BLAYDON Cemetery
Front Face
To the glory of God
and in memory of those of Blaydon
and District, who fell in the Great War
Thomas Anderson Thomas Banks
Robert Anderson Tom Barton
George E. Armstrong Fred Barton
John Armstrong George W. Bryant
J. Stanley Adamson Joseph E. Bailey
Septimus Amos George R. Bowen
Walter Amos William E. Brewis
George H. Allan Albert G. Batey
John M. Archer James Batey
Thomas Ayre John S. Birss
John J. Beckingham
William Brown James J. Bellamy
Robert Brown Thomas Ballantyne
Charles Brown John Bates
James Brown Tom Bates
Isaac Brown John Barrett
Alfred Brown Marriott Blackburn
Alexander S. Brown John A. Bell
Tommy N. Brown H. Sidney Bell
Tom N. Brown William Burke
Thomas Brown James Birkett
Donald A. Brown David T. Blackburn
James Banks Robert Brown
Albert W. Bryant W. Cawthorne
Lower pedestal
Also those of Blaydon
who died at home and abroad
Their name liveth for evermore
Right Face
R. Carr
Michael Carr Joseph Fleming
Robert Carr James W. Forster
James Carr John W. Forster
Edward Chilton George Farrow
William D. Chilton George Fletcher
William D. Corby Frederick Finlay
Richard H. Clark
Robert Clark Robert H. Gill
Albert Clark John E. Gair
William Cawthorn William Gray
M. Cawthorn John Gray
John Campbell Joseph Greener
James E. Crompton Thomas Gee
John Colgan William Glennon
George Craig Jesse Grundy
T. Coates Cyril E. Gadsden
Fred Cann Alfred J. Gobey
J. Wilson Creighton John R. Gilhespy
G. Chapman G. Hopper
William N. Cairns T. Hymers Hopper
Robert Chisholm John H. Hopper
H. Cotterell Robert Hopper
Nicholas F. Davison William Hewitt
James Davison John C. Hewitt
John W. Davidson Charles C. Hands
John K. Dodds Thomas Hands
William Dodds Albert Hogg
Thomas Dodds Thomas Haywood
John Dobby Ernest E. Hoyland
Peter Devlin John T. Hutchinson
Walter Daglish Thomas Hindmore
Joseph Douglass William R. Heppell
Thomas Denny John W. Harwood
John W. Dixon John P. Heanaghan
Irving Dixon William R. Hawdon
William Dixon Samuel Higgins
James Dixon Adam Hodgson
Tom Dale Robert Holliday
John Dunwoodie Henry Haywood
Richard Harrison
Wilfred Elliott George Harrison
John Elder David Howie
John W. Edgar Charles H. Handyside
Lower pedestal
G.E. Aiston ARMY J.R. Hall
W.R. Boyd G. Hepple
J. Brennen R. Covell M. Forster J.T. Ideson
J. Brett W.G. Crone T. Gascoigne T.W. Kelly
G.W.G. Brown G. Dixon W. Gee J. King
J.R. Cairns T. Dodd J. Gray R. King
J.G. Chatto M. Duffy G. Gaul J. Leighton
E.R. Copeland F. Elliott H.F. Hall J.N. March
Rear Face
Thomas Horrocks William J. Melvin
Duncan Halliday John J.G. Mills
James Home Joseph March
William Hall Joseph Marshall
William Hall John Marshall
Joseph Holmes George Marshall
James Hayes Dominic Murphy
Thomas Irving John Maughan
J. Hughes J.B. Maude
E. Llewellyn James Stephen McKenna
William L. Jones Peter McKenna
Reginald D. Jobling James McKay
Ernest Jobling James McChrystal
James Johnson Thomas W. McGurk
A. Johnson Anthony McFarlane
Charles Johnson S. McMaster
Alfred MacRae
John Kinsey
Joseph Kirkup James Nelson
Felix H. Kelly Phillip Nelson
Patrick Kelly Edward Nelson
Charles Kendal David J. Noble
George Kendal Robert Noon
G. Kendal Joseph Noon
Timothy Killila Michael Nacey
Richard Knotts William Newton
J. Lowden Robert E. Nicholson
Robert Llewellyn
Richard Llewellyn William Osborne
Alfred Lowdon John Ormston
Edward Lowdon John Ogle
George Lowdon George J. Ogilvie
Alexander Lyall
John Lyall James Philipson
Frederick W. Lennox George Philipson
Alex Laybourn Edward A. Puddifoot
William Lakey Bertie Puddifoot
John Lavery James Patterson
Charles Lertoria Bolton Patterson
James Lee Joseph G. Purvis
George Lucas William Purvis
Thomas Mitchinson George R. Porthouse
William Murray Joseph Pentland
Charles E. Mason William J. Polkinghorne
Andrew Mitchinson George H. Pedelty
Thomas Mulvaney Charles Pletts
Lower pedestal
R. Maughan ARMY J.J. Rowley R.A.F.
T. Moore T.W. Sheldon W.H. Browell
R.M.K. McCloud J. Purvis J.G. Stainthorpe J. Horan
T. McElvough R. Richardson J.D. Thompson MM G. Hughes
A.J. McRae R. Rogerson F. Thorburn D. McEwen
M.G. Parker R. Watson W.J. Mordue
W. Pelling N.A.A.F.I. A. Whistance J. Taylor
W.S. Porter Frances Macey J.H. Whistance
Left Face
Septimus Potter Matthew M. Twizell
Henry Potter George Turner
John F. Pattison Cuthbert Turner
Lancelot Parkin Joseph B. Tolson
Edward Parker William J. Trembath
James R. Potts James S.H. Turbitt
Walter Payne John G. Taylor
Walter Thompson
William Robinson William Thompson
Thomas Rochester Thomas Todd
Charles Rochester John H. Tweddle
Thomas H. Richardson William Tunley
James Richardson Robert Thorburn
Harry Richardson David Trotter
Joseph Robson E.D. Telford
John Robson Charles E. Usher
Frank Roberts Joseph Vallans
John Robertson Thomas Vallans
Frederick T. Rogers Thomas Vallans
Joseph Raper John Vallans
William Rogerson George Vallans
Henry Ridley William Vallans
William Riley William D. Whinham
John G. Welsh
Richard H. Spoors T. William Wilson
Lancelot J. Swan William Wilson
Thomas Swan Joseph Wilson
J. William Scott John Wilson
Ernest Scott Tennant Wormald
John J. Surrey George H. Watson
George E. Strange Robert Watson
John Shippen Thomas Watson
Robert Story J. Watson
Owen Sullivan J. Watson
Thomas Stonehouse Philip Walsh
Alfred E. Stokoe William Wallace
John W. Shaw William Wintrip
William Somerville Thomas Wormald
Robert Somerville Richard Woods
Thomas E. Steel James Wears
William H. Stockdale Alexander White
John T. Walton
Thomas Tench E. Waugh
Richard Tench Charles Yallop
Joseph Tulip
Robert Tulip Nurse May G. Brinton
Lower pedestal
R. Beveridge R. Faulder N. Fenwick Albert Dodgson
G. Cameron J.B. Ivison J.H. Gee Emily Dodgson
H. Carr E. Parker A. Hogg Thelma Dodgson
A. Charlton G.S. Pringle G. Maughan Martin Heanaghan
P.F. Crossey DSM. J. Thompson J. Summerville John H. Moore
G. Davison Margaret Moore