Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Ken Marsden


Statue 1914-18 1939-45 Cemetery





Map ref

NZ 188630

Original Location

Blaydon Cemetery, to the left of the Cemetery Gates.

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled 7th April 1923 by Miss Cowen; dedicated by Rev. E.V. Simpkinson, M.A., Rector of Stella St.Cuthbert’s.

Memorial Description

Statue of soldier in greatcoat, resting on a reversed rifle, total height 17 feet. He stands on a square stone pedestal which is on a pedestal, which in turn stands on three shallow steps inside a small area with kerb and solid iron fence. On the front face is a laurel wreath in half relief, below which is the dedication.
The names from 1914-18 are in two columns on all four faces of the pedestal. The dedication for 1939-45 is on the front of the pedestal, and the names are incised in four columns on each of the remaining four sides. Lettering is in sans serif capitals.

Materials used



a. To the glory of God / and in memory of those of Blaydon / and District who fell in the Great War / 1914-1918
b. Also those of Blaydon / who died at home and abroad
Their name liveth forever


Who commissioned

War Memorial Committee


Approx. £1,000

How money was raised

Miss Jane Cowen and her brother Col. Joseph Cowen of Stella Hall each gave £200, starting the public subscription fund, and they also made up the deficit at the end.

Present condition

Very good

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed and made by Robert Warrack Morrison of Aberdeen.

Ownership and maintenance

At the unveiling, the memorial was formally handed over to the Blaydon Burial Board to be kept for the inhabitants for all time.


1. After the unveiling ceremony, Miss Cowen was presented with a silver statuette of a soldier in full equipment on an ebony plate with the inscription "Presented to Miss Jane Cowen of Stella Hall on the occasion of the unveiling of the Blaydon War Memorial 7th April 1923".

2. It was reported that over 1,500 men from the town had joined the colours, of whom over 300 fell.

3. In At the Going Down of the Sun, mention is made of a Memorial Booklet which lists 306 names. Copies of these were given to the nearest relatives of the fallen, the cost being borne by Miss Cowen.

4. It was suggested that the memorial be for the whole area rather than individual ones for the wards. One was already in hand for Winlaton and another for Spen. One suggestion was that Parkhead Hall, Winlaton, should be made into a hospital.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Ken Marsden; J. Brown; Old postcards: Dorothy Hall; Tony Harding

Illustrated Chronicle 27/03/1923 carries photo of memorial; 04/04/1923 gives details of forthcoming unveiling;

Northern Echo 28/08/1922 reports proposed unveiling; 09/04/1923 reports unveiling; 12/11/1923 reports giving booklets to relatives

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 31/03/1923 reports unveiling. 07/04/1923 reports unveiling; 14/04/1923 reports unveiling

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 17/09/1921 reports proposals for fund raising; 04/11/1921 reports raising of 14,099 shillings towards the proposed target of 20,000 shillings; 17/02/1922 reports agreement on the site being in the cemetery.

Blaydon Courier 15/02/1919 reports discussion in Note 4 above; 02/04/1921 carries a letter discussing whether donations should be anonymous or not; 05/11/1921 lists subscribers to the shilling fund; 26/08/1922 carries list of names for the memorial; 17/03/1923 reports proposed unveiling; 31/03/1923 carries a drawing of the memorial

Tyne & Wear Archives Dept Joseph Cowen Papers, Acc.634, Catalogue Vol.I, p.229 shows that Nos. D529 to D533 relate to this memorial, including album of photographs taken at the unveiling, a booklet about the memorial and a draft of Jane Cowen's speech at the unveiling.

Gateshead Library Local Studies Dept. copies of the material in Tyne & Wear Archives Dept. on fiche with reader and copier. Also Programme of the Unveiling Ceremony.

At the Going Down of the Sun Derek Boorman.

Gateshead Borough Council List showing Grade II Listing.

Newcastle City Library has copy of the unveiling programme.

Leopard- The Magazine for North East Scotland August 2005 carries an article about Robert Warrack Morrison who sculpted the statue.

Source of quotation
“Their name liveth for ever” Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 44

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Additional Research documents (click to download)

Research acknowledgements

The late R.W. Gould; Ken Marston; Tony Harding; Janet Brown; Nan Smith; James Pasby; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

Winlaton Local History Society are researching the names on this memorial Contact:- Contact:

Statue 1914-18 1939-45 Cemetery (B111.01)

BLAYDON     Cemetery   
Front Face
   To the glory of God 
   and in memory of those of Blaydon 
   and District, who fell in the Great War 
   Thomas Anderson          Thomas Banks
   Robert Anderson          Tom Barton
   George E. Armstrong      Fred Barton
   John Armstrong           George W. Bryant
   J. Stanley Adamson       Joseph E. Bailey
   Septimus Amos            George R. Bowen
   Walter Amos              William E. Brewis
   George H. Allan          Albert G. Batey
   John M. Archer           James Batey
   Thomas Ayre              John S. Birss
                            John J. Beckingham
   William Brown            James J. Bellamy
   Robert Brown             Thomas Ballantyne
   Charles Brown            John Bates
   James Brown              Tom Bates
   Isaac Brown              John Barrett
   Alfred Brown             Marriott Blackburn
   Alexander S. Brown       John A. Bell
   Tommy N. Brown           H. Sidney Bell
   Tom N. Brown             William Burke
   Thomas Brown             James Birkett
   Donald A. Brown          David T. Blackburn
   James Banks              Robert Brown
   Albert W. Bryant         W. Cawthorne
Lower pedestal
   Also those of Blaydon 
   who died at home and abroad 
   Their name liveth for evermore 
Right Face
   R. Carr
   Michael Carr             Joseph Fleming
   Robert Carr              James W. Forster
   James Carr               John W. Forster
   Edward Chilton           George Farrow
   William D. Chilton       George Fletcher
   William D. Corby         Frederick Finlay
   Richard H. Clark
   Robert Clark             Robert H. Gill
   Albert Clark             John E. Gair
   William Cawthorn         William Gray
   M. Cawthorn              John Gray
   John Campbell            Joseph Greener
   James E. Crompton        Thomas Gee
   John Colgan              William Glennon
   George Craig             Jesse Grundy
   T. Coates                Cyril E. Gadsden
   Fred Cann                Alfred J. Gobey
   J. Wilson Creighton      John R. Gilhespy
   G. Chapman               G. Hopper
   William N. Cairns        T. Hymers Hopper
   Robert Chisholm          John H. Hopper
   H. Cotterell             Robert Hopper
   Nicholas F. Davison      William Hewitt
   James Davison            John C. Hewitt
   John W. Davidson         Charles C. Hands
   John K. Dodds            Thomas Hands
   William Dodds            Albert Hogg
   Thomas Dodds             Thomas Haywood
   John Dobby               Ernest E. Hoyland
   Peter Devlin             John T. Hutchinson
   Walter Daglish           Thomas Hindmore
   Joseph Douglass          William R. Heppell
   Thomas Denny             John W. Harwood
   John W. Dixon            John P. Heanaghan
   Irving Dixon             William R. Hawdon
   William Dixon            Samuel Higgins
   James Dixon              Adam Hodgson
   Tom Dale                 Robert Holliday
   John Dunwoodie           Henry Haywood
                            Richard Harrison
   Wilfred Elliott          George Harrison
   John Elder               David Howie
   John W. Edgar            Charles H. Handyside
Lower pedestal
   G.E. Aiston              ARMY                J.R. Hall
   W.R. Boyd                                    G. Hepple
   J. Brennen     R. Covell     M. Forster      J.T. Ideson
   J. Brett       W.G. Crone    T. Gascoigne    T.W. Kelly
   G.W.G. Brown   G. Dixon      W. Gee          J. King
   J.R. Cairns    T. Dodd       J. Gray         R. King
   J.G. Chatto    M. Duffy      G. Gaul         J. Leighton
   E.R. Copeland  F. Elliott    H.F. Hall       J.N. March
Rear Face
   Thomas Horrocks          William J. Melvin
   Duncan Halliday          John J.G. Mills
   James Home               Joseph March
   William Hall             Joseph Marshall
   William Hall             John Marshall
   Joseph Holmes            George Marshall
   James Hayes              Dominic Murphy
   Thomas Irving            John Maughan
   J. Hughes                J.B. Maude
   E. Llewellyn James       Stephen McKenna
   William L. Jones         Peter McKenna
   Reginald D. Jobling      James McKay
   Ernest Jobling           James McChrystal
   James Johnson            Thomas W. McGurk
   A. Johnson               Anthony McFarlane
   Charles Johnson          S. McMaster
                            Alfred MacRae
   John Kinsey
   Joseph Kirkup            James Nelson
   Felix H. Kelly           Phillip Nelson
   Patrick Kelly            Edward Nelson
   Charles Kendal           David J. Noble
   George Kendal            Robert Noon
   G. Kendal                Joseph Noon
   Timothy Killila          Michael Nacey
   Richard Knotts           William Newton
   J. Lowden                Robert E. Nicholson
   Robert Llewellyn
   Richard Llewellyn        William Osborne
   Alfred Lowdon            John Ormston
   Edward Lowdon            John Ogle
   George Lowdon            George J. Ogilvie
   Alexander Lyall
   John Lyall               James Philipson
   Frederick W. Lennox      George Philipson
   Alex Laybourn            Edward A. Puddifoot
   William Lakey            Bertie Puddifoot
   John Lavery              James Patterson
   Charles Lertoria         Bolton Patterson
   James Lee                Joseph G. Purvis
   George Lucas             William Purvis
   Thomas Mitchinson        George R. Porthouse
   William Murray           Joseph Pentland
   Charles E. Mason         William J. Polkinghorne
   Andrew Mitchinson        George H. Pedelty
   Thomas Mulvaney          Charles Pletts
Lower pedestal
   R. Maughan        ARMY        J.J. Rowley      R.A.F.
   T. Moore                      T.W. Sheldon     W.H. Browell
   R.M.K. McCloud J. Purvis      J.G. Stainthorpe J. Horan
   T. McElvough   R. Richardson  J.D. Thompson MM G. Hughes
   A.J. McRae     R. Rogerson    F. Thorburn     D. McEwen
   M.G. Parker                   R. Watson       W.J. Mordue
   W. Pelling     N.A.A.F.I.     A. Whistance    J. Taylor
   W.S. Porter    Frances Macey  J.H. Whistance
Left Face
   Septimus Potter          Matthew M. Twizell
   Henry Potter             George Turner
   John F. Pattison         Cuthbert Turner
   Lancelot Parkin          Joseph B. Tolson
   Edward Parker            William J. Trembath
   James R. Potts           James S.H. Turbitt
   Walter Payne             John G. Taylor
                            Walter Thompson
   William Robinson         William Thompson
   Thomas Rochester         Thomas Todd
   Charles Rochester        John H. Tweddle
   Thomas H. Richardson     William Tunley
   James Richardson         Robert Thorburn
   Harry Richardson         David Trotter
   Joseph Robson            E.D. Telford
   John Robson              Charles E. Usher
   Frank Roberts            Joseph Vallans
   John Robertson           Thomas Vallans
   Frederick T. Rogers      Thomas Vallans
   Joseph Raper             John Vallans
   William Rogerson         George Vallans
   Henry Ridley             William Vallans
   William Riley            William D. Whinham
                            John G. Welsh
   Richard H. Spoors        T. William Wilson
   Lancelot J. Swan         William Wilson
   Thomas Swan              Joseph Wilson
   J. William Scott         John Wilson
   Ernest Scott             Tennant Wormald
   John J. Surrey           George H. Watson
   George E. Strange        Robert Watson
   John Shippen             Thomas Watson
   Robert Story             J. Watson
   Owen Sullivan            J. Watson
   Thomas Stonehouse        Philip Walsh
   Alfred E. Stokoe         William Wallace
   John W. Shaw             William Wintrip
   William Somerville       Thomas Wormald
   Robert Somerville        Richard Woods
   Thomas E. Steel          James Wears
   William H. Stockdale     Alexander White
                            John T. Walton
   Thomas Tench             E. Waugh
   Richard Tench            Charles Yallop
   Joseph Tulip
   Robert Tulip             Nurse May G. Brinton
Lower pedestal
              R.N.                 M.N.            CIVILIANS
   R. Beveridge      R. Faulder    N. Fenwick      Albert Dodgson
   G. Cameron        J.B. Ivison   J.H. Gee        Emily Dodgson
   H. Carr           E. Parker     A. Hogg         Thelma Dodgson
   A. Charlton       G.S. Pringle  G. Maughan      Martin Heanaghan
   P.F. Crossey DSM. J. Thompson   J. Summerville  John H. Moore
   G. Davison                                      Margaret Moore

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story