G. Burns         W. Coverdale     
   F. Bailey        J.L. Caddy       H. Crinnion      
   G.A. Barlow      N. Casson        G.J. Devlin      
   A.C. Bautrie     R.K. Chambers    G. Dixon         
   A. Beasley       J. Chapman       M.B. Dixon       
   J. Bell          R.A. Charlton    C. Dobson       
   H.F. Billing     R. Charlton      S. Doherty       
   J.H. Blackwell   M.A. Cockburn    T.A. Dowd        
   F. Bolland       G. Cogan         J.W. Dowson      
   H.F. Booth       T. Collins       D. Dunham        
   J.R. Bough       K. Conlon        E.W. Durrant     
Third Plaque
   C. Ellerton      T. Liddle        R.W. Smith
   A.E. Elsey       C.P. Littler     L. Sowerby
   H. Fawcett       J.R. Loy         J. Stamp
   F. Ferguson      G. Lumley        J. Stone    
   F. Finlayson     J.P. McCallum    J. Stones     
   T.C. Gales       J. McCullogh     S.F. Stones  
   J. Geraghty      R. McIntyre      O.J. Summers 
   R. Gibson        P. McLean        A.D. Taylor
   C.H. Glover      K. McPartland    L. Taylor
   M. Gormley       J. Malone        A. Tennant
   F. Gormly        J.W. Mason       F. Tennant
   J.B. Greenwell   R.S. Meachen     J.D. Tennant
   E. Hall          W.C. Meachen     A. Thompson
   A. Hancock       G. Meurs         G.G. Thompson 
   M. Hanna         J. Meurs         R. Thompson
   J.W. Harris      P. Morgan        E. Vallely 
   J.A. Harrison    E. Moscrop       E. Vallely
   W. Harrison      D. Mulholland    R. Walker
   N. Haynes        J.R. Nicholson   M. Walsh  
   F.J. Heaney      R. Nicholson     R.M. Walters
   P.R. Hill        J.J. O‘Connor    P. Webb
   F.H. Holland     J. Oliver        H. Webster
   G. Horton        B. Orrick        G. Weddle 
   J.C. Houghton    V. Peacock       W. Weddle
   D. Hulme         A. Pearson       J.R. Wilcox 
   J. Humpish       C.J. Plant       C.H. Willoughby
   F. Husband       N. Pollard       D.C. Wilson
   R.F. Hutchinson  M. Quinn         J. Wilson   
   S. Isley         J. Reid          R. Wilson     
   T.R. Isley       R.W. Richardson  G. Wind  
   F.J. Jackson     T. Rogers        J. Wood 
   C. Jelley        T. Rooke         T.H. Woodgate 
   J. Kevaney       A.P.S.J. Rowe    J. Woodhall
   J. Kilgallon     M. Shepherd      J.W. Woodhall
   F.M. King        M. Shepherd      H. Woolley
   G.D. Lamb        C.R. Shields
Names B139.05    

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