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Ellis, J.W., Pte., 1918
On the Arras Memorial is the name of 15980 Private John William Ellis serving with 22nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers who died 21/03/1918.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

John's military record shows that he was born in Jesmond and enlisted in Bedlington and his legatee was his father Charles, which would indicate that he wasn't married. John William was born in Jesmond in 1892, the eldest son of Charles and Elizabeth Ellis. In 1911 the family were living at 18, Old Colliery Row, Bedlington. John was a pony putter down the pit while his father was a coachman and his younger brother Charles was a cartman.

He is remembered at Bedlington on B15.02

The CWGC entry for Private Ellis

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk