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Henderson, J., Pte., 1917
In Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux is the Commonwealth War Grave of 332812 Private James Henderson, serving with the Highland Light Infantry who died 26/05/1917.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

James was born in 1897 in either Hartford or Horton near Bedlington, the eldest of nine children to James Alexander and Mary Ellen Henderson. By 1901 the family had moved to 14, Front Clayton Street, Bedlington, and by 1911 they had moved to 1, Whitley Terrace, Bedlington Station, and James was a pony driver down the pit where his father also worked. James enlisted in Bedlington, but I can find no link as to why he enlisted in the Highland Light Infantry.

He is remembered in Bedlington Station on B163.04

The CWGC entry for Private Henderson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk