1939 1945
Imperial Chemical Industries
To the proud memory
of the employees of Billingham
who lost their lives
in the Second World War
Right plaque
Adam J.R. Chirnside J.W.
Agnew P. Clewes H.
Alexandra G.P. Cockcroft A.N.
Allan J.H. Cogan G.
Allenby J.G. Coleman A.W.
Appleby J.R. Collins T.
Askey G. Cook R.
Barker E.B. Cooper T.B.
Barker H.V. Cooper W.
Barker J. Corbett N.
Barry W. Corbyn E.
Barwick J.W. Corey J.P.
Beasley A. Coupe H.
Bell J.E. Coverdale W.
Bennett J. Craggs T.
Boddy D. Crinnion H.
Bough J.R. Crowe J.W.
Bowyer F.L.L. Curry W.
Brennan P.J. Darby W.H.
Brown J.D. Dawson L. Miss
Brown J.T. Devlin G.J.
Burlison J.W. Dixon J.S.
Burns G. Dixon T.A.
Burrell R. Dobson C.
Cannon A.G. Dowd J.
Chambers W. Dowles S.J.
Chapman J. Dowling J.
Chesser J. Dowson J.W.
Back plaque
Duff W. Harding J. Lumley G.E.
Dunford W.A. Harding W.E. McCoy J.
Dyer H. Hardisty J.E. McIntyre R.
Eaton C.H. Harrison J.A. McIntyre S.
Ellerton C. Hay E.A.M. McKenzie J.E.
Evans D.L. Haynes N. MacLean D.
Fellows A.E. Helyer L.W. McLean P.J.G.
Finlayson F.K. Hemshall J.E. Malone J.
Fisher D. Hendry M. Mason J.W.
Flanigan A. Heslop H.B. Matthews G.
Fleming J. Heydon G. Meek A.
Forsyth J.J. Hobbs W.L. Mitchell E.R.
Galloway-Wilson B.G. Holland H.F. Mitchell J.
Ganner J.B. Horton G. Moore A.B.
Gavin L. Hume T. Moore F.
Gleave H. Irving W. Morgan P.
Goldsbrough J.H. Jackson F.H. Morrison W.
Gormley F. Jackson W.H. Morton A.
Gormley R.M. Jelley C. Murphy H.
Grieves D. Kelly E.R. Musson C.R.
Griffiths C.W. Kerr L. Nicholson J.R.
Hagan F. Kilgallon J. Oliver D.C.
Hall J. Lamb C. Oliver J.
Hall R. Lamb G.D. Oliver J.D.
Halliday R. Laverick A. Oxley A.
Hamilton T. Laythorpe T. Patterson D.G.
Hannaford R.L. Learoyd R.J.D. Pitt W.
Elsy A.E. Littler C. Morgan J.
Hancock A. Sidgwick C.T.
McLean T. Wharton J.
Left plaque
Plant A.E. Stones S.F.
Plant D. Stubbs R.P.
Preston C. Taylerson W.L.
Price G.S. Taylor G.T.L.
Reavley A.E. Taylor L.E.
Reid J. Thompson G.G.
Richardson J.H. Thompson J.
Richardson R.A. Vetters S.H.
Richardson R.W. Waller N.
Ridsdale T.W. Walsh M.H.
Rigg J.D. Walton J.
Roberts F.D. Waterland F.
Robinson G.W. Watkins E.
Robinson J. Watson T.S.
Rooke T. Webster D.M. Miss
Scott M.J. Weddle G.
Scully P. Whittingham C.
Shearer J.A. Widdowfield J.
Sigsworth J.W. Wilcox J.R.
Smith A. Willoughby C.H.
Smith C. Wilson G.H.
Smith F.W. Wilson J.
Smith R.W. Wilson R.A.
Smithson J. Wilson T.
Southgate J.W. Wood J.
Spears J.S. Wood N.
Stamp J.H. Woodgate T.H.
Stephenson J.D. Woodhall J.
Wright R.E.
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