Every Name A Story Content

Dixon, L., Cpl., 1917
On the Arras Memorial is the name of 16610 Corporal Lewis Dixon serving with 8th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment who died 04/05/1917.

Carole Fife has provided the following:

Lewis's military record shows that he was born and enlisted in Bedlington, and his legatee was his widow Jane.

Lewis was born in 1889, the fifth son of Charles and Mary Dixon. His father was a miner and in 1891 the family were living at Doctor Terrace, Bedlington, but by 1901 they had moved to Glebe Road. In 1909 Lewis married Jane Ford from Choppington. He was a miner and in 1911 he and his family were living in Richardson's Buildings at Scotland Gate. He and Jane had three children; Peter in 1910, Mary in 1911 and Elizabeth in 1914.

He is remembered at Bedlington on B15.09

The CWGC entry for Corporal Dixon

If you know more about this person, please send the details to janet@newmp.org.uk