Memorial Details

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Sanctuary lamps Fallen 1914-18 St. Chad





Which war


Memorial Description

Sanctuary lamps

Materials used

Silver on copper


The larger lamp was dedicated to fallen members. The two smaller lamps were in memory of Norman Edmund Turnbull.


1) All who fell. 2) Norman Edmund Turnbull

How money was raised

Large lamp paid for by congregation.
Mr & Mrs. Turnbull paid for the lamps dedicated to their son.


1. A terrier reads: "Three Sanctuary lamps of silver on copper; for use before the High Altar. The largest of the three was given by members of the congregation in memory of men who died in the Great War; the two smaller lamps were given by Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Turnbull in memory of their son, Norman Edmund, and all are so inscribed."

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Diocese of Durham. Parish of St. Chad, Gateshead on Tyne. True Terrier and Account of Property and Fund to the above named Parish.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

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Sanctuary lamps Fallen 1914-18 St. Chad (B134.14)

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