Simon Glancey has submitted the following:
Sgt Rutherford was the rear gunner aboard Vickers Wellington II Z8370 PH-Y of 12 Squadron which was lost on a mission to Emden. The Wellington was shot down by a Luftwaffe night fighter flown by Oblt. Ludwig Becker of 6./NJG2, and crashed in the vicinity of Terschelling at 21.00 hours. Of the six crew, two were killed and the others became P.o.W.s.
Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War: 1942; W.R. Chorley; 1994; Midland Counties Publications; ISBN 0 904597 89 X
Tony Hibberd has added the following:
Wellington Z8370 PH-Y had departed Binbrook at 1834 for Ops Emden. It was intercepted over the NE tip of the Island of Terschelling by a Night-Fighter captained by Oblt Ludwig Becker (VI/NJG2) and shot down at 2100 for his 9th Abschuss
Nachtjagd Combat Archive The Early Years Part 2 Dr Theo Boiten
William Rutherford is remembered in Bedlington on B15.02