Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: J. Brown


Plaque Served 1914-18 Northumberland Hall





Map ref


Original Location

Market Place. Northumberland Hall, in main hall, above the fireplace.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled and handed over to Alnwick Urban District Council November 1924, in the presence of the Duchess of Northumberland.

Memorial Description

Roll of honour, approx. 10 feet high by 8 feet wide with lettering and decorated edge done in gold. The plaque is of two panels each 10 feet high by 4 feet wide. The whole panel is decorated with an edging of leaves, which are also carried under the dedication at the top. The names are in eight columns, in letters approx. 1 cm high, all inscribed and painted gold in Roman capitals. A small panel bearing three other names has been added at the bottom.

Materials used



To the Inspiring and glorious
Memory of the men of Alnwick who
served in the Great War 1914-18


Who commissioned

Women who ran the Rest Room Fund

How money was raised

Money left over from the Rest Room for Soldiers.

Present condition

Two framed key-lists are missing.


1. The only quotation received for making this monument was from Messrs. Green, for £25/2/6d. It was agreed to accept this.

2. The memorial was placed in the Northumberland Hall because that is where the Rest Rooms and Canteen were located.

3. There was an Army Camp at Alnwick which was later used as a Hospital Camp. See Parish Notes for Aunt Mary's Autograph Book

4. Connected with this memorial was a seat, A11.52

5. “The enclosed is a typed copy of a report from a bound book of early 20th century newspaper cuttings, lent to me some time ago by Councillor Ian Robertson. It shows that the names on the bronze tablet in the Northumberland Hall are the same as those in the Memorial book held in St. Michael’s Parish Church (See A11.09); there seems to have been some feeling at the time that the bronze tablet was unnecessary because of this. The article mentions also that it was difficult to read the names on the bronze tablet because of the lack of overhead lights, and because of this copies of the names of those listed were to be framed and hung at the sides of the tablet. If these framed lists still exist, I’m afraid I don’t know where they are - perhaps stored by the former Alnwick Urban Council when the Hall was leased to Alnwick Training College, then lost during local government re-organisation? However, the ceiling in the Hall has now been lowered and the lighting improved. . . .As the bronze tablet was bought with money left over from the Soldiers’ rest Rooms, I’ll just mention that there was a large army camp at Alnwick during the First World War; used at first as a camp to train soldiers, it became a hospital camp where soldiers recovered from wounds, etc. My husband’s uncle was sent to Alnwick from France in the First World War to recover from bronchitis.Sir Francis Walker who is mentioned in the article acted on behalf of the Duke of Northumberland. I don’t know what his position was called then, but would describe him as the Duke’s Agent. (Letter from Mrs. Marjorie Brown).

6. There were later proposals to add the names of those who had been omitted before. These would be placed on a separate plaque because there was no room on the original plaque.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photo: Janet Brown

Morpeth Herald 12/10/1923 reports intention to erect the Roll of Honour;

Alnwick and County Gazette 05/11/1921 reports acceptance of Green tender.

Alnwick Guardian 08/11/1924 records handing over ceremony.

Northern Echo 04/10/1923 contains statement that the plaque would be erected.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 06/10/1923 reports statement that the plaque would be erected; 08/11/1924 reports unveiling.

Northumberland Gazette 19/02/1999 reports proposal to add the names of five brothers called Mackie whose names had been omitted; 26/03/1999 reports the request to add the name Cairns to be added. 21/02/2002 reports rejection by Alnwick TC to remove the additional plaque following a request by a member of the public who found it “unseemly”.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Mrs. B. Woodhouse; Janet Brown; Mrs. Marjorie Brown; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

The names on this memorial are being researched by the Alnwick District WWI Centenary Commemoration Group. Contact:

Plaque Served 1914-18 Northumberland Hall (A11.03)

   To the Inspiring and glorious 
   Memory of the men of Alnwick who 
   served in the Great War 1914-18 
Column 1                          Column 2 
     Adams        Richard            Brewis       Thomas      
     Adams        T.                 Brewis       Thomas W.   
     Adams        Thos. W.           Brewis       Victor G.   
     Adamson      Alexander          Brotherston  C.          
     Adamson      Herbert            Brown        Andrew      
     Adamson      Jack R.            Brown        F.A.        
     Adamson      James              Brown        John S.     
     Adamson      James              Brown        Joseph      
     Adamson      Jas. T.            Brown        R.W.        
     Adamson      John J.            Brown        Thos.       
     Adamson      Robert             Brown        Thos.       
     Aitchison    James              Brown        Thos.       
     Alder        Thos. Scott        Brown        William     
     Alder        W.H.               Brown        Wm. C.      
     Allan        Anthony            Bruce        J.          
     Allan        John Wm.           Bruce        John Jun.   
     Allan        J.W.               Buglass      David       
     Allan        Robt.              Burman       A.A.        
     Allcorn      Andrew             Burman       C.E.L.      
     Allen        Henry              Burman       J.          
     Allen        James              Burman       M.J.        
     Allen        Thos.              Burman       P.V.        
     Allison      Henry R.           Burn         David J.    
     Allison      James              Burn         Edgar W.    
     Allison      Thos.              Burn         Frederick   
     Amos         John               Burn         Henry W.    
     Anderson     Adam               Burn         Herbert T.   
     Anderson     Andrew R.          Burn         James        
     Anderson     Cuthbert           Burn         John         
     Anderson     David              Burn         Matthew      
     Anderson     George             Burn         Matthew W.   
     Anderson     George             Burn         Maurice E.   
     Anderson     George E.          Burn         Ralph        
     Anderson     J.P.               Burn         Ralph W.     
     Anderson     Jacob              Burn         Ralph Wood   
     Anderson     James              Burn         Ralph Wood   
     Anderson     James G.           Burnett      Cuthbert     
     Anderson     James N.           Burnett      Elias        
     Anderson     John               Burnett      George W.    
     Anderson     Morton             Burnett      Matthew G.   
     Anderson     Robert             Burnett      Thos. W.     
     Anderson     Thomas             Burnett      Wm.          
     Anderson     Thomas             Burnett      Wm.          
     Anderson     Walter             Burns        John G.      
     Anderson     Wm.                Byrnes       James        
     Angus        David              Cairns       Albert F.    
     Angus        Duncan             Cairns       Benjamin     
     Angus        George             Cairns       George       
     Angus        James              Cairns       J.           
     Angus        John               Cairns       John         
     Angus        John               Cairns       John R.M.    
     Angus        Robert             Cairns       S.F.         
     Angus        Thos.              Cairns       Septimus     
     Angus        Thomas M.          Cairns       Thomas       
     Angus        Wm.                Caisley      C.           
     Angus        Wm.                Caisley      Edwin        
     Appleby      Thos.              Caisley      John W.      
     Appleby      Wm.                Caisley      Richard      
     Appleby      Wm. H.             Calvert      Fred.        
     Archbold     Adam               Calvert      John B.   
     Archbold     Adam               Calvert      Wm.   
     Archer       Joseph E.          Carlan       Robert   
     Arkle        R.                 Carlin       L.   
     Arkless      John               Carlisle     John   
     Arkless      Joseph             Carlisle     Robt.   
     Arkless      Robert A.          Carlisle     Thomas F.B.   
     Armstrong    Fred D.            Carr         A.   
     Armstrong    G.                 Carr         J.S.   
     Armstrong    John               Carr         Wm.   
     Armstrong    W.                 Carr-Ellison O.F.C.   
     Arries       Edward             Carson       James   
     Ashburn      Charles            Carson       Wilfred   
     Atchison     Thomas H.          Carss        James   
     Athey        George             Castles      David T.   
     Athey        T.                 Castles      Frederick   
     Athey        W.                 Chambers     C.   
     Atkinson     Charles            Chambers     Thomas H.   
     Atkinson     E.                 Charlton     Aiden W.   
     Atkinson     Mark               Charlton     Alex.   
     Atkinson     Robt.              Charlton     Kenneth S.   
     Atkinson     Thos. W.           Charlton     R.D.   
     Bailey       Andrew C.          Chrystal     R.D.   
     Bailey       Edward R.          Clark        Edward   
     Bailey       Jeremiah C.        Clark        George   
     Bailey       John               Clark        George S.   
     Bailey       Jos. A.            Clark        J.W.   
     Bailey       Thos.              Clark        S.   
     Bain         Wm. A.             Clark        Thomas   
     Baister      Harry              Clark        Thomas   
     Balmbra      Edward             Clark        Wm.   
     Balmbra      Edward             Clarke       George   
     Balmbra      J.                 Clarke       H.R.   
     Balmbra      John R.            Clarke       John   
     Balmbra      Thos.              Clarke       John W.   
     Balmbra      Wm.                Clarke       Walter W.   
     Bastand      Chas.              Clarke       Wm.   
     Baston       Arthur             Clarkson     Chas.   
     Bates        James              Cleghorn     Alex.   
     Bates        Jas. H.            Cleghorn     James   
     Bates        Thos. H.           Cleghorn     R.C.   
     Baxter       D.E.               Clough       Frank   
     Baxter       J.D.               Cockburn     Chris.   
     Baxter       Jos. C.            Cockburn     John W.   
     Baxter       Robt.              Cockburn     Robt.   
     Baxter       Wm.                Cockburn     T.B.   
     Beal         Mark               Cockburn     Wm.   
     Beirn        J.                 Collins      Wm.   
     Bell         David              Common       H.A.   
     Bell         David              Common       John   
     Bell         Edward             Common       Matthew   
     Bell         Edward             Common       W.A.   
     Bell         G.B.               Connell      David   
     Bell         Laurence           Connell      James   
     Bell         Thos.              Connell      James   
     Bell         Thos.              Conner       James   
     Bell         Wm.                Connolly     Jos. R.   
     Bell         Wm.                Cook         Charles B.   
     Bell         Wm.                Cook         Ernest R.   
     Best         John               Cook         G.H.   
     Beswick      Edward             Cooke        J.P.   
     Beverley     Charles            Cooper       Barlow   
     Bickerton    James              Copeland     F.W.   
     Binney       Chas. E.           Copeland     John   
     Bishop       Walter             Copeland     Matthew   
     Black        J.                 Copeland     W.   
     Black        Joseph             Cossar       James   
     Black        Oliver             Cossar       Wm. B.   
     Blackett-Ord M.                 Cotterill    Archie   
     Blackshaw    John               Cotterill    T.   
     Blagburn     Thos.              Coulthard    Albert   
     Blagburn     Wm. H.             Cowan        Walter   
     Blyth        Chas. F.           Cowan        Walter   
     Blyth        Jas. R.            Cowans       John J.   
     Blyth        John G.            Cowley       W.J.   
     Boddy        B.                 Cox          Albert E.   
     Bolam        Edward             Cox          C.E.   
     Bolam        George             Coxon        A.H.   
     Bolam        Robt.              Coxon        Ernest   
     Bolton       John               Coyne        Daniel   
     Bolton       W.S.               Coyne        Michael   
     Bolton       Wm. S.             Crawford     J.T.   
     Bonner       Wm. G.             Croudace     Edward   
     Bonnier      Chas. D.           Croudace     Robert R.   
     Bonnier      John Robt.         Cunningham   J.D.   
     Boyle        Jas.               Cunningham   T.F.   
     Boyle        Robt.              Curry        George   
     Bradford     Adam T.            Curtiss      James   
     Bradford     Edward             Cuthbert     David T.   
     Bradford     George             Cuthbert     James   
     Bradford     John P.            Cuthbertson  J.W.   
     Bradford     P.S.               Cuthbertson  Jas. E.   
     Braidford    Geo.               Dale         Wm. T.   
     Braidford    James              Dalton       Geo.   
     Braidford    T.                 Dand         Robert   
     Braidford    W.                 Darling      Geo.   
     Brewis       Alec.              Darling      Geo. E.   
     Brewis       George             Darling      Hugh   
     Brewis       John W.            Darling      R.   
     Brewis       Robt.              Darling      Robert   
     Brewis       Robt.              Darling      Thomas   
     Brewis       Robt. S.           Darling      Wm. Henry
Column 3                           Column 4
     Darling      Wm. H.             Forster      John 
     Davidson     A.J.               Forster      John
     Davidson     James              Forster      Joseph
     Davidson     W.T.               Forster      Joseph
     Davison      Alex.              Forster      Norman S.
     Davison      Alex J.            Forster      Peter H.
     Davison      Andrew             Forster      Rowland
     Davison      Andrew             Forster      Thomas R.
     Davison      A.W.               Fortescue    L.J.
     Davison      Chas.              Frater       James
     Davison      Geo.               Fullerton    Arthur   
     Davison      Geo. W             Fullerton    J.H.
     Davison      James              Fullerton    J.W.
     Davison      James H.           Fulton       David
     Davison      John               Furlonger    George H.
     Davison      John               Furlonger    H.
     Davison      John N.            Furlonger    Vincent
     Davison      Jos.               Gair         Joseph
     Davison      Ralph C.           Gair         William
     Davison      Robt.              Gasparini    G.
     Davison      Robt.              Geggie       George
     Davison      Robt. N.           Geggie       George
     Davison      T.B.               Geggie       Robert
     Davison      Walter W.          Geggie       Robert
     Dean         Francis E.         Gelson       Thomas
     Dibble       Arthur             Gerner       George H.
     Dickinson    James D.           Gibb         John M.
     Dickinson    Joseph             Gibbison     George
     Dixon        Charles            Gibbison     George
     Dixon        Ernest             Gibbison     Oswald
     Dixon        J.J.               Gibson       J.
     Dixon        J.J.               Gibson       William
     Dixon        John               Givens       R.D.
     Dixon        John               Givens       T.W.
     Dixon        J.W.C.             Goodfellow   Adam
     Dixon        Robert I.          Goodfellow   James
     Dixon        Thomas             Goodfellow   Luke W.
     Dixon        Thomas             Goodfellow   Matthew
     Dixon        Thomas             Goodfellow   Wm. N.
     Dixon        W.                 Gowans       William
     Dixon        W.A.               Graham       James
     Dixon        Wm. A.             Graham       James C.H.G.
     Dodds        Ben.               Graham       Robert
     Dodds        Ben.               Graham       T.
     Dodds        H.                 Graham       W.
     Dodds        Harry              Graham       Wm. G.
     Dodds        James              Grant        J.C.
     Dodds        James              Gray         Andrew
     Dodds        James              Gray         Andrew G.
     Dodds        John               Gray         Arthur
     Dodds        Richard            Gray         C.J.C.
     Dodds        R.W.               Gray         J.
     Dodds        T.                 Gray         R.D.
     Dodds        T                  Green        Edward W.
     Donaldson    T.                 Green        John
     Donohoe      George A.          Green        Robert
     Donohoe      G.W.               Grey         Wm.
     Donohoe      Jas.               Haddon       James
     Donohoe      J.A.               Haddon       James L.
     Douglas      Charles W.         Haddon       John E.
     Douglas      George R.          Haddon       John Edward
     Douglas      J.W.               Haley        Thos.
     Douglas      J.M.               Hall         C.R.
     Douglas      Ralph              Hall         Frank
     Douglas      T.H.               Hall         George
     Douglas      Thos. G.           Hall         George
     Douglas      Walter             Hall         George
     Douglass     Adam               Hall         Harry
     Douglass     John               Hall         James
     Douglass     R.M.               Hall         James S.
     Dover        J.                 Hall         John
     Dover        Joseph             Hall         Matthew C.
     Dover        Thomas E.M.        Hall         Richard
     Drummond     Robt.              Hall         Robert W.
     Drummond     Thomas             Hannan       A.E.
     Duffy        George W.          Hannan       G.P.
     Dunbar       George             Hannan       John R.
     Dunbar       Wm.                Hannan       J.R.K.
     Dunlop       John               Hanton       Andrew
     Dunlop       John               Hardy        Alan
     Dunn         Jack               Hardy        Harold
     Dunn         James              Hardy        Richard
     Dunn         John               Hardy        Wm.
     Dunn         Jos.               Hardy        Wm.
     Duns         John               Harrison     Edwin
     Durey        John               Harrison     John
     Edminson     John               Harrison     J.W.
     Edminson     Robert             Hayes        James
     Edminson     V.L.               Haythorne    James A.
     Edridge      Percy H.           Heatley      Henry
     Edridge      P.H.               Heatley      Thomas W.
     Edridge      Robert P.          Hebburn      Andrew
     Edwards      Walter H.          Hedley       James A.
     Egdell       David J.           Hedley       Thomas R.
     Egdell       Edward W.          Henderson    A.D.
     Egdell       George             Henderson    F.
     Egdell       George             Henderson    J.
     Egdell       G.W.               Henderson    R.
     Egdell       John               Henderson    Robt.
     Egdell       Joseph             Hepburn      Jas.
     Egdell       Robert             Hepburn      Joseph
     Egdell       Thomas             Heron        Cuthbert M.
     Egdell       Thomas G.          Heron        Cuthbert M.
     Elliot       James B.           Heron        John T.
     Elliot       William            Heslop       John B.
     Elliott      George             Heslop       Wm.
     Elliott      George W.          Hetherington Adam R.
     Elliott      James              Hetherington Henry
     Elliott      James              Hetherington M.
     Elliott      James W.           Hetherington Robt.
     Elliott      J.H.               Hetherington Thomas A.
     Elliott      John H.            Hill         David
     Elliott      Thomas             Hindhaugh    James R.
     Elliott      Thomas J.          Hindmarsh    Harry
     Elliott      Thomas J.          Hindmarsh    H.H.
     Elliott      William            Hinson       Robert
     Elliott      William            Hinson       Robert
     Elliott      W.P.               Hogg         Alfred N.
     Eltringham   F.                 Hogg         James
     Emerson      Joseph             Hogg         Thomas
     Emerson      Ralph              Hogg         William
     Emerson      Thomas             Hogg         Wm. D.
     England      Percy              Holdway      Sidney T.
     Evans        Edward             Holmes       J.J.
     Evans        James              Hood         Adam
     Evans        John               Hook         Donald
     Evans        William            Hook         Harry
     Everett      W.W.               Hopper       James
     Fairbairn    George             Hopper       James
     Fairbairn    John               Horne        David D.
     Fairbairn    Wm. J.             Housby       G.      
     Fairgrieve   A.O.               Housby       R. Percy
     Fairgrieve   D.E.               Housby       T.C.
     Fallow       Thomas             Housby       W.
     Fannan       Joseph Jun.        Housby       W.C.
     Fannan       Joseph Sen.        Houston      Henry
     Farmer       A.E.               Howe         Frank
     Farr         James              Hudson       Cornelius
     Farr         Walter             Hudson       George W.
     Farr         Oliver             Hudson       John  
     Farr         William            Hudson       Robt.
     Farrell      J.                 Hughes       Harry
     Farrington   Robt.              Humble       T.C.
     Farrow       John C.            Hume         George
     Farrow       John C.            Humphrey     A.B.
     Fenwick      E.                 Hunter       David
     Fenwick      F.                 Hunter       James E.
     Fenwick      Frederick          Hunter       Joseph T.
     Fenwick      Thos.              Hush         Henry
     Ferguson     Robert             Hutchinson   Robert
     Fife         John               Hutchison    Richard K.
     Fife         William            Hynes        Geo.
     Fisher       George             Hynes        G.J.
     Ford         F.                 Hynes        James
     Ford         John W.            Hynes        John
     Foreman      Robert             Hynes        T.
     Forster      Arthur             Hynes        W.
     Forster      Arthur             Hynes        Wm.
     Forster      Henry              Hynes        Wm. 
     Forster      James              Inglis       Andrew
     Forster      John               Inglis       Archibald
                                     Inglis       Gilbert   
Column 5                        Column 6  
     Inglis       James              Morris       Jos.   
     Inglis       Walter             Morris       Thos.   
     Inglis       William            Mortimer     Jas.   
     Jackson      Frank              Morton       Andrew   
     Jackson      Geo.               Muckle       Andrew   
     Jackson      G. Scott           Muckle       David   
     Jackson      James              Muckle       Harry   
     Jackson      Norman             Muers        Jas.   
     Jackson      W.B.               Muers        William   
     Jefferson    John               Muirs        Jas.   
     Jewitt       William            Munro        Alex.   
     Jobson       Andrew             Munro        Kenneth J.   
     Jobson       James              Murdie       James M.   
     Jobson       John D.            Murphy       John W.   
     Jobson       John Robt.         Murphy       Thomas   
     Jobson       P.                 Murray       Adam   
     Jobson       Robert L.          Murray       Chas. W.   
     Jobson       William            Murray       James   
     Johnson      Harry V.           Murray       John   
     Johnson      John M.            Murray       John   
     Johnson      W.P.S.             Murray       John   
     Johnson      Wm. H.             Murray       R.   
     Johnston     Jas.               Murray       T.   
     Johnston     John               Mustard      Jas.   
     Johnston     John               Needham      C.W.   
     Johnston     Wm.                Neilus       John   
     Keen         Harris R.          Nesbit       Robert H.   
     Keen         Jas.               Nesbitt      Edward A.   
     Keen         Thomas W.          Nettleship   Mark   
     Keenan       Hugh               Nettleship   Thos.   
     Kellar       David M.           Neville      R.P.   
     Kelly        John W.            Newbegin     James   
     Kennedy      James              Newbury      Thomas F.   
     Kinghorn     John               Newton       G.   
     Kirby        Henry              Newton       George H.   
     Kirk         Adam H.            Newton       R.F.   
     Kirk         Robert             Newton       Thomas   
     Kirk         Thomas             Nixon        Adam   
     Kirk         Wm. H.             Nixon        Albert   
     Kirkup       Sam.               Nixon        Arthur   
     Kirkup       Septimus           Nixon        John T.   
     Kirkup       Thomas             Nixon        Wm.   
     Knox         Adam T.            Noble        Edward   
     Knox         George             Noble        J.H.   
     Knox         Thomas             Northumberland, Duke of   
     Knox         Thomas             O'Brien      John   
     Knox         Thomas H.          O'Brien      Joseph   
     Kyle         T.S.               O'Brien      Timothy   
     Lackenby     Harold             O'Hara       James   
     Lamond       Robert             Oliver       James R.   
     Landers      George M.          Oliver       Victor   
     Landers      John               O'Neill      M.A.   
     Landers      William            Orange       Adam   
     Lanfear      Edward             Orange       Angus   
     Lawrie       F.W.K.             Orange       Thomas   
     Lawson       Mark               Ord          John   
     Lawson       William            Ord          Thomas   
     Learmonth    Henry D.           Orde         Thomas   
     Leath        Charles A.         Oswald       Hugh K.   
     Lee          Henry W.           Paton        William   
     Lee          Joseph             Patten       Alexander   
     Lee          Thomas             Patten       Arthur W.   
     Lilburn      John               Patten       John   
     Lilburn      William            Patten       W.   
     Lillico      John R.            Patten       William T.   
     Lindsay      David              Patterson    John W.   
     Lockey       Andrew             Patterson    Joseph   
     Lockey       John               Patterson    Robert   
     Lockey       Peter              Pattinson    Geo. Jun.   
     Lockey       Thomas K.          Pattinson    Robert B.   
     Lockey       Walter             Pattinson    Robert W.   
     Lorimer      Frank C.           Pattinson    Robt. Wm   
     Lorimer      James W.           Pattinson    William   
     Lorimer      John Forbes        Pattison     Robt. Wm.   
     Lorimer      Thos. W.           Pattison     T.   
     Lorimer      Wm. R.H.           Pattison     Thomas E.J.   
     Lothian      James              Patton       Arthur   
     Lothian      Thomas             Patton       John   
     Lothian      William            Patton       Robert L.   
     Lough        Frank              Pearse       Frederick R.   
     Lowrey       William T.         Pearse       John E.   
     Lowther      Thomas             Pearson      George   
     Lundy        Frederick          Pentleton    A.T.   
     Lundy        P.                 Pentleton    H.   
     Lundy        R.                 Percy        Lord William R.   
     Lundy        Robt.              Pickard      J.J.   
     Mack         A.G.               Pickford     G.F.   
     Mack         Robert             Pigg         John C.   
     Mackenley    David              Pigg         Matthew H.   
     Mackenley    Jas. B.            Pike         W.C.   
     Mackie       Harold B.          Pilkington   G.W.   
     MacLauchlan  G.A.               Pitt         J. Wallace   
     MacLauchlan  Peter E.           Pitt         William E.   
     Mangin       T.R.O.             Pope         B.T.   
     Marmion      Daniel             Potts        Joseph   
     Marr         James              Price        Philip P.   
     Marshall     Arthur             Pringle      George H.   
     Marshall     Henry              Pringle      James   
     Mather       John               Pringle      John A.G.   
     Matthewson   Fred.              Pringle      W.G.A.   
     Matthewson   William            Pringle      William R.   
     Matthewson   Thomas             Purslow      Charles   
     Mattison     Henry              Purves       David T.   
     Mattison     John W.            Purvis       James   
     Mattison     Thomas             Purvis       John   
     Maule        Ernest             Purvis       John E.   
     Maule        Percy              Purvis       S.F.   
     McDermott    Bernard            Quinn        M.   
     McEwan       C.                 Ramsay       Thos.   
     McEwan       Edward             Ramsey       Joseph   
     McEwan       James              Ramsey       Thomas   
     McEwan       John               Reavell      George   
     McFadden     Edward             Reed         J.W.   
     McFadden     William            Rennie       Edwin   
     McFall       John               Rennison     Forster C.   
     McFall       Thomas             Rennison     Fred.   
     McGough      William            Rennison     G.   
     McGregor     Roderick           Rennison     Thomas   
     McKenzie     Daniel             Rennison     Thomas F.   
     McKenzie     Daniel             Renwick      Richard   
     McMannus     John               Renwick      Robt.   
     McMullen     James              Reynolds     P.G.   
     McMullen     R.                 Richardson   Robert   
     McNally      Joseph             Richardson   Robert   
     Meech        Frank C.           Richardson   S.   
     Metcalf      John               Richardson   Thomas   
     Michie       Archibald J.       Richie       Wilfrid L.   
     Michie       Gilbert A.         Rickaby      Ranson   
     Michie       Henry G.           Rickaby      Stanley   
     Milburn      George             Robertson    Adam F.   
     Milburn      William            Robertson    George C.   
     Milburn      William H.         Robertson    W.   
     Miles        Hugh               Robinson     Adam   
     Miles        Jas. A.            Robinson     Benjamin   
     Miller       Henry              Robinson     Edmund   
     Miller       Jas.               Robinson     George   
     Miller       John               Robinson     George W.   
     Miller       Thomas             Robinson     James   
     Miller       Thos. J.           Robinson     John   
     Mills        George W.          Robinson     John F.   
     Minary       John               Robinson     John W.   
     Minnikin     John               Robinson     Joseph W.   
     Mitchell     Geo.               Robinson     Ralph   
     Mitchell     John J.            Robinson     William   
     Mitchell     William            Robinson     William   
     Moffatt      Thomas             Robison      Robt.   
     Moffatt      William            Robson       A.   
     Moffitt      J.W.               Robson       Archibald   
     Moffitt      W.A.               Robson       Charles   
     Moir         F.                 Robson       H.A.   
     Moir         Peter I.           Robson       John   
     Moir         S.                 Robson       Matthew   
     Moir         V.W.               Robson       R.D.   
     Mole         James              Robson       William   
     Mole         Joseph A.          Rogers       Robert   
     Moore        Charles F.         Rogerson     G.W.   
     Moore        Eric D.            Roper        C.R.   
     Moore        Michael            Roper        George   
     Moore        Thomas S.          Roper        John   
     Mordue       John W.            Roper        Robert   
     Moreby       Sidney W.          Roper        Robert   
     Morgan       Chas.
Column 7                        Column 8
     Roper        T.E.               Thompson     Matthew B.
     Rowe         W.J.T.             Thompson     Norman
     Rowsell      J.H.               Thompson     Samuel
     Rutherford   John               Thompson     Thomas
     Ruthford     John               Thompson     William
     Sample       Andrew             Thompson     William
     Sample       William            Thompson     William
     Sanderson    A.D.               Thompson     William
     Sanderson    Fred.              Thomson      Norman
     Sanderson    James              Thomson      Robt.
     Sanderson    John H.            Thorburn     John
     Sanderson    Percy              Thorburn     R.
     Scorer       F.H.               Thorburn     T.
     Scott        A.                 Thorp        C.F.
     Scott        Charles W.         Thorp        Thomas T.
     Scott        Clarence B.        Trobe        Thomas
     Scott        David              Trotter      George
     Scott        David W.           Trotter      William
     Scott        Donald W.          Tulley       Robert
     Scott        Edward             Tully        Ernest
     Scott        George             Tully        John T.
     Scott        James              Tully        Laurence
     Scott        John               Tully        William H.
     Scott        John James         Turnbull     Adam D.
     Scott        Richard            Turnbull     Ernest E.
     Scott        Richard R.         Turnbull     George
     Scott        Robert B.          Turnbull     John
     Scott        Robert L.          Turnbull     John B.
     Scott        Septimus           Turnbull     Maurice
     Scott        Thomas             Turnbull     R.J.
     Scott        Thomas             Turnbull     William S.
     Scott        William            Tweddell     Matthew
     Selby        John               Tweedy       James
     Selby        John               Wake         David
     Selby        Thomas             Wake         Geo.
     Senepart     Floribert          Walker       Baldwin C.
     Shadwick     Robert             Walker       David L.
     Sharpe       John S.            Walker       Edward
     Sharpe       John W.            Walker       Edward
     Shaw         George             Walker       Hugh
     Shell        John               Walker       James A.
     Shell        John G.            Walker       James Alex.
     Shiel        Wm.                Walker       John
     Short        W.S.               Walker       John
     Shortt       T.H.               Walker       Louis
     Shortt       Thos.              Walker       Richard
     Silk         Alfred F.          Walker       Richard
     Silk         Frederick Eli      Walker       Robert E.
     Silver       Chas. G.           Walker       William
     Simpson      J. Parker N.       Walkinshaw   Alex.
     Simpson      Jas. P.            Walkinshaw   Robert
     Simpson      Richard            Wallace      C.J.G.
     Simpson      Richard            Wallace      F.R.
     Sinton       John               Wallace      Hugh
     Skinner      Frederick C.       Wallace      James D.
     Slight       James              Wallace      John H.
     Smiles       John               Wallace      Wm.
     Smith        Andrew             Waller       John T.
     Smith        Frank C.           Walpole      Ernest
     Smith        George             Wanless      Robert M.
     Smith        James              Ward         Fred. W.
     Smith        James H.           Wardle       J.W.
     Smith        J.H.               Wardle       William
     Smith        John               Wardle       William D.
     Smith        John               Warner       John
     Smith        Leonard            Warner       Joseph
     Smith        Richard W.         Warren       Robert
     Smith        Robert F.          Waters       David
     Smith        Robert W.          Waters       George
     Smith        W.                 Waters       Thomas
     Snaith       George             Watson       Ernest
     Snaith       Joseph             Watson       Fred. W.
     Spears       Andrew             Watson       George
     Spittle      Harry              Watson       John
     Spittle      Norman             Watson       Wm.
     Spittle      Thomas             Waugh        Robert
     Spours       John R.            Weallans     Ed. Allen
     Stafford     Andrew             Weatherburn  James
     Staig        Robert             Weatheritt   George
     Stanton      George W.          Weatheritt   George
     Stanton      Wm.                Weatheritt   G.
     Steele       Albert D.          Weatheritt   James
     Stephenson   G.O.               Weatheritt   Luke
     Stevens      Wm.                Weatheritt   Robert
     Stevenson    Alan               Weatheritt   Robert Y.
     Stevenson    Alex.              Weddell      Arthur
     Stevenson    James S.           Weddell      J.
     Stevenson    Thomas             Weddell      Victor M.
     Stewart      John J.            Weightman    Hugh
     Stewart      John W.            Weightman    R.W.
     Stewart      Matthew R.         Whellens     Arthur
     Stoba        Thomas             Whillis      Robert
     Stone        Frank W.           Whillis      Thomas
     Storey       George             Whillis      William J.
     Storey       Robt.              Whinham      George S.
     Storey       William            White        Andrew
     Straffen     John               White        George
     Straker      A.J.               White        Robt. N.
     Straker      John               White        Thomas W.
     Straughan    George W.          White        Thomas W.
     Straughan    Harry              Whiteford    Cecil
     Straughan    J.                 Whiteford    Ewen
     Straughan    J.D.               Whitelock    J.
     Straughan    James              Whyte        John R.
     Straughan    John W.            Willcox      C.H.
     Straughan    Robert             Willcox      Edward B.
     Straughan    Thomas A.          Willcox      Edward Bell
     Straughan    William            Willcox      Fred. A.
     Straughan    W.R.               Willcox      George T.
     Summers      George             Willcox      George T.
     Summers      James              Willcox      G.C.
     Summers      Joe                Willcox      G.T.
     Summers      John               Willcox      John
     Summers      John W.            Willcox      Robert
     Swan         Mark               Willcox      Samuel
     Swordy       John               Willcox      Samuel
     Talbot       Thomas             Willcox      Thomas W.
     Tarbit       J.L.               Willcox      W.K.
     Tarpey       John               Williams     J.A.
     Tate         Arthur H.          Williams     W.A.
     Tate         George             Williamson   James E.
     Tate         James              Willis       John T.
     Tate         Matthew            Wilson       G.E.
     Taylor       Albert             Wilson       Ernest
     Taylor       George             Wilson       Fred. W.
     Taylor       George H.          Wilson       Henry
     Taylor       Leslie             Wilson       Hugh
     Taylor       Matthew W.         Wilson       John
     Taylor       R.                 Wilson       Thomas
     Taylor       Richard            Winchester   Matthew
     Taylor       William            Wood         Alfred
     Taylor       William            Wood         J.W.
     Temperley    Fred.              Wood         Leslie V.
     Temperley    Thos. R.           Wood         Robert W.
     Ternent      David              Wood         W.
     Ternent      G.W.               Wood         William T.
     Ternent      James              Woodland     Samuel H.
     Ternent      John               Wright       J.
     Ternent      John W.            Wright       Matthew W.
     Ternent      Joseph A.R.        Wright       Rupert S.
     Ternent      Thomas             Wright       Thomas
     Thacker      T.                 Wright       William
     Thain        Thomas             Yeaman       John
     Thirlwell    Robert             Yeaman       Walter
     Thompson     Alex. H.           Young        Adam
     Thompson     B.                 Young        Alex.
     Thompson     Bartholomew        Young        Arthur C.
     Thompson     Bartholomew        Young        Chas. E.
     Thompson     Chas.              Young        George
     Thompson     Edgar              Young        George
     Thompson     F.E.               Young        James
     Thompson     George             Young        James
     Thompson     George N.          Young        James Richd.
     Thompson     Henry              Young        James Robt.
     Thompson     James              Young        John Wm.
     Thompson     James              Young        Joseph
     Thompson     James J.           Young        Robert
     Thompson     John               Young        Robt. Wm.
     Thompson     Jos.               Young        Thomas
     Thompson     Joseph L.          Young        William L.
     Thompson     J.E.               Younger      A.H.
At Bottom
     H.S. Mackie
     R.N. Mackie
     D. Mackie
     J. Mackie
     J. Mackie

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