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Lawson, G.G., Gnr., 1917

Photo: Janet Brown

Photo: Janet Brown

In St. Cuthbert's churchyard is a Commonwealth War Grave headstone which reads:

1871 Gunner
G.G. Lawson
Aust. Field Artillery
22nd January 1917

There is also a family headstone which reads:

In sacred
memory of Thomas son of
Edward Gray
of Mount Pleasant who departed this Life
Augst. 25th 1802 aged 4 year.
The aforesaid Edward died Sepr.
11th 1822 aged 64 years.
Rebecca Wife of George Gray son of
the above Edward Gray died Feby. 20th? 26th?
….. aged 57 years
Mary daughter of the above George
Gray Wife of George Lawson died
Sepr. 14th 1855 aged 25 years.
Margaret wife of the above Edward
Gray died . . . 1858 aged 91 years.
Gunner George Gray Lawson 1819 (sic)
Australian Imp. Forces grandson of the
above Mary Lawson who died in Weymouth
Military Hospital Jany. 20th 1917 aged 21 years
One of Australia's heroes.

The CWGC entry for Gunner Lawson

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk