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Middleton, J.W., Pte., 1917

Tyneside Scottish Badge

Tyne Cot Memorial

Tyne Cot Memorial: Pauline Priano

On Tyne Cot Memorial is the name of 21/290 Private John William Middleton, serving with the Northumberland Fusiliers (Tyneside Scottish) 21st Battalion who died 10/10/1917.

Morpeth Herald 30/11/1917 carries a brief obituary:

Private John William Middleton, of Tankerville Yard, Glebe Row, Bedlington, has been killed in action. He was 31 years of age, and worked at the Doctor Pit, Bedlington, previous to enlistment in the Tyneside Scottish.

Derek Johnstone has provided the following:

John William Middleton was born in 1886 at Bedlington, the son of Thomas and Hannah Middleton, nee Caisley. In 1891 his family was living at Doctor Terrace, Bedlington and included his father Thomas aged 50, a coal miner; mother Hannah 32, and siblings James (19), Henry (16), Samuel Moses (3), and Sarah (2). John William was eight years old at this time.

In 1901 John William was living at Old Colliery Row, Bedlington in his father’s house and working as a coal miner.

He married Hannah Jane Bottoms in 1910. The following year, 1911, he was living with his wife’s parents at North Terrace, Bedlington with their daughter Hannah. John enlisted at Bedlington when living at Freehold Cottage, Glebe Row, Bedlington. CWGC records show his effects went to his wife who remarried and became Mrs Hannah Jane Logan.

His brother Samuel Moses Middleton was killed in action on 30th November 1917.

John William Middleton is remembered in Bedlington on B15.02 and B15.26 page 102

The CWGC entry for Private Middleton

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk